Forums / In game politics / Uhm Multi?

Uhm Multi?
20:11:27 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Bluntmaster:

the only kd Cannabis were at war agianst was Elements.
You (8/12/2008 1:04:10 PM)
i bet it cost you alot to raze tedville. lol
Mr. Pathomatic [HaLL] (8/12/2008 2:12:59 PM) GOOD BAD
6 hr income
You (8/12/2008 2:15:36 PM)
lol. well you wont have an income once im done :p
Mr. Pathomatic [HaLL] (8/12/2008 2:22:21 PM) GOOD BAD
already destroyed, that kind of goes withou saying.
You (8/12/2008 2:25:43 PM)
well thats no fun. you guys arent even putting up a fight.
Mr. Pathomatic [HaLL] (8/12/2008 2:31:08 PM) GOOD BAD
well, you guys didnt to us on mant, i guess alls fair. Anyhow, yeah, we are checking out here.
You (8/12/2008 2:32:44 PM)
im not sure what you mean about mant. i wasnt here last era.
Mr. Pathomatic [HaLL] (8/12/2008 2:33:26 PM) GOOD BAD
This were bob marley right?
You (8/12/2008 2:34:27 PM)
You (8/12/2008 2:40:44 PM)
were you multiing in elements?
Mr. Pathomatic [HaLL] (8/12/2008 2:52:32 PM) GOOD BAD
well thats what i mean, you guys didnt put up a fight there with us either.

Anyhow, in truth I really did want to make starta fun. Between the 50% rule, starta registration ending early (shorting us on opponents) and the fact some people were playing on better one really wanted to play. See how I own all 3 blockers and my armies are the only ones in them (high upkeep as you can imagine)? That was not by choice...just no one else cared enough to do anything. Ravenantx and Deathlord both dont even like this game and were just playing as a favor to me. Ravenant probably has about 900 million food bought from me (he has no farms).

12 hours before the war started the new era for Liege Lord(a game about 40 of us play together) opened and protection just ended 13 hours ago. Something had to give. Personally I wanted it to be LL so that we could play VU but ...apparently I was alone in that belief. We have a guy in our kingdom with more nazgul than you (and he didnt land drop). But he often goes 3 days without logging in because hes busy playing other games. So its just rather pointless to keep playing on this map is all.

I know how important self esteem is at your age, ill let you think you have made some great strategic move that alexander the great would be envious of.

Feel free to reply, but im not logging in again so it will just be wasted.

20:13:46 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Bluntmaster:

Also a nub. :)

20:57:40 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Hmmm....if I hear voices in my head, does that make me a multi?

21:22:00 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Bluntmaster:

he just admitted that he faught Cannabis before we went to Starta. The only kd we faught was Elements. He had his kd at that time too. He basically said he was multiing.
if your not smart enough to figure that out then dont even post.

22:02:05 Aug 14th 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim III:

*Septim grabs Tunder Strike.

"Nope! It makes you schizophrenic!"

*Septim eats Tunder Strike's head.

"Yay! Now I hear two new voices!"

*Septim runs away talking to himself.

23:04:26 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:

Roses are Red

Violets are Blue

I'm Schizophrenic

And so am I

23:05:30 Aug 14th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

*Points at Septim*

Haha! Your head is saying poetry

23:09:10 Aug 14th 08 - Mr. Tunder Strike:


03:17:11 Aug 15th 08 - Lord Kevdwayne:

Mr Bluntmaster... only proves what we all know and Zeta denies... Elements is a KD of multi's who have figured out a way to abuse the bugs.... no news there, just the same old bs..... Regretfully you are feeling the effects of it... you are not alone.

03:37:22 Aug 15th 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:

Ummmmm its not you who decides who is a multi it is Zeta who decides and if he doesnt feel like deciding get over it.

03:38:02 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Chi:

lol Kev you are a tool.  You dont know what you are talking about and making excuses and imagining all sorts of crap.

and yes I know all the whiny, back stabbing, two faced, bull *beep* you've pulled in this game.

And further more, there isnt anyone playing more than one account in Elements.  Some people thought it was ok to have an old account they used to play still active.  It's not like *we* need to have a multi to get any better or learn the game.  It was already active.  I was smart I guess and simply deleted my old account before coming to Elements.  Some didn't.  get over it.

08:58:27 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

yeah we are bug abusers(as imnot because got deleted) ;) u know we had auspice in elements he teached us all the bug abusing ;) how u think i made those nazzies? :D i am haxor ;D i haxed to zetas pc and made 10k in my armory.. :D lol kev u are such a nub ;D elements bug abusers :D tell me what we abused? huh? 

09:35:00 Aug 15th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:


I'd like to correct this post by Mr. Chi :

Mr. Chi


8/15/2008 3:38:02 AM
lol Kev you are a tool.  You dont know what you are talking about and making excuses and imagining all sorts of crap.

and yes I know all the whiny, back stabbing, two faced, bull *beep* you've pulled in this game.

And further more, there isnt anyone playing more than one account in Elements.  Some people thought it was ok to have an old account they used to play still active.  It's not like *we* need to have a multi to get any better or learn the game.  It was already active.  I was smart I guess and simply deleted my old account before coming to Elements.  Some didn't.  get over it.


And further more, there isnt anyone playing more than one account in Elements.


And further more, there isnt anyone playing more than one account in Elements that we know of.

10:12:38 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Chi:

Lewatha, it's sort of insulting and hypocritical you insinuating stuff like that since you were one of us last era.  You know that Elements didn't cheat then nor now.

And also I'd like to point out that it was an even greater insult to me that you went around telling people who we all were when you agreed last era and knew that past identity was considered sacred.

So I lost a little respect for you because of that and it's the only reason I and Gravity were so hell bent on destroying your KD in the first place.  Learn to hold to your word and you'll earn more respect from me.

16:30:29 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Gravity:

guys, this is just the typical example of :

"OMG! I can't winzorz!, They MUST be cheating!"

its the logical thought process of a 4 year old

1- I'm here hi!
2- OOh look, I'm strong!
3- OW you kicked my ass!
4- I wasn't trying, you just got lucky!
5- lookie, I try again! harder!
6- I still lose? wtf?
7- Must be cheating. FLAME AND POINT FINGERS!

I mean grow up, seriously.
all of you.

17:44:47 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Basch:

I hate dogs c**** who dob other people in. Although I do hate multi's too though

21:07:33 Aug 15th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

Did I ever say you were cheating? I think not. Other people might have that idea, but I do not.

and no, I didn't give away any names. Only trog's because he was a complete *beep* and was insulting me personally while I tried helping elements as a kingdom. NO other people have been named. Get your facts straight before you try putting me on my place.

and chi, how the heck can you know wether there's other multi's in your kd. or not? I suspect preds didn't know xiahou was a multi, but he was. Some players are a bit smarter and don't tell every person that wants to listen that they're a multi.

21:51:07 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Earth:

Well lew is quite right. We dont have any multies that I know of. There could always be more... But I think we have 0. Lew meant the same and she is right!

Gravity, Chi please chill.

ps. Oh lew already explained, I posted this before I read her last post xD

21:59:45 Aug 15th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

atleast one person understands my comment O.o

22:02:33 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Gravity:

and Lew, I disliked RoC well before you joined Ret this era... and since Retribution befriended RoC, the dislike spread...

Thats the fall of allies who piss people off.

23:38:10 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Chi:

I appologize Lew.  Someone told me that you told them who I was.  But I understand that could be a lie on their part.  Anyway, other that believing what someone told me, I've never had a problem with ya so I'll drop it.

23:44:35 Aug 15th 08 - Lord Kevdwayne:

Backstabbing?  Provide one instance of backstabbing.... I think the whole crux of this matter is we berfiended Ret and you took it personally... who is whining?  And as for the rest of your denials and allegations spare me the rhetoric... and Oralive.... are you even from this planet?  Good grief, it is a game, you beat us....and you have to come on here and beat your chest and flaunt it?  Lack of Sportsmanship and maturity... Trog used you to make good on his promise to beat us this era... end of story.  And why the 'big secret' as to who you are?  LOL, again, just a game, who cares? 

23:52:24 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Shoon:

O_O Cannibis and HaLL are after me!!!!!!!I gotta hide!!!!! (I mean that they hate me I see a ton of their scouts go by O.o)

23:54:23 Aug 15th 08 - Mr. Shoon:

They hate me and are on the hunt and CANNIBIS REFUSES PEACE!!!!!!!O_O_O_O_O

02:02:45 Aug 16th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Mr. Gravity


8/15/2008 5:02:33 PM
and Lew, I disliked RoC well before you joined Ret this era... and since Retribution befriended RoC, the dislike spread...

Thats the fall of allies who piss people off.
What about me? Dont you hate me for ditching you in SK for being a complete retard? I think that deserves being added to the hate list. =P

02:37:27 Aug 16th 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

Umm is a muilti!!!! his other accounts ar Hmmm, Doh, and I dont know.

02:59:41 Aug 16th 08 - Mr. Gravity:

yeah SK and that group of retards deserves the list too.

03:12:31 Aug 16th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Mr. Gravity


8/15/2008 9:59:41 PM
yeah SK and that group of retards deserves the list too.
Wooo! I wasnt left out. ^_^ Thanks "Gravity!"

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