Forums / In game politics / Vahalla kingdoms

Vahalla kingdoms
14:38:12 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Vengence:

PH Power Hungry 21 Mr. Necromonger 792


please stop accepting people, this amount of members makes it impossible for other kingdoms to get going, you are all over the map b/c ur accepting everyone. It is madness.

14:46:14 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Lelouch:

No..... IT, IS, VALHALLA!!!

*kicks Vengence*

15:18:01 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Kanthor:

Vengence, it was mostly your act that brought PH and Preds to war, you knew you would lose so don't go whine about the amount of members we have

15:21:53 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Fred:

lol i am the one who stops sparta from accepting people i don't like a lot of people because then u r not powerful u r just weak and rely on numbers.

15:27:35 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Kanthor:

Mr. Kanthor
Member of: Power Hungry.

Mr. Fruit Loop
Member of: Power Hungry.

Mr. Necromonger
Member of: Power Hungry.

Mr. Fred
Member of: Sparta.

Mr. Vulover
Member of: Sparta.

Mr. Bintok
Member of: Sparta.

Mr. Sukhe Bator
Member of: Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Mr. Heroslayer
Member of: Power Hungry.

Mr. Watkins
Member of: Power Hungry.

Mr. Chimaira
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Yea we have really weak members

15:28:44 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Fred:

lol because u guys recruit everyone plus u all farm

15:30:04 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Kanthor:

Yea, we have been farming so much....

Preds can agree to that we have hardly any troops at all because of our farming....

15:31:56 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Fred:

lol only one or two people r fighting compared to all your members thats nothing the rest r farming.

15:42:52 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Kanthor:

late starters most of them, don't worry. We will have them training soon enough ;)

15:45:07 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Fred:

so you admit that most of ur members r farming while a few r attacking. See this is wat happens with big kds i hat them they r hard to control when war spreads out. Preds are not putting much of fight due to that they have ni members.

15:54:31 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Kanthor:

Yeah, farming to get their income up to get a good enough income...Nothing wrong with that...

15:57:15 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Fred:

well u guys shouldn't recruit so many people.

16:07:42 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Sparemylifeplz:

21 people is not a lot of people. One era, a kingdom got 90 people +.

17:17:05 Dec 31st 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

PH Power Hungry 21 Mr. Necromonger 2


doesn't seem strong to me.


Preds Predators 12 Sir Darkmarsbar 0

nope, pretty even , only 2%P between them!

18:27:14 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Cool Guy:

PH Power Hungry 22 Mr. Necromonger 100
Preds Predators 12 Sir Darkmarsbar 12

Hmm, Preds really think that they will win battle for Valhalla. The sad thing is, according to viking legand, if anyone dies in Valhalla they come back to life the next day (and we will kill them when they get back again).

19:05:21 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Ctopha:

Which is why we have stopped acceping other then prior KD players.

21:04:27 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Vengence:

I am not talking about our war. I am talking about the ridiculous amount of members you have.

21:41:17 Dec 31st 07 - Mr. Kanthor:

Are you trying to be funny? or are you just whining...for god sake take a look at kd page!

SilKSilicon Knights43Mr. Jones0

If you want to start  a thread because you think a kd have many members there is your kd!

21:44:30 Dec 31st 07 - Sir Mars:

preds members: first of all we have 3 ppl who arent playing atm (dead coz they havent restarted)

now we did start abit later than PH so we could start attacking ppl before us( getting more income = more troops) and if cool guy you think that your better than preds then come to mantrax with us next era and we shall show you our full strenght.

also im going to be looking for you and killing and taken every thing of yours i see coz your buging me now.


16:09:01 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Cooper:

wow doing all that just becuase hes bugging you preds i have never seen you in Fantasha befor and mantrax is still only middle level players

16:13:39 Jan 3rd 08 - Sir Revenge:

Mr. Cooper


1/3/2008 4:09:01 PM
wow doing all that just becuase hes bugging you preds i have never seen you in Fantasha befor and mantrax is still only middle level players

Are you blind?

16:48:24 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Bloodbeast:

Mr cooper  Preds have been on fantasha a few times if u payed attention u would no

preds may not be doin as gd as they normaly do but even if they come in the top 10 that is still gd


16:50:26 Jan 3rd 08 - Sir Spoon:

Mr. Cooper


1/3/2008 4:09:01 PM
wow doing all that just becuase hes bugging you preds i have never seen you in Fantasha befor and mantrax is still only middle level players
Mantrax is not 'only' middle level players. The skill level in Mantrax is having a huge boost atm, so *beep* Cooper, you're almost worse than Revenge.

16:51:00 Jan 3rd 08 - Sir Mars:


16:51:04 Jan 3rd 08 - Prince Mielo:

wow doing all that just becuase hes bugging you Revenge i have never seen you in Fantasha befor and mantrax is still only middle level players

16:52:45 Jan 3rd 08 - Sir Iwasfrozen VI:

Come on Pred, Your losing on vall ??

16:54:01 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Bloodbeast:

Iwasfrozen they r down cuz u left n some others=(


16:55:44 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

mantrax having huge skill boost??  omg, what am i doing running around with 4k axers and virtually no mus :(

16:58:28 Jan 3rd 08 - Sir Spoon:

Twam, look at players like Revenge! They're awesome! They rock! Go Revenge! They're the future of VU! (   :(    )

16:59:47 Jan 3rd 08 - Prince Mielo:

Spoon, I hope you have a fresh pare of panties on?

17:04:53 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

the future looks dark :)

18:08:06 Jan 3rd 08 - Sir Revenge:

The future is bright, the futures Revenge  >:)

16:51:39 Jan 6th 08 - Sir Mars:

PH Power Hungry 27 Sir Necromonger 249
SOF Soldiers of Faith 14 Mr. Roar 103
Preds Predators 20 Sir Mars 100
CE Cease To Exist 11 Mr. Cao Cao 86
iPF Internal Primates Forever 9 Mr. Chimaira 58
Sparta Sparta 13 Mr. Ctopha 55
WP Wolf Pack 10 Mr. Anubis 32
NEW new player 11 Mr. Starks 26
HELL Demonic Uprising 13 Mr. Bruiant 24
SFRY Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 6 Mr. Lenardy 10
KoC Knights of Camelot 4 Mr. Rolan 8


alot has changed

16:53:11 Jan 6th 08 - Sir Iwasfrozen VI:

lol, comon Mars, you can do it :)

16:56:00 Jan 6th 08 - Sir Mars:


20:30:47 Jan 6th 08 - Mr. Cao Cao:

PH Power Hungry 27 Sir Necromonger 187
CE Cease To Exist 12 Mr. Cao Cao 100
Preds Predators 20 Sir Mars 85
SOF Soldiers of Faith 14 Mr. Roar 84
iPF Internal Primates Forever 9 Mr. Chimaira 48
Sparta Sparta 13 Mr. Ctopha 43
WP Wolf Pack 10 Mr. Anubis 27
HELL Demonic Uprising 13 Mr. Bruiant 22
NEW new player 11 Mr. Starks 21
SFRY Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 6 Mr. Lenardy 8
KoC Knights of Camelot 4 Mr. Rolan 7
CD Chaos Druids 3 Mr. Master Mind 6
spoc spartans of creet 1 Mr. Mospheria 3
DoL Dragonknights of Legend 6 Mr. Draco 3
DH Death Hill 6 Mr. Deathknight 2
LOL Lords of Laughter 4 Mr. Killa 2
OZ Oz 3 Ms. Annihilation 2
PG Plague 1 Mr. Zorkhana 0
KNIFE KNIghts oF Exploration 1 Mr. Faith 0


And now its Cease to Exist taking a strong second place. It looks like the reign of Power Hungry will soon be over ; )

20:34:28 Jan 6th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Who joined you?

Someone did which gave you a power boost  ^^

20:55:48 Jan 6th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

DMB I was going to join you but, I couldn't :( Ill see you next era :D

Get more members! Try going to Mantrax next era instead of Fant or something like that.

21:43:59 Jan 6th 08 - Mr. Cao Cao:

Cooper joined us, and we took 4 cities all in two ticks.

22:26:13 Jan 6th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Mr. Might The God of Cows


1/6/2008 8:55:48 PM

DMB I was going to join you but, I couldn't :( Ill see you next era :D

Get more members! Try going to Mantrax next era instead of Fant or something like that.

They are a Fant kingdom, let them be!

03:13:40 Jan 8th 08 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

Where is Fantasha? I have been looking for it but I have not been able to find it... And Preds are nowhere to be seen in there, anyway.

10:00:16 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoom III:

HI GUYS REMEMBER ME!!! hi iwasfrozen as well, join back in!!

11:24:22 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Odysseus:

iwasfrozen is welcome back anytime...unfortunately, I believe he's having a blast with Abydos right now :D

11:25:25 Jan 11th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoom III:

he's with abydos?

11:26:04 Jan 11th 08 - Sir Mars:

lol yeah

11:09:22 Jan 12th 08 - Sir Mars:

Kingdoms in Valhalla
PH Power Hungry 17 Sir Necromonger 109
Preds Predators 17 Sir Mars 100
CE Cease To Exist 13 Mr. Cao Cao 86
SOF Soldiers of Faith 11 Mr. Roar 78
Sparta Sparta 14 Mr. Ctopha 58
KoC Knights of Camelot 17 Mr. Rolan 48
Wot No Idea 4 Mr. Kanthor 38
NEW new player 11 Mr. Starks 35
HELL Demonic Uprising 15 Mr. Bruiant 29
iPF Internal Primates Forever 8 Mr. Chimaira 28
WP Wolf Pack 9 Mr. Zer 19
OZ Oz 6 Ms. Annihilation 18
CD Chaos Druids 3 Mr. Master Mind 13
DH Death Hill 6 Mr. Deathknight 6
DoL Dragonknights of Legend 6 Mr. Draco 3
SFRY Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 5 Mr. Lenardy 2
LOL Lords of Laughter 4 Mr. Killa 1
spoc spartans of creet 1 Mr. Mospheria 0

15:07:06 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Cao Cao:

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Preds Predators 18 Sir Mars 139
CE Cease To Exist 13 Mr. Cao Cao 100
SOF Soldiers of Faith 11 Mr. Roar 92
PH Power Hungry 14 Sir Necromonger 85
Sparta Sparta 14 Mr. Ctopha 68
KoC Knights of Camelot 17 Mr. Rolan 57
Wot No Idea 4 Mr. Kanthor 43
NEW new player 11 Mr. Starks 41
HELL Demonic Uprising 15 Mr. Bruiant 35
iPF Internal Primates Forever 8 Mr. Chimaira 32
WP Wolf Pack 9 Mr. Zer 23
OZ Oz 6 Ms. Annihilation 20
CD Chaos Druids 3 Mr. Master Mind 15


Things have really changed now

16:01:38 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Odysseus:

Mr Ding was big :D

16:39:50 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Cooper:

PH is going down now

16:41:19 Jan 12th 08 - Mr. Cooper:

Preds Predators 19 Sir Mars 143
CE Cease To Exist 13 Mr. Cao Cao 100
SOF Soldiers of Faith 11 Mr. Roar 90
PH Power Hungry 14 Sir Necromonger 83
Sparta Sparta 14 Mr. Ctopha 69
KoC Knights of Camelot 17 Mr. Rolan 57
Wot No Idea 4 Mr. Kanthor 42
NEW new player 11 Mr. Starks 40
HELL Demonic Uprising 15 Mr. Bruiant 34
iPF Internal Primates Forever 8 Mr. Chimaira 33
WP Wolf Pack 9 Mr. Zer 22
OZ Oz 6 Ms. Annihilation 20
CD Chaos Druids 3 Mr. Master Mind 14
DH Death Hill 6 Mr. Deathknight 7
DoL Dragonknights of Legend 6 Mr. Draco 3
SFRY Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 5 Mr. Lenardy 2
LOL Lords of Laughter 4 Mr. Killa 1
spoc spartans of creet 1 Mr. Mospheria 0


preds are on top coludent get banner.

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