Forums / In game politics / UN KD hoppers

UN KD hoppers
22:11:04 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Bleddyn:

...Since we have had so many I thought I would make an official topic for the list XD

  1. Mr. Hello-left to join CE
  2. Mr. Samual- Has not yet joined another KD
  3. Bikspiner- Has not yet joined another KD
I THINK there are more, in fact I know because our number of members has dropped by more than three, anyone else who knows who they are add em to the list I want everyone to know not to let these guys into their KDs in future as they leave at the first sign of trouble.

22:29:05 Nov 21st 08 - Mr. Samual:

woah im on a thread XD


07:30:49 Nov 22nd 08 - Sir Cao Cao:

Mr. Hello died and restarted in our core, he was asked to join CE at the beginning of the era but we lost track of him.

09:04:32 Nov 22nd 08 - Duke Slade Griffin:

Mr. Bleddyn


11/22/2008 12:11:04 AM...Since we have had so many I thought I would make an official topic for the list XD

  1. Mr. Hello-left to join CE
  2. Mr. Samual- Has not yet joined another KD
  3. Bikspiner- Has not yet joined another KD
You cant be a KD hopper if you havent joining another kingdom

11:54:14 Nov 22nd 08 - Lord Frizzlefrak:

Samual joined Killer Klownz and Dikzuker I don't know... and *beep* Slade and give everyone their sheep back  :p

12:59:13 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Khain:

Bikespinner joined SF claiming he wanted peace... funny thing is it was just as the going got tough and his armies was standing next to his Kingdom brethren facing the enemy.
Instead of fighting bravely to death or victory he runs scared and hides in a Kingdom whos goal is to farm all age... Brave, brave Bikespinner...
I have more respect for traitors like Hello and Samual and thats saying a lot because I have absolutly no respect for such cowardly traitors.

All hail cowardness and treachery..?

13:14:49 Nov 22nd 08 - Mr. Dope:

Lolz =P
who gives a crap
loosers will always be looser =)

12:44:47 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Bleddyn:

  1. Mr. Hello-left to join CE
  2. Mr. Samual- DEAD *smiles evilly*
  3. Bikspiner- Joined SF
  4. Ready- Joined SF

13:59:37 Nov 23rd 08 - Sir Ready:

guys i said bye to avry one nicly and send them a personal mmsge

17:04:08 Nov 23rd 08 - Sir Cao Cao:

Mr. Hello left CE too, but he's been taken care of.

18:14:06 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Bleddyn:

  1. Mr. Hello-left to join CE and left them too
  2. Mr. Samual- DEAD *smiles evilly*
  3. Mr. Bikspiner- Joined SF
  4. Mr. Ready- Joined SF
  5. Mr. Nick- has not yet joined another KD

18:27:21 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Electric:

Don't worry ready I won't send 15K nazzies at you :)

18:35:27 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Bleddyn:

  1. Mr. Hello-left to join CE and left them too
  2. Mr. Samual- DEAD *smiles evilly*
  3. Mr. Bikspiner- Joined SF
  4. Mr. Ready- Joined SF
  5. Mr. Nick- has not yet joined another KD
  6. Mr. Feroxx-has not yet joined another KD
  7. Mr. Thrall- has not yet joined another KD

18:50:23 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Dope II:

Wow mass desertion of UN :) just shows you recuiting anything tha moves is bad tactics ;)

19:27:32 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Bleddyn:

  1. Mr. Hello-left to join CE and left them too
  2. Mr. Samual- DEAD *smiles evilly*
  3. Mr. Bikspiner- Joined SF
  4. Mr. Ready- Joined SF
  5. Mr. Nick- has not yet joined another KD
  6. Mr. Feroxx-has not yet joined another KD
  7. Mr. Thrall- has not yet joined another KD
  8. Mr. Roran-has not yet joined another KD
Even if the guys who technically didnt KD hop due to not joining another KD they still betrayed us meaning they earn a place on the ever increasing list.

19:51:36 Nov 23rd 08 - General Zondervan:

maybe UN sucks and they are realizing there death from stupidity and are leaving????

19:56:17 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Bleddyn:


No actually

Everyone on that list except Ready did nothing to help the KD and farmed, now that they realise the peoplewho are actually helping havent had the support to withstand attacks from four sides they are leaving

20:34:30 Nov 23rd 08 - Sir Cao Cao:

UN isnt a bad kd, I know dope is a good player. The problem is players on starta have no honor. Once one person leaves its easy for others to follow.

20:41:55 Nov 23rd 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

poor dope =-(

he is indeed a very good player just ended up with bad members =-(

22:17:24 Nov 23rd 08 - Mr. Bleddyn:

=( what about me...I don't get no sympathy...XD

And Cao Cao you tlak about players with no honour and yet you accepted Mr. Hello, a KD hopper, into your ranks.

23:35:52 Nov 23rd 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

well i may give sympathy if i knew who you were >_>,

00:39:15 Nov 24th 08 - Sir Drebin:

Mr. Hello was supposed to join CE back at the beginning of the era. Somewhere along the line things got screwed up and he didnt join us. When he saw us here on Starta he decided to come to us. He left your kingdom and let himself get killed off to restart in our core. Its not like he turned around and attacked you

Ask around, Cao is one of the most honorable players in the game. Cao didnt want to take Mr. Hello in, I convinced him to. I'm a bad influence on him =P

01:07:59 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Dont you dare try to soil Cao Caos reputation. He is one of the most honorable players i know you fag so dont start talking sh1t about him!

01:19:16 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Jackdaniels:

yeah you dumb little *beep*er caos one of the most honorable  players in this games so dont go and try and make him look bad cause more people will stand up for him than will go against him

01:40:58 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Darth Ermurazor:

well drebin couldn't hang on fant so he left after he was whiped like a school girl and i wouldn't call him "one of the most honorable players on the game" not even on the top 100 list.

02:23:12 Nov 24th 08 - Sir Cao Cao:

Lol thanks for defending me guys but its alright. You cant make everybody happy right? I try to be as honorable as possible, but nobody's perfect.

Pretty much all of those UN traitors asked to join CE. I decided to let Hello in for the reasons Drebin stated above, the others I turned away. I dont think Dope is upset at me, as I tipped him off about possible traitors and tried to convince them to stay in UN.

Darth, after being on starta this era, I dont think we would be able to make a list of 100 honorable players in this game anymore =P

02:37:42 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Darth Ermurazor:

why don't you come back to fant next era?


02:39:22 Nov 24th 08 - Sir Cao Cao:

We intend to

02:53:43 Nov 24th 08 - Sir Drebin:

Darth who are you and what kd are you in? Before I mock you, brag about my own greatness, and challenge you I want to know who I am speaking to xD

02:59:16 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Now Spook lets not turn this into a war zone. Save it for the battlefield.

03:07:48 Nov 24th 08 - Sir Drebin:

Aww c'mon, he started it =P

04:14:03 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Darth Ermurazor:

Well Drebin I started on Zeta fighting you when I created the Sith Empire and then later in the Black Label Socity and am now on fant and have been for a few eras and the KD that I am in has beaten Boo and you back counless times and eventualy you left and went to a lesser world to form Big Boo and even that didn't work out because I dont see them any where now. "an you guess who, its a mystery?"



04:40:54 Nov 24th 08 - Sir Drebin:

Actually, Big Boo WON the era on starta, but we decided to merge under Cao because I used to be in CE. The BBoo players are all still here, just now playing under CE.

So i'm assumming you were in PKS? Aside from the backstabbing and gangbanging that PKS pulled on Boo, I honestly dont remember seeing you personally send a single army at us. I'd challenge you 1-on-1, but if memory serves, I've already beaten you before ;)

05:17:03 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Justin:

LMAO!!!BLS what a pathetic kd. Threatens us with power and was soon destroyed by us.

05:58:37 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Darth Ermurazor:

@Drebin I was Darth Bane back then and I sent many Nazzies to contribute to your demise and what happend? We emerged the victor. And no you have never beaten me before you may have won a few battles but I was always the victor in the end.

@ Justin, don't even start with that crap agian. BLS was full on honorable players some of whom are still with PKS now and we do very well. The Devastators or what ever you were were a bunch on infighters and you guys couldn't even hold a KD togather. You guys were (and still are if you stoop so low as to bring crap like this back up)  Retribution of zeta  in the sence that all you do is whine and complain about every thing that dosent go your way.


05:59:43 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Darth Ermurazor:

Lets save it for the battlefield he said before poopin in the pot. lol             EPIC FALURE, COSMIC SHAME Justin. >:)


06:03:04 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Um hello Dumbass we renamed ourselfs Anarchy. We are still The Devastators just called Anarchy YOU NUB COSHY BASTARD.  Lol excuse c0ck sucker BLS was whinning about getting their asses stomped. We were laughing at them the whole time.

06:08:57 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Seth:

hehe there missing me lol i hop kingdom and im proud of it :p

06:20:20 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Darth Ermurazor:

Yea i know that you are on starta have 9 members and are 5th in a world that has 8 members and to me you are 9% of our strength. and who F'N cares about that, seriously, only the whiners who can't get over anything and you are proveing me right by your post. I had not even thought about it untill you brought it up and you sure were quick to. and excuse me obout not saying something earlier about Anarchy and it's whiny leader in STARTA!!!!

06:29:04 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Wow so we fight a bunch of Dark Blood players for a couple weeks. Hold off on them and your complaining about me restart?Im glad  i lost to wilber and his team of Prosapians.. Finally a worthy advesary. And now looky here. Landed in the middle of a war zone. Killed Makedown thanks to a team effort from Evans and Anarchy. Now LER is going to die. And i can bring anythign up i want since this is my last era playing you dill whole. Unlike you i have real responsibilities meaning my gorgeous fiance comes first before a stupid game whihc has been ruined by updates zeta came up with and players like revenge chasing off new players. SO FUK YOU AND THE COSHY KD YOUR IN!!!!

06:29:29 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

Wow Justin, you are by a longshot the most immature player in this game... Rev included... You just sound like a raving *beep* when you do that. But i guess that's what the military wants cause noone brighter than your average lightbulb would ever want to go to war. Congrats, your perfect for the job.

06:36:08 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Darth Ermurazor:

and my wife and three kids come first for me.

06:37:46 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Fuk you Opportunity. Like i give a sh1t what you think. Rev is worse then me. I atleast try to hold my temper. He is just like cobra and will flame anyone who asks a simple god damn question even if its a new person making this fuking game less enjoyable.

And FUK THE MILITARY!!! MERCINARIES ALL THE WAY!!!!! Why get fuked by this BS United States Government like we have been since the last 4 father died. Im getting paid to risk my life not getting butt *beep*ed.

06:43:42 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Justin:

And no wonder your stuck up Darth. You having a wife and three kids means you havent had sex in ages. GET LAID MOTHER FUKER

06:48:44 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Darth Ermurazor:

I fuked my wife twice before i came to work so blow it out your@$$ *beep*


06:49:43 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Lol blow up dolls that you name your wifes name dont count junior.

06:50:44 Nov 24th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

"Rawr I get laid so obviously I am superior to you all!!! Intelligence is suspended in view of my sexual superiority!!"


"I atleast try to hold my temper."

Man if you held you one would have any problem with you.  It is like you have roid rage or something on the forums at times.  You go completely berzerk on people and then 20 page arguments develop.

06:52:03 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Darth Ermurazor:

and it didn't take long for your short little fuse to blow did it?

06:52:16 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Like i give a flying fuk. Like i said. LAST ERA MOTHER FUKER!!!! I got more important sh1t to do. Im leaving how everyone knows me. As an annoying mother fuker who everyone wants to kill.

Oh darth tell your wife thanks for last night. Tell her sorry i forgot to leave the penny on the dresser before i left.

06:59:07 Nov 24th 08 - Mr. Darth Ermurazor:

well i think you thought that would piss me off. well it did not. So go ahead and leave vu would be a better place with out one more super whiner. :)

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