Forums / In game politics / Truth about Arma 43

Truth about Arma 43
22:21:08 Nov 29th 09 - Sir Black Heart:

When the Era 43 began there were several KDs almost on top of eachother at the same spot we started. The Regime was around 10 members when we started and OOP we fought Twisted, Simplicity, A Team and Assasins all together. 2 members fought Twisted who had 3 members but on the same starting location. 3 Members fought Simplicity who were almost 3 members as well. 3 Members held against A team which had nearly 10 members. and one of our members had no place to settle all the OOP time!

On the Other hand, Crazy and Fight Club were farming. Crazy feared PHI and Fight Club was on the eastern end from us. Crazy had a little war with Banshees kingdom who soon were wearing the Crazy Flag, simply they merged. Not much after we killed all the other kingdoms and focused on A Team, they too disbanded and Joined up crazy. Crazy was almost 200% our size at before the time the Words were connected and Phi Showed up to settle their old score together.

Bean was a part of A Team (around 10-15 member kd) when we attacked them, He disbanded his KD and made Jellybeans

Proof: down there
Mr. Yellow Bean (11/2/2009 7:13:35 PM) GOOD BAD
Hello rember me from Crazy ?
Well im a vice in the A team and was wondering wether youd NAP us :)
Just give us the terms youd want and lets have a good era were we can fight together to stop the big kds such as No Pulse

Twisted and us were in the same exact spot, one of us had to die for the other to grow OOP they were 3 members and 2 of us attacked them. Dr. Happy Pants and Myself. Then Crazy recruited them after we attacked them when they were beat.

Sir Cadmus The Valiant (11/2/2009 11:05:11 PM) GOOD BAD
Hello Black Heart,

I am Cadmus, leader of the small kingdom of The Twisted. As you are well aware, our kingdoms are neighboring one another and it has become an issue of space. We are open to relations with your kingdom if you will accept them.

Sir Cadmus

Now, Thats Yellow Bean trying to survive:

Mr. Yellow Bean (11/5/2009 12:57:29 AM) GOOD BAD
Dude plz cant we make some sort o*beep*rement i really dont want to lose my citys and can offer some sort of serivce ....

Here is Ryan and my talks about PHI

Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm (11/9/2009 10:29:18 PM) GOOD BAD
are you openeing for Phi? I noticed they are bypassing you, I hope you arent going to give them free reign but its up to you. I would appreciate some warning if thats the case
You (11/9/2009 11:53:23 PM)
We have no NAP with phi till this very moment. I am not opening any blockers to them nor switching blockers like your kingdom is doing with ATeam. We are in negotiations though thats why they are not attacking us. But we are not more safe than you are, war between them and us could start any minute if they have hostile intentions.

Obviously my message was clear that we had negotiations and Ryan knew about it.

Now Crazy said they were ready for PHI. They should be, They have been farming all era OOP, recruiting all they met and with NAPs with Everyone but The Regime.

Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm (11/11/2009 2:25:12 AM) GOOD BAD
we have a couple very large armies who will be removing Phi from arma. A team is folding and joining us , please give me a list of cities they took from Ravage they will be returned. any ateam cities in dispute we can talk about. we did this to concentrate on Phi and to make sure we can focus and defend. Make no mistake we will be removing Phi from arma. we are already planning with some others who are not Phi fans, if you wnat to be involved we would wlecome you.

Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau (11/11/2009 2:16:26 PM) GOOD BAD
hey man are you on? We have convinced some A team members to leave A team and join CRAZY. They will fight PHI and are not allowed to fight Ravage. We hope you can stop attacking the ex-A team who become CRAZY if they respect your core and cease attacking you too.

Note: those 2 messages were not answered from our side.

Now, Crazy opened their blocker for A Team to attack us before they joined in. We never asked them for anything really but on the other hand crazy was demanding us to open or close blockers at will

Read this:

Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau (11/14/2009 12:49:45 PM) GOOD BAD
Dear BH

by the way. I was prepping on hell II and left him alone as requested. also culhwch was going to take mooshak to get past but he didn't attack either out of respect for your warning. I wanted grimdeath to open his gates and he opened mooshak but then closed Hell II so it still blocked us. that is fine.

If he opens for sazunas of phi we will consider that ravage declaring war or at least grimdeath declaring war.

just so you know,

You (11/14/2009 8:52:33 PM)
Did you forget that Crazy opened its blocker and passed Ateam into our core?
Did we consider it war?

Opening or closing blockers is a matter of diplomacy not an act of war to us.
But if that is how you measure it then I'm glad I know now, unfortunately it will put your past actions in a different perspective now.

As for our Diplomacy with PHI thats how it went, Phi sent us a NAP which was not fair to our KD and that was y answer.

You (11/10/2009 10:06:18 PM)
I read your terms and here is my answer,
Nap terms are ok, just the normal and is acceptable.
Special terms are not fair to my kingdom. If you are willing to discuss them then we might have an agreement.

As for those rumors that we are a part of crazy this is not real. I left crazy because of all the emo-diplo stuff in there and am starting a warlike kingdom with less talk and more action.
-We have no relationship with crazy and our relationship is on neutral. we had the intention of fighting crazy but your presence in Arma will complicate things.
-Crazy think we are loyal to you and you think we are loyal to crazy. But my kingdom is autonomous. We take orders from no one, not you and not crazy and we rather die fighting for our good name than live under anyone's authority

-My kingdom can offer a safe route for yours to settle the score with crazy and vice versa but we do not belong to either of you. Our luck was that we were placed between you guys in a defenseless corner which is a disadvantage and that's all I can offer.

Sir Black Heart

Now as Phi and Crazy war started, Ryan made a shocking revelation:

Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm (11/14/2009 9:14:06 PM) GOOD BAD
are you guys going to grow a set fo balls anytime soon? Phi is sealing off a core north of us, we have about 4 people active but I am gonna go razing, you guys just rolling over and letting Phi walk through is seriously hampering us as we cant concentrate on one side. if you are just gonna lay there all era let me know.

Note: a 20+ member kingdom and only 4 members active when it was war time.

As for Yellow Bean, We gave him a CF, nothing fancy

You (11/15/2009 9:46:44 PM)
great, would you agree to a Cease Fire for 2 weeks renewable at the last 3 days of it if both our kingdoms agree.
Mr. Yellow Bean (11/15/2009 10:02:04 PM) GOOD BAD
Ok this is acceptable :)
Mr. Yellow Bean (11/15/2009 10:09:16 PM) GOOD BAD
If you are willing to make an era long NAP then i will make it my duty to destroy bart ..... what are your thoughts to that ?
100k men army will be used to do this plus craters 50k
You (11/15/2009 10:17:30 PM)
ok then, Cease Fire from Vu Day 321 to 489
Mr. Yellow Bean (11/15/2009 10:31:09 PM) GOOD BAD
So if i can remove Bart we get a perm all era Nap ....
So on barts death or restart i get perm NAP
You (11/15/2009 10:33:32 PM)
no nap man, we only offer cease fire. it means you stay away we stay away during 2 weeks.
Mr. Yellow Bean (11/15/2009 10:34:52 PM) GOOD BAD
Hmmmm .... okay :/
ill go to war any way .... :P
You (11/15/2009 10:35:39 PM)
its ok as long as you are not warring with us u can do all u want

After a while, All our members were ready for battle and we decided to war crazy.

Thats when Crazy Disbanded, I got several applications from Crazy members read their names please..

Mr. Ciscoiii (11/21/2009 10:52:21 AM) GOOD BAD
Ciscoiii wants to join your kingdom; The Ravage Regime. This is his reason to join:
Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau has disbanded the kingdom!

Ms. Caylaish (11/22/2009 6:19:38 PM) GOOD BAD
Caylaish wants to join your kingdom; The Ravage Regime. This is his reason to join:
Please dont eat me!

Ms. Caylaish (11/26/2009 9:40:45 PM) GOOD BAD
peace amongst neighbors...?in Neon Sympathy..? Pretty please!I This city specificaly is small and un important, but my only other citys are north amonst Ravage..?


After this, Crazy became Dark, Some joined JellyBeans and others just vanished. At that time Dark (former Crazy) was letting Fight Club take over their cities and fight Phi instead.

Phi and Fight Club had a CF and another war started between Fight Club and us.

We do have respect for Fight Club even though we are rivals, But Crazy / Dark diplomacy lead by both Ryan and Landros are based on:

  • Mass recruiting and Kd merges
  • Farming
  • Multi accounting
  • Lies spreading
And frankly this is why I left Crazy in the first place.

As for any of Crazy / Dark who want to prove themselves, meet me on the map. Show me how good was your farming. Your lies are sickening

22:23:54 Nov 29th 09 - Lord Onslaught The Sexciest:


23:08:17 Nov 29th 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

And there it is in a very long nut shell ;)

Thank you for clarifying this

23:28:06 Nov 29th 09 - Sir Cadmus The Valiant:

The Twisted, a kingdom founded by me and branched off of Lightning Dust, landed as two members of what was supposed to be five. We landed a mere few ticks south of where Ravage Regime landed, and a conflict of space ensued. We put up a struggle, but our loss was imminent. Arthos of The Twisted went over to CRAZY, who had been an ally of Lightning Dust for many eras previously. Two days real time after, I suicided my armies and allowed Ravage Regime to take my cities with greater ease as a gift, so that I may restart in a new location that is not so tight on space. I re-landed in the east of Arma, where I build up a one man core. Pesto of Fight Club broke through a weak point in my blockers, and took my core after an interesting battle of spell casting and force. I consented to my defeat to a formidable and respectable opponent, and gave Pesto an armory and magic city to help the kingdom of Fight Club better fight against their enemy, Phi. It is here when the one man kingdom of The Twisted was officially disbanded for the era, and I restarted on a the new world of Midgard. The Twisted's brief history on Arma ends here.

Relations made included a NAP with CRAZY, and what eventually became a personal NAP with the leadership of Fight Club.

CRAZY is known for recruiting from other kingdoms, and attempted to recruit me before the king unexpectedly disbanded the kingdom. It was only then that the vice of CRAZY made a new kingdom under his leadership, called Dark, to take in the players that had been victim of the sudden events. We can only speculate that the kingdom was disbanded because of the pressure on the king.

Fight Club remains to be at war with Ravage Regime and Phi. I believe they took in a small number of ex-CRAZY members, but remain for the most part to be the same core players. Someone can confirm or correct that statement if they want.

Simplicity remains in the north-west corner of Arma. Little activity has been seen from them, so I do not know their current status. Can anyone update?

That's about all I know of the going on's. It may help to clarifiy a bit.

01:43:36 Nov 30th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

let's go back a little earlier mr. air dirty laundry. 

the doctor wanted to be a footsoldier and ofered to give up leadership of CRAZY.  Ryan was offered and refused.  I accepted.

At the beginning of the era CRAZY saw its membership drop from over 20 to under 10.  since a bunch of hand picked members were taken to create ravage no one knew who would stay.

PHI made it quite clear their 28 member kingdom intended on attacking ryan and any in his kingdom this era.

CRAZY recruited and attempted to make a core.

CRAZY was approached by A team and NAPed.  A team also NAPed fight club and the 3 of us decided to not attack each other.

CRAZY decided to head south west and try to get to fant to get score.

ravage fought a bunch of newbs that they were near.

PHI came to Armegeddon and were held at one blocker.  they then went north and got to anotehr blocker.  they then came from the south.  and eventually were let though Domination's blocker and reached yet another blocker.

A team disbanded because leader was too busy too play much.

many of them were invite to join CRAZY if they stopped fighiting ravage. 

they agreed.  Absheek  joned PHI.  CRAZY now ended up with phi at 5 different blockers. 

CRAZY was still fighting and able to hold phi at bay.

RAVAGE decided they wanted to die and restart elsewhere since they were unable to block off a single core.

the old leader of CRAZY declares on CRAZY and they advance to CRAZY's other two blockers.

seeing that RAVAGE would get easy cities I disbanded CRAZY and walked away from the game feeling betrayed by people I was loyal to for the last 6 eras.

Oh and about your bullet points,

mass napping.  well we are a nap whore but when phi basically sets a bounty on your head you do need to fight them alone.  also no pulse are a real kingdom that we expected to fight later in the era.

farming~ this term is meant to refer to those not making armies but we fought banshees and were planning on fighting domination until we NAPed.  do you expect us to fight a moe powerful kingdom with out building mines for income to suport armes?

multi accouting: yeah lol.  we are doing so well because all 16 of our members ar really just played by ryan, palp, kevin, and me.  notice how none of us make stpid mistakes and are on the leader boards.

lies spreading.  heh.  yeah like butter..  what "lies" are you talking about? us saying you napped phi and you denying it then admitting you were in negotations.  A nap doesn't have to be a signed document. 

this whole war with phi came about because CRAZY's diplomat last era was incompentent but sine she is with you this era I don't wonder why you are so confused about having a nap, not making naps, etc.

if you want to be a war kingdom don't hide under our skirts next era.  that is if you don't disband. 

I will give ravage credit,  for a new kingdom your frst era is turning out prett good.  don't think you are anything more than "average" though.  Armegeddon is a beginner world.  if you weren't in a lowr world you would have already been killed off.

kingdom merging  lol you have I lot of nerve I'll gove you that after poaching players I recruited and protected last era.

01:55:58 Nov 30th 09 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

let me speak about myslef when i say , i like you psycho(not in a homo way) but its just a game and when you disbanded crazy i felt betrayed as well , as suddenly my troops on blockers were not defending and my only miner city was going to get screwed by ravage, so i moved to them . killed max off since he wasnt really helping to block ravage when crazy was still intact and got his 3 miners which helped me alot (THANKS MAX) .now i have several major miners and several armouries that will pump troops to kill my enemies ((ravage enemies)) .

also when i joined ravage to be frank i made deal with ryan not to attack dark unless they start making trouble up north ... he went on saying i have a CF with him so i told him am not CFing him and then attacked him and howells .

02:03:41 Nov 30th 09 - Mr. Zerocool:

lies lies lies... sum1's gonna be in trouble..... dang dang dang...

02:04:03 Nov 30th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

Nice one Kareem. yet again some epic fail propaganda.
early on you whined that you didnt wnat naps or agreements because you werent gonna make them with anyone. we still defended you and tried to get people to stop attacking you, then you made a nap with Phi.  yeah I sent you that message because you are a coward, you wouldnt admit that you were allying with Phi despite agreeing last era that they were honourless douchebags. you were more concerned with keeping some cities than being a man.

Now as for saying we are all about merges etc etc in our diplomacy...
You recruited several former crazy who were homeless after Crazy was disbanded (I had nothing to do with that btw and I was amused that Ravage put it about that we did it to avoid dying when in point of fact it cost us our secondary core when YOU MERGED IN BASIO DEADLY AND CISCO, or did you just forget that part you lying sack of turd?) Im getting fed up with your spreading bullshit everywhere, just admit that you screwed Crazy over and move on. FFS Mark already admitted that You attacked crazy as a suicide bid to restart, or was that some more bullshit to excuse attacking us?

I do recruit players who show honour and skill at the game, I have no issue admitting that. and id rather recruit someone than let them die and lose everything and restart, that cost us with a team as abishek is a scumbag but we also gained some great players.

either way Kareem you have demonstrated a distint lack of honour and will be treated as such from now on.

02:12:48 Nov 30th 09 - Sir Black Heart:

Your words only convict you and confirm my points Landro.
Your KD had a NAP with everyone around (You failed to remember Banshees who were sucked into your Mass Merges).
That means You all were just farming all Era
Even when Phi came at your blockers you couldn't hold them

Now Why would you disband a huge KD with more than 2 Farming weeks?? The answer is pretty obvious, It's not an easy game for you now huh?

Mean while you said Ravage had a core problem, and It's true. We had a terrible strategic disadvantage but we fought for it till we made it happen. Can't blame us for surviving and doing what it takes.

Those nub kingdoms that you claim we attacked you are so wrong as usual. Simplicity did attack us first sending several armies into our open core, we fought them. Twisted were in the middle of our core and we had to war and that's proved earlier, it wasn't a choice besides they went OOP first and sent armies towards us we were in defense then we moved to the offense. Assasins did attack us first as we were fighting Simplicity up north. We had no plan to attack small kingdoms but OOP wars are inevitable. (Do u know what OOP wars mean?? I doubt you do) All those wars we fought along with A Team who had 10+ members and had Banshees with 10 more members joining up. We did what crazy couldn't do.

You claim you were loyal to us as old friends? We never asked you for any loyalty or demanded that or even whined about it on the forums while You and your kingdom helped A Team against us, you switched blockers with them so we can't attack them, Your kingdom has been playing a detestable role even when loosing for Phi you brought Fight Club in to take your cities and fight your war.

Yes, Lies, Cheating (You know what I am talking about) and dishonorable Kingdom. You sickened us all with your tactics.

We did not complain about how you run your KD nor whined about your actions. But I will not let you spread your lies around the good name of my people, It's time to shut you up for good.

Bottom line, We had no NAP with your KD and We did not negotiate any NAP not even a CF and I wouldn't even consider it in any future after your shameful attack on my KD's integrity.

02:29:53 Nov 30th 09 - Sir Black Heart:

The Ravage Regime13Sir Black Heart100

Our Kingdom has 13 members, and we had members come and go. Recruiting a member or 2 is no issue at all and if you consider it shame then you Ryan should bear much more shame for merging kingdoms not just a handful of players.

The ones I invited were already out of their KDs not under any banner and I only invited the ones who fought well and were not farmers. We only invite when we lack members of good experience. And as all kingdoms some members happen to have life issues and leave the game. What's the shame in that wise man?

Any NAP between The Regime and any other KD is none of your business Ryan, Though we have been honest to you, it doesn't mean we have to report to you. Cause frankly self pity is your only way out of defeat.

Anyway. If you Ryan and Landro are as good as you guys claim show me what you've got on the map. Send in your long farmed troops and let's fight and we'll see who would the sword slice and I promise you I will send you back your armies fleeing in their underpants.

That will be all, The truth has been proclaimed.

02:36:10 Nov 30th 09 - Sir Black Heart:

Thats how Arma started:

Kingdoms in Armageddon
Banshees 6 Mr. Slawter 5025
The Twisted 2 Sir Cadmus The Twisted 4388
Insane Asylum 11 Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau 100
The A Team 10 Sir Jungleboogie 75
The Ravage Regime 11 Sir Black Heart 75
Kingdom of Hearts 6 Mr. Edd 50
Fight Club 4 Mr. Pesto 50
Bane 4 Mr. Gibson 50
Simplicity 2 Mr. Wuu 25
Five Stars 1 Mr. Weakling 13

And Thats how it is now

Kingdoms in Armageddon
Fight Club23Mr. Pesto177
The Ravage Regime13Sir Black Heart100
Dark13Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau38
Two Jelly Beans4Mr. Yellow Bean7
Simplicity1Mr. Wuu3
The A Team1Mr. Ants0
Bane2Mr. Bulwark0
Five Stars1Mr. Weakling0

Numbers can't lie:
The Regime is solely fighting Dark and Fight Club with nearly 200% in sum our size.

Crazy was Dark + Jellybeans + few others who went here and there.

The increase in The Regime's size is 13, while started with 11 that's a 2 members increase which is nothing relative to the increase like in FC (4 members to 23), Crazy (was 20+ members) and others at that time.

02:36:26 Nov 30th 09 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

Correction . armies will be killed at site , wont get the luxury of going home.

04:00:48 Nov 30th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

bahahahaha! underpants. lol.  i knew there was a reason I was pressing blackheart  to return to the game after going inactive.  pure comic gold.

and basio, heh,  thanks for the kind words.  but please for the love of karma let us keep our underpants and run away.  lol.

oh by the way "that will be all" means you are finished and have said your peace, not to keep posting.

I will try to respond to some of the stuff but really it is getting to be a bit of a chore.

Mr. Pesto 467
The Ravage Regime 13 Sir Black Heart 263
Dark 13 Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau

anyway there we are there with about half your size and DARK are "solely" to use your term fighting you.  and also "solely" fighting PHI that have about 520 to our 100 so ravage ar twice our size and phi 5 times and you claim we are farmers.  lol.

anyway those stats really don't say a lot because cities have to be behind blockers to be protected and worth anything.  a domination member let PHI around our flank which hurt as I mentioned but we didn't freak out and accepted mistakes happen.  also a fight club member has done the same so expect our land to drop.  a jelly bean guy is also attacking us and I guess ryan's last city will fall soon so expect DARK's ratio number to get worse bfore getting better.

anyway numbers really don't matter at one point in time.  I mean you say they don't lie but I'd much rather have 100 nazzies with level 8 military than say a million gaia with no military.  your city ownership really doesn't tell the whole story.

DARK has lost so much to PHI in terms of cities and armies and we fought Banshees a long time ago.  anyway yeah, um, I lost some armies to ravage too.  such is life.

about CRAZY city trading with A team you have no clue.  I attacked an inactive a team player to take a blocker since he had no troops in it and the PHI sheek guy used it to enter our core later and so did you.

the other blocker issue you took in the grimetooth guy one tick before I started prepping and I respected your request not to take his city.  after words this guy attacked me and I guess he restarted because it looks like his stuff is now gone.

so lesson learned.  don't do ravage any favours and don't expect them to do you any even if they pretend to be friendly.  Some kingdoms don't like to have too many naps but don't attack out of common courtesy.  if ravage is around you expect them to build up and take you out if they can. 

I don't have a problem with this. Is this a statement you are saying is a lie I'm spreading?  if ravage wants to take on all off VU except PHI who am I to complain.  I wonder if your sucessful destruction of your former kingdom has gone to your head.  such a great accomplishment. I guess no pulse had better watch out.  I'm sure you are all going for the era win now...

05:50:14 Nov 30th 09 - Mr. Zerocool:

phi 5 times .. your comparing it to your broken kd.. not the power of crazy as a kd. an entire kd with 20 members or more fighting only around 5 phi players?

06:23:43 Nov 30th 09 - Mr. Kat:

how do you know all 20 were ifghting you?

08:59:38 Nov 30th 09 - Sir Jesus Left Toe:

I would like to mention this is a game.

"The increase in The Regime's size is 13, while started with 11 that's a 2 members increase which is nothing relative to the increase like in FC (4 members to 23), Crazy (was 20+ members) and others at that time."

Fight Club at no point since i joined had 4 members. And seeing as i joined in the first 2 days of play. I am hoping that you were refering to the fact we were a new kingdom this era, and all members hadn't joined at the time.
I would ask that you do not slander our kingdoms name.


10:08:07 Nov 30th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

Sir Jesus Left Toe Im pretty sure he did not mean to slander Fight Club's name. We are having fun fighting Fight Club and your leader is a friend of mine. It is just a game as you mentioned and we take it as that. :)

11:01:15 Nov 30th 09 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

Kingdoms in Armageddon
Banshees 6 Mr. Slawter 5025
The Twisted 2 Sir Cadmus The Twisted 4388
Insane Asylum 11 Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau 100
The A Team 10 Sir Jungleboogie 75
The Ravage Regime 11 Sir Black Heart 75
Kingdom of Hearts 6 Mr. Edd 50
Fight Club 4 Mr. Pesto 50
Bane 4 Mr. Gibson 50
Simplicity 2 Mr. Wuu 25
Five Stars 1 Mr. Weakling 13

And Thats how it is now

Kingdoms in Armageddon
Fight Club23Mr. Pesto177
The Ravage Regime13Sir Black Heart100
Dark13Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau38
Two Jelly Beans4Mr. Yellow Bean7
Simplicity1Mr. Wuu3
The A Team1Mr. Ants0
Bane2Mr. Bulwark0
Five Stars1Mr. Weakling0

that is what he talking about jesus

11:20:03 Nov 30th 09 - Mr. Mike Smith From Calif:

Dr happy pants friendship isnt worth a lot...last era he messaged me telling me how bad phi are etc ...quite simply crazy last era that zerocool so badly wants to hunt down is ravage/crazy/fight club this era.

i find it humourous that the LEADER of crazy last era and some of his buddies are too afraid to fight phi this era so hide in a new is quite clear that phi and ravage were in negotiations for a nap from the very start and a lot of communication went between them.

Crazy on the other hand had given numerous assurances and posted a lot on these forums that they would never ever war ravage. ravage had no need to defend themselves or get a core prtected by us, we were 100% friendly to them. if ravage wanted a "friendly war" they would have warred us for fun from oop and that would of been no problem...but they did this "we dont sign naps with anyone" rubbish so we let them be, when all along(now admitted) they were intent on warring their old alliance mates.

crazy disbanded because the creator of it chose to war it......phi hadnt broken our key blockers. our biggest problem was abishelk who was already in...but no phi army bothered to prep on my secondary blockers because they wouldnt get through them without CW and they didnt have the mage power(but ravage did)....whining about a team...i mena the guys disbanded and the offer to take necessary cities was given. choosing not to respond to emails/messages shows how obtuse ravage is.

i will play out the era where i am, after i was killed off. i dont mind giving credit where it is due and the kingdom disbanding was not handled well but when the original creator of the alliance is so keen to war you, i can understand landros' disappointment and rash actions.

to be honest i am still surprised by this and all the justification going on by ravage...

put it in a nutshell....crazy though ravage were friendly and despite not having a nap gave assurance there would never be war.

ravage always wanted to war crazy and chose to lead on crazy by not replying to messages and denying any dveloping friendship with phi(enemies of last era) and thus wait until everything is at a critical juncture to launch attack on undefended cities they had access to as we considered them friends....they got what they wanted and that was crazy's destruction. They also robbed Phi of a victory but i guess phi can concentrate on other things now. certainly phi had competant fighters but they didnt destroy us, with most damage done by abi who was already in our core.

thank god i am not on that map anymore.

-palp lost his marbles

12:07:29 Nov 30th 09 - Sir Black Heart:

VU is a war game, not a friendly girly barby community!
It's based on Strategy, Diplomacy and Military supported by Economy.

Any KD that doesn't have a formal Diplomatic agreement with another should not whine if they get attacked. This is how it works and everyone knows that. Honor is in keeping agreements not anything else.

Any KD makes decisions based on it's sole interest, The goal is survival achieved by constant growth to keep up with the general growth rates of all KDs around.

To those who can't handle those facts, and the prominent fact that It Is Only A Game then maybe VU is not for you, play something more peaceful like Titres or Solitaire.

12:34:57 Nov 30th 09 - Mr. Yes Twamao:

I was expecting an Al Gore speech.

12:39:50 Nov 30th 09 - Sir Black Heart:

Sir Jesus Left Toe
We have no issue with Fight Club really. Though we are at war but we see it a fair war even if there is a size difference.
The Regime looks for good battles to fight and most of our members have high spirit and would restart again under the same banner and seek new adventures.

As for Fight Club recruiting members this is not our issue and we are not complaining about it. Any Kingdom has the right to recruit, this was a reply to one of the older posts who claimed we had mass recruiting while we actually didn't while Crazy used that technique to avoid wars and to limit the growth of the Regime by recruiting their enemies (A Team, Banshees and Twisted). Those invited were in times when we had members leaving the Regime.

12:49:25 Nov 30th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

sounds like regime has serious issues about CRAZY.  sounds like you need counciling.  Okay for any other kingdom to recruit unless it is CRAZY.  you re so full of it.  lol.  not complaining about fight club...  it was a fair war... 

lol.  read your own posts.  this is a war game.  lol...  CRAZY complains and we should play checkers.  you coomplain about fight club growing from 4 members and claim not to be complaining...  rich. 

the truth about armegeddon indeed...

by the way I don't trust Al Gore either.


12:50:49 Nov 30th 09 - Mr. Mike Smith From Calif:

the enemies we recruited had lost already due to ravage's superior size or the RL issues of their leader.

we had no problem if we warred ravage from the outset- if this was agreed as a fun war...we declared we would never fight you guys and we had out trust in you, you had key blockers like hell II and northern keep(the latter you kept open for phi) and our cities were launch when a fight when you did was cowardly to the extreme.... i have mentioned previously that phi once had no official relations with LD a few eras back and decided to war them, having no issue all era...they were courteous about it and gave 24 hours notice of war.

why are you so thick headed that you cant appreciate we let you survive in oop as we viewed you as friends? that we could of joined a-team and jelly beans in destryoing you but we didnt. you survived and farmed to war us later on when we were at war against phi and struggling(though our key blockers were intact except you had access but phi didnt).

it was a gutless move on your part and if you disliked ryan/landros etc so much you should have expressed it instead of hiding under the guise of friendship using the mantra "we dont nap anyone"...which is clearly bs.

13:02:11 Nov 30th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

oh I almost forgot.  you posted this:

Kingdoms in Armageddon
Banshees 6 Mr. Slawter 5025
The Twisted 2 Sir Cadmus The Twisted 4388
Insane Asylum 11 Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau 100
The A Team 10 Sir Jungleboogie 75
The Ravage Regime 11 Sir Black Heart 75

I forgot to congratulate you on beating a 5000 point kingdom with just a 75 point one and it is clearly justifible fighting the twisted since the had a 4000+ point advantage.  OOP...  was your question  about OOP a real qustion I wonder.  do I know OOP. as in OOPs I disbanded the kingdom?  lol

not everyone wars out of protection with all their neighbours.  this game is not just about that.  it is about building reputation over the course of an era and developing relations.  you have severed yours.  making your case agin and again is getting redundant.  let me add that you argue with someone called Psycho.  and if that isn't enough I am also called retarded. 

what do you expect from us?  Admitt that we made a core to goad you into attacking your previous teamates? our promise not to attack you was to deceive?  lol

who is whining anyhow?  it is just a game remember.  if none of it is importnt to you then stop making these posts.


13:08:09 Nov 30th 09 - Sir Black Heart:

Crazy disbanded, Dark lost with all thier twisted diplomacy and lot of talk. Deal with it or prove everybody wrong on the map. You guys are so pathetic you can't even get together and fight as one till the end. All of you keep fleeing for your lives and cities running into other kingdoms and dragging them to fight for you.

Show us what you have got on the map, your words are rootless.

13:14:11 Nov 30th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

Most Fearsome Rulers
  1. Mr. Zerocool has won 56 battles, captured 50 cities and killed a total of 1006488 men and women.
  2. Mr. Pesto has won 39 battles, captured 31 cities and killed a total of 253720 men and women.
  3. Mr. Abhishek III has won 47 battles, captured 29 cities and killed a total of 374197 men and women.
  4. Mr. Ancient Basio has won 49 battles, captured 22 cities and killed a total of 339995 men and women.
  5. Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau has won 21 battles, captured 24 cities and killed a total of 83624 men and women.
  6. Mr. William And His Pink Rhino has won 19 battles, captured 21 cities and killed a total of 247030 men and women.
  7. Dr. Happy Pants has won 23 battles, captured 18 cities and killed a total of 183776 men and women.
  8. Sir Penguin The Filipino has won 31 battles, captured 17 cities and killed a total of 363299 men and women.
  9. Mr. Broken Silence has won 16 battles, captured 17 cities and killed a total of 236783 men and women.
  10. Lord Stewie Griffin has won 25 battles, captured 16 cities and killed a total of 231965 men and women.

* Only battles fought against armies with more then 5000 OP/DP counts as win/loss.

13:16:47 Nov 30th 09 - Mr. Yes Twamao:

Most Fearsome Rulers

  1. Mr. Yes Twamao has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and raped a total of 1006488 women.

15:16:37 Nov 30th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

I think you made a mistake there, here let me fix that for you...

Most Fearsome Rulers

  1. Mr. Yes Twamao has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and raped a total of 1006488 men.

15:53:48 Nov 30th 09 - Mr. Wilover:


Aliens, zombies, nazis!

15:53:55 Nov 30th 09 - Mr. Yes Twamao:

but i thought they were women.......  I was fooled by the man boobs.

18:27:26 Nov 30th 09 - Mr. Yellow Bean:

Bean was a part of A Team (around 10-15 member kd) when we attacked them, He disbanded his KD and made Jellybeans

thats wroung .... achley first off we left before you started attacking ... we left as soon as crater logged in .... then made are kd a team did not disband till about a week or 2 later ......

19:21:47 Nov 30th 09 - Mr. Boombastic:

Sir Black Heart


22:21:08 Nov 29th 09

When the Era 43 began there were several KDs almost on top of eachother at the same spot we started. The Regime was around 10 members when we started and OOP we fought Twisted, Simplicity, A Team and Assasins all together. 2 members fought Twisted who had 3 members but on the same starting location. 3 Members fought Simplicity who were almost 3 members as well. 3 Members held against A team which had nearly 10 members. and one of our members had no place to settle all the OOP time!

On the Other hand, Crazy and Fight Club were farming. Crazy feared PHI and Fight Club was on the eastern end from us. Crazy had a little war with Banshees kingdom who soon were wearing the Crazy Flag, simply they merged. Not much after we killed all the other kingdoms and focused on A Team, they too disbanded and Joined up crazy. Crazy was almost 200% our size at before the time the Words were connected and Phi Showed up to settle their old score together.

warring with MAD, Fate on val and a few smaller kd's on arma is not farming. we weren't overly stretched on arma but we haven't sat about idlely either.. as you will see from our armies

Sir Black Heart


02:12:48 Nov 30th 09
Your words only convict you and confirm my points Landro.
Your KD had a NAP with everyone around (You failed to remember Banshees who were sucked into your Mass Merges).
That means You all were just farming all Era
Even when Phi came at your blockers you couldn't hold them

Now Why would you disband a huge KD with more than 2 Farming weeks?? The answer is pretty obvious, It's not an easy game for you now huh?

Mean while you said Ravage had a core problem, and It's true. We had a terrible strategic disadvantage but we fought for it till we made it happen. Can't blame us for surviving and doing what it takes.

Those nub kingdoms that you claim we attacked you are so wrong as usual. Simplicity did attack us first sending several armies into our open core, we fought them. Twisted were in the middle of our core and we had to war and that's proved earlier, it wasn't a choice besides they went OOP first and sent armies towards us we were in defense then we moved to the offense. Assasins did attack us first as we were fighting Simplicity up north. We had no plan to attack small kingdoms but OOP wars are inevitable. (Do u know what OOP wars mean?? I doubt you do) All those wars we fought along with A Team who had 10+ members and had Banshees with 10 more members joining up. We did what crazy couldn't do.

You claim you were loyal to us as old friends? We never asked you for any loyalty or demanded that or even whined about it on the forums while You and your kingdom helped A Team against us, you switched blockers with them so we can't attack them, Your kingdom has been playing a detestable role even when loosing for Phi you brought Fight Club in to take your cities and fight your war.

Incorrect. phi failed to respond to or relation requests and we took the initiative and attacked them before (we believed) before they attacked us. It happened to help our friends in Crazy as well which was a bonus, but i doubt very much that we would attack a strong kd like Phi if we didn't feel threatened ourselves.

Mr. Ancient Basio


11:01:15 Nov 30th 09

Kingdoms in Armageddon
Banshees 6 Mr. Slawter 5025
The Twisted 2 Sir Cadmus The Twisted 4388
Insane Asylum 11 Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau 100
The A Team 10 Sir Jungleboogie 75
The Ravage Regime 11 Sir Black Heart 75
Kingdom of Hearts 6 Mr. Edd 50
Fight Club 4 Mr. Pesto 50
Bane 4 Mr. Gibson 50
Simplicity 2 Mr. Wuu 25
Five Stars 1 Mr. Weakling 13

And Thats how it is now

Kingdoms in Armageddon
Fight Club 23 Mr. Pesto 177
The Ravage Regime 13 Sir Black Heart 100
Dark 13 Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau 38
Two Jelly Beans 4 Mr. Yellow Bean 7
Simplicity 1 Mr. Wuu 3
The A Team 1 Mr. Ants 0
Bane 2 Mr. Bulwark 0
Five Stars 1 Mr. Weakling 0

that is what he talking about jesus


Last era our kd was called Outsiders, a brand new kd. this era we changed our name and it took a while for most players to restart and rejoin. we have 6 or 7 new players with us from last year. I hope that is an acceptable to you.

lastly, i am becoming increasingly frustrated with FC being drawn into these discussions/accusations. Our wars are our wars and our reasons for entering them or any other relations has nothing to do with you but I trust the above clarifies a few mis-conceptions. If you all wish to b1tch and moan on here then please do, but please leave us out of it, we aren't interested in being involved.

Can all FC members please refrain from posting





19:43:40 Nov 30th 09 - Sir Black Heart:

Mr. Boombastic
I think the misconception is on your side.
How could you claim to fight Mad and Fate on Valhalla while OOP wars the Maps were all isolated?? We had around 2 full weeks with no attacks or movement between worlds. What was your kingdom doing? Farming right? Anyway it was your kingdom's choice and we are not discussing that. Don't know why it's really upsetting you this much.

As for the Phi situation and you taking Crazy cities instead of Phi is true you are trying to deny it. Your armies took all Crazy blockers before Phi approached it. We all saw it on the map. Now FC and Phi had a Cease Fire right?? We dont mind you getting even a 100 members it's not our business really.

But This thread is to clarify the lies that Crazy members are spreading about us for no reason but hate and blame.

19:50:35 Nov 30th 09 - Mr. Boombastic:

How could you claim to fight Mad and Fate on Valhalla while OOP wars the Maps were all isolated?? several of us spawned of valhalla including myself...

What was your kingdom doing? Farming right? we were partially farming as I said in my post, but we were also warring some small kd's, as I said in my post.. I repeated that so that I would hope it would be clear this time around.

I'm not denying taking crazy cities, I could have made that clearer. apologies. I am denying they brought us in to fight their war. That is not the case. 

I am not upset, just annoyed with some of your insinuations.

19:52:48 Nov 30th 09 - Mr. Boombastic:

lol, think i upset you though  ;)

2009-11-30 - Todays News
19:45:03 Our Peeker II successfully defend Combat Kitten. Black III lead by Sir Black Heart attempted to forcefully return Combat Kitten to Mr. William And His Pink Rhino. We lost 1 Hobgoblins, 0 Rockthrowers, 0 Warlords, xxx Mages and xxx Berserkers and 0 peasants in the battle and xxx of our soldiers got injured.
19:45:03 Black III lead by Sir Black Heart attempted to forcefully return Combat Kitten to Mr. William And His Pink Rhino. We lost 0 Hobgoblins, 0 Rockthrowers, 0 Warlords, 0 Mages and 0 Berserkers and 0 peasants in the battle.


19:55:04 Nov 30th 09 - Sir Black Heart:

No insinuations towards FC really. If u read above I mentioned many times that we respect FC and our war is fair even if we have any differences in tactics and I intend to keep it a fair war till the end no matter how it goes.

This whole thing is about the false claims of Crazy and I think you talked to them in person and I am sure you would agree with me about their twisted ways in diplomacy.

19:58:03 Nov 30th 09 - Sir Black Heart:

:D Nah I don't get upset with game issues. It's all % and luck most of the time even at a 99% you might loose some we all know that, even some loose at a 100%.

21:52:45 Nov 30th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

" Though we have been honest to you, it doesn't mean we have to report to you"


Honest except for the parts where you lied to me outright I suppose.


The truth is that you are an untrutworthy piece of garbage and as long as I am in VU I will not ever be in an alliance that even entertains the thought of relations with you. PERIOD.


fact 1- we could have killed you easily OOP and we did not, why was that oh wise one who knows nothing? WOULD IT HAVE BEEN BECAUSE I WAS FRIENDS WITH SEVERAL OF YOUR KINGDOM PERHAPS? or do I just randomly message people warring in a war game to stop hitting people? LMAO

fact 2- you stated 'WE WILL NOT HAVE NAPS OR AGREEMENTS WITH ANYONE" except obviously the agreement to let Phi walk through your core and now apparently a nap that I am supposed to believe came after you declared on crazy. I call bullshit. either way you broke your word.

fact 3- you say that we recruit like its a bad thing, then whine about how we recruited some of your enemies, while ignoring the fact that we gave you a lot of notice and offered to return cities WOW WHAT TERRIBLE FRIENDS WE TURNED OUT TO BE, YOU WOULD ALMOST THINK THAT WE WAITED UNTIL YOU WERE WEAK FROM WARRING AND THEN ATTACKED YOU. I am not gonna blame any former crazies for joining you, especially when we disbanded however I will pay attention to anyone who stays in ravage past this era. nobody from Dark is running anywhere BTW you took a couple people from crazy who had nowhere to go at the time they made a 3 man kingdom but they saw how you treat small kingdoms and joined you.


Bottom line Kareem, your actions are those of a douchebag, colour it any way you wnat to colour it but your actions were dishonourable, say that it is just a game if it makes you feel better, because noone would wnat to admit to backstabbing a friend over a free online game.

00:48:12 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

backstabbing means that he made you think that he is a friend then stab you.. but i guess he didnt ..
didnt you ever think why would he leave crazy ? maybe he didnt like how you run things . which means that he doesnt want to be a friend.

its not his problem you cant get a hint.

he left your KD .
never offered a sit down to talk about problems in crazy.
never replied to CF or nap agreement from you.
opened blockers for phi.

i know im not that bright ,but id understand these hints.

01:48:03 Dec 1st 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

hey basio I don't blame you for not joining us but please don't buy into your new leaders world view.  I mean he left with the doctor to start his own kingdom.  we weren't happy with the docor's leadership either.  too many vices going in too many directions. 

we talked plenty on skype with the doctor and blackheart.  RR's kingdom page said they were a warring kingdom.  we accepted they didn't want formal relations with anyone.  leaving blockers that weren't complete open is usual behavior for a NAP partner to do when 2 of its allies fight.  just opening and closing for one later is a bit unfair if it happens.

I think you are pretty bright. 

03:05:44 Dec 1st 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

Basio, Kareem and I were never best buddies but we got along well enough for several eras, perhaps you need some detail. we have been in the same kingdoms for about 7-8 eras, last era when Kareem was gonna quit Landros convinced him not to.  We have always been friendly as he is good friends with the doc and until this garbage there was mutual respect as Kareem was one of the people who taught me the game early on. truth be told I was only ever "his leader" for one era in Dark when the Doc left midway through due to RL issues. and last era when I was offered leadership but declined because of lack of time other than that we have been equals. When the Doc left to just be a player, Kareem left as well, what I didnt like was that they then pretty much poached over half of Crazy to go with them.

I can assure you that there was more communication than  just in VU pms. I spoke with many members of Ravage on skype, I was told by a couple that they thought Crazy was gonna attack them which was foolish and the Doc should have known better and said so. I heard their myriad of complaints about how they had no core ( I offered to let them through ours to build one just north of us where you ended up building actually) I heard they were mad that we took in a couple A team players and one twisted player rather than letting ravage kill them all (it meant about 4-5 cities they couldnt take and 3-4 that were in our core anyway) I even offered to make the new mmebers give back any ravage cities they had taken.

I asked a couple alliances to make peace talks with them because I did not wnat them to get killed (the whole friends thing). In return Kareem basically lied to my face about having an agreement with Phi, a Phi member sent me a pm to talk trash ( a sort of "see what your friend said about you") so I knew it was coming but unlike some people I dont break my word. We were told several times that they had no agreement with Phi and would not make one, we were told that they werent going to war us and for most of the era they made no aggressive moves at all.

Its pretty simple really, some things are not ethical even if they are considered to be ok in the game , when Crazy was disbanded I had a rather large army up north, I could easily have grabbed some of yours, deadly and ciscos cities,  (holding them would have been tough tho lol) and I wouldnt have lost them all to upkeep problems however you had been loyal members of Crazy and solid guys so instead I messaged you to let you know what was going on, then I said that we would not attack your 3 man kingdom and I watched as my largest army disolved due to no money lol. according to many on here I would have been within my rights to attack you once you made your own tag, but in my own code that would be  a douchebag move.

hope that clears some of it up.

08:13:46 Dec 1st 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

"When the Doc left to just be a player, Kareem left as well, what I didnt like was that they then pretty much poached over half of Crazy to go with them."

actually no. Kareem was leaving and I found out and found out others were going with him as they had the same issues he did. I went too rather than quit the game.

09:39:14 Dec 1st 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

what ever these "the same issues" are they could have been much more up front about them.  I mean if he and some others either didn't like ryan posting on boards or me making decisions as offensive general.  It is really easy to say I'm leaving and taking those that agree with me.

CRAZY dropped this era and didn't know who was staying.  anyway these leavign issues are pretty vague.  Ryan and I like straight forward stuff.  we didn't want to cf no pulse and we didn't want to nap hearts.  it took away our targets and ruined our march westward.

Blackheart complains about CRAZY taking in new members but he seems content accepting those we took in from ROC last era after rebirth kicked their ass.  anyway I didn't agree with keeping so many armies in a defensive position but the way CRAZY expanded last era made some problem.

I'm glad you didn't quit the game but you played the sorrow card but saying you thought we would attack you and blackheart's vague "do waht is best for your kingdom"  was pretty slimy/ sneaky.

If you left CRAZY becasue you think PHI were right and wanted us to fight them that is fine.  But leave and say consider us at war.  It would have made things very simple.  that would be the honourable way to leave a kingdom.  Tell them what to expect.

the honourable pick their fights with the willing.  anyway kudos to phi for warning us and carrying through with their threats.  Funny how it seems ravage is trying to pretend they respect fight club but it is easy to see through the charade.  Ravage doesn't respect anyone and is just trying to weasal out of their earlier criticism about fc recruiting.

anyway see you at my gates or on the feild.  no hard feelings.  declaring war on CRAZY was ravage's right all along.  Dark is happy to continue that fight.

09:56:25 Dec 1st 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

One day maybe you will learn that everyone does not hold your world view and you make a darn large number of assumptions about other's motives based on your faulty views of how other's think.

Like I said before their issues are theirs. You want to know what they were talk to them. You want to know what mine were talk to me. I only speak for me and I wont air it on here

15:26:16 Dec 2nd 09 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

Blackheart complains about CRAZY taking in new members but he seems content accepting those we took in from ROC last era after rebirth kicked their ass.  anyway I didn't agree with keeping so many armies in a defensive position but the way CRAZY expanded last era made some problem.

i never left crazy till you destroyed and disbanded the KD . so in case you have a problem with me speak up.
and we joined crazy last era and we did our part i beleive . as i can remember that i was going to be a vice in the huge KD crazy after being in it for 600 hour only .i remember i was asked to be a vice but i couldnt due to lack of time  ..

Rebirth did kick our asses as we played in a Kd that had 5 to 8 active players defending against the whole KD .thanks for getting Roc in this problem as this really shows how loyal you are to your Ex-Team members .. im really dissapointed in how you are talking now btw.

15:44:43 Dec 2nd 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

I hve a problem with blackheart complaining about me accepting members from other kingdoms and then accepting members from other kingdoms.  I'm really disappointed that you joined RAVAGE but there isn't much I can do about that.  I played the cards I was dealt.

15:54:27 Dec 2nd 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

can we just accept that we aren't going to agree on some points and let this die. its been going on for days now

19:03:43 Dec 2nd 09 - Mr. Ciscoiii:

I have this code "never post in general forums".F you psycho ,without my archangels last era crazy would have got their asses kicked by nopulse weeks before it did.

would like to add you are running a kingdom that contains only scared azzwipes and babies ,try to hand pick your kingdom mates next era.

21:20:14 Dec 2nd 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

Nobody was insulting you Cisco and I can tell you nobody here is scared either.

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