Forums / In game politics / Vahallas Most Powerful

Vahallas Most Powerful
15:53:37 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Necromonger:

Mr. Fruit Loop
Member of: Power Hungry.

Mr. Kanthor
Member of: Power Hungry.

Mr. Vulover
Member of: Sparta.

Mr. Necromonger
Member of: Power Hungry.

Mr. Denmark
Member of: Power Hungry.

Mr. Fred
Member of: Sparta.

Mr. Heroslayer
Member of: Power Hungry.

Mr. Chimaira
Member of: Internal Primates Forever.

Mr. Sukhe Bator
Member of: Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

Mr. Skyer
Member of: Cease To Exist.

When is this going to change, the top 8 are  either in my kingdom or napped with me . The bottom two are no where to be seen. So my Question is where do preds get the idea that they are stronger than PH Sparta and IPF.

15:55:01 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

.....hoh doesnt necisarily mean anything its basically fer bragging purposes

15:55:45 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Chimaira:

skyer is near me fyi he is doing quite well but i plan to rise in the ranks


15:57:13 Jan 2nd 08 - Sir Mars:

lol its vahalla

16:00:29 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Necromonger:

I know that much i just wondered if anyone planned on TRYing to get up to the top

16:21:00 Jan 2nd 08 - Sir Iwasfrozen VI:

WoW. No.1 in Val ??

You must be really proud. :)

16:27:30 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Chimaira:

yep i would be cause well i got killed off fant so i can't be # 1 ne where else right now :P

16:53:42 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Cool Guy:

Power hungry forever!

16:59:10 Jan 2nd 08 - Sir Mars:

god i hate you

17:29:15 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Preds are more powerful for the reason thaat they are standing up to 3 KDs which are a lot more powerful than them. They are hardly OOP also.

19:09:37 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Chimaira:

lol you tell em but

i have to say iPF ftw!!!!!

19:55:26 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Vengence:

Mr. Might The God of Cows


1/2/2008 4:29:15 PM

Preds are more powerful for the reason thaat they are standing up to 3 KDs which are a lot more powerful than them. They are hardly OOP also.


thankyou! sum1 with a brain!

20:08:58 Jan 2nd 08 - Lord Scientist:

Top on Valhalla, congratulations, now you may be able to survive the first 3 days on Fantasia.......

20:11:14 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Necromonger:

I will survive

20:14:06 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Vengence:

for a few ticks once OOP yes...after that no

20:25:23 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

HC did pretty well on Fantasia even though they came out of Armageddon. The Fantasia KDs had to gangbang them to destroy them :D

21:08:55 Jan 2nd 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

actually, if you started next to a big kingdom, you'd be dead in a mather of ticks.


You just got lucky you started on a rather clean spot :D

21:14:15 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Vengence:


21:17:01 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

We did? Carange to the South PKS right next to us and PHI north of us. Also Abydos.

21:45:22 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Chimaira:

i survived a week or two oop on fant  but scientist is right is harder then you think

21:56:30 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Ding:

btw i got a little battle with sukhe bator and i think you know now so he's wiped soon as i'm now 7th!!

21:58:47 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Ding:

Mr. Fruit Loop
Member of: Power Hungry.

Mr. Kanthor
Member of: Power Hungry.

Mr. Vulover
Member of: Sparta.

Mr. Necromonger
Member of: Power Hungry.

Mr. Denmark
Member of: Power Hungry.

Mr. Ding
Member of: Power Hungry.

Mr. Fred
Member of: Sparta.

Mr. Heroslayer
Member of: Power Hungry.

Mr. Trojan
Member of: Power Hungry.

Mr. Chimaira
Member of: Internal Primates Forever.

everyone is either in powerhungry, napped with, freindly

22:05:28 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Ding:

Mr. Vengence


1/2/2008 7:14:06 PM
for a few ticks once OOP yes...after that no

Sir Mars


1/2/2008 2:57:13 PM
lol its vahalla

Pirate Lewatha


1/2/2008 8:08:55 PM

actually, if you started next to a big kingdom, you'd be dead in a mather of ticks.


You just got lucky you started on a rather clean spot :D

Lord Scientist


1/2/2008 7:08:58 PM
Top on Valhalla, congratulations, now you may be able to survive the first 3 days on Fantasia.......

i survived till end tick! with all my cities still in contact, so don't go saying all of us are rubbish just coz we think its good we came 1st on a lower world maybe next era starta/zetamania then mantrax then we shall come for the oh almighty world of and we shall be HUNGRY, hungry for POWER

22:33:54 Jan 2nd 08 - Lord Scientist:

And which kingdom were you in?
And how long ago was it?

There are very few small kingdoms that survive on Fantasia, and I respect those that do, as they get wiped out so quickly OOP.......

23:12:37 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Chimaira:

haha not funny

23:13:39 Jan 2nd 08 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

well i had a giggle

00:09:00 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Sanoh:

i would never go by the hoh, some people have found some ways to avoid the hoh.

00:13:33 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Necromonger:

Well i used to be on Fant survived whole era's on there. And i will give it ago. Clean up the kingdom keep the good and set up a good core quick. we will survive more then one day out off protection.

08:33:45 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

surviving on Fant on eras before dosent mean anything. it all matters where you start. (i think your starting position was based on your time zone you entered upon registering) so if you left it, you are going to start in a big crush. even fairly experianced kingdoms have been pushed out fairly quickly, and 1 example i have of this is holy, a fair few eras ago (not played in a while, so i dont have any newer example). no offence, but i dont think power hungry will survive for long on a big server. oh yeah, and congrats on no 1

11:32:51 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Vengence:

Necromonger, are your new players still using my guide?

11:55:52 Jan 3rd 08 - Sir Spoon:

Why NAP so much if you're complaining?

18:27:08 Jan 3rd 08 - Mr. Ding:

vengence your guide is long gone with your life as a vu player!

02:13:46 Jan 4th 08 - Duke Arzun:

Mr. Might The God of Cows


1/2/2008 3:25:23 PM

HC did pretty well on Fantasia even though they came out of Armageddon. The Fantasia KDs had to gangbang them to destroy them :D


That is because you were spread over the whole map and everyone just took HC cities at their leisure.

05:04:57 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

hi im a *beep*. wat is hoh?

06:41:53 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Chimaira:

hall of honor

high scores

07:59:57 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Hyphy:

Lol skyler has disrespectfully attacked 1 of my armies
and i went no where near him
hes gunna get served =]
even though i may not be in the HoH
i got my grounds covered =]

08:30:51 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Cao Cao:

Well you are with Sparta and we are fighting you guys so... thats all good. Skyer and Chimaria owned you guys : )

08:38:22 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Hyphy:

Well skyler is bout to get murder =]
he is threatenin me by talk
but i'm threatenin him with the real deal =]
my armies =]

Ooh keep a watch out while i rip him Down from HoH =]

09:55:15 Jan 5th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

hmm... so you're saying you NAPed the whole HoH... And you're actually creating a thread about that?? you must be very proud of that than...?

10:01:40 Jan 5th 08 - Sir Mars:


10:17:32 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

this is annoying. there is nothing special about being on the HoH, especially if i can get my kingdom on it! atleast half of my kingdom are new players, and virtually all the members are still in protection. Valhalla is a rubbish world. period.

10:34:57 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Chimaira:

lol but you gotto think this is where the new talent is

16:06:51 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Cao Cao:

Chimaria's right, this is where you try to find the new devoted players to teach them how to play the game.

And all of PH's top allies are slowly falling down the hoh, and they are next : )

17:20:31 Jan 5th 08 - Sir Spoon:

HoH is a representation of the biggest farmers, if you're a farmer kingdom you recruit from the HoH.
If you check the battlefield who has loads of troops, the active ones, that are your future golden members.

17:24:54 Jan 5th 08 - Mr. Cao Cao:

You're right in a sense you do find a lot of farmers on the hoh, but thats not always the case. If you are trying to recruit on a new world like Valhalla, the top hoh members are usually the ones that are the most active and understand the game the best. You cant go wrong with recruiting members like that

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