Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 55

Valhalla 55
16:46:05 Jul 23rd 18 - HorusPanic (Mr. Qanic):

Nobody recruited me so I started my own kingdom,,, again

22:37:48 Jul 23rd 18 - HorusPanic (Mr. Qanic):

What a lively crew we have here:

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Off White Flag4Mr. Qanic100
Varangian Guard2Mr. Sigurd I38
Kingdom of Heaven8Lord Blue Dog35
Hammer and Shield10Mr. Bigfield The Chairman31
The Borg5The Hives23
East Coalition7Mr. Angus Prime20
Ursidae9Doctor Schepp The Grizzly17
Eccleziastez6Ms. Kristen Kreuk6
KD checking2Mr. Darkmoor3
Blood Havoc6Ms. Havoc3

06:17:20 Jul 25th 18 - Night Talon Lord Ivanho (Mr. Snow Whites Zer):

Is someone Feeding Somwone?! 0.95 gold per stone now? if it gets sold he's feeding up...

Valhalla market

Bigfield The Chairman [Hammer and Shield] is not selling more than 100000 stone

* Only showing the 10% cheapest.
Buy amount:
0.95 gold/stone
Total cost:

15:31:44 Jul 25th 18 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

Seriously? I have a Role Playing Kingdom with the sole purpose expressly stated to bring cheap goods to market.

.95 is the general market rate that I would sell at if no one else was on the market. 

You point out the stone, but ignore the people selling tree for 3 gold per unit.

15:33:42 Jul 25th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

Oh no! Collusion! Hacking!

Look at this *uncoordinated*...... FEEEDINGG!!! MWAHAHAHHA
07:32:20 - Gaiados Ignazis of Off White Flag bought 100000 food for 140650 gold from you on the market.

15:49:59 Jul 25th 18 - Night Talon Lord Ivanho (Mr. Snow Whites Zer):

hmm ok Bigfield.

Lol 😆😃😅

15:59:47 Jul 25th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:


Literally this entire game is built around feeding. If you don't want somone else to feed, then simply sell goods for cheaper. Then you get fed first.

Thats capitalism, baby!

16:15:58 Jul 25th 18 - Night Talon Lord Ivanho (Mr. Snow Whites Zer):

Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:


Literally this entire game is built around feeding. If you don't want somone else to feed, then simply sell goods for cheaper. Then you get fed first.

Thats capitalism, baby!

There're other ways as well Bigfield you can use, available only at the start of the age, but at the end you're right ☺😊 It's all 'bout feeding, but Not only for VU; for all other games as well 😆😂😃

16:46:25 Jul 25th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

I mean you *CAN* native your goods, but that's a waste IMO.

And it can spoil some people's decade old strategy if cheap goods are on market :P

17:03:35 Jul 25th 18 - Mr. Gaiados Ignazis:

You all have been feeding me:p

Qanic of Off White Flag bought 102325 tree for 306975 gold from you on the market.
Mattis of Off White Flag bought 73000 tree for 219000 gold from you on the market.
Old Sam of Death Angels bought 40000 tree for 120000 gold from you on the market.
There are no buildings left in Nezferatus. The city now lies in ruins!
Mattis of Off White Flag bought 68000 tree for 204000 gold from you on the market.
Mattis of Off White Flag bought 12115 tree for 36345 gold from you on the market.
Old Sam of Death Angels bought 40000 tree for 120000 gold from you on the market

17:10:15 Jul 25th 18 - Night Talon Lord Ivanho (Mr. Snow Whites Zer):

Mr. Gaiados Ignazis:

You all have been feeding me:p

Lmao 😆😍👍

22:24:38 Jul 25th 18 - Mr. Poole:

Where are you all hiding then?

20:00:28 Jul 27th 18 - HorusPanic (Mr. Qanic):


Kingdom of HeavenHammer and Shield

Battles won: 4
Battles lost: 0

Players: 8
Mr. Von Darkmoor
Lord Blue Dog
Duke Chade Again
Mr. Elendar
Ms. Gods Left Nut
Mr. Learner
Mr. Snow Whites Zer
Mr. Samhain

Battles won: 0
Battles lost: 4

Players: 10
Mr. Capn Kirk
Mr. Spoook
Mr. Punkwah
King Gwap
Field Marshal Milkenstein
Mr. Bidimad
Mr. Bigfield The Chairman
Mr. Marcus Aurelius
Mr. Riavviato
Mr. Ruthless Slayer

20:19:16 Jul 27th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

Since im good at building in Minecraft, alot of folks love to come and visit my towns ...

Here we can see a lecture in progress:

22:11:24 Jul 27th 18 - Mr. Old Sam:

Mr. Poole, I appreciate your interest in me, but I'm sorry, the feeling's not mutual. Please harass somebody else.

07:43:08 Jul 31st 18 - Duke Chade Again:

why valhalla forums are always soooo quiet :((((

17:10:10 Jul 31st 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

We are more engaged in uprooting a cancerous Orc from our fields than in banter :)

But the economy is strong and our foreign trade is booming.

19:28:07 Jul 31st 18 - Duke Chade Again:

oh ya ... you definitely have to uproot such orcs ... if you dont, they will definitely spread like cancer .... ;)

20:23:53 Jul 31st 18 - Lady Luck (Ms. Luck):

A pleasant song of the valiant deeds of chivalry atchieved by that noble knight Sir Chade of Valhalla, who, for the love of fair Stormis, became a hermit, and died in a cave of craggy rocke, a mile distant from Valhalla.

Was ever knight for lades sake
Soe tost in love, as I, Sir Chade,
For Stormis fayre, that lad bright
As ever man beheld with eye?

He gave me leave myself to try,
The valiant knight with sheeld and speare,
Ere that his love shee wold grant me;
Which made mee venture far and neare.

Then proved I a baron bold,
In deeds of armes the doughtyest knight
That in those dayes in England was,
With sword and speare in feild to fight.

An English man I was by birthe:
In faith of Christ a christyan true:
The wicked lawes of infidells
I sought by prowesse to subdue.

'Nine' hundred twenty yeere and odde
After our Saviour Christ his birth,
When King Athelstone wore the crowne,
I lived heere upon the earth.

Sometime I was of Valhalla erle,
And, as I sayd, of very truth
A lades love did me constraine
To seeke strange ventures in my youth;

To win me fame by feates of armes
In strange and sundry heathen lands;
Where I atchieved for his sake
Right dangerous conquests with my hands.

For first I sayled to Normandye,
And there I stoutlye wan in fight
The emperours son of Almaine,
From manye a vallyant worthye knight.

Then passed I the seas to Greece,
To helpe the emperour in his right,
Against the mightye souldans hoaste
Of puissant Persians for to fight:

Where I did slay of Sarazens,
And heathen pagans, manye a man;
And slew the souldans cozen deere,
Who had to name doughtye Coldran.

Eskeldered, a famous knight,
To death likewise I did pursue;
And Elmayne, King of Tyre, alsoe,
Most terrible in fight to viewe.

I went into the souldans hoast,
To death likewise I did pursue;
And Elmayne, King of Tyre, alsoe,
Most terrible in fight to viewe.

I went into the souldans hoast,
Being thither on embassage sent,
And brought his head awaye with mee;
I having slaine him in his tent.

There was a dragon in that land
Most fiercelye mett me by the waye,
As hee a lyon did pursue,
Which I myself did alsoe slay.

Then soon I past the seas from Greece,
And came to Pavye land aright;
Where I the Duke of Pavye killed,
His hainous treason to requite.

To England then I came with speede,
To wedd faire Stormis, lad bright;
For love of whome I travelled farr
To try my manhood and my might.

But when I had espoused him,
I stayd with him but fortye dayes,
Ere that I left this lad faire,
And went from him beyond the seas.

All cladd in gray, in pilgrim sort,
My voyage from him I did take
Unto the blessed Holy Land,
For Jesus Christ my Saviours sake.

Where I Erle Jonas did redeeme,
And all his sonnes, which were fifteene,
Who with the cruell Sarazens
In prisons for long time had beene.

I slew the giant Amarant
In battel fiercelye hand to hand,
And doughty Barknard killed I, 
A treacherous knight of Pavye land.

Then I to England came againe,
And here with Colbronde fell I fought;
An ugly gyant, which the Danes
Had for their champion hither brought.

I overcame him in the field,
And slewe him soone right valliantlye;
Wherebye this land I did redeeme
From Danish tribute utterlye.

And afterwards I offered upp
The use of weapons solemnlye 
At Winchester, whereas I fought,
In sight of manye farr and nye.

'But first,' near Windsor, I did slaye
A bore of passing might and strength;
Whose like in England never was 
For hugenesse both in bredth and length.

Some of his bones in Valhalla yett
Within the castle there doe lye;
One of his sheeld-bones to this day
Hangs in the citye of Coventrye.

On Dunsmore heath I alsoe slewe
A monstrous wyld and cruell beast,
Calld the Dun-cow of Dunsmore heath;
Which manye people had opprest.

Some of her bones in Valhalla yett
Still for a monument doe lye,
And there exposed to lookers viewe,
As wonderous strange, they may espye.

A dragon in Northumberland
I alsoe did in fight destroye,
Which did bothe man and beast oppresse,
And all the countrye sore annoye.

At length to Valhalla I did come,
Like pilgrim poore and was not knowne;
And there I lived a hermitts life
A mile and more out of the towne.

Where with my hands I hewed a house
Out of a craggy rocke of stone,
And lived like a palmer poore
WIthin that cave myself alone;

And daylye came to begg my bread 
Of Stormis att my castle gate;
Not knowne unto my loved wiffe,
Who dailye mourned for his mate.

Till att the last I fell sore sicke,
Yea, sicke soe sore that I must dye;
I sent to him a ring of golde
By which hee knewe me presentlye.

Then hee repairing to the cave,
Before that I gave up the ghost,
Himself closd up my dying eyes;
My Stormis faire, whom I lovd most.

Thus dreadful death did me arrest,
To bring my corpes unto the grave,
And like a palmer dyed I,
Whereby I sought my soule to save.

My body that endured this toyle,
Though now it be consumed to mold,
My statue, faire engraven in stone,
In Valhalla still you may behold.

20:33:38 Jul 31st 18 - Night Talon Lord Ivanho (Mr. Snow Whites Zer):

What a Lovely Epic Poem on Chade & Stormie 😍😍❤💋💖👏

Alas! i couldn't be a part of such a poem. Perhaps I'm not good enough... 😢😧😔

16:32:38 Aug 2nd 18 - HorusPanic (Mr. Qanic):

things are happening...

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Hammer and Shield10Mr. Bigfield The Chairman167
Kingdom of Heaven8Lord Blue Dog138
Off White Flag4Mr. Qanic100
Varangian Guard4Mr. Sigurd I72
Rat Pack1Ms. Luck44
Death Angels2Ms. Jasmina42
East Coalition6Mr. Angus Prime25
Plus Ultra1All Might11

21:56:52 Aug 2nd 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

Looks like Hammer and Shield has itself a good old fashioned Price war!

Who benefits? The Consumer. Got to love Capitalism.

15:27:18 Aug 7th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

love how things are heating up on the map :)

18:26:39 Aug 9th 18 - Night Talon Lord Ivanho (Mr. Snow Whites Zer):

As y'all know, Never Understimate Ex-HB member Snow Whites BF and my mate Chade 😀😁😂😆😆😆

Most Fearsome Rulers
  1. Mr. Snow Whites Zer has won 7 battles, captured 3 cities and killed a total of 596097 men and women.
  2. Duke Chade Again has won 17 battles, captured 6 cities and killed a total of 179068 men and women.
  3. Mr. Gaiados Ignazis has won 8 battles, captured 6 cities and killed a total of 133375 men and women.
  4. Mr. Learner has won 10 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 79101 men and women.
  5. Mr. Qanic has won 10 battles, captured 6 cities and killed a total of 36317 men and women.
  6. Ms. Jasmina has won 8 battles, captured 3 cities and killed a total of 61842 men and women.

* Only battles fought against armies with more than 5000 OP/DP counts as win/loss.

Your character Mr. Snow Whites Zer has won 7 battles, captured 3 cities and killed a total of 596097 men and women

20:15:40 Aug 11th 18 - Night Talon Lord Ivanho (Mr. Snow Whites Zer):


I reached 1 million Kills 😆😆 Was it too fast? My humble apologies 😉😜😛

Most Fearsome Rulers
  1. Mr. Snow Whites Zer has won 17 battles, captured 9 cities and killed a total of 1,082,039 men and women.
  2. Duke Chade Again has won 22 battles, captured 8 cities and killed a total of 187,196 men and women.
  3. Ms. Luck has won 12 battles, captured 3 cities and killed a total of 195,124 men and women.
  4. Mr. Qanic has won 11 battles, captured 7 cities and killed a total of 68,353 men and women.
  5. Mr. Gaiados Ignazis has won 8 battles, captured 6 cities and killed a total of 140,672 men and women.
  6. Mr. Learner has won 12 battles, captured 1 cities and killed a total of 93,078 men and women.

* Only battles fought against armies with more than 5000 OP/DP counts as win/loss.

Your character Mr. Snow Whites Zer has won 17 battles, captured 9 cities and killed a total of 1082039 men and women

02:20:39 Aug 13th 18 - Lady Luck (Ms. Luck):

Is that why only Bigfield is spamming city retrieval units?

05:23:08 Aug 13th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

Spamming city retrieval units? 

You make it sound like Outmaneuvering cumbersome large armies and liberating my kingdom's core is a bad thing.

05:28:19 Aug 13th 18 - Lady Luck (Ms. Luck):

 it was a compliment, the rest of your kingdom doesn’t seem as dedicated 

05:35:40 Aug 13th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:


We had several go AFK for a week or so. Bad timing for the kingdom elf lol. 

One guy was 40 days since a log in. Jist pruned membership.

But we do what we can. No one is harder to root out than Chade OOP. 3 years running.

07:42:38 Aug 13th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

i cant help it but chuckle .... :D

yeah we have had to deal with inactives more or less throughout the entire history of KoH :D up until last era we had stormy not logged in 150+ days and TBL logs in one era per year too ... so yeah, i think KoH's family is growing smaller and smaller each year online, and parallel to that growing larger and larger in RL ;)

11:50:36 Aug 13th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattis):

When TBL logs in does he manage his cities/armies or does he just swing by to club people down on the forums?

11:57:04 Aug 13th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

he doesn't need to manage his cities .... he is so powerful that the game does that for him . Otherwise he always makes a cameo in the forums at some point or another

05:16:27 Aug 14th 18 - TheBornLoser (Sir Irregular Bowel Movement):

I do not manage cities or armies. I manage people, so that they manage cities and armies. I am a strong proponent of multi-level marketing, aka building my team of minions to serve my... directives.

And why do I need to "club" people down on the forums? I prefer a more appropriate verb.... bludgeon? Hack? Mow? Headbutt? Ankle-lock? 3rd-level tight-rope elbow-drop? Tombstone pile-drive?

OK, on a serious note, I only return to VU about once a year for a game reunion with my old friends. There is also a clear correlation between spiked cortisol levels and VU playing, so I try to minimize my exposure to VU in my life if I can :D

05:30:40 Aug 14th 18 - Mr. Sexy Fecker:

basically, he prefers punany to you lot.

07:37:11 Aug 14th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

@Matthew - see i told you

23:33:24 Aug 14th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattis):

Ah, I see. My apologies, I know you enjoy issuing the beatdowns but I forgot that a man of your eloquence prefers bludgeoning over clubbing.

I definitely feel you on the cortisol levels, last night I got a call from someone about their health and I remember thinking at one point "I sure hope I haven't been sieged".

Certainly a stress inducing game, but also one with enough conceptual merit that it keeps people coming back over the years.

I've certainly enjoyed your forum posts over the years and I'm happy to see you're still around TBL. Best wishes managing your minio- building your multi-level marketing team. Godbless.

23:41:33 Aug 14th 18 - Woody (Lord Lonelyz):

And i join for a week and flake, #woodylife

05:07:34 Aug 15th 18 - Mr. Bigfield The Chairman:

Reclaiming cities with empty homes... but anwhere's a place for a warrior gnome. 

06:22:07 Aug 15th 18 - Lady Luck (Ms. Luck):

will get you on the most persistence list for sure

06:24:08 Aug 15th 18 - Night Talon Lord Ivanho (Mr. War Troll of Underdogs):

Trolls are Brave-hearts.... looking for their sweethearts...

10:12:39 Aug 15th 18 - Night Talon Lord Ivanho (Mr. Snow Whites Zer):

Guys its getting Boring... why Everyone  is Running from my Army? I'm no Demon...! come on already... 😂😆😆😉😉 Show me what you got!

I see players moving with Army Groups which are not even in HoH, Really! stop spamming 2's... dhude! dont make me laugh...

Most Fearsome Rulers
  1. Mr. Snow Whites Zer has won 34 battles, captured 21 cities and killed a total of 1,534,238 men and women.
  2. Ms. Luck has won 21 battles, captured 15 cities and killed a total of 233247 men and women.
  3. Mr. Bigfield The Chairman has won 12 battles, captured 14 cities and killed a total of 36716 men and women.
  4. Mr. Learner has won 27 battles, captured 12 cities and killed a total of 190980 men and women.
  5. Duke Chade Again has won 28 battles, captured 8 cities and killed a total of 201151 men and women.
  6. Chief Mattis has won 5 battles, captured 2 cities and killed a total of 339965 men and women.

* Only battles fought against armies with more than 5000 OP/DP counts as win/loss.

Most Powerful ArmiesMost Powerful Cities

Nuub Naa Duus
Mr. Snow Whites Zer

Mr. Gaiados Ignazis

Death Warriors
Mr. Old Sam

Lucky Charms V
Ms. Luck

Mr. Von Darkmoor

Rivendell Riders
Ms. Jasmina

Mr. Learner

Mr. Fwef

Mr. Eidar

Mr. Eidar

Mr. Von Darkmoor

Sane Arms
Mr. Ambrose II

Nazgul Swatters (Swatter later dhude, get into HoH first!)

Army Info
Commander:Mr. Old SamKingdom Banner
Kingdom:Death Angels
Size:Group of Armies (Around 500,000)
Status:Moving North

10:23:38 Aug 15th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattis):

As the ruler with the 2nd most killed units, which I can assure you were all Nazgul (whilst you killed puny and pathetic mil0 slingers and farmers), I challenge you to battle.

A disgusting sub-human like yourself could never match the might of my superior Human Knights, no matter how late the era goes. My Knights will fight with might and your Berserkers will flee in fright.

Such is the way of things when a King-of-Kings does battle with a filthy unwashed slave-of-peasants.

In the mean time continue killing those mil0 Slingers- a ruler of my might would have surely won the war singlehandedly before even having the chance to reach 1 million killed mil0 slingers.

When you're done playing around you know where to find me. I'll be waiting.

10:36:11 Aug 15th 18 - Night Talon Lord Ivanho (Mr. Snow Whites Zer):

Hahaha, thats super cool mate 😆😊 some response after long time, from somebody who's good at it 😎😍😙😘😚

Cant wait to meet you at your core XD obviously after i clear DA 😀😁

10:40:34 Aug 15th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattis):

IF you can even clear DA. I'm not sure that I beat them down hard enough OOP for a weak opportunist like you to handle, your Berserker (who are so nonathletic that they look more like Hobgoblin) may struggle, even with Manservant Chade at your beck and call for aid.

We will meet at your core. I look forward to it.

10:48:16 Aug 15th 18 - Night Talon Lord Ivanho (Mr. Snow Whites Zer):

Ahahaha, Epic reply mate! 

Well, had 99% on Jasmina, she barely escaped 😂😆 Last time i saw, Sam was running with his army group to save his Life. You know the drills... what gonna happen next 😆😎 

10:48:33 Aug 15th 18 - Mr. Old Sam:

For all your talk of running, you're the one moving away...

Nuub Naa Duus

Army Info
Commander:Mr. Snow Whites ZerKingdom Banner
Kingdom:Kingdom of Heaven
Size:Army (100,000-200,000)
Status:Moving North

11:11:21 Aug 15th 18 - Night Talon Lord Ivanho (Mr. Snow Whites Zer):

Well im gone bore of Y'all. Everytime i move forward, you guys run backward 😀😁😂

Lost interest playing cat & mouse 😇😉

11:26:23 Aug 15th 18 - Matthew (Chief Mattis):

KoH vs DA (or Hammer and Shield for that matter) is less like Cats & Mice and more like Pussies & Rats. How could you get bored chasing those clowns, I thought the circus was supposed to be fun!

Don't even get me started on that 'Mr. Bigfield' guy either. I hope he's more successful in the businesses world than he is with real estate, looks like he can't hold onto a property to save his life. Guy can't even keep a gold-mine open.

I'd be beating all you clowns singlehandedly on mobile only with dial up and a broken phone but I'm busy clobbering Harald Hardrada, one of the most powerful rules of the Viking Age.

I'll come for you next.

13:07:04 Aug 15th 18 - Duke Chade Again:

modern flames are so ... dry :( 10 yrs ago it was different

17:23:14 Aug 15th 18 - Woody (Lord Lonelyz):

Yeah, nowadays its like a fag lighter flame, not like the bonfires of the past :(

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