Forums / In game politics / Trio Nap breaking cheaters

Trio Nap breaking cheaters
00:23:42 Nov 2nd 07 - Sir Darcy:

trios humpfry
has just broken our Nap
his excuse was
Mr. Humpfry [Trio] (11/1/2007 5:28:26 PM) GOOD BAD

Hi i have heard that you are planing to start a war against us.
So i cancel the CF from now.

 even if we had a cf why is he making these armys in our core

More VI

Commander:Mr. Humpfry
Kingdom:The Three Musketeers
Size:Division (10,000-20,000)
Status:Moving South West
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Humpfry lifeguards

Commander:Mr. Humpfry
Kingdom:The Three Musketeers
Size:Corps (Around 50,000)
Status:Moving West
Kingdom Banner

More II

Commander:Mr. Humpfry
Kingdom:The Three Musketeers
Size:Division (10,000-20,000)
Status:Moving East
Kingdom Banner
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this justs proves that they were planning to attack us from the start
they are cheaters

after he left ritz he joined trio and we Naped them and let his citys stay inour core
then he comes out with these armys

grrrrr this really grindes my gears

00:35:22 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Typewriter:

you forgot


Commander: Mr. Humpfry
Kingdom: The Three Musketeers
Size: Brigade (Around 5000)
Status: Moving South West
Kingdom Banner

I just loved being tricked by dishonorable players.

Maybe I should try assembling massive troops in my allies core and break relations with 5 mins notice

01:30:13 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Trogor:

Well that explains why trio could be that good. Just ally your neighbors and then attack when they are far away.

01:46:37 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Ilia:


01:47:51 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Humpfry:

We did never have any Nap only CF and ask Ashley who did attack who.

I was going to wait 24h but YOU did attack after 5 min i havent attack you yet.


02:34:49 Nov 2nd 07 - Duke Epyon:

Mr. Sigheart


11/1/2007 9:31:15 PMWhich Kingdom is this? Trio is attacking Ritz right? If so they never had a NAP as far as I know. There was a CF at one point for Humpfry to get out but one of his cities were attacked by some Ritz guys..... or was it prepping. Anyways Ritz shutup I'd say in this war Music and Trio can do whatever we damn well please.

Sigheart, you're my bud, so here's some advice :P dont do what you "damn well please" unless you wanna get a bad rep. be careful what ya say :P

02:53:06 Nov 2nd 07 - Sir Darcy:

@ sig this has nothin to do with music. its about humpfry breaking peace and in 5 ticks sending 10k armys out of so called eco citys. he must have planned this for a while kuz i dont think u can train that many troops in the 5 ticks it took him to release these armys

03:10:05 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

I'm a little annoyed by whats going on, it's Like that one song Me against the World. Except it's more like Trio and Music vs Angel,Ritz,  and SiN. It annoys me, also Darcy you should have expected this. CF is only temporary. It means he was planning for an eventual fight kinda like when SiN turned on us that was CF we were planning for an eventual war and so was SiN. We didn't complain when we did start fighting. Only let them into your core if you have a NAP and you know you can trust them. Also it's perfectly fine to  BEGIN PREPERATION what's not fine is to attack, so far it seems that Humpfry was beggining preperation you guys then jumped the gun and did attack.

04:05:49 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

*Applauds Sigheart*

Exactly right.

05:47:08 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

Duke Epyon


11/1/2007 6:34:49 PM
Mr. Sigheart


11/1/2007 9:31:15 PMWhich Kingdom is this? Trio is attacking Ritz right? If so they never had a NAP as far as I know. There was a CF at one point for Humpfry to get out but one of his cities were attacked by some Ritz guys..... or was it prepping. Anyways Ritz shutup I'd say in this war Music and Trio can do whatever we damn well please.

Sigheart, you're my bud, so here's some advice :P dont do what you "damn well please" unless you wanna get a bad rep. be careful what ya say :P


epyon, you're my bud, so here's some advice :P dont get involved in lesser world relations unless u want to look like a nub lover ;)

and sig, fight those mega-alliances! keep the Jester spirit alive!!!!!! ur making me proud :)

05:58:13 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Typewriter:

Humpfry was in our kd, and he left to join Trio, which I can understand. Thats why his cities are inside our core.

The thing that disturbs me the most is that he released all these armies at once from different cities making it appear that this attack was in the making for some time.

I guess this place aint big enough for the two of us.

13:54:49 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Nova:

Correct, never had a NaP with Ritz.

As for the CF, Crazy Dwarf in your core, need I say more?

15:02:20 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Spoon:

I guess you should've made terms for such things Ritz..

20:34:20 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Nova:

No doubt, if Trio didn't give it away then this should have.

20:49:09 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Inactive:

lol. more madness~

20:52:33 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Kobuskan:

If Sprout kicked you out Neon then we all have some fun.

20:58:40 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Dark Knight:

"I'm a little annoyed by whats going on, it's Like that one song Me against the World. Except it's more like Trio and Music vs Angel,Ritz,  and SiN "

the angels are not at war with trio we have a NAP

so.... get your facts right before you say them

but we are at war with music though and winning :) with the help of Ritz and SiN but they wanted it....

Kingdoms in Mantrax
Ritz Ritz 22 Mr. Typewriter 108
Angels Angels 21 Mr. Trendkill 100
SiN Safty In neighbors 20 Prince Sprout 86
Music Music 22 Mr. Spoon 85
Trio The Three Musketeers 7 Mr. Hanky Panky 81

music started top last week.... with like 200% on angels now look

21:17:21 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

No I have my facts straight Dark Knight you don't. Trio is at war with Ritz.

If I must be exact then It's Music vs Ritz Angels and SiN

Music and Trio vs SiN and Ritz  there.

Also Dark Night did I just here you brag about beating Music with the help of the other 2 top KDs? Because it sounded like it. You don't have the right to brag about defeating us in fact only Inactive has that right since he was the reason we lost.

21:36:08 Nov 2nd 07 - Lord Seloc:

Sigheart has a point Dark Knight as much as I would of like to claim I defeat Music personnally, I didn't and neither did you inactive did.

Also I'ld like to complain about inactives name, it's missleading!!

21:45:06 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Dark Knight:

i do say though that without the other two we wouldnt have a chance and attempting it without them would have been suicide : )

so id like too say though its your fault for going to war with us, you where the ones that started it not us Spoon and music's viceroys turned down a neutral agreement not me....

yes his name is confusing......

23:44:56 Nov 2nd 07 - Mr. Trogor:

Its not really. Hes a cool guy. And inactive didnt personaly beat you. He did contribute a lot but ritz also did. Angles really didnt do much and didnt except keep u busy at the east wall which helped a little. I encourage trio since they only have 7 members and are eating large kingdoms. It pissed me off that they resorted to useing dirty tactics such as attacking us when a treaty was inplace. We would have killed him but like type said he was in our kingdom so we expected some trust.

23:51:22 Nov 2nd 07 - Lord Seloc:

Lol Ritz are just annoyed as they are about to get owned by a 7 man kingdom 0.o

Inactive probly did more to Music that all of Ritz put together, and Angel did do something useful they lost around 200k troops.... sadly Music was counting.....: /

00:43:40 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Ritz got beat at every turn....We held them off the blockers forever. Mr.Inactive was the only reason you guys stood a chance. We were ready to take back the SiN blocker with  tons of troops headed south form our core in many armies but then the army of 33k archmages appeared:-/ We halted and regrouped quite a bit to beat him but he bypassed our merge points and headed straight for our core. He took out our mage support(Lucimorth is the greatest mage of all time;-]) which is the only reason Ritz and Angels broke through. Even when we were outnumbered our good magic and army coordination was able to hold them back until Inactive took that away. Then he headed straight for our core taking mines along the way. In our core we slowed him down and me and Darkfaith started to take back some cities but in the end he completely destroyed us. If the highscores list showed a power percentage I can promise that he would have at lest double if not triple the power of the second place player. Right now he has Music pretty much beat with absolutely no help from anybody else(everyone else is just a minor distraction).

00:45:38 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

Why would anyone say Angels did nothing?  We distracted several of Music s armies for a week... I would say that is a called tactics. And our kingdom is on the other side of Mantrax, so getting armies there wasn t too easy. We did our part, you underestimating persons!

00:48:48 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

The armies you distracted were a tiny part of our power. You have been fighting only 2 members of our kingdom. Spoon and Kobusken are awesome but they are still only two people.

00:51:03 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

I thought it was only Kobusken? Spoon sent one brigade I believe.

04:12:45 Nov 3rd 07 - Sir Darcy:

thanks sig for clearing up what a cf means. basicly build up and train troops then attack when they are not paying atention to you. i will remember this next time a kd tryes to get a cf with us *cough* music. and it wasnt just 1 person or 1 kd who brought u down it was all of us and our trust for each other. and your ally trio... havent seen them help u yet.

04:17:32 Nov 3rd 07 - Duke Epyon:

Mr. Soccerfreedom


11/2/2007 12:47:08 AM
Duke Epyon


11/1/2007 6:34:49 PM
Mr. Sigheart


11/1/2007 9:31:15 PMWhich Kingdom is this? Trio is attacking Ritz right? If so they never had a NAP as far as I know. There was a CF at one point for Humpfry to get out but one of his cities were attacked by some Ritz guys..... or was it prepping. Anyways Ritz shutup I'd say in this war Music and Trio can do whatever we damn well please.

Sigheart, you're my bud, so here's some advice :P dont do what you "damn well please" unless you wanna get a bad rep. be careful what ya say :P


"epyon, you're my bud, so here's some advice :P dont get involved in lesser world relations unless u want to look like a nub lover ;)

and sig, fight those mega-alliances! keep the Jester spirit alive!!!!!! ur making me proud :)"

Soccer!! Baby!! how ya been?? :P

what can I say? I love drama!! ;D

04:20:08 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

They have been fighting Angels as well as other kingdoms farther north. We also worked together to take over AoA in the middle of our war against you guys. And what your saying about your trust in each other, you just finished trying to kill each other SiN and Ritz. And from the way I hear it, Angels and Ritz will probably end up being the next big war on Mantrax.

04:38:51 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Darcy I almost laughed at that, I've seen bad coordination before but this is really horrible each of you guys are taking random cities with SiN AKA Inactive taking most of them. I've even seen a couple of battles break out between who gets which city. With 3 KDs sharing one core and have so little experience and coordination with each other I can guarentee this Mega Alliance will collapse when they lose there common enemy AKA Music.

05:44:33 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Angel of Death:

ummm most of the kingdoms your fighting are what an era or two old with a bunch of new people jioning each of them? Of course their coordination is going to be bad it takes time to get an organized kingdom it doesnt happen over just one era it takes a couple eras the people in a kingdom have to learn to work together to figure out who is strong at what and who is weak at other points.

05:47:37 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Dude I was talking about Kingdom Relations not Inter-Kingdom Relations.

08:40:17 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Dark Knight:

without the Angels alot of music troops would have been defening harder against Ritz & SiN

Im not saying they wouldn't have done it without us because they might of but you need to say we threw away about 300k troops and we are still sending troops now so you can't say we didnt do anything, we had a part in this aswell. I know that Mr.Inactive done well but remember Angels is situated on the other side of the map and it takes a whole day to get there and we did have tactics take pressure off you and also to send in waves so that they couldnt put there defeces down so dont go saying that >:(

so dont say we didnt do anything because we did >:(

and im betting firefox i dont like internet explorer because i wanted to show you pictures of what happend and is happening but i dont know how to tae a picture of the web page >:( if anyoone knows how to on internet explorer 7 tell me please thankyou


09:14:56 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Hmm, to make things clear, these are thoughts about players themselves. Official Music thoughts will only be made in the Music topic (but our Musical minds are officially empty).

My point of view: SiN, Ritz and Angels were too much. SiN is a good fighting kingdom, just not enough members who are active, like Meltyface, Inactive and Sprout. But Inactive is a really active and skilled, which makes him effective. And alot of coordination isn't needed when you're doing most of the work yourself.
Angels were too far away from the battlefield. Their armies (unless when they  merged 5 together) are easy to slaughter. I stopped counting, but I killed about 40k troops a day.. Kobuskan and I killed ALOT. It was a good distraction, we had two core players less fighting the might of Inactive.

Ritz.. Well, after a few failed attempts of taking our wall, they decided to teleport it and then kill our army. Brilliant. I can't really say alot more about it, as I feel there are just few Ritz people fighting us..

AoA was also a bit disturbing to keep on fighting while we were getting attacked at our core. We didn't really have to reinforce there, so we used the troops we had there and some coordination (Managed to take down a 25k troop fortress eventually with really suck ass troops =P)

Dark Knight: Prt Scrn

09:17:15 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Dark Knight:

hehe : )

i like being flamed i taste better after :p

11:13:26 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Dingrambo:

Duke Epyon


11/3/2007 3:17:32 AM
Mr. Soccerfreedom


11/2/2007 12:47:08 AM
Duke Epyon


11/1/2007 6:34:49 PM
Mr. Sigheart


11/1/2007 9:31:15 PMWhich Kingdom is this? Trio is attacking Ritz right? If so they never had a NAP as far as I know. There was a CF at one point for Humpfry to get out but one of his cities were attacked by some Ritz guys..... or was it prepping. Anyways Ritz shutup I'd say in this war Music and Trio can do whatever we damn well please.

Sigheart, you're my bud, so here's some advice :P dont do what you "damn well please" unless you wanna get a bad rep. be careful what ya say :P


"epyon, you're my bud, so here's some advice :P dont get involved in lesser world relations unless u want to look like a nub lover ;)

and sig, fight those mega-alliances! keep the Jester spirit alive!!!!!! ur making me proud :)"

Soccer!! Baby!! how ya been?? :P

what can I say? I love drama!! ;D


not reporting just wanna post this lol : )

13:00:25 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Dark Knight:

angels rock

16:12:34 Nov 3rd 07 - Sir Darcy:

this topic is basicly over. the whole point was to show all kds that a cf means the praposer needs alittle bit more time to train more troops to hit u from behind. i was never intending this to be at all about music

16:16:20 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

wow i go offline for a day and this lolz...

we nether had an offical CF with you guys you came to us asking for one and specifically said you didnt want to nap us
thats basically saying were going to kill you just dont attack us yet we're not ready once we're ready we'll tell you and send a few 100k to let ya know

now i wasnt online to see what happened yesterday and whats been said is that ms. ashley attacked first so... basically there word against ours with that unless humpfry got some screenies :)

ps. shut up and die quietly

17:37:19 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Ataka:

Mr. Spoon


11/3/2007 4:14:56 AM
Hmm, to make things clear, these are thoughts about players themselves. Official Music thoughts will only be made in the Music topic (but our Musical minds are officially empty).

My point of view: SiN, Ritz and Angels were too much. SiN is a good fighting kingdom, just not enough members who are active, like Meltyface, Inactive and Sprout. But Inactive is a really active and skilled, which makes him effective. And alot of coordination isn't needed when you're doing most of the work yourself.
Angels were too far away from the battlefield. Their armies (unless when they  merged 5 together) are easy to slaughter. I stopped counting, but I killed about 40k troops a day.. Kobuskan and I killed ALOT. It was a good distraction, we had two core players less fighting the might of Inactive.

Ritz.. Well, after a few failed attempts of taking our wall, they decided to teleport it and then kill our army. Brilliant. I can't really say alot more about it, as I feel there are just few Ritz people fighting us..

AoA was also a bit disturbing to keep on fighting while we were getting attacked at our core. We didn't really have to reinforce there, so we used the troops we had there and some coordination (Managed to take down a 25k troop fortress eventually with really suck ass troops =P)

Dark Knight: Prt Scrn

awww spoon you really think my idea was brilliant? thank you =)

and look hanky panky, according to ms ashley she attacked your SCOUT. i don't know where you come from, but its definitely not acceptable to be prepping on a city during a CF. with a scout, sure, thats understandable. but with an army? clearly thats intent for you to attack us, and thats a breaking of a CF. were we supposed to wait for you? clearly youd planned it, congrats on your part, but try and fight fair. we were generous to humphry to let him live in our core, now he'll be dead soon. not a smart decision, not at all.

17:42:50 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

"and look hanky panky, according to ms ashley she attacked your SCOUT. i don't know where you come from, but its definitely not acceptable to be prepping on a city during a CF. with a scout, sure, thats understandable. but with an army? clearly thats intent for you to attack us, and thats a breaking of a CF. were we supposed to wait for you? clearly youd planned it, congrats on your part, but try and fight fair. we were generous to humphry to let him live in our core, now he'll be dead soon. not a smart decision, not at all."

1. there was no offical CF
2. the thread accuses us of breaking an nap.
3. you guys had armys on and off prepping on humpfry from day one of him leaving.
happy ?

18:24:15 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Muse:

it is true mr. inactive is pretty much the only one beating music without him sin and ritz would probly died

again i say good luck to u music on fantasia

18:27:53 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Dark Knight:

"Angels were too far away from the battlefield. Their armies (unless when they  merged 5 together) are easy to slaughter. I stopped counting, but I killed about 40k troops a day.. Kobuskan and I killed ALOT. It was a good distraction, we had two core players less fighting the might of Inactive"

We did what we set out to do

18:46:00 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Get killed over and over? lol. Doesn't make much sense. Its like the 300 except that the other 200,000 of our men were off fighting bigger battles while the 300 were wasting you guys. If you guys are really willing to order half your armies to commit suicide to take us down then that is really sad.

18:59:43 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Dark Knight:

it wasnt hald not even close it was more like an 1/8

19:10:15 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Lucimorth:

At the beginning of the era Music had 100 and Angels and Ritz both had around 60-70 of our strenght. Sin had about 30ish. If you notice, that is already 2times what we can handle. Now, count in the different blockers and the distraction from AoA and you get a kingdom dividing it's armies in 4, which means each kingdom fought 25% of Music, approximately. That is why this happened. Mr.Inactive had all he time in the world to prepare his economy and troops for only one purpose, and thats how he could obtain a gazilion archmages, if SiN had 3-4 kingdoms fighting against them then this would of not happened.

The biggest deciding factor this era was the fact Music fought 4 kingdoms and each of those pretty much only fought Music, if we had 25 ACTIVE and very skilled members we might have won, but we did not.

Anyways, being in the middle of the map is also a crappy.locationer...=_=
However, props to Mr.Inactive, he is pretty good. The rest were easily maged down, only his army had enough magic deffence.

23:12:32 Nov 3rd 07 - Mr. Varik Brutus:

Why do ppl get so worked up about this kinda stuff?!? Its just a game not the real world so no point in arguing really, whats done is done.

Also don't think I'm defending anyone, I'm a member of ritz.

02:23:39 Nov 4th 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

I don t get this Ruby Knight guy. I havent lost more than 4k troops from 15k(not too much, but it proves the only ones that suffered great losses were the ones that took over the walls), havent merged, and have destroyed like 4 cities unchallenged. So don t brag. Music could have killed loads of troops, but we did not send our all our troops. At least I didnt. And never did I see you fighting us off. The way you talk seems like you beat us and chased us into our core. Spoon and Kobuskan fought well. I can t take flaming from them, but not from little miss ruby.

12:58:26 Nov 4th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

i agree with the above ^^^^^^^^

we did work aswell

spoon and kobuskan could of done better against the others if we hadnt of kept them busy :)

and full credit to them they did well

and once again good luck on fant ;)

15:04:56 Nov 4th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

funny... It took a whole kingdom to KEEP 2 people BUSY. You didn't even get to killing them off...


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