Forums / In game politics / Unproven but Obvious Treachery

Unproven but Obvious Treachery
05:25:53 May 22nd 08 - Mr. Clamps The Irreveran:

Well we've (Trio) been infiltrated by spies is the short of it. We're pretty sure we know who's doing it and we know where the info is going. We don't know how far it has spread though but do know that our enemies seem to be using that info against us. We may be acting a little weird now because of it (possibly kicking some people at the worst) and grudgingly must admit that it is affecting things for our fighting, but thought it would be fair to our players if people understood why.

We'd like to ask that any enemies accepting and/or using any stolen info do the honourable thing and turn in their sources. It looks much better for those people to admit it and just agree to stop it than to be proven as being so dishonourable later (very soon) and never live it down.

05:43:05 May 22nd 08 - The Dark Knight:

Why would we give up teh sources?  If you find out who they are, the info will stop coming...

05:47:31 May 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

Because using information that has been given to you by a spy that you placed in that Kingdom says you are a coward and cant win without cheating which also makes u pathetic.

05:51:06 May 22nd 08 - Lord Carthac Pendragon:


Justin is right

i am a Zete player but DAMN!

if you need info just build 10K guardtowers...
thats plenty of info friend...

I feel your pain Clamps, there are no Honorable players on this game anymore...(ok well there is some left)

: D

05:51:47 May 22nd 08 - Dark Iron Madien:

Getting info is part of war. Spying is part of war. Accept it and deal with it.

05:52:24 May 22nd 08 - The Dark Knight:

But this info is the only way we can win teh warz...  Why would I place a spy in your kingdom?  I have people to do that kind of stuff for me, I'm just that awesome...

05:54:51 May 22nd 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Britannia:

Alot of new Fant kds go through this at one point or another. Part of the risks of letting just anyone and everyone in there. I'm sure you all will track down your leak and I hate that it happened to you all. Just take something from it and grow as a kd.

06:05:20 May 22nd 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

"I feel your pain Clamps, there are no Honorable players on this game anymore...(ok well there is some left)"

If you hadnt added on that ending part I would forever hate you >=(

Spies=teh suxors

07:14:46 May 22nd 08 - Mr. Clamps The Irreveran:

Knight I don't even know who the hell you are so I don't even care what you know lol. But yeah Lelouch hit it right on the head and Iron missed it altogether: yeah we know it's common and aren't going to make a BIG deal of it but it is still really lame to use that tactic.... It may be a part of war in this game but not for everyone and plenty get to the top without it. It's just the growing pains of finding out who we can really trust that is, uh, "painful" =p

07:17:09 May 22nd 08 - Sir Drunken:

CIA must be very honourable tru all the years :D

09:46:48 May 22nd 08 - Mr. Mushasji:

i don't know, and i'm probably wrong, but i've seen some trio-players leave, then their towns get taken by other trio ... and some seem to have respawned (or maybe they just started late?) ... just a question , are you feeding towns to eachother?

11:00:11 May 22nd 08 - Mr. Orcinus of The Orca:

simple answer 2 your question mushasji is no we are not.

anymore questions....dnt hesitate 2 ask we r a transparent lot.

21:17:32 May 22nd 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XIV:

and also i would like to tell u lot that even if someone spies on you there is only to a certain extent it could help them, for example if you have alot more troops then your enemy all they can do is know whats taking there cities...and also whats keeping them ;). But you guys acting too rashly would be quite likely considering i have played alongside you, so therefore to dont go crazy!!

ps i got demoted because one of you deleted a forum...remember your all loonies

21:25:01 May 22nd 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

i believe "the dark knight" is "the architect"
maybe, maybe not o.0

22:27:10 May 22nd 08 - Mr. Arctic Devil:

yeah he is :D the same old fart

22:41:25 May 22nd 08 - Mr. Clamps The Irreveran:

Yeah I know Justin. I learned a lesson from the usa in the last few years. We won't let the terrorists win =p

05:46:11 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

"ps i got demoted because one of you deleted a forum"

Yeah... 'that' was the reason..

06:07:54 May 23rd 08 - Duke Epymon:

This seems like the perfect moment to show some.... SCREENSHOTS!!!

zomg no wai!!

OH RLY?!?!?

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! feed much? =)

16:06:52 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Killstone:

and also the city yo ucan see in the first pic (byza.... soemthing er other) also belonged to wildspy

16:32:49 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Pedro Al Bear:

Trio is really cool guy eh, town swaps and doesn't afraid of anything.

16:52:47 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Darkstar:

Wildspy quit -- check

Mr. Boggers was highly inactive. --check

What wrong taking cities for KD people? or maybe we should have said, come guys take 'em :) lmao

ZOMG at you Duke

16:55:37 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

A perfect example of why you shouldn't make assumptions when you are clearly a pathetic nub trying to stir up an argument in the forums.

Wildspy had to leave because of RL problems, just like a lot of other people have this era, and there are more to come unfortunately.

Oh the wise and omnipotent Epyon and his bandwagon of apparent do-gooders, what do you think would be the logical course of action?

OF COURSE! It's to leave our own cities for other people to take, right!!?

16:58:09 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Darkstar:

Sheolic Empire

City Info
Owner: Mr. Elliott Kingdom Banner
Size: 1226 building(s).
Kingdom: Sheolic Empire
Gates: no gates


Also i think i remember this one! Does anyone of you guys know who this city belonged before it was taken by Mr. Elliot? After all it was named "Sheolic Empire"

You see Duke Epymon? You have to consult facts before you jump into conclusions.

17:07:26 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Orcinus of The Orca:

now ther gona hav a go at us if we take hanky's cities wen he goes! serious guys this is patheitc.

im not even gona comment on this very undignified post of yours epymon.......worst of all is that u didnt actually say anythin u jst put the pictures up 2 insinuate n look 4 a reaction which im nt gona giv u the satisfaction of gtin 1.


also 2 any self proclaimed geniouses who c any contradiction in my reply well.................SO WAT? do u want a medal 4 statin the obvious!





further more in reply 2 darkstars last post.........I KNO!

17:09:58 May 23rd 08 - Duke Epymon:

Mr. Darkstar


5/23/2008 11:52:47 AM

Wildspy quit -- check

Mr. Boggers was highly inactive. --check

What wrong taking cities for KD people? or maybe we should have said, come guys take 'em :) lmao

ZOMG at you Duke

Mr. Squiddy


5/23/2008 11:55:37 AM
A perfect example of why you shouldn't make assumptions when you are clearly a pathetic nub trying to stir up an argument in the forums.

Wildspy had to leave because of RL problems, just like a lot of other people have this era, and there are more to come unfortunately.

Oh the wise and omnipotent Epyon and his bandwagon of apparent do-gooders, what do you think would be the logical course of action?

OF COURSE! It's to leave our own cities for other people to take, right!!?

man, all the Trio ppls are waking up now and flaming me :( yeah you're supposed to leave the cities for us, DUH :P

17:14:11 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Darkstar:

Hey Duke, you were trying to hijack the thread, hence our reaction.

After all this topic is about leaking info from Trio to Sheol's profit.

Got anything to say in the subject?

17:16:27 May 23rd 08 - Duke Epymon:

yeah you guys are being really vague. all flaming aside, I dont really get what you're trying to say

"We're pretty sure we know who's doing it and we know where the info is going. We don't know how far it has spread though but do know that our enemies seem to be using that info against us"

who took the info? how's it being used against you? wtf is the info? :P please explain some more Im interested to hear

17:42:05 May 23rd 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Mr. Darkstar


5/23/2008 10:58:09 AM

Sheolic Empire

City Info
Owner: Mr. Elliott Kingdom Banner
Size: 1226 building(s).
Kingdom: Sheolic Empire
Gates: no gates


Also i think i remember this one! Does anyone of you guys know who this city belonged before it was taken by Mr. Elliot? After all it was named "Sheolic Empire"

You see Duke Epymon? You have to consult facts before you jump into conclusions.

Yes that city belonged to a single player who spawned in our core and tried to join us by naming his city "Sheolic Empire".  This was the only city this player created, and it was taken OOP, and this player was never part of Sheolic Empire.

There were also 2 Carnage cities in our core, Costco and Sam Walton.

Hope this answers your question.

20:31:37 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Killstone:

"After all this topic is about leaking info from Trio to Sheol's profit."

i havnt seen any info or ehard of any info from trio! what kind of info is "sheol spying from trio"?

21:26:19 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Wyzer, he wasn't actually asking anything, just making the point that it's easy to scream about town swapping when you don't apply any factual information or common sense to it :P

21:57:09 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XIV:

either way i dont believe there is a spy i believe its just trio thinking somebody would waste there time and do such a thing

22:14:50 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Mushasji:


provided by a special person :-p

big mama & co (merged)

army info
commander: mr. khalifa kingdom banner
kingdom: the musketeers
size: division (10,000-20,000)
status: camping

merged armies

big mama
owned by khalifa

hakuna matata
owned by mr. orcinus of the orca

barrack reinforcements
owned by mr. squiddy


omg, they have three armies in there!

22:16:34 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Mushasji:

if you knwo everything, then take action, don't post it on forums, fishing ...

and then falling for the bait :-p

22:18:04 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

what!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3........damn......that makes them 3 Mustbeqeers

damn...mean 3 musketeers...."Come Dartanion, were saving the King"

22:56:40 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Darkstar:

Mr. Mushasji


5/23/2008 10:16:34 PM

if you knwo everything, then take action, don't post it on forums, fishing ...

and then falling for the bait :-p

We dont know anything? Falling for the bait? So you in any way approve there is someone who leaks information and asking to take action? Wow :D finaly someone confessed ...

22:59:43 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

"what!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3........damn......that makes them 3 Mustbeqeers"

I see they have unleashed the witty superpowers of the forum chav :( We are done for guys :(

23:12:41 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Bling Bob: was waiting to be said...i do feel for you guys a KD vice you put a lot of time and effort organising the takes a lot...from making sure the new players dont attack your NAP/Alliance right through to ensuring your counter attacks are going to be effective...only for all of that to be undone by a KD, who lack the half wit intlligence to forsee battle strategies or take the time to understand their enemy and his/her tactics, strengths and weakness' bad bad KD with the will come back to haunt you, as many KD's have found out in the past.

23:13:16 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Mushasji:

@ Darkstar: read the first post

"Well we've (Trio) been infiltrated by spies is the short of it. We're pretty sure we know who's doing it and we know where the info is going. We don't know how far it has spread though but do know that our enemies seem to be using that info against us ..."  

if that's not fishing, then i don't know what is ...

23:21:14 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XIV:

trio dont hav a spy end of story its a publicity stunt to get more members ;)

23:22:58 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Darkstar:

Mr. Mushasji


5/23/2008 11:13:16 PM

@ Darkstar: read the first post

"Well we've (Trio) been infiltrated by spies is the short of it. We're pretty sure we know who's doing it and we know where the info is going. We don't know how far it has spread though but do know that our enemies seem to be using that info against us ..."  

if that's not fishing, then i don't know what is ...

We know we have a spy, we don't fish, however we are not rushing to kick or take action until we have the final proof. Clamps posted this so that whoever does it may refrain from doing so, because that may take a high reputation toll, both for your KD, and the player ... hence the postname "Unproven but Obvious Treachery".



23:23:10 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Qassim The Reborn:

Oh... wait, we don't fish? :(

23:26:19 May 23rd 08 - Mr. Killstone:

alright now the obvious trechery. where does the obvious part come in? ive come to this thread many times and i am in sheol and i still fail to see what KD is spying on you and how it is obvious

00:33:55 May 24th 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XIV:

ther is no such thing lol there lieng to u

00:36:33 May 24th 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

I spy...u see u like...come ebay...i sell all...$ u long time

00:43:27 May 24th 08 - Mr. Killstone:

Mr. Justanius Fontainius XIV


5/23/2008 6:33:55 PM
ther is no such thing lol there lieng to u


rofl i know! thats my point in my biting sarcastic way (even though its ahrd to show sarcasm over the itnernet i do it subconciously (sp?)

i jsut want them to say it. and knowing i posted 4 min after darkstar i kind of expected an answer by now.... but their silence so far ahs also proven my point :)

00:54:13 May 24th 08 - Mr. Clamps The Irreveran:

Now who's fishing =p? You're not seeing why it's obvious because I very specifically stayed away from spelling it out. If sheol didn't do anything wrong then they don't have anything to say right? Very simple.

The thread wasn't put up to prove anything because we can't prove anything immediately, least of all after making it public that we are suspicious of some people. How could we without someone coming clean? These things have a way of coming out after an era or two though, when people start to get lazy about what they kept quiet before. I guess this is another one of those things. Also we could be dead wrong, but we don't think we are is all.

00:59:53 May 24th 08 - Mr. Clamps The Irreveran:

BTW, lying? Why-tf would we lie about that 0_o? Seriously I'm asking.

03:00:45 May 24th 08 - Duke Epymon:

okay Trio peoples, I have more important things to worry about right now soo... let's just put all this behind us and have mucho bumsecks, kay?? lol...

03:09:30 May 24th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

So... basically you don't want to answer Clamps' question? :P

03:11:29 May 24th 08 - Duke Epymon:

well, I figure that his question is rather irrelevant at the moment... :) war brings out the worst in me :P

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