Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 44 Era of Mr Lazy

Valhalla 44 Era of Mr Lazy
14:36:45 Oct 11th 16 - HorusPanic (Mr. Teacher):

OK, Black Flag will be coming back... looks like a new kingdom called Nararians is checking in. We'll be welcoming The Undead... who else? Hammer and Shield of course.

PS Black Flag has to recruit again

Please send in your applications.

16:42:20 Oct 11th 16 - Stormy (Mr. Late Start Stormy):

don't use the kingdom list:P undead are listed on fant and we (kingdom of heaven) arent even listed anywhere....or should i take that as a bad sign O.O

Shudder scared shock terror carnival of souls

17:05:26 Oct 11th 16 - HorusPanic (Mr. Kay Kay):

I'm just looking at spawned players

01:12:09 Oct 13th 16 - HorusPanic (Mr. Coach):

Looks like a party

Kingdoms in Valhalla
The Borg8The Hives296
Lost Souls8Prince Erythnul268
Kingdom of Heaven6Lord Stormcrow179
Hammer and Shield9Mr. Bigfield The Executive177
SPQR3Baron Tiberius Decimus136
Black Flag II4Mr. Coach100
Nararians3Mr. Batos94
Eccleziastez6Ms. Kristen Kreuk81
Ideal Society II3Mr. Ciekavaz47
Novus Animi1Lord Arc The Lanista42
Legends1Ms. Fists of Fury42
KD checking2Mr. Darkmoor40
Blood Havoc6Ms. Havoc40

07:21:18 Oct 16th 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Executive:

IMGKingdom NameMembersLeader%P
Kingdoms in Valhalla
Lost Souls8Prince Erythnul218
Black Flag II6Mr. Coach137
Hammer and Shield8Mr. Bigfield The Executive100
Kingdom of Heaven6Lord Stormcrow83
SPQR3Baron Tiberius Decimus65
The Decomposed Warriors4Mr. Jonesthegod44
Novus Animi9Lord Arc The Lanista39
Legends1Ms. Fists of Fury25
Nararians2Mr. Batos15
Ideal Society II3Mr. Ciekavaz7

00:48:01 Oct 19th 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Executive:

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Lost Souls8Prince Erythnul254
Black Flag II6Mr. Coach152
Kingdom of Heaven6Lord Stormcrow108
Hammer and Shield7Mr. Bigfield The Executive100
SPQR3Baron Tiberius Decimus91
The Decomposed Warriors4Mr. Jonesthegod53
Novus Animi10Lord Arc The Lanista47
Legends1Ms. Fists of Fury25
Ideal Society II3Mr. Ciekavaz8
Wall of Fire2Mr. Dong Zhuo2

00:51:08 Oct 19th 16 - Endless (Ms. Fists of Fury):

I'm not last place yet, better rectify that 

06:02:52 Oct 28th 16 - Globey (Supreme Leader Sapromo Cinar):

Looks like KoH got the better of HS in the OOP war. We're starting to see what factions will look like; at least for the next little while. Things look somewhat even, except for Lost Souls, who are way in the lead.

Any active wars going on?

Kingdoms in Valhalla

Lost Souls8Prince Erythnul234
Kingdom of Heaven7Lord Stormcrow128
The Decomposed Warriors4Mr. Jonesthegod102
SPQR4Baron Tiberius Decimus100
Novus Animi5Lord Arc The Lanista51
Wall of Fire2Mr. Dong Zhuo20
Nararians3Mr. Batos17
Hammer and Shield5Mr. Bigfield The Executive6
Ideal Society II3Mr. Ciekavaz6

17:27:28 Nov 10th 16 - Globey (Supreme Leader Sapromo Cinar):

What a surprise, the biggest kingdom is going to win.

Kingdoms in Valhalla

Lost Souls9Prince Erythnul457
Kingdom of Heaven7Lord Stormcrow201
Novus Animi8Lord Arc The Lanista149
SPQR5Baron Tiberius Decimus100
Nararians3Mr. Batos63
The Decomposed Warriors3Mr. Jonesthegod47
Hammer and Shield5Mr. Bigfield The Executive22
Ideal Society II3Mr. Ciekavaz12

15:10:42 Nov 11th 16 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

We had planned on more players being active. That didnt happen.

We stand by our pledge, whenever able, to defend any Kingdom with 5 or less players that is not an aggressor.

22:07:24 Nov 11th 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Executive:

Even in defeat, Hammer and Shield is STILL offerring the lowest Market prices :)

You are selling 3000000 food for 2340000 gold (0.78)

You are selling 4000000 stone for 3680000 gold (0.92)

You are selling 3500000 tree for 5250000 gold (1.5)

03:14:09 Nov 12th 16 - Mr. Bigfield The Executive:

Ive got exactly 1 scout on the map. Invisible as a hobbit is... So I will die with a single slave very wealthy!

8,930,568  605,313  853,835 678,719  

15:48:51 Nov 12th 16 - Xerxes The Great (High King Xerxes The Misguided):

Somebody cast Arma already

15:29:26 Nov 22nd 16 - Mr. Ivanho The Great:

Guys whats happening in this world? Seems like the war is over, then where is Arma?! I think its a good time to restart here as its mid-era in all other worlds.

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Lost Souls9Prince Erythnul251
Kingdom of Heaven8Lord Stormcrow110
Novus Animi7Lord Arc The Lanista37
Nararians3Mr. Batos28
Ideal Society II3Mr. Ciekavaz4
Hammer and Shield5Mr. Bigfield The Executive1
Wall of Fire2Mr. Dong Zhuo1
The Borg8The Hives0
SPQR4Baron Tiberius Decimus0
The Decomposed Warriors3Mr. Jonesthegod0
Eccleziastez6Ms. Kristen Kreuk0
KD checking2Mr. Darkmoor0
You Know2Ms. Dolastia0
Black Flag II2Mr. Coach0
Blood Havoc6Ms. Havoc0

15:48:07 Nov 22nd 16 - Ryan the Archion (Lord Arc The Lanista):

It's because Jasmina wants to slaughter my little soldiers first. And KoH and LS still not doing much blood fest.

17:54:08 Nov 22nd 16 - Ms. Jasmine:

I do not mind if the world ends :-)

I am chasing you cause there's not much else to do :-)

18:27:23 Nov 22nd 16 - Globey (Mr. Dominick The Hairy):

Keep Valahalla going! If we try hard enough, we can sync up all the worlds so they restart at the same time!

19:37:13 Nov 22nd 16 - Ivanho (Mr. Ivanho The Great):

Nop i don't like it. Its always tough n requires lots of activity at the start of the world, so if all world starts together it'll be very tough to control multiple worlds. 

20:16:03 Nov 22nd 16 - Endless (Ms. Red Horse of The Apocalypse):

NA thought they'd snack on KOH so now the tables are turned and someone is running away, not time for arma yet, still lots of snacking to be had :)

20:31:21 Nov 22nd 16 - Woody (Lord Woody):

Farm farm farm, still in protect, farm farm farm, still in...

23:30:36 Nov 22nd 16 - Ryan the Archion (Lord Arc The Lanista):

@Jasmina, why there is not much to do? Are you NAP with LS? Also, you are just lucky that I don't have peasants to train that's why I need to run. I'll train my another 500k Advents in my core instead.

00:50:11 Nov 23rd 16 - Endless (Ms. Troich):

Nice to have inactives to kick and plunder and train more eh? ;)

01:19:28 Nov 23rd 16 - Ryan the Archion (Lord Arc The Lanista):

LOL. Really stupid. If your so n00b Endless, don't spread it around.

01:47:23 Nov 23rd 16 - Endless (Lady Tinuviel):

Guess I need my glasses checked, I wouldn't care if you just admitted it but whatever... happy spankings all around ;)

00:22:33 Nov 24th 16 - Ryan the Archion (Lord Arc The Lanista):

You want your glasses checked? I've been doing that all these time as I seeing KoH armies marching past through LS cities without any confrontation. Why would two of the veteran KDs here would do non-aggression when they are the only two can match each other.

KoH instead are marching to my KD with newbies on my ranks (no one in my KD is active enough, even me). Are you guys that really weak now? That you instead pick on the easy kill than face a more challenging opponent?

00:44:11 Nov 24th 16 - Endless (Ms. Troich):

You start a fight with KOH and now you're aghast that we've finished our other wars and are coming for your kingdom? Guess you should pick your battles more carefully.

BTW, now that you're done kicking and feeding off your new guys (way to go on showing them impeccable leadership) and taking your MAP partner's blocker, what other tricks have you got up your sleeve.  This has been so much like the good old days I was starting to think you give Kath a run for his money on antics :D funny stuff

14:42:32 Nov 24th 16 - Ryan the Archion (Lord Arc The Lanista):

I'm fighting KoH because your KD is the only one available to fight that can give challenge. Narararians already restarted and being attacked again by Coolcat when I marhed my army out. That's why I attacked your KD's nearest outlying city, then attacked SPQR. Sadly, LS was much more active than me that's why they took more cities of SPQR, and I was left with the armory-blocker. So basically, you are not answering my question why KoH would go with a non-aggression?

First of all, I did not feed off. You can ask Zeta how much I got from taking over Banroth's cities, especially I have a larger land than him. You know what I mean by that. I took it just to support my 700k Advent army upkeep. I kicked him after a request from a KD mate that you are pursuing from the west wanted to rezone:

Mr. Espinage (11/17/2016 12:25:05 AM)

I see our member has become inactive can I rezone and take these cities when I get close enough
You (11/17/2016 2:28:16 PM)
Yes you can.
Mr. Espinage (11/17/2016 11:53:52 PM) GOOD BAD
Not Sure lost souls will open gates for my armies to arrive in the south can you ask them to please
You (11/18/2016 8:31:20 AM)
They will. We are basically part of their KD.
Mr. Espinage (11/20/2016 6:24:19 AM) GOOD BAD
ok if you can kick Banroth
Mr. Espinage (11/20/2016 5:40:52 PM) GOOD BAD
i have 0 income and troop levels droping very fast

Unfortunately, when he arrived here and when I kicked Banroth, his army was already in the size of Platoon to Battalion that could not even take a 1k city. I offered to other members the cities of Banroth but no replies were made. So I decided to prep on his 90kers when I saw your army passed our blocker in the north. Also, I only kicked Banroth and no other else.

What I have is just basically a farmed-up gold and stone through StG. Imagine how much you can accumulate if a lot of people selling .7-.9 / stone.

Kathandrion? That n00b as you? I had never been involved to any of his dealings.

For the blocker:

You (11/23/2016 11:19:07 PM)
Hi there, I want to ask if I can takeover Legendarblock, since Ery doesn't reply to my messages to open it.
Mr. Incorrigable Coolcat (11/24/2016 4:44:42 AM) GOOD BAD
take it over. yes

What else I have up on my sleeves? It is to kill KoH if I'm active enough. :D

15:09:28 Nov 24th 16 - Ivanho (Mr. Ivanho The Great):

lol.. Thats a long explanation :P 

Anyway don't worry, this era is 'bout to end soon. xD I was thinking about a fresh start here but seems they don't wanna agree for Arma until the final war. But i understand as i may would do the same.

09:09:49 Nov 29th 16 - Ivanho (Mr. Ivanho The Great):

Current date: 2016-11-29 12:57:41 (VU Day 56203)

  • Armageddon will end the world of Valhalla in 240 days unless the city of Front Door is destroyed.

There are currently 33 players online.

Guys is this gonna end or you guys wanna continue? Also which kd did this? Please be specific as many players wanna join in next era by quieting from other worlds; n it needs time to do that.

09:10:37 Nov 29th 16 - Endless (Ms. Troich):

Lost Souls cast

09:12:16 Nov 29th 16 - Ivanho (Mr. Ivanho The Great):

OMG! then its gonna end :)

09:17:06 Nov 29th 16 - Endless (Lady Tinuviel):

 we could pull a DD crap No vote like last era on Zetamania and make it drag on? :D  probably not though, not as much to snack on anymore

20:25:11 Nov 29th 16 - Xerxes The Great (High King Xerxes The Impatient):

About time!!

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