Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 39

Valhalla 39
18:26:50 Jan 21st 16 - Nayoke the Kid (God Eros The Lost Traveler):

The world is about to begin again! Last era was pretty competitive and I highly suggest you get a few battle ready cohorts and mobs to the plans of Valhalla for eternal glory (or at least until I come find you ;)

02:51:55 Jan 24th 16 - Mr. Friedhelm Hentschel:

Valhalla 39

02:54:36 Jan 24th 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

Valhalla 39

11:48:28 Jan 25th 16 - Duke Chade That Went Tothe Moon:

It looks like Valhalla is becoming like the "vets" retiring home ... judging by the names playing again, after the highly entertaining last few eras ;)

Chade approves!

*official note - I intentionally dropped the "...That...", instead of "...Who..." in my title :) :) ....some food for thought for ya'll!!!

01:32:33 Jan 26th 16 - Mr. Friedhelm Hentschel:

Chade! Where are you this era? Is there a moon world that we don't know about, or is your title in kindly refernce to Englisch musician D. Bowie?

12:42:04 Mar 13th 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Vivi):

well, looks like a pretty intense threesome going on here.

16:55:52 Mar 13th 16 - Duke Chade That Went Tothe Moon:

but it's fun, ain't it ;)

16:57:56 Mar 13th 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Vivi):

Threesomes are always fun as long as one person doesn't get all the attention lmfao

05:44:11 Mar 16th 16 - Ryan the Archion (Lord Arc Paschal III):

Stormcrow, why did you roast my 500k Knights? I thought we are friends? T_T

07:49:51 Mar 16th 16 - Duke Chade That Went Tothe Moon:

mate you cant roam around with 500k knights and NO MUs at this stage of the era!!

What did you think would happend? That allmighty stormy would've let you pass? He doesn't let anyone pass! That's why we are all locked in his dungeon! He is just THE next level!

08:02:31 Mar 16th 16 - Ryan the Archion (Duke Ryan The Archion XXXI):

Ahaha. I wouldn't say I don't have MUs as you know I have. I just lost considerable amount trying to Freeze your army. I have 400k there but was reduce to 120k when I failed to multiple times against the four of you. I should have stayed at the Siege Engine since I can fairly defend. I calculated his AMs not his MUs. :)

12:59:21 Mar 16th 16 - Duke Chade That Went Tothe Moon:

yeah i built Siege Engine quite well, didn't I :))))

I had to be the scrapegoat, cause i started the era later, then had to rebuilt twice, so I cant really have any impact on this era, so I might as well do as much damage as i can, right? :) I was actually hoping for you to cast on me since i had the smaller army, and thats why i took my army out in the field to provoke you...However, I did not expect to be so lucky for you to unsuccessfully cast on me several times.

Well played, though

02:34:37 Mar 21st 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Vivi):

Zeta, I think it's about time for Armageddon on Valhalla.

New player worlds (with 50% protection)
6* ValhallaOpen50002shatteredworlds5849141%

16:55:48 Mar 21st 16 - Duke Chade That Went Tothe Moon:

no its fight is still going on mate and we are more than capable of casting Arma...the fact that you are on the losing side and cant wait, does not mean you have to ruin the fun for the rest of us

19:48:47 Mar 21st 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

It's a new player world keep in mind guys, Don't be stupid and kill this game further please.

22:07:18 Mar 21st 16 - Duke Chade That Went Tothe Moon:

So keep the era to a week then? Oh, wait...lets make it a players cannot wait!!!

*Insert sarcasm here

No need to offend people mate (i refer to your "stupidity" note which was utterly inapropriate). Keep your opinion to yourself. If you don't like Valhalla, which has become the "retirement home" of vets, move to another world.

I very much enjoy and support some of your ideas, but giving ideas for the game does not mean you are absolutely right about everything.

Some of us, old vets, do not consider an era over, until the whole map is taken. We have been working hard all era to achieve this dommination and we just want to enjoy it now. We do not force things when we lose OOP for example - we patiently wait.

23:00:52 Mar 21st 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

 If you don't like Valhalla, which has become the "retirement home" of vets, move to another world.

Because you declared so? last I checked it was: New player world (with 50% protection)

Some of us, old vets, do not consider an era over, until the whole map is taken.

Then act like "Vets" and move to a higher world.

So keep the era to a week then? Oh, wait...lets make it a players cannot wait!!! 

No, but 2 months is more then enough.

No need to offend people mate (i refer to your "stupidity" note which was utterly inapropriate).

It is appropriate as your making a stupid choice based on selfishness.

23:14:51 Mar 21st 16 - Duke Chade That Went Tothe Moon:

mate, its been years since i went into forum flames, and I dont intend to do it now. After all, how am I supposed to retaliate to your Godly IQ? I am only "stupid"

For the rest of you out there - be less like Chade and more like ...

23:15:36 Mar 21st 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Arkantos The Ardvark):

Since when are people proud of newb bashing? Proud of extending era's to dominate a new player world? And how do you expect new players to patiently wait 2 months when they can't even survive a week? not sure how a kingdom of new players is supposed to stop 24K self-AOTDing nazgul(Eros), 133K AM(Ragnarson) 2 halfers from OW, and Bidi from KH. I'm lucky to have kept us alive this long.

23:17:26 Mar 21st 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Arkantos The Ardvark):

mate, its been years since i went into forum flames, and I dont intend to do it now. After all, how am I supposed to retaliate to your Godly IQ? I am only "stupid"

Glad you can use humor to make yourself feel better for this.

23:24:07 Mar 21st 16 - Duke Chade That Went Tothe Moon:

look, to be honest, as much as we have won valhalla/nirvana over the last 5 years, we have lost not just one or two eras, but many more. Thing is, when we do, we patiently wait till era ends (one time we had to wait close to 3 months), we had nubs in our kds, we fought nubs, but we fought some big names. Looking at this era's Valhalla rooster, I'd bravely say that the actual "new players" were less than 15% (or you can actually calculate it as obviously you have time, and obviously you are smarter than me - i give credit where credit is due).

Why did we win? Because we dont really care mate :) we are a tight group of friends that stick together to whatever end.

My point is - when you play a battle game, chances are that when you lose you will have to wait an unknown amount of time. Be like everyone and wait for it patiently.

If zeta forces us to go to another world - we will, and we will have the same attitude even if we lose every era...simply because we are all locked in Stormy's Dungeon and there is no we might as well wait.

23:45:07 Mar 21st 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

If zeta forces us to go to another world - we will, and we will have the same attitude even if we lose every era..

This is what I am trying to get done, No offense to you guys. Quite the opposite, You guys deserve to be on a better world challenging yourself more.

Why did we win? Because we dont really care mate :) we are a tight group of friends that stick together to whatever end. 

You won because you know how to play this game, It's all about who makes the least amount of "Mistakes" that defines the winners. It's routine chores for you guys to build and train(meaning it's done so much it's almost instinct.) where as the new players make multiple mistakes each and every turn.

My point is - when you play a battle game, chances are that when you lose you will have to wait an unknown amount of time. Be like everyone and wait for it patiently.

I agree with your point, But each player should be playing against/with players of the same Caliber.

look, to be honest, as much as we have won valhalla/nirvana over the last 5 years, we have lost not just one or two eras, but many more.

You guys don't lose to new players though, Just other "Vets" who like to newb bash.

we had nubs in our kds

Is it too much trouble to grab a few more to teach?

 Looking at this era's Valhalla rooster, I'd bravely say that the actual "new players" were less than 15%

What info is this based off? the current kingdom roster? You forgot about the 7 or 8 that quit from the constant attacks from OW and KH and the kingdomless players that quit because they do not have mentors.

01:23:37 Mar 22nd 16 - Mr. Bigfield:

Well, I am now in Valhalla. I'll consider it a field test to see how long it takes for an army to wait to steam roll me when I come OOP :P

01:39:18 Mar 22nd 16 - Polydeuces (Mr. Siberius Phenom):

Oh they'll wait until you have something worth taking first.

01:48:55 Mar 22nd 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Arkantos The Ardvark):

There has been no one around to stand up to the bullies since Zeta wont help...I have been doing my best to stand up to them but as it is, There are too many bullies for one man.

02:46:17 Mar 22nd 16 - Mr. Bigfield:

Lets consider it a test then. I dropped in at 3/21.

I literally plan to be a dwarf farmer, just testing out some economic strategy. I do not plan to be militaristic or aggressive.

This is public knowledge. I am simply seeing how fast I can grow and learning finer things about the game.

Part of this is seeing how long it takes for me to Aggro people drawn to that sort of thing. I accept the consequences of that. I will not be assaulting any cities, only defending my own. And yes, I know this makes me a target. Lets see how long it takes :)

03:00:06 Mar 22nd 16 - Polydeuces (Mr. Siberius Phenom):

I did the same thing with halfling, as soon as I finished my 90k Chade took my cities, even though I had messaged Stormy the leader said I wouldn't attack them since it was just an oop strat i was testing.  I even told them I wouldn't bother trying to defend myself if they attacked :p

Chade used to be a cool dude, I guess he's just had too many things stuffed up his rectum recently.

04:50:25 Mar 22nd 16 - Mr. Bigfield:

I look to be about 24 hours away from Chade's closest city.

How come they don't play on Fantasia to balance out MAD?

05:13:46 Mar 22nd 16 - Polydeuces (Mr. Siberius Phenom):

Because they're lazy buggers who need to kill noobs to feel good about themselves.  Also, they aren't good enough.  Except Von Darkmoor.  He's the exception.

08:12:04 Mar 22nd 16 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Archblade X):

I'm in awe! Flame wars! :D

08:12:23 Mar 22nd 16 - Duke Chade That Went Tothe Moon:


This is what I am trying to get done, No offense to you guys. Quite the opposite, You guys deserve to be on a better world challenging yourself more.

None taken, I understand your point.

You won because you know how to play this game, It's all about who makes the least amount of "Mistakes" that defines the winners. It's routine chores for you guys to build and train(meaning it's done so much it's almost instinct.) where as the new players make multiple mistakes each and every turn.

I agree. And that's why I (like yourself) have always welcomed new players. Just as an example, you can ask the leader of OW. Myself and Friedhelm have been chatting for the last three eras. He is still new-ish to the game, and every question that he has thrown at me, I have spent the neccessary time to answer diligently so that he learns. For two eras, we have been in NAP with OW not because we needed it (as it is obvious) but because they were still new. Last era, the relations werent even neccessary as OW and KH were in opposite sides of the map. This era, we fought so that they can see what it is to be on the other side. I haven't seen a single time anyone from OW to complain about them being killed by us.

I agree with your point, But each player should be playing against/with players of the same Caliber.

Mate, for us, in KH we don't really care who we are fighting. We are not the best in this game, we are an average kind of players. Playing against Ery, woody, yourself,
Archblade, ragnar (im still trying to figure out who he is :P), etc, is not playing vs newbs. It is precisely playing VS players from your calibre.

You guys don't lose to new players though, Just other "Vets" who like to newb bash.

Not true :)

Is it too much trouble to grab a few more to teach?

I wouldn't call it a trouble, I teach new players even if I don't play in the same kd as them. So I always reply to a message or question ... no matter how stupid it is, I will always try to give my best answer.

What info is this based off? the current kingdom roster? You forgot about the 7 or 8 that quit from the constant attacks from OW and KH and the kingdomless players that quit because they do not have mentors.

Info based on the players that were in each kingdom at the start of this era. You can look above at one of the first posts i wrote in this thread. I have made the comment back then that this world is becoming "retirement" home for vets. I always look at the kds lineup at the start of the era so that i know who i am fighting against. This era there were only about 10 ppl that i did not recognise, but later when i saw their on-field actions, surely some of them are vets.

It is unfortunate that new players quit. It is also unfortunate that Zeta does not realise that this game is a gold mine, simply because of the dynamics, and if he puts a bit of effort this can be made into a very big franchise. I am a software engineer and have messaged zeta over the years saying that i can help write code for free, just for the game, i have offered to buy the game and develop it myself, i have offered/tried many things. As you can see - there is no effect.

04:00:06 Mar 22nd 16 - Polydeuces (Mr. Siberius Phenom):

I did the same thing with halfling, as soon as I finished my 90k Chade took my cities, even though I had messaged Stormy the leader said I wouldn't attack them since it was just an oop strat i was testing.  I even told them I wouldn't bother trying to defend myself if they attacked :p

Chade used to be a cool dude, I guess he's just had too many things stuffed up his rectum recently.


With you, personally, I have a grudge since age 11 of Valhalla. To freshen up your memory I had created a kd called Bulgaria of former members of my Guild of the Fallen. You were playing with us, when you started throwing fits that cities are not left for you to take, and that i have been running the kd very (I quote) "idiotic". After that you left and attacked us.

Problem is Poly, you have always had a very big mouth, and I don't mind - it is entirely up to you, but I have never received an apology for your in-game actions (i dont care how you gonna insult me), but all honorable players left in this game from the older days know that kingdom hopping in the middle of the era is just bollocks. At the same time while you were playing in my kd, i played in yours (Sol Invictus) in another world Tyr was also in the kd. Once it was apparent that we gonna lose, you left and disbanded the kd before the era was even over.

You see, just because of things like that - I will always aim to be fighting you. If you are man enough, you can always drop me a personal message ... IF ... you want to make peace. You are more than welcome to continue with your nonsensical approach and be a knob.

Dragon (fafnir) offended me a long time ago, and i did not speak with him for almost 2 years, but the guy had the strength to drop me a msg, saying "...hate me if you like but i made a mistake and i want to apologise..." You see Dragon is a MAN! A real man that admits and takes responsibility over their own mistakes. I can only bow to such people. Honorable. Humble. Honest.

14:25:52 Mar 22nd 16 - Polydeuces (Mr. Siberius Phenom):

With you, personally, I have a grudge since age 11 of Valhalla. To freshen up your memory I had created a kd called Bulgaria of former members of my Guild of the Fallen. You were playing with us, when you started throwing fits that cities are not left for you to take, and that i have been running the kd very (I quote) "idiotic". After that you left and attacked us. 

Lol, goes both ways homie g slice.  A "real man" would have "forgiven" and moved on either way.  Isn't it funny though, how when you did attack me in Valhalla you told me it was "nothing personal".  Where the honourable, honesty there?  Everyone else in your kd had no problems lettin' me chill out there.  Hell I was gonna have like 12 blockers and that entire section blocked off before your royal doucheness decided to attack.

Problem is Poly, you have always had a very big mouth, and I don't mind - it is entirely up to you, but I have never received an apology for your in-game actions (i dont care how you gonna insult me), but all honorable players left in this game from the older days know that kingdom hopping in the middle of the era is just bollocks. At the same time while you were playing in my kd, i played in yours (Sol Invictus) in another world Tyr was also in the kd. Once it was apparent that we gonna lose, you left and disbanded the kd before the era was even over. 

Hell homie, I've screwed over in the past a lot more than just you; you're the only little boy that keeps holding on to that grudge... Let's make a list shall we!

Erythnul; More than one occasion I messed up his era, he still plays with me!  I even messaged him about it; he was like nah it's cool man "its just a game" no point in holding a grudge over something that doesn't matter.

Horus; I can't count how many times I screwed him over, he joined me in Mant and promised me an era even with others asking him to join them instead.

Aloysius; On more than one occasion as well have I messed with him, still accepts me gladly into his kingdom.

Bran; same goes for him, though I knew he still didn't really care to have me around he moved on and let me play in his kingdom, the same one I had, I believe left twice in the middle of an era due to internet issues.

I may be a shitty player, and (in the past) an annoying little mouth piece (kind of comes with being a teenager) but at least I'm not the old dude holding a grudge over a kid who did something like 5 years ago in a video game lol.  However I've since grown up, and, other than flippin' out about the dice rolls show me where since I started playing again that I've been a mouth piece?  I didn't even call you names or anything when you attacked me in Valhalla.

14:34:24 Mar 22nd 16 - Polydeuces (Mr. Siberius Phenom):

And as far as Fafnir is concerned, he was only concerned with his own well being.  He KD hopped on me, broke relations with me on numerous occasion, yet never apologized to me lol.  He ain't no "real man".  No "real man" would be sitting at a computer, playing a video game, holding grudges against people.  Hell, no "real man" would be sitting at a computer, playing video games lol.  No "real man" has time for that.

15:28:28 Mar 22nd 16 - Duke Chade That Went Tothe Moon:

Wow! What a maturity. Thanks for the entertainment ... "g" , "hommie", and whatever else came out of your fingers on the keyboard :)

Im gonna re-read it now, so that I can laugh again, and you go be a real man and while you are at it, wash those dishes for me :)))

15:31:35 Mar 22nd 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Sub Zero):

How come they don't play on Fantasia to balance out MAD?

Because they don't want to and Zeta won't make them.

I'm in awe! Flame wars! :D


Mate, for us, in KH we don't really care who we are fighting. We are not the best in this game, we are an average kind of players. Playing against Ery, woody, yourself, 
Archblade, ragnar (im still trying to figure out who he is :P), etc, is not playing vs newbs. It is precisely playing VS players from your calibre.

Ery, woody and Archblade are in OW who has 2 newish players. Other then me and Pang Tong everyone in my kingdom does not know how to play.

Not true :)

Please explain further.

I wouldn't call it a trouble, I teach new players even if I don't play in the same kd as them. So I always reply to a message or question ... no matter how stupid it is, I will always try to give my best answer.

Thanks, Do you have the time to make any guides or such?

 I always look at the kds lineup at the start of the era so that i know who i am fighting against. This era there were only about 10 ppl that i did not recognise, but later when i saw their on-field actions, surely some of them are vets.

Not sure who your referring to?

t is unfortunate that new players quit. It is also unfortunate that Zeta does not realise that this game is a gold mine, simply because of the dynamics, and if he puts a bit of effort this can be made into a very big franchise. I am a software engineer and have messaged zeta over the years saying that i can help write code for free, just for the game, i have offered to buy the game and develop it myself, i have offered/tried many things. As you can see - there is no effect.

I have also offered to aid him with this game. Either bug suggestion testing or being a MOD this also  had no effect.

I may be a shitty player, and (in the past) an annoying little mouth piece (kind of comes with being a teenager) but at least I'm not the old dude holding a grudge over a kid who did something like 5 years ago in a video game lol.  However I've since grown up, and, other than flippin' out about the dice rolls show me where since I started playing again that I've been a mouth piece?  I didn't even call you names or anything when you attacked me in Valhalla.

I'm gonna guess he's talking about this thread.

No "real man" would be sitting at a computer, playing a video game, holding grudges against people.  Hell, no "real man" would be sitting at a computer, playing video games lol.  No "real man" has time for that.

What do you think a real man is? A person can still have a life(work, kids and friends) and be able to maintain activity within this game with the Mobile version. Don't take your anger out offending everyone who plays this game...

*Sexist joke below*

If a real man didn't have time to pursue his happiness, He would not be a real man...He would be a single mother lmfao

15:55:31 Mar 22nd 16 - Mr. Pang Tong:

Whatever happens, i started 3 weeks late, but been an interesting era so far :-D

16:17:35 Mar 22nd 16 - Polydeuces (Mr. Siberius Phenom):

Yes, but they don't make it their priority.

16:28:41 Mar 22nd 16 - Stormy (Ms. Katheryn Winnick):

you know a thread's interesting when I post on the forums....i havent posted i the general forums in years

@ryan: i know right? not exactly as good as the old flame wars but still some excitement....i just don't know if the community can handle this

im not going to bother responding to most of the diarrhea in this thread only because I've seen these kind of insults too many times that elicits a big MEH from me.....but i do want to correct a faulty assumption. People seem to think we're still on the same one player system (when we're not) so therefore are avoiding playing on a higher world when in fact most of us in KH are currently playing on Fant with other  kingdoms (darkmoor, eros, and I are fighting for JLT in Ferox). Now before you start into it, i'm not going to argue about vets playing on lower worlds, its a problem only zeta can fix (and probably won't.) So the problem then is the multi system....

That's all....please continue....

@ajax: holy hell, what do you do to your text to make it look like that? :P

16:37:07 Mar 22nd 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Arkantos The Ardvark):

You still have not answered my question, If someone can time manage properly then they do not need to make it a priority. Since my last post I have checked VU, eaten,played with my daughter and made a simple microwave stand(nailed 3 pieces of wood together :P). Now I will continue with my life until someone else replies. This is why VU should have Real time notifications with Text and such.

Also back on topic, I have finally died and had to restart.

19:00:12 Mar 22nd 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

Looks fine to me :P

Thank you  for agreeing to remove the multi character system. lol

Has anyone ever heard the saying "beating a dead horse with a stick."

It seems like that is happening a lot around here lately.

19:41:08 Mar 22nd 16 - Stormy (Ms. Katheryn Winnick):

no need to be an asshole...or is it just this thread that makes people that way?

19:43:16 Mar 22nd 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

That's what i'm saying! :P

00:47:02 Mar 23rd 16 - Arkantos (Mr. Vivi):

Thanks! not sure how it's so low already lol

  • Armageddon will end the world of Valhalla in 166 days unless the city of Hoturan is destroyed!!

09:24:17 Mar 23rd 16 - Duke Chade That Went Tothe Moon:

well it seems like ZeTa doing :)

If it was a normal cast (its not us, by the way) it would be two hundred something +, right?

12:50:54 Mar 23rd 16 - Arkantos (Sir Ajax):

240 hours 10 days this was 7 days.

01:22:39 Mar 25th 16 - Ms. Perseverance:

Armageddon has been cast in your world!

Currently 10 people want the age to end, 6 do not, and 2 people have not voted.

End this please.

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