Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 71

Valhalla 71
00:23:26 Oct 3rd 20 - Konspyre (Captain Bolvar Fordragon):

Judgement has, after much effort, finally succeeded in recruiting one person! This means we'll have two people more than last era if Slade doesn't disappear on us. Mimic is looking to be a strong (the strongest?) contender. We started around the centre so there'll be plenty of fighting!
How is activity in the other kingdoms? How many factors will we have?
Let's make it a fun era!

06:35:07 Oct 3rd 20 - Prince Merlin The Magical:

Why is The Borg in highscores every era but never plays? Is that another game bug?
Mimic is not the strongest contender but the newest kingdom. Judgement and KoH have been playing together in kingdom longer and are the strongest
Never rule out HnS and CW, they have been together for a long time and if they show lots of activity they will both play an important role this era.

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Judgement10Captain Bolvar Fordragon137
The Borg5The Hives123
Kingdom of Heaven10Lord Blue Dog100
Mimic9Lady Jasmina100
Chronicles of Candlewax8Lord Dacarta57
Hammer and Shield9Mr. Bigfield41

13:59:16 Oct 3rd 20 - Mr. Bigfield:

HnS has three active this era. We have space should any join.

15:27:56 Oct 3rd 20 - Konspyre (Captain Bolvar Fordragon):

Judgement would like to announce that we have unexpectedly gained more members than initially expected, so we will not be taking any relations at all. Bring it on :)

04:24:07 Oct 4th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Bolvar Fordragon):

Judgement vs. CW / KOH.
Mimic are cowardly farmers. Might've even allied CW and KOH?

13:32:26 Oct 4th 20 - Penguin (Lord Penguin The Strange):

yesh. Nap fest. This is the way

21:33:54 Oct 4th 20 - Konstant (The Ancient Arthas Menethil):

Mimic has kindly invited me to stay at their core.

I will accept such a gracious offer!

Because, I too, love farming (sorry Jasper, but I am a farmer at heart).

20:34:07 Oct 5th 20 - Cleft Lord Silverthing:

fuck me this is a toasty area of the map 

20:55:45 Oct 5th 20 - Konstant (The Ancient Arthas Menethil):

I mean...if you insist...

21:05:41 Oct 5th 20 - Mr. The Great And Powerful:

we fight we fight ;D farming later :D 

21:21:36 Oct 5th 20 - Cleft Lord Silverthing:

mimic confirmed era winner after farming

21:42:54 Oct 5th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Bolvar Fordragon):

+1 Silverthing

21:54:43 Oct 5th 20 - Rajkumar Bala (Mr. Ghost of Necro Emporos):


22:19:46 Oct 5th 20 - Sir Edi The Great:

Instead of making excuses, win your wars and get lots of war spoils, and you’ll be ahead :-)

22:25:35 Oct 5th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Bolvar Fordragon):

Unfortunately, that's not how VU in 2020 works, but I appreciate your effort to pretend it's 2010 :)
We will war.
We will perform. Judgement, CW, KoH will all perform.
We will all fight hard.
And we won't have any spoils because it'll be that close.
And it will be a good war.
One that will be talked about for eras to come
People will think back "Yeah that one Val era was really fun."
And we'll all be in the middle of it.

17:41:32 Oct 6th 20 - Penguin (Mr. Penguin):

yeah right, as if anyone cares. 

17:54:03 Oct 6th 20 - Rajkumar Bala (Mr. Ghost of Necro Emporos):

Anyone cares or not, I'll catch you Penguin🐧. It'll be pretty 🦋 fun 🤠 :))

17:56:04 Oct 6th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Bolvar Fordragon):

how do you catch penguin when you're dead?
i don't understand.

18:19:09 Oct 6th 20 - Rajkumar Bala (Mr. Ghost of Necro Emporos):

Ahh really! I see you're still day dreaming 🌛🌜

All you got is a 20k gaia spam in core (not even my level). Get something big, then we'll discuss 'bout it :))

18:25:42 Oct 6th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Bolvar Fordragon):

come at me

18:27:25 Oct 6th 20 - Penguin (Mr. Penguin):

ill gladly cum all over you jasp.

18:28:56 Oct 6th 20 - Penguin (Lord Penguin The Strange):


18:30:04 Oct 6th 20 - Rajkumar Bala (Mr. Ghost of Necro Emporos):


come at me

Nah, I'm enjoying my view from here. 

Tell your Mages to cast "Splash✨", only thing you can do 🤣

13:59:38 Oct 7th 20 - Captain Joebob The Penguin Slayer:

Don’t worry got a skilled penguin killer around. Might get lucky 🤷🏼‍♂️

14:21:07 Oct 7th 20 - Rajkumar Bala (Mr. Ghost of Necro Emporos):

Captain Joebob The Penguin Slayer:

Don’t worry got a skilled penguin killer around. Might get lucky 🤷🏼‍♂️

Then I'll have to escape killing you  ⚔️🐧⚔️

16:05:57 Oct 7th 20 - Penguin (Lord Penguin The Strange):

even orcas are afraid of good ol pengy boy. strange penguin

00:52:05 Oct 8th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Bolvar Fordragon):

Buy my stone please. I promise I won't make any naz with the gold. Thanks Bog.

14:12:30 Oct 8th 20 - Captain Joebob The Penguin Slayer:

Rajkumar Bala:

Captain Joebob The Penguin Slayer:

Don’t worry got a skilled penguin killer around. Might get lucky 🤷🏼‍♂️

Then I'll have to escape killing you  ⚔️🐧⚔️

I mean I think I you have it wrong. Already killed one halfling. If it wasn’t for pilon I’d be at your already. Going for a second halfling just boosts my score. 

14:14:01 Oct 8th 20 - Captain Joebob The Penguin Slayer:


even orcas are afraid of good ol pengy boy. strange penguin

Lmao that penguin was not messing around 🤣 

13:07:49 Oct 9th 20 - Prince Merlin The Magical:

Are there any wars going on?

Or is it quiet and peaceful like in the north west corner where we are?

13:35:01 Oct 9th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Bolvar Fordragon):

Judgement VS KoH+CW+Pilon(tagless) has been ongoing since OOP. Mimic are talking big while farming in the SE corner.
I see some CW resettling north of us though, in HnS'd direction.

13:47:33 Oct 9th 20 - Rajkumar Bala (Mr. Ghost of Necro Emporos):


Judgement VS KoH+CW+Pilon(tagless) has been ongoing since OOP. Mimic are talking big while farming in the SE corner.
I see some CW resettling north of us though, in HnS'd direction.

Wait... I thought we are all dead :))

13:54:04 Oct 9th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Bolvar Fordragon):

you will be dead before you can chase penguin, yes.

14:02:25 Oct 9th 20 - Rajkumar Bala (Mr. Ghost of Necro Emporos):

Let's bet on that. My KD can go down, I won't.

03:37:35 Oct 10th 20 - Captain Joebob The Penguin Slayer:

I mean...  it’s going that way 

  1. Captain Joebob The Penguin Slayer has won 6 battles, captured 3 cities and killed a total of 72667 men and women.

07:09:22 Oct 10th 20 - Rajkumar Bala (Mr. Ghost of Necro Emporos):

Captain Joebob The Penguin Slayer:

I mean...  it’s going that way 

  1. Captain Joebob The Penguin Slayer has won 6 battles, captured 3 cities and killed a total of 72667 men and women.

And... It's going in my way.

Your character Mr. Ghost of Necro Emporos is the 1st most powerful ruler in Valhalla

09:19:20 Oct 10th 20 - Penguin (Lord Penguin The Strange):

im just owning

Your character Lord Penguin The Strange has won 7597 battles, captured 5067 cities and killed a total of 5989846652379 men and women

17:52:33 Oct 10th 20 - Captain Joebob The Penguin Slayer:

Rajkumar Bala:

Captain Joebob The Penguin Slayer:

I mean...  it’s going that way 

  1. Captain Joebob The Penguin Slayer has won 6 battles, captured 3 cities and killed a total of 72667 men and women.

And... It's going in my way.

Your character Mr. Ghost of Necro Emporos is the 1st most powerful ruler in Valhalla

Not for much longer 

00:13:59 Oct 12th 20 - Ruthless The Ironside:

Rajkumar Bala:

Captain Joebob The Penguin Slayer:

I mean...  it’s going that way 

  1. Captain Joebob The Penguin Slayer has won 6 battles, captured 3 cities and killed a total of 72667 men and women.

And... It's going in my way.

Your character Mr. Ghost of Necro Emporos is the 1st most powerful ruler in Valhalla

What's that you was saying?

Your character Ruthless The Ironside is the 1st most powerful ruler in Valhalla

14:55:03 Oct 12th 20 - Percy (Sir Tirion Fordring):

It was probably fun being #1 without having to fight. Shame what happened following your Judgment 😉

23:54:37 Oct 19th 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad The Cruel):

@ Judgement

Percy said you guys have a KD here in Valhalla, where you accommodate new players and you are 'good' with noobs. 

I was curious to see how many new players you have there, but couldn't find any.

Has Judgement changed it's policy recently? 

Mimic is full of experienced players, too.

Where can a new player learn about VU? Two new players from Candles gave up already, after the OOP crush.

Maybe all KDs here (including the mighty Judgement) has to keep 2-3 spots open for new players only.

00:33:33 Oct 20th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Bolvar Fordragon):

So for us, we've got Konstant as a new player, who I admit performs way better than his experience shows, and Greijka as a rusty vet. We've made several posts the last few eras to try and recruit new players, and that's what we got.
As the KD leader of Judgement, after announcing Judgement would have no relations, I saw Mimic being very stacked, and luckily managed to get Ruthless and Moff in last moment to counter that.
I'm sure you can imagine how differently this era would've gone if Mimic put any effort at all into somewhat seeming like a non-farming KD. I really can't say I've seen them do anything at all.

00:52:00 Oct 20th 20 - Mr. War Peace:

I'm a new player bar 2 eras with CW & moved to mimic sooo not all experienced. 

About the farming well we shall see 

01:30:31 Oct 20th 20 - Percy (Sir Tirion Fordring):

@ War Peace: ... see what? That y’all HAVE farmed? I’m not sure what you’re implying we will see lol if y’all don’t wipe the map in 7 days I’ll be disappointed, since the rest of the map got screwed by a huge OOP fight.

@ Glad: as Jasper said, knowing we were in a 30v8 situation, we opted to bring in a few extra people so we stood half a chance. I was among those who opposed bringing in the extras, but it was necessary if we wished to be competitive. We actively look for tagless players, but do not reach out to other KDs, so have no knowledge of how CW is doing. We did reach out to Pilon multiple times, but he ignored all of Jaspers messages and all but one of mine. Can’t help people if they won’t respond back, but trust me that we are doing our best to maintain our mission.

As Pilon is the only tagless we’ve seen, we’ve still accomplished our mission of recruiting and training all the new/rusty/wishing-to-improve players that we can :)

01:40:33 Oct 20th 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad The Cruel):


My definition of new player is different than yours. 

If someone joins this game today and hasn't played VU before, how can he/she going learn the game? By being crushed by an elite KD?

And I don't think Konstant needs teaching lessons in Valhalla. Do you Konstant?

01:53:44 Oct 20th 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad):

@ Percy - how about the noobb playing Elf that you are trying to gangbangg (just North of your core)? He hasn't played Elf in 12 years. 

02:17:57 Oct 20th 20 - Percy (Sir Tirion Fordring):

If you classify yourself as a psuedo-noob in because you’re trying to learn Elf, we would welcome you in! I would not classify you as a noob by any means, but if you’re trying to learn stuff then thats reason for us to invite you in. But that was your decision to join a KD we were actively fighting. Not gangbanging if you’re the last of a dead KD. But had we known you came to this world to learn Elf, we would have struck up a special deal for you (as we initially did Konstant before we picked him up) to help teach him while outside the KD till he could join in. 

FYI, we do rely on outside comms Discord primarily as it’s easier to use than Skype. Plus Moff and I wrote a bot that automates a lot of the math behind the game, also available to the noobs. (Battle report chances over time, OP/DP from EITS reports, etc.)

As for current roster, Konstant only just joined the game what, 4 months ago? He’s a true noob who has quickly learned with us cause he CONSTANTLY asks questions (which is exactly what we want!). Greijka (Saidan) is now in his third era back after a ~10 year hiatus, and he’s changed roles (and races?) every era. If that isn’t a noob... I’m not sure what is lol

We also had two other players, one true noob (Dwagon) and one who was still learning (Versace) who we had to cut recently due to RL keeping them from playing.

We have a solid track record of teaching people, and we haven’t deviated. I myself am trying to perfect Hybrid Orc, so I’m not necessarily playing as usual. Same is true for most of our guys, we mostly test things on Val :)

02:20:23 Oct 20th 20 - Percy (Sir Tirion Fordring):

As to the “what if a new player joined today”? We would do exactly as we did with Konstant and others before him. Communicate via in-game messages to start conversations, get them into our Discord for ease of answering questions on the fly, and plug them into our KD immediately if there’s space, or remove someone after the era if there isn’t currently.

Biggest key in this scenario is the Discord, as we can answer any questions without even being in the same KD. It massively speeds up response time and gives almost identical levels of assistance without needing to be in the same KD.

03:15:25 Oct 20th 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad The Cruel):

Percy, you know I was joking about me being the Elf noobb.

And you also know your KD has closed doors for new players, same as Mimic. Ten players cap? So, a new player has to either play solo, where he cannot learn too much about this game or join a dying KD, in which case he may quit in rage, as others have already done it. Tell me I am not right here, Percy.

03:20:18 Oct 20th 20 - Gladiatorul (General Glad The Cruel):

@War Peace

That convinces me that you are a new player

* Only showing the 10% cheapest.
1.5 gold/stone
Total cost:

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