Forums / In game politics / Traitor in Fate...

Traitor in Fate...
07:06:17 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Righthand of Onuris:

A Fate player, Inchalion, has just turned traitor on his own kingdom. His armies are now marching to take out Fate blockers and expose them to their enemies.

I was told that this happened completely out of the blue. No warnings, no clues given, no messages, nothing. Fate players had completely no inkling that this guy would turn traitor. As a matter of fact, he was a solid player and healthy participant in Fate's forums / social fabric. They thought they had landed a solid recruit here.

Now to their great shock and detriment, they have been thrust into a nightmarish situation. A situation that would turn into a death spiral if Fate's enemies were to take advantage of this situation.

Now, I do not know this Inchalion player, nor do I know his reasons for turning traitor. But the whole damn thing smells fishy to me. No display of dissatisfaction, no disgruntled posts or messages sent by him. Like I said... all out of the blue.

Whole chain of events look pretty... coordinated, eh?

Well, if he really is a multie / spy put in place by another kingdom, let me tell it straight out here. That is the most FARKING CHEAP SHOT STUNT that can be pulled in this game. Putting in a traitor and making him attack his own kingdomates is way above multieing and kingdom hopping (albeit peacefully) in my books.

I am a strong believer in karma... and I say this... whoever did this will get their own payback one day. Payback may not come in this game, but you will face a situation in your life reminiscence of what you have done here.

P.S. It is not my intention to call out any particular kingdom here. Fate has more than one enemy, so do not assume that I am pointing my finger directly at you / your kingdom. Fate and I have no evidence as to who the perpretrator is, or what are his motives and goals, so this is just a general call out based on the circumstancial evidence gathered.

P.S.S. I am not from Fate. However, they have been my kingdom's allies for 2 eras now, and I have many good friends and players that I respect in there. The reason I am making this post is because I am aware that the same damn thing could happen to my kingdom or to any other kingdoms out there. This is something that I WOULD NEVER WISH upon ANY kingdom.

P.S.S.S. Damn all traitors. Bloody gameplay destroyers.

07:12:10 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Erebus:

   It is a damn cheap shot, and it sounds coordinated to me, the timing of it was just a little to much to be coincidental...

     good luck to fate! I hope you can get it sorted out Asap  :/

07:12:26 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Alls fair in love and war. Spying is part of war. Ive been in kds that have had spies in other kds. We knew production, troops, sciences, city locations, armories etc etc.

07:13:46 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Eargit Prewett The Ugly:

Ouch! That use to be Carnage right? They use to be my kd mates I wish them the best of luck! (even they weren't Carnage)

07:14:49 Jan 11th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Since when did spying become the same as leaving your kingdom and attacking them? Both are traitors, but the first one does not attack...merely gives info.

07:14:53 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Erebus:

 ummmmm,  burn in hell?

 (was directed at Frankie)

07:17:40 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Farmer Agamemnon:

@Right hand and Erebus: I appreciate the sentiment:S I have been playing this game for a long time, and i have seen this happen before, albeit not to myself. The last time i remember something like this on Fant was during the 'fake conhdinho' fiasco involving azaruc and mirror.

Shame though that a kingdom's work all era is now completely vulnerable due to the actions of a rogue traitor...

and some of the newer players in the game wonder now why many of the fant kingdoms dont bring in new players, guess we learned our lesson.

Used to be that this sort of thing was considered below contempt by most of the vu community....or at least the older guard in the game.

We'll survive, isnt over yet, not by a longshot:)

07:18:08 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

And thats why when i was leading my kd i didnt trust no one but my vice because him and i were school pals. The only person you can trust is yourself. Thats why every kd should prepare for a traitor so they arent cought off guard. My vice and i never gave true troop counts or production or told what our armories were. We had what looked like production cities as armories waiting for that betrayal.

07:18:52 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Righthand of Onuris:

Frankie, I hope the bullcrap that happened to Fate never happens to your kingdom and your kingdomates.

You on the other hand...........

07:19:54 Jan 11th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus: I am guessing you don't trust anyone? Let's try not to turn this into a flame fest either :p  Frankie just watch your words or it will...

07:21:29 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Duke Michael Deallus


1/10/2009 10:14:49 PM

Since when did spying become the same as leaving your kingdom and attacking them? Both are traitors, but the first one does not attack...merely gives info.

And when it was time for our attack he left the kd and joined ours so we had blockers under our control.

And no i do trust ppl but very few.

07:22:30 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Erebus:

And thats why when i was leading my kd i didnt trust no one but my vice because him and i were school pals. The only person you can trust is yourself. Thats why every kd should prepare for a traitor so they arent cought off guard. My vice and i never gave true troop counts or production or told what our armories were. We had what looked like production cities as armories waiting for that betrayal.

traitors are always the most fearful of being betrayed...

07:22:45 Jan 11th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

So you accepted a KD hopper?

07:23:04 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Righthand of Onuris:

Mr. Frankie


1/11/2009 1:18:08 PMAnd thats why when i was leading my kd i didnt trust no one but my vice because him and i were school pals. The only person you can trust is yourself. Thats why every kd should prepare for a traitor so they arent cought off guard. My vice and i never gave true troop counts or production or told what our armories were. We had what looked like production cities as armories waiting for that betrayal.

Well, if that is your gameplay and management philosophy, Frankie, then I have no comment.

In my kingdom on the other hand, the leadership places practically absolute trust in the players. We (the leadership) have no doubt that none of us would turn traitor, and we make the biggest effort possible to make our comrades happy, to make the gameplay fun for them, and to enjoy the game as a team and as comrades.

That is why if something like this were to happen to my kingdom, it would make me... heartbroken? Maybe not... but I would turn really really cynical....

07:28:29 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Lol considering we had a max of 3 ppl in that kd i really didnt care considering both were school pals. We just remade the kd every era. Now we are playing this game less and less and migrating to tribal wars.

And this has happened to me before. And they took 4 of our best players with them. We killed them ofc but thats why im the way i am in leading now.

Duke Michael Deallus


1/10/2009 10:22:45 PM

So you accepted a KD hopper?

And not a kd hopper a very good friend of the kds leader who we put in our foe kd in the beginning of the era. He set up blockers, trained troops gave us info and left them defensless when we attacked. 3 of the 5 blockers they had immedietly came in our control and we swarmed their core.. Im not saying i approve of it, the first time the kd did it i was ashamed and left at the end of the era. Im just saying ppl should prepare for it instead of getting cought with their pants around their ankles. Im sorry it happened to you guys tho.

07:28:39 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Red Wolf:

I was in Mirror when the fake Condinho ripped the KD apart. Now, I'm in the same situation all over again.

As a Vice of Fate, I propose a map wide ban of Inchalien. Any KD to take him in will be considered an accomplice of the traitor. When Condinho pulled his stunt, the VU community came together, hunted him down, and killed him. I propose we do the same with Inchalien. Here is his history.

Family History

« Back

Mr. Mike Hunt
Lived in Era 35 and got 1 heirs (Dropurass).

Mr. Dropurass
Lived in Era 36 and got 1 heirs (Alien King).

Mr. Alien King
Lived in Era 36 and got 1 heirs (Inchalien).

Mr. Inchalien
Lived in Era 37.

No known history.

07:32:29 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Ill advise Justan of what happened and talk to him about that Red Wolf.

07:34:12 Jan 11th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Red Wolf has the right idea...if VU ever needed a moment where honor and some sort of goodness remains in the game, KDs need to stamp down on KD hoppers, spies, backstabbers, ect...this could be a good example to make.

07:35:38 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Erebus:

 *gets torches and pitch forks*

07:36:31 Jan 11th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Atta boy...*Lights Scientist's hair on fire and lets Shezmu use him for a torch*

07:44:26 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Righthand of Onuris:

Frankie, no offence mate, but what you did (or rather, what happened) in your past is really really... lame... and that is an understatement.

Call me idealistic, but when I join a kingdom, I make a commitment to that kingdom, and they make a commitment to me. We fight together, prosper together, suffer together and live and die together.

But perhaps in today's selfish world, very few people hold true to these values now, eh?

And again, I am not too worried about that Inchalion guy being stomped out of the game forever. I still have quite a significant amount of fate (ironic?) in the VU community, and there are many decent folks here who would turn their backs on these kind of players.

What I am worried of however, is whether Inchalion was a spy / multie planted by an enemy of Fate. I make my assumptions based on the following evidence:

1. Everything was going fine and dandy between him and his kingdom. No signs or clues as to unhappiness or being disgruntled.

2. His defection came out all of a sudden. Again, no signs, no clues nor warnings.

3. His immediate attack targets were Fate blockers.

Thus, it is fairly conclusive to me that this guy was either a multie / spy from the very start, or was converted to one by an enemy.

If this is so, than the person or kingdom (I doubt it is a kingdom though) who did this or engineered this... shame on you... seriously seriously shame on you...

07:50:14 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Like i said idc what you think. I am the way i am. When i make a kd i put in my info that i am a skidish leader that has a hard time trusting ppl so they know what they are getting into. IF they join great if the dont nbd. Sorry to go off topic but Right Hand Onuris were you once named The Born Loser in a kd called the Angels your very first era?

But any ways again sorry it happened to you. Wasnt trying to be an *beep* with the whole deal. But Red Wolf has the best idea of an entire VU Community Alliance to hunt him down and kill him.

07:52:21 Jan 11th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

If you do not trust anyone, don't make a KD until you can.  Learn what people you can and cannot trust...don't just dive head first into leadership...experience is a good thing to accumulate is an important factor in a KD
"Can I trust this person to make a blocker here? Can I trust this person to actually fill it? ect"

If you don't think people will actually do things to help the KD...then ouch.

07:52:48 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Righthand of Onuris:

Yeah Frankie, I am. Angels was my first kingdom in my first era, and I was Thebornloser then.

Please don't tell me you are the guy called Kat... if you are, then... I would understand why you take your position, heh.

07:56:37 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

NO IM NOT KAT FORGET THAT!!!!!!! lol sorry that part sucked of that era. Cant tell you who i am tho.

Duke Michael Deallus


1/10/2009 10:52:21 PM
If you do not trust anyone, don't make a KD until you can.  Learn what people you can and cannot trust...don't just dive head first into leadership...experience is a good thing to accumulate first...

And i dont jump into leadership. 20 eras of experience have tought me alot. But I get the 4 ppl in the game that i do trust and get them together to amke a kd with just 5 ppl. 3 play orc, 1 plays elf and the other 2 dwarfs. Then they get ppl they know and trust and vouche for them. Thats how we build our kds. I wont be running a kd any time soon since 2 of them quit.

07:59:22 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Righthand of Onuris:

Hi Justin :P

08:00:09 Jan 11th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Ah, I hate how everyone starts a new account or they quit the game for an era and return.  All I see of most people's history isn't their entire history...

08:00:21 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Not even close my man. Justin went to Tribal Wars and is leave for bootcamp June 10 for the Army National Guard.

08:01:18 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Barney:

And i dont jump into leadership. 20 eras of experience have tought me alot. But I get the 4 ppl in the game that i do trust and get them together to amke a kd with just 5 ppl. 3 play orc, 1 plays elf and the other 2 dwarfs. Then they get ppl they know and trust and vouche for them. Thats how we build our kds. I wont be running a kd any time soon since 2 of them quit.

Wow, you suck. Sorry I couldnt think of anything clever. In Eras past, Dwarf was almost definitively better in all ways then Orcs (worse now), 5 man kds are *beep*, and you sound skidish and that move of spying is a low blow. 20 eras have not taught you anything. Honestly, why ever have a spy? That is just wrong.

I know I sound overly hostile, but that is just so low on your part.

08:03:33 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

If i recal i said MY LEADER had the spy and that i LEFT the kd after the era in shame of it. I was merely trying to say that you should try to prepapre for a spy or atleast expect that it can happen to you at any time.

08:03:46 Jan 11th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Who wants to target the scum of VU? The First Era of Purification should pop up sometime...

08:04:05 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Righthand of Onuris:

If you are not Justin, then you are not Sabbath either. So most probably, you are Brutii :P

But meh... I hope Fate resolves their situation ASAP and that people in a GAME should learn never to use traitors....

08:04:53 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

I already sent a message to Justan to keep a look out for him.  No brutii quit

08:04:55 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

I already sent a message to Justan to keep a look out for him.  No brutii quit VU as

08:04:57 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

I already sent a message to Justan to keep a look out for him.  No brutii quit VU as well.

08:04:58 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

I already sent a message to Justan to keep a look out for him.  No brutii quit VU as well. Ive

08:05:00 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

I already sent a message to Justan to keep a look out for him.  No brutii quit VU as well. Ive actually

08:05:00 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

I already sent a message to Justan to keep a look out for him.  No brutii quit VU as well. Ive actually been

08:05:02 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

I already sent a message to Justan to keep a look out for him.  No brutii quit VU as well. Ive actually been meaning to

08:05:02 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

I already sent a message to Justan to keep a look out for him.  No brutii quit VU as well. Ive actually been meaning to go

08:05:04 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

I already sent a message to Justan to keep a look out for him.  No brutii quit VU as well. Ive actually been meaning to go kill

08:05:05 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

WHOOOPS sorry about those guys i hit tab and every time i hit the space bar it posted my bad.

08:05:56 Jan 11th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

0_o       i think people should hunt him down!! sadly i wont join the hunt as im clinging to my archers in hopes of riding out a war currently but ill help in the hunt next era XD      good thinking wolf ;-D

which enemy could he be working for? shouldnt they be also blackballed from naps or something at least the vices and current leader?

and frankie trusts some people guys your all blowing things out of proportion he is a good player and loyal. he has always followed orders and has the best intentions for the kingdom in mind in my experience with him.   =-D

08:06:40 Jan 11th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

it was brutii? really?  0_o  wow  when?

08:08:51 Jan 11th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Don't keep hitting space bar ;)  Blowing things out of proportion? O_o He said the words himself basically...but it is late...and I am tired.  Won't be on for awhile :(

08:12:27 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Lol i didnt know it was on that till it was to late sorry. But i will admit what i plan to say and the meaning of it doesnt come out the way i want it to so im sorry about that.

08:12:52 Jan 11th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

the silence of your absence charlie will be deafening  XD

08:13:46 Jan 11th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Its is 2am and I start long as we hunt this person down to keep some honor left in VU. will be since I have been very active in these past xmas break is over for me :'(

08:13:50 Jan 11th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

Duke Michael Deallus


1/11/2009 12:08:51 AM

Don't keep hitting space bar ;)  Blowing things out of proportion? O_o He said the words himself basically...but it is late...and I am tired.  Won't be on for awhile :(


I                                                                  can                                                           do                                       as                                             I                      please!


08:15:21 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Frankie:

Duke Michael Deallus


1/10/2009 11:13:46 PM
Its is 2am and I start long as we hunt this person down to keep some honor left in VU.

Done right after i help Phoenix fight back these damn DE armies that have been a pain in the ass and TBLs kd in the north but Lgc is doing that mainly lol

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