Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 18

Valhalla 18
23:54:21 Feb 10th 13 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Shadow Guardians9Mr. Shadow of Hope187
Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste9Mr. Vytautas Didysis106
Stormcloaks10Mr. Timur102
Hydrogen Dioxide10Lord Dacarta100
Lost Souls9Prince Erythnul89
Lusitanos3Mr. Elite8
The Great Revolution3Mr. Ipod The Wise1

About a real life day till war can begin.

00:38:59 Feb 11th 13 - Mr. Oops:

Welcome, new faces to Valhalla!

And I see we're missing TCT and BoD from last time around.

17:00:02 Feb 11th 13 - al (Mr. al of):

wow, a bunch of decent kingdoms - someone please provide frequent updates as i'm KD-less on all my characters right now

19:41:33 Feb 11th 13 - Muffin Man (Mr. Hogtied Death):

As far as I know, this is what it is:

Lost Souls, Stormcloaks and Shadow Angel thingies have spawned next to each other and are all prepared for an instant OOP war.
I haven't seen anything from LDK or H20.
That's all I know.
Good hunting, everyone.

23:28:07 Feb 11th 13 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

H2O, LDK and Lusitanos have all spawned in the northwest-ish area.

02:35:34 Feb 12th 13 - Endless (Ms. Ianuarius):

exactly like last era, hopefully the outcome will be different this time :D

02:58:26 Feb 12th 13 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

Not exactly, but very similar, lol.

04:00:02 Feb 12th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Yukan):

I feel murderous right now :|

But thats probably because all of these scouts : /

19:11:17 Feb 13th 13 - Yukan (Mr. Yukan):

So who is warring who and which kingdom is most likely to win this era?

07:34:08 Feb 14th 13 - Mr. Timur:

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Hydrogen Dioxide 10 Lord Dacarta 124
Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste 10 Mr. Vytautas Didysis 104
Stormcloaks 10 Mr. Timur 100
Shadow Guardians 10 Mr. Shadow of Hope 100
Lost Souls 8 Prince Erythnul 68
Lusitanos 3 Mr. Elite 8


Very even oop wars, with several powerful independant players.  Its way too early to call.   

10:13:14 Feb 16th 13 - Pure (Ms. Ghandi):

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Hydrogen Dioxide10Lord Dacarta100
Stormcloaks10Mr. Timur78
Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste10Mr. Vytautas Didysis61
Shadow Guardians10Mr. Shadow of Hope58
Lost Souls8Prince Erythnul39
Spiritus Fortitude2Mr. Tico18
Lusitanos3Mr. Elite7

It seems both H202 and SC are winning their oop war. LS and Lusitanos seem to both be holding their score. LDK and SG seem to be dieing slowly. And then two tagless players seem to have made SF.

00:54:04 Mar 14th 13 - Mr. Timur:

IMG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Valhalla
Stormcloaks 10 Mr. Timur 100
Hydrogen Dioxide 10 Lord Dacarta 72
Lost Souls 6 Prince Erythnul 57
Lusitanos 3 Mr. Elite 8
Spiritus Fortitude 1 Mr. Tico 0


We Stormcloaks think that us and our NAP partners, Lost Souls have it wrapped up now.  It was far dicier two days ago when Mr. Ticos HOH army was still in our core, due to a screw up of mine at our blocker.  

I messaged Lord Dacarta, and Prince Erythnul, and both indicated it would be a good idea to cast Armageddon and start a new era.

00:58:03 Mar 14th 13 - Mr. Timur:

BTW, this was a fun era.  Pretty much continuous combat by every kingdom and the result truly in doubt until the last two days.  If another kingdom is considering dropping in to Valhalla, please be aware that every kingdom faced significant oop wars and should expect it next era as well.

11:36:19 Mar 14th 13 - Pure (Ms. Ghandi):

To  be honest I dont think the era is over just yet and the tide of war has the possibility of changing shortly.

20:36:58 Mar 14th 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite):

One of the best eras regarding warring and fair play, its a shame my kingdom was put out of the race so soon.

22:21:30 Mar 14th 13 - Dakarta (Duke Black Horseman of Famine):

I agree with that.

23:21:51 Mar 14th 13 - Endless (Ms. Dimple Boggyhillocks):

so are they casting Arma or not?  

or are they waiting until they've killed us (in good sport ofc) :p

00:05:01 Mar 15th 13 - Mr. Sixth Sign:

Our mage spent all his money making archmages, and will take a day or two to get enough to cast Armageddon.   I am encouraging him to cast it as soon as he is able.

03:45:25 Mar 15th 13 - Dakarta (Duke Black Horseman of Famine):

I failed once on a try. I'm new with the mage role, so of course I eff it up.

05:22:46 Mar 16th 13 - Mr. Timur:

I sent this to my kingdoms L9 mage and got the following response.

Please cast Armageddon. I think the best way is to use 25000 mages directly over a small target city, with all other nearby mages in armies so they don't cast using mage towers. You will have about a 25% chance for each casting attempt.

Mr. Sorcery (3/15/2013 7:32:01 PM) GOOD BAD
Failed 8 attempts

Obviously it is the dice gods will that we continue to fight for a few more days.

22:10:34 Mar 19th 13 - Endless (Ms. Eglantine Fairbairn):

You're better off making a few small MT cities around the arma city and not casting from the army but the city.  30K MUs is what I found work but the fail rate is still crap :D

BTW, thanks for casting it.  I was moving so it was a pleasant surprise when I logged back in to see the era was over :)  

02:39:05 Apr 10th 13 - Mr. Avaeth:


04:02:26 Apr 10th 13 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

Arma soon?

09:39:21 Apr 10th 13 - Mr. Timur:

LDK has blockers and has crushed 3? maybe more of our initial armies.   I do not think we will be casting Armageddon for a while.

22:19:34 Apr 10th 13 - Mr. Avaeth:

Hows how the battles shaping up?

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