Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 79

Valhalla 79
02:24:10 Feb 5th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Morgan):


Raven Clan8Jarl Eivor252
Ursidae8Doctor Schepp The Grizzly131
Elysium5The Ancient Theseus of Athens100
Chronicles of Candlewax7Lord Dacarta94
Blood God1Mr. Dwarf Fortress89
Hammer and Shield6Mr. Bigfield87
Albatross7Lord Caedus20
House of Durin4Lord Thorin Oakenshield17

10:55:06 Feb 6th 22 - Lord Caedus:

We only have 4 active members currently, quite a few taking a break. We won't be a main contender this era I don't think.

09:40:16 Feb 10th 22 - Endless (Mr. Dopey):

Caedus speaks the truth…

Most Fearsome Rulers
  1. Friendly Not Cyrone has won 4 battles, captured 6 cities and killed a total of 14509 men and women.

09:44:55 Feb 10th 22 - Prophet Ellestria:

That is against Ravens

09:47:24 Feb 10th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Theseus of Athens):

I am also taking a farming break. I want to claim the title of "VU's Farmer John".

09:48:00 Feb 10th 22 - Endless (Mr. Dopey):

not all of it, ask me how I know :p I’ve counted 5 cities taken here

edit: 6

08:58:40 Feb 11th 22 - Jarl Eivor:

I'm feeling farmish myself...might race you Kon..😂

00:40:06 Feb 16th 22 - Friendly Not Cyrone:

We aggro the whole map out here

18:19:13 Feb 16th 22 - Jarl Eivor:

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Ursidae8Doctor Schepp The Grizzly116
Raven Clan8Jarl Eivor100
Elysium5The Ancient Theseus of Athens96
Hammer and Shield6Mr. Bigfield68
Blood God4Mr. Dwarf Fortress67
Albatross7Lord Caedus39
Chronicles of Candlewax5Lord Dacarta27
House of Durin4Lord Thorin Oakenshield5
The Borg5The Hives0

18:29:45 Feb 16th 22 - Konspyre (Captain Morgan):

halfer go brrrrrrrrrr

15:28:20 Feb 17th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Dwarf Fortress):

Halflings should lift more weights so theyre strong like Dwarves.

Look how tiny this guy's arms are. No wonder slingers are a 2/2 unit. These guys look like they couldnt hurt a fly.

17:48:54 Feb 17th 22 - Jarl Eivor:

Looks like food for Naz 

18:44:16 Feb 17th 22 - Konstant (Mr. Farmer Brad):

Oh, sure. They look all weak and tasty now, but wait till you get 500,000 of them together.

17:12:11 Feb 18th 22 - Jarl Eivor:

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Raven Clan7Jarl Eivor100
Ursidae8Doctor Schepp The Grizzly97
Blood God4Mr. Dwarf Fortress93
Elysium5The Ancient Theseus of Athens90
Hammer and Shield6Mr. Bigfield82
Albatross7Lord Caedus40
Chronicles of Candlewax5Lord Dacarta25
House of Durin4Lord Thorin Oakenshield7
The Borg5The Hives0
I'm watching 1 person take out the "Big Dog KD Goliath Alliance" Just shows how power rankings mean absolute sh1t. Also I'm being sarcastic if you couldn't tell. Lets stop pretending that every nap in every world is a black and white situation where those 2 kds will dominate in that situation. All it does it promote hostility in the game between players. a total of 3 players is taking on this so called OP NAP. If you think a NAP is too OP in every game then you don't know how to use diplomacy. This is a strategy game and isn't a pure brute force type of play even though you're entitled to that strategy that's not the only way to play. Id rather listen to our community grow and have fun. There's plenty of hate in the world we don't need to add to it. :)

17:14:03 Feb 18th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Myrddin of Camelot):

In general I agree, the whole no top KD can ever nap anyone is a bit ridiculous. 

01:43:17 Feb 19th 22 - Friendly Not Cyrone:

Well no one wants to fight all era while the giant NAP farms all era, only for them to come down 20 days later with more players than every fighting kingdom combined to mop up and third party a bunch of half destroyed kingdoms; that is not too enjoyable for most people. Form alliance bigger than all KD combined; get ganged. No one is saying you can't make an NAP, I personally don't care much, but at the very least don't be surprised if everyone else also uses diplomacy to agree your alliance needs to be the first target on the map.

For reference I've fought every KD this era but two, but of course my main objective is to take out the big alliance :P. My ideal world is the large alliance dies first before they get a chance to farm up, then everyone else fight to the death :D!

20:35:59 Mar 21st 22 - Friendly Not Cyrone:

Ok looks like the giant Zerg won, who could have predicted that (everyone)! It must have been a very difficult challenge to fight against odds you can't possibly lose against! 

20:57:46 Mar 21st 22 - Ms. Jasmine:


Kingdoms in Valhalla
Raven Clan8Jarl Eivor100
Aquila3Lord Arc78
Blood God4Mr. Dwarf Fortress67
Ursidae3Doctor Schepp The Grizzly28
Albatross7Lord Caedus6
Hammer and Shield6Mr. Bigfield4
Chronicles of Candlewax6Lord Dacarta4
Elysium7The Ancient Theseus of Athens3

Raven is 7 + 3 Aquila = 10 members alliance
Albatross + Elysium = not sure how many actives but at least 7-8 people
Blood God 4 farming in the corner, had enough time to come strong at us
HnS also was fighting us so thats another 6 members.

I do not see the giant difference in members like you do. 
But that could be just me.

21:40:05 Mar 21st 22 - Konspyre (Captain Morgan):

kekw lmao :pogchamp:

00:23:12 Mar 22nd 22 - Mr. Duckk Goes Quack:

No amount of farming can compete with how fed Freddy is right now. 

To Elysiums defence I think they are mostly noobs being taught the game? 

00:38:41 Mar 22nd 22 - Ms. Jasmine:

If you're gonna judge by the comeback made by fake Jas above, you can tell how bad they are at defending :|

00:45:17 Mar 22nd 22 - Konspyre (Captain Morgan):

i went yolo halfer in a 2 man kd why you mentioning me defending, i never defended :D

01:19:18 Mar 22nd 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Imperator Imperiorum):

Elysium prefers to be called time challenged VU players, not noobs - thank you very much.

01:42:40 Mar 22nd 22 - Mr. Ducky:


Elysium prefers to be called time challenged VU players, not noobs - thank you very much.

Sorry, you old farts 

05:38:18 Mar 22nd 22 - Friendly Not Cyrone:

Alba is pretty much half afk and were severely crippled early. Also Blood God, we were never in NAP with anyone but Elysium and were fighting at other corners of the map. You must also account for Ursa in the numbers (them being afk isn't an excuse if you're going to count everyone in Elysium/Alba). You guys just farmed all era then ran over a bunch of kingdoms that are half full of new players, while also having superior numbers. There was also almost no coordination whatsoever between any of the kingdoms not in your alliance. Fun for all!

06:46:25 Mar 22nd 22 - Mr. Ghost II:

We did not farm all era

Hanky of Ursidae killed my army early
Just went yolo and broke Nap
I did not play for a while after that

Not to mention difficult oop vs Cyrone who is always strong early. Few of our guys lost important cities then, was one of the reasons why we took our Nap. 

12:03:18 Mar 22nd 22 - Jarl Eivor:

Let everyone think what they want. They can whine. Not knowing anything about what we were doing lol Fred was basically the ONLY ursidae player up until he dominated then arc came in. Raven was so inactive at beginning we struggled holding Konstant and Jas from wreaking havoc. Oh and Alba while Hns was throwing magic at us. If Konstant was active Raven Clan would've been beat. We had 6 players at beginning half were inactive due to vacations and RL scenarios which is why we napped Urs in the first place. Where the mops at so we can clean up the rivers of 😢 😂😂 

12:22:49 Mar 22nd 22 - Haldimir (Mr. Haldimir Bronzebeard):

I dropped on valhalla around the 5th day of the era with ursidae, and around the 10 to15th day, ursidae gone inactive, only me, fred and ryan left, then I left ursidae and join raven clan as konstant's army are a few ticks away, and I haven't complete any city on my end I had to fight konstant army which is way ahead against mine. I was able to get back after pushing armies from elysium and alba. thats when I manage to get back on track. 

We've been busy up here, I don't know where is that farming all era came from. 

Also as usual, HNS always fall easily as a KD. thats why fred and ryan got the advantage.

13:20:12 Mar 22nd 22 - fred (Mr. Freddy The Terrorist):

i dropped here to test my skills in Troll , 

H&S and Elysium attacked me so i had to attack back
i didnt know they are beginners sorry, cz it was too easy killing both kingdoms.
also i havent time to farm.

13:44:06 Mar 22nd 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

We only had three players drop. I wasn't going to tell Heroix not to fight. That's what he does as an orc. Further after reaching out for intentions and getting no feedback in the way of possible diplomacy, he did have some fun.

I was building off in the lower corner and held off against PDC for a good while but he ultimately snagged my 200k and another belonging to a Seperate Kingdom.

Good luck 

13:44:07 Mar 22nd 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

We only had three players drop. I wasn't going to tell Heroix not to fight. That's what he does as an orc. Further after reaching out for intentions and getting no feedback in the way of possible diplomacy, he did have some fun.

I was building off in the lower corner and held off against PDC for a good while but he ultimately snagged my 200k and another belonging to a Seperate Kingdom.

Good luck 

15:57:10 Mar 22nd 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Imperator Imperiorum):

My goodness everyone, what is this kerfuffle about?

This was a good, fun, era. Raven got hit early and hard for a while by Hanky(?), Cyrone, and Jasper and I. Urse was messed up by Math for a while.

Fred overran HnS and through that managed to get a sizable Troll army.

Alba and HnS were fairly inactive.

Elysium had most of its members land after the first 2w (hence why everyone is a Halfer/Dwarf) and yes, most of the KD are new/returning players getting their feet wet again, I do not blame anyone for attacking us - as this is the best way to learn the game =)

Blood God was just too far away to influence any of the fighting.

Everyone did well for what this era was. The big reason that Ravens/Urse had success was because there was no one to sustain the attack after Jasper and myself, as most other KDs were on break(ish).

This era was very messy and had a lot of different factions. A lot of players in KDs (Ravens included) took a break/semi-break from last era's 90d marathon. There is no shame in losing this era, it was fun, but also give credit where credit is due - Ravens/Urse handled themselves very well =D

10:52:17 Mar 23rd 22 - Lord Caedus:

Congrats to the winners - you played well.

Looking forward to next era, hoping to get a few of the inactives back online - it's just 4 of us (mostly 3) currently. :) 

Any idea how long the era has left? 

20:54:15 Mar 23rd 22 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

Lord Caedus:

Congrats to the winners - you played well.

Looking forward to next era, hoping to get a few of the inactives back online - it's just 4 of us (mostly 3) currently. :) 

Any idea how long the era has left? 

My guess would be after Ravens wait for Aquila to mop up the East and then get overrun by them.

Maybe sooner, but probably not.

13:52:56 Mar 24th 22 - fred (Mr. Freddy The Terrorist):

who can cast arma?  

15:35:07 Mar 24th 22 - Jarl Eivor:

Raven Clan is preparing Arma cast

14:15:33 Mar 25th 22 - Mr. Chinggis Khan:

Cast today? 

15:31:55 Mar 25th 22 - Marquess Whopper:

arma has been casted

16:13:37 Mar 25th 22 - HorusPanic (Mr. Boyee):

lol, i can't vote for another 45 ticks

16:51:25 Mar 25th 22 - Marquess Whopper:

Please vote everyone, this is a good time for US and EU. 

17:30:49 Mar 25th 22 - Jarl Eivor:

Hurry and vote!!

17:58:55 Mar 25th 22 - Ms. Jasmine:

My vote did it.

So looks like you need 50% of alive people to insta end it?

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