Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 70

Valhalla 70
18:35:35 Aug 2nd 20 - Mr. Warpeace:

Its kick off time !!!!

23:59:07 Aug 2nd 20 - Mr. Bigfield:

Hammer and Shield Reporting. We have space for 3 more. 

5 landed thus far.

15:23:14 Aug 3rd 20 - Penguin (Clown Saint Josaphat Kuntsevych):

pay me 50 euros and i might join

16:30:38 Aug 3rd 20 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

Well, we have our first traitor. He sent this then left.. Sure, it is kinda my fault for not seeing in the "new era races" thread in our forum that he suggested southwest or southeast.. He could have started a new thread for strategy.. He also could have messaged me where he wanted..

Lord Arc (8/3/2020 4:50:32 AM)GOODBAD
What in Southwest you did not understand?
You (8/3/2020 7:47:59 AM)
Bro.. 1) you need to learn what tact is and how to use it.

2) where did you say southwest? The only input I got from anybody was Northeast and since I spawned in the absolute west, that wasn't an option.. If I missed it, I'm sorry, but I didn't see it
Lord Arc (8/3/2020 9:55:56 AM)GOODBAD
Oh, sorry. I did not know you can't read. K. Bye.

16:37:04 Aug 3rd 20 - Ryan the Archion (Duke Ryan The Archion XXVIII):

K. Bye.

16:45:21 Aug 3rd 20 - Konspyre (Captain God Zeus):

Thinks he's a big deal? check.
Childish response? check.
Unwillingness to respond to your message, and instantly resorting to insults? check.

I had a remarkably similar exchange with him last era on Mant. Don't sweat it too much Dak.

06:38:50 Sep 4th 20 - Prince Merlin The Trader:

Whats the situation in Valhalla this era?

Can we get a quick summary?
And when it might end?

21:56:21 Sep 4th 20 - Mr. War Peace II:

in summery 

H&S & Candlewax fought Judgment.
Judgement are still left with a bit of fight left in them
KOH attacked Candlewax 
The Borg i dont think they dropped
.... WAR is on!

00:23:43 Sep 5th 20 - Konspyre (Captain God Zeus):

Even if we don't win, we'll never be easy prey :)

01:01:19 Sep 5th 20 - Mr. War Peace II:

ah nah fair play I sent two armies and both got frozen then eaten I think I took and wrecked one city in the end lol

07:02:29 Sep 5th 20 - Ruthless The Ironside:

Then I came i ate em all up.

22:12:34 Sep 22nd 20 - Cleft Lord Silverthing:

the world is certainly getting on but I think there's some serious final showdown level stuff going on, good luck soldiers 

02:39:31 Sep 23rd 20 - Mr. Bigfield:

Final showdown is certainly brewing.

01:45:11 Sep 26th 20 - Sir Tokugawa Ieyasu:

Any updates? Thinking of landing here

02:38:37 Sep 26th 20 - Ruthless The Ironside:

Land if u want. Still battles going on. 

02:39:21 Sep 26th 20 - Mr. Tokie:


03:09:47 Sep 27th 20 - Mr. Tokie:

Best era I had in a long time. So how this era suppose to end offically?

03:49:42 Sep 27th 20 - Mr. Bigfield:

I think we can cast Arma. But I am perhaps two days from marching out with my army.

06:35:49 Sep 27th 20 - Mr. War Peace II:

Last kingdom standing then disbands and all of its members fight to the death 😉

10:03:12 Oct 1st 20 - Konspyre (Captain God Zeus):

Arma let's gooooooooo

15:30:51 Oct 1st 20 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

Who doesn't want this to end?! Lol

It seems there's always one.

16:31:54 Oct 1st 20 - Mr. Bigfield:

I literally was a few ticks and had the bonus turns to hit Arcs army with 100k catapults and 1.5 million knights at level 8 military.

Why would you end this when the war wasn't done.

16:44:03 Oct 1st 20 - Mr. Tokie:

wtf......🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 we was just getting started.

16:51:47 Oct 1st 20 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

If you wanted to finish the war, you could have easily voted no.. What is it, at least 3 and it'll last the full 10 days?

16:54:53 Oct 1st 20 - Mr. Bigfield:

I did vote no.

And the count is off.

16:56:37 Oct 1st 20 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

Only one person voted no, which evidently was you. If at least 2-3 others felt the same, it would've gone the full 10 days, or until the city was taken.

16:57:50 Oct 1st 20 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

Chronicles of Candlewax is looking for one more player. Any skill level. We just want active.

Chronicles of Candlewax

Kingdom Banner

Name: Chronicles of Candlewax
Members: 9
Created: 11/11/2019 9:48:37 PM
Leader: Lord Dacarta

Compare kingdom


Welcome welcome! Send in an app and let's play!

Only requirements - be active and communicate.

17:04:34 Oct 1st 20 - Mr. Bigfield:

I had the afformentioned troops.

100100 catapults.
550000 mus in the armies
125k knights in the armies.

Another half million MUs in my cities. 

And I had 60 million gold to purchase my science for level 8 military.

I was merging armies when the world ended and I believe those armies being merged are being excluded from the troop count.

The March took 60 ticks to get to the front.

I did vote no.

17:06:19 Oct 1st 20 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Archblade):

Haha! I was waiting for Bigfield to merge so I can fry him like I fried Ruthless' Nazzies.

17:28:33 Oct 1st 20 - Mr. Tok:

This some bull. Cast arma in the middle of the night

17:39:51 Oct 1st 20 - Konspyre (Captain God Zeus):

Now you can feel what it's like for us europeans when the americans decide to end it during their afternoon :D

22:59:01 Oct 1st 20 - Mr. Bigfield:

Cast it just in time to recruit.

Hammer and Shield probably has some members taking a break this era.

I'll stay on. I expect perhaps 4 to 6 active members.

22:59:07 Oct 1st 20 - Mr. Bigfield:

Cast it just in time to recruit.

Hammer and Shield probably has some members taking a break this era.

I'll stay on. I expect perhaps 4 to 6 active members.

15:46:46 Oct 2nd 20 - Percy (Mr. Percy The Tester):

All I’m saying is, that was a properly executed Arma if people weren’t ready to end it. Meant 2 things: more than 50% of the world still living was ready for the era to end and that there were less than 3 who didn’t want it to end. As I’ve only seen one person above even complain about it ending, sounds like it was time for it all to restart.

Unlike how Fant went, this is how era are supposed to end :)

00:09:28 Oct 3rd 20 - Mr. War Peace:

I feel it was the right time it wont ever be the right time for someone but clearly enough people were ready for it all to start again 

17:25:27 Dec 3rd 20 - Lady Jasmina:

I am curious were CW and KoH happy with this Arma?

I mean in the end, what is decided with the Arma?

No kingdom died this era.

18:06:46 Dec 3rd 20 - Mr. Bigfield:

Best I saw, Judgement died, Mimic was dying, and if you counted Ohmly in with is on the technicality of accidently dropping on Fantasia and having to leave to play on Valhalla, we were far ahead.

  1. King Perilous of Hammer and Shield (Dwarf)
    Had 905,115 land, 2,641,695 troops and 29 science points. Killed 197,171 soldiers, won 13 of 14 battles and captured 21 cities.
  2. Mr. Ohthisisrediculous of (Halfling)
    Had 546,481 land, 2,337,844 troops and 27 science points. Killed 13,513 soldiers, won 5 of 11 battles and captured 3 cities.
  3. Mr. Epi of Hammer and Shield (Halfling)
    Had 514,105 land, 1,701,061 troops and 26 science points. Killed 835,846 soldiers, won 10 of 12 battles and captured 3 cities.
  4. Mr. Elwing of Elf (Elf)
    Had 341,268 land, 1,077,476 troops and 28 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  5. General Glad The Cruel of Chronicles of Candlewax (Elf)
    Had 517,274 land, 1,249,649 troops and 28 science points. Killed 1,210,945 soldiers, won 15 of 21 battles and captured 18 cities.
  6. Mr. Bigfield of Hammer and Shield (Human)
    Had 491,216 land, 2,341,359 troops and 33 science points. Killed 207,143 soldiers, won 20 of 39 battles and captured 19 cities.
  7. Mr. Hitbox of Mimic (Dwarf)
    Had 276,837 land, 1,179,821 troops and 28 science points. Killed 957,028 soldiers, won 24 of 37 battles and captured 18 cities.
  8. Conqueror Malthael of Chronicles of Candlewax (Orc)
    Had 233,982 land, 1,305,396 troops and 17 science points. Killed 49,226 soldiers, won 9 of 11 battles and captured 4 cities.
  9. Lord Arc of Kingdom of Heaven (Halfling)
    Had 446,437 land, 1,020,731 troops and 26 science points. Killed 143,884 soldiers, won 4 of 21 battles and captured 3 cities.
  10. Mr. Sincere of Kingdom of Heaven (Elf)
    Had 354,263 land, 578,234 troops and 29 science points. Killed 482,474 soldiers, won 8 of 17 battles and captured 8 cities.
  11. Mr. Tokie of Kingdom of Heaven (Elf)
    Had 435,865 land, 689,256 troops and 29 science points. Killed 17,555 soldiers, won 1 of 9 battles and captured 1 cities.
  12. Lady Jasmina of Mimic (Troll)
    Had 337,121 land, 911,225 troops and 21 science points. Killed 1,528,865 soldiers, won 45 of 64 battles and captured 38 cities.
  13. The Intent of Kingdom of Heaven (Human)
    Had 266,822 land, 764,454 troops and 31 science points. Killed 95,671 soldiers, won 7 of 15 battles and captured 3 cities.
  14. Mr. Learner of Kingdom of Heaven (Orc)
    Had 469,146 land, 2,120,249 troops and 21 science points. Killed 473,521 soldiers, won 19 of 37 battles and captured 18 cities.
  15. Cleft Lord Silverthing of Chronicles of Candlewax (Orc)
    Had 225,697 land, 661,088 troops and 15 science points. Killed 6,642 soldiers, won 2 of 5 battles and captured 0 cities.
  16. Mr. Pilon of Hammer and Shield (Orc)
    Had 234,784 land, 1,036,608 troops and 21 science points. Killed 318,487 soldiers, won 6 of 14 battles and captured 5 cities.
  17. Mr. Treasure Chest of Mimic (Human)
    Had 237,854 land, 722,324 troops and 35 science points. Killed 1,580,563 soldiers, won 15 of 27 battles and captured 11 cities.
  18. Mr. Brainlund of Kingdom of Heaven (Dwarf)
    Had 457,596 land, 379,566 troops and 28 science points. Killed 125,330 soldiers, won 12 of 34 battles and captured 10 cities.
  19. Mr. Haldimir of Mimic (Elf)
    Had 333,181 land, 620,657 troops and 29 science points. Killed 194,180 soldiers, won 8 of 17 battles and captured 0 cities.
  20. Mr. Majin Buu of Chronicles of Candlewax (Orc)
    Had 242,396 land, 648,165 troops and 24 science points. Killed 112,822 soldiers, won 5 of 10 battles and captured 4 cities.
  21. Mr. Satwe Drupoct of (Elf)
    Had 240,393 land, 203,330 troops and 29 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  22. Lord Penguin The Strange of Mimic (Orc)
    Had 243,368 land, 406,994 troops and 30 science points. Killed 727,973 soldiers, won 27 of 45 battles and captured 15 cities.
  23. Prince Stewie Griffin of Mimic (Dwarf)
    Had 174,157 land, 688,482 troops and 26 science points. Killed 3,466,699 soldiers, won 90 of 148 battles and captured 74 cities.
  24. The Ancient Arthas Menethil of Judgement (Orc)
    Had 405,935 land, 168,240 troops and 13 science points. Killed 864,935 soldiers, won 58 of 124 battles and captured 52 cities.
  25. Lord Dacarta of Chronicles of Candlewax (Orc)
    Had 278,873 land, 256,147 troops and 18 science points. Killed 64,163 soldiers, won 5 of 18 battles and captured 0 cities.
  26. Mr. The Great And Powerful of Chronicles of Candlewax (Halfling)
    Had 97,600 land, 344,003 troops and 23 science points. Killed 58,104 soldiers, won 6 of 19 battles and captured 4 cities.
  27. Sir Edi The Great of Mimic (Troll)
    Had 131,609 land, 277,495 troops and 20 science points. Killed 856,110 soldiers, won 13 of 25 battles and captured 9 cities.
  28. Mr. Von Darkmor of Kingdom of Heaven (Troll)
    Had 197,682 land, 186,279 troops and 13 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  29. Mr. Bidi of Hammer and Shield (Orc)
    Had 268,348 land, 259,899 troops and 16 science points. Killed 340,478 soldiers, won 6 of 11 battles and captured 8 cities.
  30. Mr. War Peace of Mimic (Orc)
    Had 134,427 land, 149,832 troops and 17 science points. Killed 1,238,337 soldiers, won 21 of 30 battles and captured 8 cities.
  31. Mr. Jose of Hammer and Shield (Dwarf)
    Had 184,193 land, 67,360 troops and 15 science points. Killed 9,475 soldiers, won 2 of 3 battles and captured 2 cities.
  32. Prince Merlin The Magical of Mimic (Orc)
    Had 152,089 land, 348,886 troops and 27 science points. Killed 611,327 soldiers, won 7 of 14 battles and captured 7 cities.
  33. Mr. Roq of Mimic (Orc)
    Had 165,402 land, 45,058 troops and 14 science points. Killed 11,421 soldiers, won 0 of 1 battles and captured 0 cities.
  34. Mr. Aaaaaa of ahoy P I R A T E S ahead (Troll)
    Had 101,496 land, 5,699 troops and 7 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  35. Captain Joebob The Penguin Slayer of Judgement (Human)
    Had 82,103 land, 7,738 troops and 17 science points. Killed 579,600 soldiers, won 20 of 50 battles and captured 24 cities.
  36. Mr. Seaweed Capn Salaajar of ahoy P I R A T E S ahead (Halfling)
    Had 62,277 land, 53,416 troops and 9 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  37. Exalted Tester Salamong of Judgement (Troll)
    Had 55,600 land, 49 troops and 8 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  38. Ruthless The Ironside of Judgement (Orc)
    Had 0 land, 10 troops and 10 science points. Killed 251,598 soldiers, won 44 of 82 battles and captured 19 cities.
  39. Mr. Big Brother of The Borg (Human)
    Had 760 land, 50 troops and 0 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  40. Mr. Clmars II of Chronicles of Candlewax (Halfling)
    Had 403 land, 38 troops and 0 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  41. Mr. Calico Jack Rackham of ahoy P I R A T E S ahead (Orc)
    Had 4,307 land, 50 troops and 7 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  42. Mr. Karmatic of (Orc)
    Had 697 land, 50 troops and 0 science points. Killed 0 soldiers, won 0 of 0 battles and captured 0 cities.
  43. The Mighty Captain Caveman of Judgement (Troll)
    Had 0 land, 1 troops and 20 science points. Killed 840,914 soldiers, won 11 of 27 battles and captured 4 cities.
  44. Grand Moff Prelate Rata of Judgement (Troll)
    Had 0 land, 4 troops and 22 science points. Killed 348,389 soldiers, won 19 of 40 battles and captured 18 cities.
  45. Captain Bolvar Fordragon of Judgement (Halfling)
    Had 0 land, 3 troops and 20 science points. Killed 95,044 soldiers, won 2 of 18 battles and captured 1 cities.

18:20:09 Dec 3rd 20 - Lady Jasmina:

Could you explain how Mimic was dying?

Our entire core was untouched all era. Other than couple of EQs near the end
Everyone had pretty high income...

My income was 1 million with my army upkeep included.
I was chasing Perilous with my 200k Berserkers over the map.

King Perilous (12/1/2020 5:43:54 AM)GOODBAD
You can't catch me *beep* thoughts! -P

He was clearly running away from me near the end.
Got in the 200k city so I could not get him.

Jack Daniels was killing Bidi, your armies as well as few others.
Penguin was going after Pilon. Stewie had most of his army left, he was also running around killing people.
Our east team was up against Glad and Sincere (two of the only strong people in your three kingdom alliance) we had like 700k Axemen, 30k Naz, 150k Zerks in that blocker, it would never fall...

The Arma decision is among the most stupid decisions I've seen in VU in quite some time, nothing was decided. Nobody was close to dead. You would not break our core in several months. Without great teamwork you would never get anywhere, and teamwork you did not have.

18:20:44 Dec 3rd 20 - Konstant (The Ancient Flavius Valerius Konstantinus):

Excuse you Theo.

Judgement didn't die.

#24. Representing!

18:25:16 Dec 3rd 20 - Mr. Seaweed Capn Salaajar:

22:20:09 Dec 3rd 20 - Lady Jasmina:

Could you explain how Mimic was dying?

If your kd player wasnt #1 then you have lost the Era. I mean this is how VU shows on HoH, and so everyone sees it this way.

18:29:12 Dec 3rd 20 - Lady Jasmina:

He said Mimic was dying.

I was just correcting him.

Technically Perilous "won" the era
But its a pretty lame way to do so...

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Hammer and Shield6Mr. Bigfield124
Mimic10Lady Jasmina100
Kingdom of Heaven9Lord Blue Dog98
Chronicles of Candlewax7Lord Dacarta82
Elf1Mr. Elwing28
Judgement10Sir Tirion Fordring5
ahoy P I R A T E S ahead3Mr. Seaweed Capn Salaajar3

When a kingdom is about to die, they would have 0-10% 
Considering KoH, CW and HnS were all NAPed fighting Mimic
And Konstant of Judgement was also taking our outside core cities (meanie)

You can't really say we are dying when our armies are stronger than most of theirs. Just saying they should have actually killed us to claim the era
But all good.

As long as CW and KoH are both happy with how the era ended.

18:36:15 Dec 3rd 20 - Mr. Stardust Collector:

i really didn't mean to show any kd low. i just was trying to say, no point of arguing anyway :P

18:36:15 Dec 3rd 20 - Mr. Stardust Collector:

double post...

18:58:31 Dec 3rd 20 - Mr. Bigfield:

Considering that Mimic was at 130% our power just a day ago and close to 200% a week ago,the trajectory was clear.

Further, you are ignoring Ohmly in the calculation of kingdom power.

Perilous had an income near 5 million it I recall. Likewise Ohmly, Epi and myself had cummulatively a few million magic units and for disposal and the benefit of distance.

I know perilous RS forward army had 800 k axes at its peak. He also had level 9 military if I recall. I got lazy with pushing forward my catapults and knights when I did, wanting some action before era end.  

But the conclusions are not as certain as you presume. 

On another topic, I think Valhalla is the most fun server.

I think the 10 member cap is beneficial to promoting more diversity in politics and strategy.

I'd like to see a world with a 5 member cap to further see how it would devolve.

19:03:06 Dec 3rd 20 - Princess Joan of Arc:

I think you just don't understand what it means to say kingdom is dying.

Nobody in the kingdom had under 1 million income. 
That is not a kingdom that is about to die.

Not saying you would not win over time. Just saying you did not win at the moment the world ended.

I find it funny when you say you bring armies.
Having noticed your 80k swords army coming at us 60 days in era.
Sure you had some Knights and Catas, but still nothing of value 
After farming all era.

I like when you say kingdom cap of 10 makes it more fun and diverse, while on the same time you NAP two kingdoms out of four kingdoms on the map. Funny.

19:46:32 Dec 3rd 20 - Konstant (Mr. Rarara):

Uhhh, Jas.

I reclaimed 400k of Judgement land in the last 3 days of the era. So you're the original meanie!

19:48:48 Dec 3rd 20 - Mr. Seaweed Capn Salaajar:

I do agree with Jasmine, not because she is good or beautiful, because i always loved Aladdin from my childhood :P

20:30:42 Dec 3rd 20 - Mr. Bigfield:

NAP two kingdoms? We NAPd Candlewax. That's it.

21:15:51 Dec 3rd 20 - Captain Joes Unholy Run:

I mean to be honest for HNS to have farmed all era long they came out much weaker then I was expecting. Judgment 100% jasmine, Stewie, and Eddie. And that doesn’t include that we had just finished an OOP fight killing off candle. So for everyone to have lost major armies and fought all era.. it should have been a knock out. So I don’t even think HNS would have done much except die shortly.. Glad had 300k AM’s, Jasmine has 200k zerks, Stewie had 550k axers, treasure chest had 450k knights and 25k cats, all these people fought all era and were more impressive than any HNS player this era. I was hoping HNS would just run them over but disappointing ending.

22:21:57 Dec 3rd 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad):


Our east team was up against Glad and Sincere (two of the only strong people in your three kingdom alliance) we had like 700k Axemen, 30k Naz, 150k Zerks in that blocker, it would never fall...

You may have noticed, I never intended to take that blocker, but just to pass through.

I needed about 150k MUs to have a decent chance to AoD my army and if era didn't end, I would have trained the MUs. Also my army got 12 points experience, and I had the economy to train more AMs. So bouncing me indefinitely is out of question. Also to note that your dwarf's training capacity was not that high, having to sit with his army on another's blocker and after having lost 100k+ building to EQ.

Plus, we had Mathael with 30k + nazzi army (I believe) in our core and Majin with a 20k+ nazzi army close to mine. Second time we would probably have tried to pass through together.

These being said I give Mimic credits for sealing the core quite well, and for taking on fighting 3 KDs at once. Two well places blockers defending a whole core. 

Also I think this is a great map to play.

Deserved or not deserved victory is not for me to say. So let me congratulate the winning KD and player. 

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