Forums / In game politics / United Nations (Embassy)

United Nations (Embassy)
21:23:25 Apr 21st 07 - Mr. Thore:

Next Era i shall make a united nations kd. This kd shall be just like the real UN. Any KD can apply to join and are not required to join the UNKD to be in the UN. The UN is here to stop arma in fantasha, protect the KDs in the UN, and to enfore UN rules of power ballance that will be made latter.

The UN will make its decision from 2 bodys. One is the House, this part will consist of all nations in the UN and votes will be based on power.

The other body will be the Congress, this will consist of all nations as well but votes will be based on 1 vote per kd.

For a rule or decision to be passed votes will take place in both bodys, for a body to pass a rule or decision there must be 2 to 1 in votes AND both bodys must pass the rule. Voteing will take place for 1 week OR untill all of the KDs in the UN vote OR untill the rule will pass of fail no matter what (over 2 thirds vote for or over 1third votes ageansed).

I need you to tell me first which nations will join before this gets started and which rules should be change so the UN will be more fair. Strong nations will benefite from its votes in the house and weaker nations will benefite from the protection offered.

So you in?

23:14:41 Apr 21st 07 - Mr. Cobra:


23:16:00 Apr 21st 07 - Mr. Hungrier Horse:


23:18:47 Apr 21st 07 - Mr. Brashen:

haha that was a funny post but should it not be in the hangaround instead.

That is the place for all comics and stuff.

23:24:06 Apr 21st 07 - Sir Arzun:

I second all previous responces. But I must agree that arma should be stopped by any means necesary in Fantasha!

23:40:02 Apr 21st 07 - Mr. Chamillionaire:

I dunno, this might work out if you get some of the bigger and more powerful KD's to join. Without them all your drafts will be pointless due to the fact that no one will enforce them.

00:20:12 Apr 22nd 07 - Mr. The Viking:

This could make a beautifull alliance if the rules are strict , and give smaller kingdoms a chance to survive. You would have less enemies to fear of and more allies incase it dosen't go well.

One rule that would be good, is to obligate kingdoms to make their members ready to send out troops within 48 hours of being asked to

05:30:13 Apr 22nd 07 - Mr. Stormcrow:


06:30:47 Apr 22nd 07 - Duke Efrandor:

Current memebers:

  • Mr. Thore
  • Mr. Chamillionaire
  • Mr. The Viking

You guys got something going here.

10:41:43 Apr 22nd 07 - Duke Sobek:

well, it's nice of them trying to achieve something extra to the game ... but don't count me in, perhaps after a night drinking with efrandor <3 ^^

11:43:51 Apr 22nd 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

Lets see, by my prediction it could work... if by could work, you mean absolutely no chance whatsoever.

0% chance, give up before you start.

11:49:58 Apr 22nd 07 - Mr. Kassius Xvii:

could work fer about 1/2 an era b4 the novelty wears off...then itll just collapse

21:12:24 Apr 24th 07 - Mr. Thore:

come on we need strong kds to join i beg of the top 5 nations to join the UN or otherwise this organization will be a flop, dont you hate arma being cast every era?

21:28:49 Apr 24th 07 - Lord Osiris:

if the top 5 kds didnt fight what would be the point?

22:05:22 Apr 24th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xviii:

i doubt any1 would want an ongoing era as few strong ppl would survive and newcomers would end up dead str8 out of protection, it would be boring

02:00:24 Apr 25th 07 - Mr. Apache:

fantasha, enfore, ballance, bodys, Voteing, untill, ageansed, benefite


I require all my diplomatic rulers to have a 4th grade education before I willingly offer my protection.


02:31:15 Apr 25th 07 - Mr. The Viking:

Im in College now and consider myself pretty smart. I'll take an IQ test if i find any on the net =)

By the way, my kd is amongst the top kds, at the beginning of the era, we exterminated 2 kingdoms by ourselves : The Legion and  Dark Riders. Iluminati was also top 5  one week ago, but we lost a war against LGC due to not being well organised. Last era we did good also btw

As Vice in IE, I would put our kd in the United nations if the voting system is exclusively based on Kd Power, because a kd that is less than 1% as powerfull should not get an equal vote as a good kd. So if you do that, contact ' Arzun ' (The Leader) and tell him about the proposition and of me being for this proposition

10:43:19 Apr 25th 07 - Mr. Hemmer:

What about a voting system based upon dancing skills?

10:46:41 Apr 25th 07 - Mr. Cobra:

I nominate Viking for a vote based on delusions!

20:59:36 Apr 25th 07 - Mr. Furonn:

It's a good idea but this will probably never work because not a lot of people would want to do this and would probably think that if arma was cast then they or someone else would stop it if it was to early.                                    

21:46:52 Apr 25th 07 - Lord Osiris:

what i dont understand is why make a UN? to stop war? to save people who are too weak for fantasia or for a power trip

21:49:07 Apr 25th 07 - Lord Osiris:

try it out on mantrax or something because on fant you will just be whiped off the map

21:16:15 Apr 26th 07 - Mr. Thore:

it wont work on matrax because then there will be little point in stoping arma would it? Matrax is weaker than fantasha and arma happnes rearly there, Think about it new players wont die quickly with this because they will be protected.

21:20:38 Apr 26th 07 - Lord Osiris:

you couldnt stop arma with a coalition of tiny kds. you wont get any of the top kds who could make a difference so catch 22

21:21:38 Apr 26th 07 - Dreadlord Valarion:

*Is insulted by the idea*

Legacy enforces peace on Fantasia! Itīs really a simple matter of executing despots like Osiris and replacing them

Lay down your weapons, hand over your physically attractive men and woman, surrender your towns and your people shall reap the benefits of eternal  res...err peace!

21:23:04 Apr 26th 07 - Lord Osiris:

Legacy enforces peace on Fantasia!<--- much has changed :p

21:26:57 Apr 26th 07 - Dreadlord Valarion:

Nonsense! Always have I been a stalwart defender of everything that is peace, honor and duty.

22:26:02 Apr 26th 07 - Mr. Thore:

Legacy can't enforce fantasha, it dosnt have the power, the UN will be a kd AND a colection of kds spread out through the map enforceing UN laws.

Big kds will have more power due to the voteing method and more say over the rules, they also enforce the laws THEY voted for, the little kds get protection in the UN.

Its a win-win situation

22:29:22 Apr 26th 07 - Sir Arzun:

Fantasha FTW! WOOO!

22:33:57 Apr 26th 07 - Lord Osiris:

Mr. Thore


4/26/2007 4:26:02 PM

Legacy can't enforce fantasha, it dosnt have the power, the UN will be a kd AND a colection of kds spread out through the map enforceing UN laws.

Big kds will have more power due to the voteing method and more say over the rules, they also enforce the laws THEY voted for, the little kds get protection in the UN.

Its a win-win situation

No big kds will join. so its not a win win situation.

22:37:57 Apr 26th 07 - Mr. Hungrier Horse:

The game is turning degenerate with all this promotion of peace and nonsense.

What we need is the opposite, hardcore warring. It is very fun.

22:38:11 Apr 26th 07 - Dreadlord Valarion:

Nobody actually read what I wrote:(

22:41:40 Apr 26th 07 - Lord Osiris:

but you get flamed for trying hardcore warring :(

22:46:24 Apr 26th 07 - Mr. Hungrier Horse:

We haven't been. :)

22:49:39 Apr 26th 07 - Lord Osiris:

well bring some heat then

22:58:22 Apr 26th 07 - Mr. Seth The Errant God:

lol valar..u sound just like G.W. Bush...

u would only need to say: God bless legacy..cose we keep the liberty and peace in the world..:P

and u would be more credible than that bush guy is when saying it:))

03:46:42 Apr 27th 07 - Mr. Apache:

matrax, stoping, fantasha, happnes, rearly, colection..........

College Education?

must be some new-fangled college jargon.

Or secret "brilliant strategist" stuff that we dont know about. I mean, he thought of the United Kingdom, of course he has far superior intellect.

22:02:45 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Thore:

k i let this sit for a few days now when the next era starts the United Nations kd (UNKD) will begin, the United Nations Assembly (UNA) will start up shortly after, plz i need a yes or no from all kds and i will be messaging kd leaders as soon as the next era starts. Its float or sink time.

22:44:53 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Stormcrow:

On behalf of the Carnage Brotherhood I would like to say




Thank you and have a pleasant tomorrow;)

23:20:41 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Thor:

Will you look for WMD ?

22:49:13 May 4th 07 - Mr. Thore:

no we well not look for weapons of mass destructions, we may kill ppl who cast arma, depends on what people make the rules, remember this is open to new rules, i will set up some ground rules and you are free to vote for new rules to replace them.

23:32:55 May 4th 07 - Mr. Soccerplaya:

will u send me free aid?

00:00:41 May 5th 07 - Mr. Thor:

I can send you lemon aid, quite tastey too.

00:02:27 May 5th 07 - Mr. Soccerplaya:

ah, thanks! ur a lifesaver!

00:32:23 May 5th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

This is a funny thread ^_^

02:21:57 May 5th 07 - Mr. Thore:

Someone has copyed my name, my name is Thore with a E not thor,

the UN will send its members aid IF PEOPLE JOIN!

COME ON after it gets started the UN will be rulled by the strong nations who join, little nations if you get support for your cause you are shure to win the votes in at least one house (read the top rules)

02:21:58 May 5th 07 - Mr. Thore:

Someone has copyed my name, my name is Thore with a E not thor,

the UN will send its members aid IF PEOPLE JOIN!

COME ON after it gets started the UN will be rulled by the strong nations who join, little nations if you get support for your cause you are shure to win the votes in at least one house (read the top rules)

02:27:08 May 5th 07 - Mr. Thor:

I am Thor, Norse God of War...and I'm a poet and I didn't know it.

18:50:25 May 5th 07 - Ms. Erica Brahmins:

lol... umn... *looks at the thread tittle.*


21:08:46 May 7th 07 - Mr. UN Official:

K i am creating the UNKD, i need some people to  help me create it, Plz help me by wrighting my name as a ruler.

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