Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 41

Valhalla 41
22:15:04 May 29th 16 - Duke Chade The Sensitive Fella:

Round 41....

03:28:26 May 30th 16 - Mr. Yuan Shu:

It'll be interesting

10:42:44 May 30th 16 - Duke Chade The Sensitive Fella:

what made you come to this conclusion?

16:17:51 May 30th 16 - Mr. Yuan Shu:

With the person last era aiming for us now

18:00:00 May 30th 16 - Woody (Mr. Lui Zhang):

Vengence officially declares war on the honorless snakes wall of fire. 

Transgressions of the past will not go unpunished and we will seek your full military, political and economical destruction.

Vengence is my birthright.

18:18:41 May 30th 16 - Prince Chade:

you see, i would agree with you, woody, but vengence is forbidden in our dungeon...ahem...kingdom! As the saying goes:

"You shouldn't hate anyone! This destroys your nerve system! Even if you have to kill someone, do it with love, not hate!"

Master Stormy

20:23:10 May 30th 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Executive:

The Hammer and Shield Company is seeking neutrality and mercantilism with the rulers of Valhalla.

Transgressions, however, will be met with transgressions.

21:05:01 May 30th 16 - Runelord Arkan (Runelord Arkan):

I seek coffee and donuts. The breakroom needs restocking.

23:45:05 May 30th 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Executive:

Perilous should be taking care of that.

01:23:36 May 31st 16 - Tyrin (Mr. Other Character Isa Porche):

"Transgressions, however, will be met with transgressions."

Sounds like a slogan for a dating website for people with certain interest. . . . . 

01:29:01 May 31st 16 - Mr. Perilous:

"Lower your shield, and watch the hammer drop"

08:55:19 May 31st 16 - Prince Chade:

19:18:41 May 30th 16 - Prince Chade:

"You shouldn't hate anyone! This destroys your nerve system! Even if you have to kill someone, do it with love, not hate!"

Master Stormy

01:05:52 Jun 2nd 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Executive:

The 5 of us that dropped may not be able to hold off two kingdoms, but by jove, I will kill scouts!!

01:13:00 Jun 2nd 16 - Tyrin (Mr. Other Character Isa Porche):

We were actually hoping you guys would nap so Ashes wouldnt get so much plunder outta you ><

But if you want to bring numbers into, youve only actually been attacked by 3 people (not including the guy you went after even though looking at the hoh and position he was clearly a low priority threat. . . .. )

01:23:19 Jun 2nd 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Executive:

We didn't have much of a choice. 

We were given a declaration of War. 

When France and Russia declared on Germany, Germany went after the smaller of the two enemies.

Granted, we hit whatever targets we can. Spoook hasn't dropped yet (leh sigh) and I'm not really sure when a character named "Bobisor" or something like that joined.

I tried the diplomatic route. It was soundly rejected.

01:28:22 Jun 2nd 16 - Mr. Yuan Shu:

Vengeance has been mostly eliminated, just one member left standing

01:46:08 Jun 2nd 16 - Tyrin (Mr. Other Character Isa Porche):

If youre talking about WWI Germany expected the Austria-Hungarian empire to try to deal with the Russians, which wasnt the best idea since they were already tied up with Serbia spreading them too thin . . . 

Though real war mechanics dont apply to VU past a point, it was interesting to choose a losing side as an example 

01:52:38 Jun 2nd 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Executive:

The concept was we are going to be attacked by 5-7 rulers. We could target the weakest few, benefit economically, since we weren't prepared to go toe to toe with the stronger players. We just didn't have enough active on the outset, or perhaps, it was the race component.

Race choices make a big deal. Geography as well. Many variables. 

01:53:39 Jun 2nd 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Executive:

That, and my buddy has pudgy fingers on the mobile and doesn't know what cities will block -.-

02:10:28 Jun 2nd 16 - Tyrin (Mr. Other Character Isa Porche):

Alot of the mountains in that little section can be walked over, its always been a trouble area to block :(

The race setup was defo a factor, not gonna lie (also wouldnt want to trade positions with you) but had you just GT'd up and said you were going to handle the human on your own and for the others to take care of themselves, the immediate situation might be a tad better. Its not like he couldve bypassed you without leaving his own stuff open. 

 Easy to be a general after the battle though 

03:13:56 Jun 2nd 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Executive:

Indeed. Hindsight is always 20/20. 

And we did Gt up some cities, but that means sacrificing econ. And I am trying otu being a mage, which means seriously hindered econ and military.

Just a rough combo. I hate that starting position essentially dictate what playstyle you can have and still survive.

15:57:49 Jun 10th 16 - Cao Cao (Mr. Spoook):

I dropped! Then I died lol, looks like I missed all the fun

16:04:27 Jun 10th 16 - Prince Chade:

04:13:56 Jun 2nd 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Executive:
Indeed. Hindsight is always 20/20. 

And we did Gt up some cities, but that means sacrificing econ. And I am trying otu being a mage, which means seriously hindered econ and military.

Just a rough combo. I hate that starting position essentially dictate what playstyle you can have and still survive.


I agree with you mate. In VU position sometimes dictates the outcome of the battle. Just look at us last era, dropping right in the middle of the map. It took just a player or two from each kd to conquer us :) This is one of the thrills of VU. You cannot make plans for next era before you see where you drop. Its like trying to anticipate the exact toy from a chocolate egg (bad comparisson but you got the drift) :)

17:30:20 Jun 10th 16 - Mr. Solo Tres:

The FDA and Government banned toys in Chocolate Eggs. I will never know what that freedom tastes like.

18:34:30 Jun 10th 16 - Duke Chade The Sensitive Fella:

23:21:09 Jun 10th 16 - Mr. Solo Tres:

Spook, get back in the game. Im trying to reclaim parts of the Office.

03:19:10 Jun 11th 16 - Tyrin (Mr. Other Character Isa Porche):

Yeah, you can have HR back, the productivity in there was declining after they saw the how much of the rest of this new office is full of dirt or on fire.

I just got done remodeling the old one anyways

There are no buildings left in Break Room. The city now lies in ruins!

There is no rest for the wicked >:)

03:36:38 Jun 11th 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Executive:

We've pretty much relocated to the Annex, but too many employees have been asleep at the Desk. We finally got the roaches cleared out of Human Resources, but evidently they had to condemn half of the structure out this way.

No matter, we will keep cleaning. Got to make those quarterlies!

02:47:59 Jun 23rd 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Executive:

We keep trying to audit some prospectors on our property, but we seem to keep running into red tape every time we get near...

09:15:50 Jun 24th 16 - Duke Chade The Sensitive Fella:

Era dedicated to The Unburnt Queen of the Andals, The Rhoynar and of the Firts Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, Mother of Dragons - EMILIA CLARKE!!!!

Casting Armageddon from Scout upon Emilia Clarke with 20% chance of success...successful, If our defence holds, Armageddon will start within 240 days. When casting the spell 17679 of our Spellweavers died and 5893 got injured.

04:36:48 Jun 29th 16 - Tyrin (Mr. Other Character Isa Porche):

I havent been praying to Zeta hard enough this era I guess. (first two are the same city, I went back after dropping low tier lol)

13:46:37 Jun 29th 16 - Prince Chade:

this is called "Stormy's Luck" mate

19:40:52 Jun 29th 16 - Stormy (Lord Chades Bff):

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