Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 47

Valhalla 47
07:19:07 Mar 31st 17 - Mr. Dong Zhuo:

A new era has begun. But Chade remains the same.

May Kingdom of Heaven be destroyed again.

If you want to fight KoH and are active, join our ranks.

Dong Zhuo
Warchief - Wall of Fire

07:46:01 Mar 31st 17 - Duke Chade The Chadelicious:

03:54:15 Apr 1st 17 - Mr. Bigfield:

Hammer and shield should have 7 or 8.

18:49:19 Apr 1st 17 - The Real Josh (Archangel Acacyn):

4 KDs, one tile... Annoying.

22:18:38 Apr 1st 17 - Mr. Bigfield:


Kingdoms in Valhalla
Peace be with you8Mr. Deathproof5529
Kingdom of Heaven10Lord Stormcrow108
Hammer and Shield9Mr. Bigfield100
Church Of Avacyn1Archangel Acacyn45
SPQR7Mr. Eridisius21
Novus Animi8Lord Arc Patronus20
Nararians10Mr. Battos19

22:31:36 Apr 1st 17 - errorwick (Mr. Eridisius):

Peace be with you was in Fantasia... wat

00:02:14 Apr 2nd 17 - Osiris (Dark Lord Osiris):

The Forsaken wont bother this era i think :D

00:12:59 Apr 2nd 17 - SFD (Duke Hybrid Sfd):

one of those is still on fant thats all.
what i want to know is how slade is 45+% of us and you lol

00:28:40 Apr 2nd 17 - The Real Josh (Archangel Acacyn):

My farming skills > Your farming kills.

Its pretty simple SFD.. Get Gud. :P

01:09:53 Apr 2nd 17 - The Real Josh (Archangel Acacyn):

IMGKingdom NameMembersLeader%P
Kingdoms in Valhalla
Peace be with you8Mr. Deathproof7930
Hammer and Shield9Mr. Bigfield279
Kingdom of Heaven10Lord Stormcrow229
Church Of Avacyn3Archangel Acacyn100
SPQR7Mr. Eridisius65
Novus Animi8Lord Arc Patronus54
Nararians10Mr. Battos51
The Borg8The Hives12
Wall of Fire3Mr. Dong Zhuo7
lol wut i call hax on that crap... there is no way in HELL KoH are still 229% my KD we are obviously better!

01:58:06 Apr 2nd 17 - SFD (Duke Hybrid Sfd):

lol slade im going to personally eat your but hole when i see you.....! and not in the good way... you know how your boyfriend does it ;)

03:01:18 Apr 2nd 17 - The Real Josh (Peasant Fcuker):

haha join the line mate haha 

and dont be dissin on Fordy's Ass eating.. he is like the Binh of Eating ass.

03:04:57 Apr 2nd 17 - SFD (Mr. Sfd):

listen, fordy has nothing on bran, my ass been squeaky clean since i joined him :P 

03:06:57 Apr 2nd 17 - Mr. Bling:

Thats cause bran sucks ass too

03:07:04 Apr 2nd 17 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):


U FKN Spaztic bro? Bran isnt even a water boy in the league BELOW fordy!

03:49:06 Apr 2nd 17 - SFD (Duke Sfdees Nuts):

Ofc bran isn't a water boy, that would insinuate he could get someone wet.

Since he is Stuck licking my brown ass we will call him Charley, BC he's gold a golden ticket to my chocolate factory XD

14:05:50 Apr 3rd 17 - Nayoke the Kid (Mr. Eros Dragon Caster):

i think i just threw up in my mouth a little

14:09:26 Apr 3rd 17 - The Real Josh (Prince Sladen):

his ass isn't worth the fuck :D
he's my shit bin :D

Fordius would agree lol

04:07:18 Apr 4th 17 - Mr. Dong Zhuo:

So, everyone spawned

Total war.

07:45:35 Apr 4th 17 - Duke Chade From Outta Space:

it's a will die early.

10:07:20 Apr 4th 17 - Mr. Battos:

I pray this is a quick era..

22:43:49 Apr 5th 17 - SFD (Duke Hybrid Sfd):

Seems the "mighty" dong zhuo has already met his end.

I guess you'll have to wait another era for your quest to destroy koh ;)


23:04:20 Apr 5th 17 - Duke Chade From Outta Space:

more like another 150-200 eras mate

01:13:27 Apr 6th 17 - Stormy (Lord Stormcrow):

No!!!!!!!! I fully expected to be dead by now, what am I going to do now?

01:26:16 Apr 6th 17 - Mr. Dong Zhuo:

Well, Im not dead yet.

03:15:51 Apr 6th 17 - Haldimir (Mr. Haldimir Grimbatol):

Just want to ask, why Dong Zhou hate KoH so much?

03:44:22 Apr 6th 17 - Mr. Dong Zhuo:

It's not hate.

I just want to fight the veterans there.

04:37:27 Apr 6th 17 - Mr. Triumphant Trumpeters Return:

I don't know where you got that idea from because none of us know anything about animals.. 

06:36:53 Apr 6th 17 - TheBornLoser (Sir Sadako):

KoH is nothing but a kingdom of losers, lamers and nubs.

The only veterans that kingdom has are veterans of Stormy's dungeon where he unleashes his deepest, darkest and worst fantasies upon them with utter relish and no holding back.

13:07:36 Apr 6th 17 - Duke Chade From Outta Space:

...and the truth is - the slaves actually like it!

14:27:56 Apr 13th 17 - Mr. Bigfield:

I am happy to see the addition of smaller Kingdoms to the Realm.

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Hammer and Shield10Mr. Bigfield100
Kingdom of Heaven10Lord Stormcrow94
Peace be with you8Mr. Deathproof93
Nararians7Mr. Battos54
SPQR7Mr. Eridisius45
Novus Animi8Lord Arc Patronus42
Church Of Avacyn4Archangel Avacyn Reborn28
IPF3Mr. Homo Erectus28
Wall of Fire3Mr. Dong Zhuo11
Bomba Volante2Mr. Eddano2

22:18:19 Apr 15th 17 - Mr. Boombs:

Hello! we are quite late but it's only fair to give you all a bit of a head start. 

I read about very interesting butthole eating and are very pleased to be in Vahalla. 

anyhow... how's the era going? who's at war with who? and which side am I on? (in other words which side has more aforementioned butthole eating?)

03:48:00 Apr 16th 17 - Stormy (Lord Stormcrow):

We in KoH used the do that all the time but then SFD got carried away and was doing it all the the shower, driving to work, while on jury duty, we had to stop it. 

05:08:13 Apr 16th 17 - SFD (Duke Hybrid Sfd):

No matter how much I brush, the taste remains ;) #neverforgetthefun

07:36:51 Apr 16th 17 - Nayoke the Kid (Mr. Eros Dragon Caster):


00:21:05 Apr 17th 17 - Mr. Bigfield:

In General, we only attack those who instigate violence against our members or against new players. 

To date, this typically is Kingdom of Heaven, but not every era.

This era the Church of Avacyn seemed to opt for war OOP, along with KoH and we have reports of the IPF attacking our holdings in the far west.

14:02:19 Apr 17th 17 - Jesus Left Toe (Ms. Hasus The Horticulturalist):

I was an innocent. Slaughtered mercilessly by H&S whilst I tried to farm peacefully. Their bloodlust will be their downfall. I will avenge the deaths of my poor compatriots; with a vengeance that shall give new meaning to the words swift and brutal. 

14:38:40 Apr 17th 17 - Cao Cao (Mr. Spoook):

Might be the first time I've ever heard JLT and Innocent used in the same sentence =P

14:50:22 Apr 17th 17 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Hasus):

I feel I'm a very... misunderstood, individual.

15:27:47 Apr 17th 17 - TheBornLoser (Sir Sadako):

06:21:05 Apr 17th 17 - Mr. Bigfield:
In General, we only attack those who instigate violence against our members or against new players.

So what happens if no one instigates violence against you, your members and against new players?

15:51:01 Apr 17th 17 - Mr. Gwap:

then in that case we shall farm peacefully. Or look for misunderstood individuals such as JLT that land a city in the middle of our core :).

19:09:06 Apr 17th 17 - Mr. Corothius Lucidius:

We should destroy the evil naranians...then join this horticultural way of life.

23:07:14 Apr 17th 17 - Mr. Corothius Lucidius:

Anyone have any trees for sell? No trolls this era?

00:14:57 Apr 18th 17 - Mr. Pang Tong:

Build yourself a tree city lol

14:33:59 Apr 18th 17 - The Real Josh (Archangel Avacyn Reborn):

lol Ceo, you got things twisted but its ok, i do indeed want war, just with Cao Cao tho lol

14:41:56 Apr 18th 17 - Cao Cao (Mr. Spoook):

... maybe i'm the poor misunderstood individual, I just want to farm peacefully, my nazzies are just for pulling the plows =P

14:47:46 Apr 18th 17 - TheBornLoser (Sir Sadako):

Don't listen to Cao Cao. He's got almost 10K nazzies ready to take a couple of 90Ks off of the rest of the map and push FTW!

15:03:47 Apr 18th 17 - Mr. Battos:

04:09:06 Apr 18th 17 - Mr. Corothius Lucidius:

We should destroy the evil naranians...then join this horticultural way of life.

Corothius, this hurts my feelings, we actually like you guys :(

15:10:05 Apr 18th 17 - Mr. Corothius Lucidius:

you do? oh..after being taken out 2 consecutive eras by you guys I figured there was something I didn't know was going on before my joining. Very well then..where's the farmers daughter? I got a plow her field too..

15:50:39 Apr 18th 17 - Mr. Battos:

No not at all,

We fought the first era as it was an even fight you were our closest opponent for a learning KD then second era you guys has the unfortunate spawn point of right next to us within our core.

we hold no issues with you guys and respect/enjoy the skirmishes we've had

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