Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 75

Valhalla 75
16:24:22 May 30th 21 - Phat (Grand Moff Death Harbinger):


17:32:55 May 30th 21 - Emperor (Emperor Unicorn Slave):

Another chance to make Moff Soup

18:18:37 May 30th 21 - Phat (Grand Moff Death Harbinger):

I want to claim immunity from being made into soups, broths, stocks and or other food items. 

Please and thank you. 

18:53:24 May 30th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Retribution of Paladins):

Moff mulch it is then!

19:10:42 May 30th 21 - Phat (Grand Moff Death Harbinger):

I’m super salty. Don’t want to try to fertilize your fields with me. May not be the best thing for a bountiful harvest. 

19:13:02 May 30th 21 - Emperor (Emperor Unicorn Slave):

Moff Seed Spreader

Only $199.00

Little bits of moff in every spread! Quality gaurentee.

19:15:41 May 30th 21 - Phat (Grand Moff Death Harbinger):

My creditors will be thrilled to hear i contribute value to society somehow. 

22:49:47 May 30th 21 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

An attack on Moff is an attack on Hammer and Shield. 

22:51:45 May 30th 21 - Konspyre (Captain Konspyre):

An attack on Moff is an attack on Fallen Knights.

23:13:52 May 30th 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Retribution of Paladins):

An attack on Moff is an attack on Moff according to Judgement. 

00:43:42 May 31st 21 - Phat (Grand Moff Death Harbinger):


An attack on Moff is an attack on Moff according to Judgement. 

Thanks for clarifying 

06:37:11 Jun 4th 21 - Mr. Mullet Also:

We are still under protection for 71 more days (one day = 60 minutes) 

Had 6 IRL days late era what's that newish bull about 

I remember 240 ticks though I do misremember a lot

Guess modern "player" is too well acclimated

11:01:20 Jun 4th 21 - Mr. Mullet Also:

You (6/4/2021 4:26:36 AM)
Boop boop be doop boop
Mr. Sparx (6/4/2021 4:46:33 AM)GOODBAD
Poop poop beep boop boop
You (6/4/2021 4:47:10 AM)
Eat my ass yo
Mr. Sparx (6/4/2021 4:48:30 AM)GOODBAD
Let's kill each other, hehehuhuhahaha.
You (6/4/2021 4:50:07 AM)
Man I'm such an easy target but fine I'll spend the next week about me it
Mr. Sparx (6/4/2021 4:51:06 AM)GOODBAD
You want a week? Gave you a week.

After that we'll eat each other's ass, okey?
Mr. Sparx (6/4/2021 4:57:04 AM)GOODBAD
Gaga*beep*ou're entering to the lion's đến. Hns & Please Dont Hurt Us's join core.

But don't worry, I'm a much bigger lion than they're. Halummmm.
You (6/4/2021 4:56:45 AM)
Oh *beep* I thought it was you saying you would die to my weak as. But your gonna give me time okay 6/11/21 is my oop then . Let's go buddy on old boy *beep* plays *beep*
Mr. Sparx (6/4/2021 4:57:23 AM)GOODBAD
Gaga*beep*ou're entering to the lion's đến. Hns & Please Dont Hurt Us's join core.

But don't worry, I'm a much bigger lion than they're. Halummmm.
Mr. Sparx (6/4/2021 4:58:19 AM)GOODBAD
Yae i love old boy *beep* plays *beep* play
You (6/4/2021 4:58:18 AM)
Duel post to forum I'ma do
Mr. Sparx (6/4/2021 4:58:42 AM)GOODBAD
Me too
Mr. Sparx (6/4/2021 4:59:31 AM)GOODBAD
Go for it.

11:11:22 Jun 4th 21 - Mr. Mullet Also:

my self an sparx have F'd about and started a duel. so thats now a thing

11:32:13 Jun 4th 21 - Mr. Mullet Also:

Mr. Sparx (6/4/2021 2:32:14 AM)GOODBAD
You're coming in the wrong area.

There's 3 big kingdoms below here. If not they eat you, I'll eat your cities for sure.
You (6/4/2021 4:16:34 AM)
12 hr to destiny where would you elect fine sir
You (6/4/2021 4:17:58 AM)
As a humie I need tree
You (6/4/2021 4:23:21 AM)
Also eat my whole ass if you it may be a fight for it cus that's why Im here

more context

11:46:37 Jun 4th 21 - Mr. Mullet Also:

suka blyat kurva

11:51:04 Jun 4th 21 - Mr. Mullet Also:

saatana perkele

11:55:27 Jun 4th 21 - Mr. Sparx:

yest zadnitsu

11:55:43 Jun 4th 21 - Mr. Sparx:

razrushat drug druga

11:57:36 Jun 4th 21 - Mr. Sparx:

davay pomenyayemsya sukami

13:32:42 Jun 4th 21 - Mr. Mullet Also:

that sht made me luagh so hard my neighbor  complained 

14:09:03 Jun 4th 21 - Mr. Mullet Also:

κάτι τρέχει στα γύφτικα

14:23:04 Jun 4th 21 - Mr. Sparx:

krasivyy sosed ili prosto zadnitsa khakha

14:26:35 Jun 4th 21 - Mr. Sparx:

όμορφος γείτονας ή απλά χαζός κώλο

15:12:07 Jun 4th 21 - Mr. Mullet Also:

just an old crackhoe

16:02:49 Jun 4th 21 - Mr. Sparx:

Crackhoe needs a laughter therapy

02:28:43 Jun 10th 21 - Endless (Ms. Tyranny):

ποιος κέρδισε

08:32:36 Jun 10th 21 - Mr. Mullet Also:

it was the nigth before hogswatch. all through the house one creature stirred. it was a mouse. and someone in face of all appropriatness had baited a trap. although because it was the festive season they'd used a piece of pork crackling. the smell of it had been driving the mouse mad all day. but now with no one about it was prepared to risk it. the mouse didn't know it was a trap. mice aren't good at passing on information. young mice aren't  taken up to famous  trap sites and told. "this is where your  uncle arthur passed away". all it knew was what the hay there was something  to eat on a wooden board with some wire round it. a brief scurry later and its jaw had cloed on the rind. or rather passed through  it. the mouse looked around at what was now lying under the big spring and thought oops. then its gaze went up to the black clad figure that faded into veiw by the wayne skirting. "sqweak" it asked. "SWEAK" said the death of rats. and that was it more or less.

16:58:01 Jun 10th 21 - Jarl Eivor:

funny how there are 3 kdless dwarfs near me with 1 city of 32k each and sparx has armies on all 3...

17:37:17 Jun 10th 21 - Konspyre (Captain Konspyre):

Funny how there are two dwarfs with 1 city of ~32k each in the obviously bullshit "HoH Checking" near us and Sparx has a city and an army next to each, after taking over two 90k's earlier in the era with zero opposition.

Sounds legit. No cheating going on here. Nope. Not at all.

15:18:19 Jun 11th 21 - Jarl Eivor:

So its that easy to cheat on this game? no wonder its dying.

16:07:14 Jun 11th 21 - Konspyre (Captain Konspyre):

Not having active moderation will do that

07:38:10 Jun 12th 21 - Jarl Eivor:

Multi sparx raised an army he used at least 4 accounts plundering from lol

The Ironfoot

Army Info
Commander:Mr. SparxKingdom Banner
Kingdom:Noble Knights of the Orde of the Frozen Flames
Size:Group of Armies (Around 500,000)
Status:Moving North East

13:16:21 Jun 12th 21 - Captain Nakuy:

So, if I were to ever join Valhalla, my choices seem limited to:

A. Join one of the four KDs, Standard play.
B. Make my own KD, Attack one of the four KDs, and die.
C. Make my own KD, Attack small KDs or Solos, Get accused of cheating

Valhalla politics pretty lame NGL.

14:52:19 Jun 12th 21 - Mr. Sparx:

15:26:24 Jun 12th 21 - Emperor (Emperor Unicorn Slave):

Ye cuz 300k axeman is doable without obvious plunders on cities that all have exactly the same amount of buildings. 

15:57:19 Jun 12th 21 - Captain Nakuy:


Someone on Fant messaged me asking if I was a multi after attacking Alba instead of Fools just because someone in Fools had the title "Captain" like I did.

[I atacked Alba for building right next to me without a letter of intent, much like how I killed Bigfield's army for passing by me without a letter of intent in the past (apparently Xin from era 53), but that's besides the point]

It seems pretty obvious that anyone outside the "four KD system" is gonna be suspected as a "cheater" for doing well because god knows there'd be no point in being in a "big KD" if none of the four win every era.

And if defenseless or nonsensical cities are a criteria for cheating, then I must have a bunch of multis in Alba because the fuckery I saw in those taken cities on Fant was just plain sad.


I send an army towards their core.

They start building a city on one end of the bridge I need to cross.

I reach the city, take it over, and saw it consisted of homes and lumbermills.


17:04:48 Jun 12th 21 - Edi (Sir Edi The Great):

Very far from truth

Options are:
Join any of the 4 kingdoms, play normal
Only actual rules are no terrain abusing and no attacking new plaxers
Or join new kingdoms like Cupcakes or Albatross
If you go solo, unless you have 3 times moe land than everyone else and 250k Axemen before its realistically possible without plundering others, then you will be accused of cheating, given Ivanho is active and around these days.
You can be very effectice like you are, and you have a reputation of being very good solo player. But even you would be nowhere close where Sparx got by having 3-4 characters nearby all build and wait to get plundered and taken.
If you start tagless and one of the 4 kingdoms attacks you without provocation report it here and measures will taken.

Captain Nakuy:

So, if I were to ever join Valhalla, my choices seem limited to:

A. Join one of the four KDs, Standard play.
B. Make my own KD, Attack one of the four KDs, and die.
C. Make my own KD, Attack small KDs or Solos, Get accused of cheating

Valhalla politics pretty lame NGL.

19:29:25 Jun 12th 21 - Mr. Sparx:

i did send small armies here there n above mountains to plunder, searched defenseless cities & am not shamed. but only did it when was 2x of size. After had 3x couldn't touch those as i dont have a magic wand.

i built 3 full cities by myself which Captain Jas Lied accusing me that i didnt, am not shamed. after one of my weak defending city is attacked, i defended n took his city.

Its visible that someone built multi dwarf cities but its not for me. he prolly tried to get huge advantage via market feeding using those. seems like my plundering slowed him down. and he fled/ cleared those cities & characters after forum accusations of cheating. or you could have caught him.

The player i got attacked seems like not a multi as his id still exists.
Mr. Dwarf of Time	-no kingdom-	Tutorial X	Dead

You can accuse me on anything. i dont read forums often.

20:14:37 Jun 12th 21 - Jarl Eivor:

You had the tables player join your kd as I was going to destroy the city before you kept plundering acting like no one will see. You are skillless. Thats why all the tagless players were deleted. There are plenty of skillfully players in this game but you aren't one of them Sparx.

20:30:54 Jun 12th 21 - Mr. Sparx:

Rodric Mournstar (dead) (6/11/2021 7:41:07 AM)GOODBAD
Rodric Mournstar wants to join your kingdom; Noble Knights of the Orde of the Frozen Flames. This is his reason to join:
Please Help!

i am a kingdom leader. helping is part of that.

21:03:11 Jun 12th 21 - Konspyre (Captain Konspyre):

@Nakuy, your situation is not comparable to Sparx's beyond obvious multi'ing, and these attempts from him to argue that he isn't multi'ing are just laughable.
Nice title btw, I strongly approve.

22:37:38 Jun 12th 21 - Jarl Eivor:

Showing a message from your multi account to yourself isn't proof you aren't cheating.

12:26:16 Jun 14th 21 - Lord Caedus:

For the record, it was me that asked you that Nukay and I was curious as we were in the midst of considering an alliance privately with KoF and I wanted to know if you were another character that we could also ally with. 

It's a fairly legit question - and nothing to do with any sort of politics on solo players. 

15:48:32 Jun 14th 21 - Captain Nakuy:

There is no allying for the era once I'm triggered lol.

I'm either super passive or hyper aggressive.

From my POV, you guys placing cities near me without a letter was saying that I couldn't do anything about it, so I went out of my way to do what I did.

Just like how I'd freeze/kill an army passing by me without a letter sent because, for all I know, that army could be for me.

18:02:05 Jun 14th 21 - Lord Caedus:

Fair play - to be honest, we didn't even see you were there when we settled as we didn't initially have LoS. After we settled, it was too late. 

19:09:35 Jun 14th 21 - Captain Nakuy:

I get it, but I cannot walk away without addressing this one thing:

"we didn't even see you were there when we settled as we didn't initially have LoS"

Information is one of the most important, if not the most important, thing(s) in a game like this. The fact that you claimed not have been able to see a city across a river from your core is a huge ass red flag that indicates training needs to be conducted.

Almost as bad as players that just toss units and can't do the math on win/loss % imo

20:27:01 Jun 14th 21 - Lady Jasmina:

 > Almost as bad as players that just toss units and can't do the math on win/loss % imo

I never bother to calculate what I will have at full prep when I am attacking
In my 15 years of play I never actually took effort to calculate that
I only did a few when Moff and crew made that Discord thingie
But I usually forget (or too lazy) to even use that, and often it does not work (mean look at Moff)

Doing all that calculation takes away from reaching the full prep and getting surprised with what I have. Like if its high, then nice; thumbs up for my strong army
But if its low, then enemy has something strong and then you have to run.
If you know that in advance, it takes away from the fun of the surprise.

This post might look like a troll, but I really do not use the calc 
And you make it sound like people who do not use it are bad players
But then again maybe I think too highly of myself.
Also wanted to give thumbs up for those who don't bother with calcs
You're not alone!

20:39:49 Jun 14th 21 - Konspyre (Captain Konspyre):

You don't really need to calculate much as long as you realize that 1% roughly means your OP is 1/3rd of the opponent's DP, with equal being 50%. So if you have 1% but you have more than a third of prep you won't get a good chance. If you have 1% and you have less than a third of prep you'll have a good chance.
That is already an answer to 90% of all situations where you want to know chances imo

23:01:08 Jun 14th 21 - Captain Nakuy:


Y'know... Actually... This is fine. I'm okay with this. You keep doing you.


Eyeballing "me big, you small" is one thing, but sitting on someone with a 0% for days or even weeks is something else man. But I guess at the end of the day, the more there are of them, the better it is for me.

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