Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 46

Valhalla 46
18:04:41 Jan 27th 17 - Duke Chade The Drunk Meerkat:

well, FFA event :)

23:53:24 Jan 28th 17 - Osiris (Mr. Demandred):

Im going to solo era while i try out a race i haven't done before :D I plan to trade in peace! Attack me and be cursed! (and get nothing cuz raze ofc) ^^

04:32:59 Jan 29th 17 - Mr. Perilous The Hoarder:

Sounding off for Hammer and Shield. At least a hobbit and a Dwarf playing. Fingers crossed for a third.

05:38:32 Jan 29th 17 - Mr. Pang Tong:

Pang Tong from Wall of Fire is coming back to play ;)

07:58:05 Jan 29th 17 - Lala (Mr. Lala Bragi):

I'd love a farm fest tbh .. might be a chance to experiment with some good shit.

19:09:29 Jan 29th 17 - Ryan the Archion (Lord Arc Magus):

I've got some good neighbors around. 3-4 KDs in one spot.

20:32:13 Jan 29th 17 - SFD (Duke Sfd I):

Hehe, we look forward to making friends archy :) 

06:22:37 Jan 30th 17 - Lala (Mr. Drug Addict):

yo sfd, where are you? playing Orc again?

I wanna fiet OOP. Scoreline is 1-0.

13:38:36 Jan 30th 17 - SFD (Mr. Hodr The Blind):

Aha Lala I have a great team this time, and no merged world so let's just agree I already have the 1-1 ;) 

13:47:10 Jan 30th 17 - Mr. Perilous The Hoarder:

Looks like hes in the North west quadrant

20:00:15 Jan 30th 17 - Lala (Mr. Tinky Winky):

Oh SFD's in the North West? Damn, it'll take me atleast 50 ticks to get there! Thanks for the intel!

yo SFD, I'd wait for the era to end. Looks like it'll be 2-0 by the end of this round.

03:05:49 Jan 31st 17 - Mr. Perilous The Hoarder:

Actually, it appears to only be a single scout. Probably north east.

19:07:26 Feb 5th 17 - SFD (Duke Hybrid Sfd):

who wants a NAP?
all applicants welcome :)

Oh wait its FFA apparently, get your asses into gear and F each other in the A.... ironically brans Favorite type of p0rn  

05:10:19 Feb 6th 17 - Lala (Mr. Tinky Winky):

Valhalla's terrible. The name sounds like a forest but there's no tree on the market.

05:11:20 Feb 6th 17 - Endless (Ms. Melee):

dwarf heaven ;)

22:29:10 Feb 6th 17 - Bran (Mr. Nigel):

those of you who are trying to sell your stone for .95 you can all go to hell

22:46:46 Feb 6th 17 - Lala (Mr. Tinky Winky):

at least there's stone on the market lol. There's no tree at all. :/

23:08:53 Feb 6th 17 - Endless (Ms. Melee):

I only sell trees to peeps that don't want to spank me :p

00:29:44 Feb 7th 17 - Lala (Mr. Tinky Winky):

It's bound to happen. Sell your trees or not. :P

00:33:16 Feb 7th 17 - Mr. Dong Zhuo:

Selling trees early game is non-sense.

07:49:46 Feb 7th 17 - Duke Chade The Chadelicious:

23:29:10 Feb 6th 17 - Bran (Mr. Nigel):

those of you who are trying to sell your stone for .95 you can all go to hell


Thats cause the cheap stone is bought and only the leftovers are left in the market

14:27:06 Feb 8th 17 - Duke Chade The Chadelicious:

oi slaves...cut me some tree pls

20:17:11 Feb 8th 17 - Lala (Mr. Tinky Winky):

You are selling 14441 processed and beautiful and good quality tree for 48089 gold (3.33)

I'd sell it for more but the market doesn't allow me to increase prices from this base price.

21:15:44 Feb 8th 17 - Lala (Mr. Tinky Winky):

Limited period offer. I sell quality shitz only.

Buy it quick, I gotta train some Gaia's. 

You are selling 414441 tree for 1380089 gold (3.33)

11:51:07 Feb 11th 17 - Lala (Mr. Tinky Winky):

You know how busy everyone is farming up that there's so much shortage of tree and stone in the market. 

12:01:34 Feb 11th 17 - Stewie Griffin (Mr. Stewie):

Kingdom of HeavenKingdom of Azeroth

Battles won: 21
Battles lost: 13

Players: 10
Mr. Von Darkmoor
Lord Inactive Stormy
Lord Woody
Duke Hybrid Sfd
Duke Chade The Chadelicious
Mr. Idunno
Ms. Melee
Mr. Stewie
Mr. Lazy
Ms. Jasmine

Battles won: 4
Battles lost: 9

Players: 10
High King Xerxes
Mr. Aiden Perenolde
Mr. Tinky Winky
Mr. Nigel
Mr. Giveusagobble
Sir Mindenglossa
Mr. Farvilla
Mr. Varian Wrynn
Mr. Blackwood
Ms. Freya

14:45:01 Feb 11th 17 - Lala (Mr. Tinky Winky):

Yeah, Logan's been a tough opponent so far. Appreciate the work his farmers are doing!

05:39:05 Feb 12th 17 - Knigh (Mr. Logen Nine Fingers):

Farmers United Kingdom of Azeroth


Battles won: 17
Battles lost: 8

Members: 2
Mr. Logen Nine Fingers
Mr. Ratpip

Battles won: 5
Battles lost: 12

Members: 10
High King Xerxes
Mr. Aiden Perenolde
Mr. Tinky Winky
Mr. Nigel
Mr. Giveusagobble
Sir Mindenglossa
Mr. Farvilla
Mr. Varian Wrynn
Mr. Blackwood
Ms. Freya

05:39:37 Feb 12th 17 - Knigh (Mr. Logen Nine Fingers):

Pew pew

06:16:32 Feb 12th 17 - Lala (Mr. Tinky Winky):

My Naz are ready for the party. Come over! 😹

07:33:28 Feb 13th 17 - Lala (Mr. Tinky Winky):

"Your character Mr. Tinky Winky is the 25th most powerful ruler in Valhalla"

Who said anything about me and farming?

09:41:13 Feb 13th 17 - Knigh (Mr. Logen Nine Fingers):

Ur either fearsome.or farming.... There's no other option

Mr. Logen Nine Fingers has won 18 battles, captured 8 cities and killed a total of 349628 men and women.

10:57:04 Feb 13th 17 - Duke Chade The Chadelicious:

I respectfully disagree with you Knigh :)

there is NEITHER farming NOR fearsome situations:

Your character Duke Chade The Chadelicious is the 30th most powerful ruler in Valhalla

Your character Duke Chade The Chadelicious has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 1500 men and women

12:29:10 Feb 13th 17 - Knigh (Mr. Logen Nine Fingers):

Ermmm if u haven't attacked anyone yet.... then ur farming.... which is fine... but it's still farming 

12:55:18 Feb 13th 17 - Duke Chade The Chadelicious:


Chade cought ... farming!

13:40:40 Feb 13th 17 - Ms. Jasmine:

You will not show up on scores unless you are halfling, so do not worry about it, just farm away :-)

That is an iconic scene Chade, if Jaime was my brother... still I would pick Oberyn, though he is probably std waiting to happen. 

Years ago I named myself in got theme and since then always sticked with Jasmina but for some reason history always shows this for me (kinda cool):


Ms. Jasmine, daughter of Daenerys Targaryen, We have no recent news to report.

15:19:42 Feb 13th 17 - Ms. Freya:

Jasmine, how do you explain Freya on high scores as an Elf???  And when she's not, she's 7th.

15:20:29 Feb 13th 17 - SFD (Ms. Sfd Hybrid):

Gold and stone storage?

15:23:15 Feb 13th 17 - Duke Chade The Chadelicious:

16:19:42 Feb 13th 17 - Ms. Freya:

Jasmine, how do you explain Freya on high scores as an Elf???  And when she's not, she's 7th.



15:37:06 Feb 13th 17 - Mr. Pang Tong:

Buying up all my cheap, inexpensive, cheap labour, and mass produced stone

16:35:01 Feb 13th 17 - SFD (Duke Hybrid Sfd):

07:33:28 Feb 13th 17 - Lala (Mr. Tinky Winky):

"Your character Mr. Tinky Winky is the 25th most powerful ruler in Valhalla"

Who said anything about me and farming?

obv gaia spam lala :P

16:39:59 Feb 13th 17 - Ms. Jasmine:

Well Freya, elves have lower building cost when building into forest, which gives them a chance to build more at reduced price, similar to Dwarves. Plus you probably did some training as well, which also helps with the score? I don't know how much land you have, but I am Troll and atm its like this:

Your character Ms. Jasmine is the 19th most powerful ruler in Valhalla

17:00:42 Feb 13th 17 - Lala (Mr. Tinky Winky):

07:35:01 Feb 13th 17 - SFD (Duke Hybrid Sfd):

07:33:28 Feb 13th 17 - Lala (Mr. Tinky Winky):

"Your character Mr. Tinky Winky is the 25th most powerful ruler in Valhalla"

Who said anything about me and farming?

obv gaia spam lala :P

Sadly that's the only thing Bling taught me. :/

00:41:13 Feb 13th 17 - Knigh (Mr. Logen Nine Fingers):

Ur either fearsome.or farming.... There's no other option

Mr. Logen Nine Fingers has won 18 battles, captured 8 cities and killed a total of 349628 men and women.

Dude your farmers have fought enough. Let them rest in peace now! :P

17:01:52 Feb 13th 17 - Osiris (Mr. Demandred):

I'm doing alright and Im not a halfer 

18:13:11 Feb 13th 17 - Ms. Freya:

I'm 7th currently.  Was just saying, you don't have to be a halfling to rank high.  Osiris also proves that, though he's newer to the list. :)

This is only my 2nd full era (Mantrax was my first), too.  So I'm still new. :/

I obviously won't state my land or troop count, but yes, that would be why I'm high.

19:24:53 Feb 13th 17 - Bran (Mr. Nigel):

Knigh, you stink

20:10:13 Feb 13th 17 - Duke Chade The Chadelicious:

bran you are fgt

20:11:58 Feb 13th 17 - Bran (Mr. Nigel):

chade thats just juvenile

20:41:27 Feb 13th 17 - Duke Chade The Chadelicious:

i know mate, im glad you understood that. I was wondering what primitive form of communication to use in order for you to understand my point.

Clearly, I've chosen the correct one.

20:45:19 Feb 13th 17 - Bran (Mr. Nigel):

if its a primitive form of communication you are looking for, may i suggest your native tongue?

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