Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 84

Valhalla 84
14:20:41 Aug 29th 22 - Mr. Greensmoker Cyrone:

Please buy the tree of Greensmoker Cyrone! 

It is simply the best tree on the market.
Cyrone does not get high on his own supply!

12:16:32 Aug 30th 22 - Mr. Greensmoker Cyrone:

Buy Cyrone's bloodtree please! It funds the death of YOUR enemies! (fortnite no build challenge xd)

20:17:21 Aug 30th 22 - Mr. Greensmoker Cyrone:

All non-Albatross members need to buy my bloodtrees. Buy bloodtree for cheap and go to sleep knowing you can farm while your enemies suffer!

08:54:11 Aug 31st 22 - Mr. Greensmoker Cyrone:

45k total confirmed Guard Towers built in Albaland. Buy bloodtree. Bloodtree helps guarantee Alba keeps making GTs. Alba are the watchers of Valhalla... but how can they do that with less than 100k total GTs? Buy bloodtree because it indirectly helps fund the safety of the realm (for most people)!

02:05:05 Sep 2nd 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

Please buy my .77 bloodstone I need the money to raze my city

02:00:42 Sep 5th 22 - Mr. Greensmoker Cyrone:

Nice fight alba! Was fun :D

04:51:05 Sep 5th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

^n00b tapping out like a quitter n00b before the fight is even over XP

Should read PDC's name again a few times

Maybe he wanted to be nice and let you guys win so more players got to experience victory but personally I want to see Emperor's New Groove win this era

11:45:40 Sep 12th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

I wonder what Cyrus is doing with all his resources.

Did he give up like a little quitter bitch?
I think he is saving his gold for next era or something.
You arent a Pharaoh you cant take it with you when you die disgusting little noob trash.

11:46:22 Sep 12th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

17:00:42 Sep 4th 22 - Mr. Greensmoker Cyrone:

Nice fight alba! Was fun :D

19:51:05 Sep 4th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

^n00b tapping out like a quitter n00b before the fight is even over XP

Should read PDC's name again a few times

Maybe he wanted to be nice and let you guys win so more players got to experience victory but personally I want to see Emperor's New Groove win this era

These posts aged better than Honey in a Tomb

Cyrus may be one of the WORST PLAYERS OF ALL TIME all he ever does is quit mid-era and self-raze

No wonder he has never won an era and never will.
All he does is raze himself, give up, and cry on the forums.

12:37:11 Sep 12th 22 - Lord Caedus:

I can only imagine what your internal forums are like - I think we all have empathy for Cyrone quitting on you. 

13:20:37 Sep 12th 22 - Matthew (Chief Barnyyyy):

He's my brother you should see that shit I message him he is an embarrassment to play with

I would be okay with ZeTa doing a multi-sweep and just banning us both even though he said it was okay for us to both play together

Imagine having a brother who sucks THIS badly at the game and doesnt listen to anything you say while constantly embarrassing you with his dogshit gameplay and crying on the forums

If ZeTa did a multisweep at least we would get rid of 12 Ivanhos on ZeTaMania

13:28:14 Sep 12th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

Our internal forums are honestly not that bad, I keep most of my insults strictly to VU messages and keep them out of the Kingdom Forums and I dont harass my Brother IRL over a videogame:

14:13:13 Sep 12th 22 - Konstant (The Ancient Quetzalcoatl):

Be nice to Cyrus. He has a unique style of play, but it has been incredibly effective over the eras.

14:17:57 Sep 12th 22 - Matthew (Chief Barnyyyy):

I will be nicer to Cyrus. He is my own flesh and blood but when I'm like this I am hostile to everyone, even my own Brother.

Cyrus's playstyle is extremely effective when the opponent has weak mages.
He would get smoked by OOP Freeze (very doable) but nobody does that.

I sandbagged that era on Mantrax vs you and Cyrus.
I still feel bad about it.

00:13:00 Sep 13th 22 - Mr. Cyrones Mommy:

Very cool posts! What a nice guy!

00:19:26 Sep 13th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

Very Cool!

00:20:59 Sep 13th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

Are you saving all that gold for Valhalla Era 85?

I recommend you watch 'Return of the King' and pay attention to the parts with the Nazgul.

00:30:49 Sep 13th 22 - Mr. Greensmoker Cyrone:

Caedus might be on to something here!

01:31:43 Sep 13th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):


01:32:56 Sep 13th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

I like that Caedus is nice to new players/a good king and I think playing on the 50% world is probably smart considering Berserkers are waterwalker jesus players who can't keep their word

(not hating here, I rarely keep my word as well, and I am very greedy, so I understand why Berserkers would lie constantly and exploit game mechanics)

I will say that I dislike PDC a bit now considering he cheats but thats okay I cheated for 8? years with the dice.

02:08:58 Sep 13th 22 - Mr. Greensmoker Cyrone:


I think I did a lot this era. I think my enemies would agree with that. I had fun. I told multiple people I'm just trying Orc and was only around "for a good time, not a long time". I only care about Fantasia. Be kind to others unless you want them to treat you the same way back.

06:08:15 Sep 13th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

fair, but if you abandon your kingdom you should self-raze and native your resources to 0 so as to avoid being a liability to players who intend to play the era out such as myself.

08:22:05 Sep 13th 22 - Mr. Greensmoker Cyrone:

No one is going to listen to someone who disrespects them to this degree, ever. If my cities are in threat of being taken and I'm not prepared, I'll raze them. I've NEVER fed anyone on any world aside from my very first time playing the game. I did TONS of work this era and I get insulted and called bad! Okay! Cool! 

It would be so easy to stoop to your same level of insults here but I'll stop. No one even knew I wasn't being active this era until you decided to publicly tell everyone (amazing tactical decision)! Use the internal forums for the KD to complain like this. No one wants to see this and no one cares. I'm just embarrassed at this point and would love it if this conversation did not continue.

09:24:34 Sep 13th 22 - Lord Caedus:

This GIFs | Tenor

13:20:54 Sep 13th 22 - Jarl Ivar The Boneless:

Lord Caedus:

This GIFs | Tenor


01:34:46 Sep 14th 22 - Matthew (Chief Barnyyyy):

Youre right but youre still wrong to just abandon the kingdom with presumably hundreds of millions of gold and a 57k

You should do the right thing and self-raze if you quit

Just my correct opinion on the matter, as usual.

02:04:30 Sep 14th 22 - Konspyre (Captain The Duck Side):

Kick and plunder! Raaahhh!!!!

11:02:46 Sep 14th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

NO! Thats worse than letting the enemy have his gold.

04:16:32 Sep 20th 22 - Matthew (Mr. Xeta):

all according to kykaku

Who do you guys think will win the era?

Whoop, Cyrus, or Kinril?

My imaginary money is on Whoop and HnS.

00:16:36 Sep 25th 22 - Mr. Greensmoker Cyrone:

Sorry for not being active; it's hard to put 100% into multiple worlds for me. I won't feed though (I HOPE)! What even happening up north? Looks like theres about to be a bloodbath :O

15:10:45 Sep 25th 22 - Ms. Wandderer:

I have not really been paying any attention to diplomacy this era but I wanted to ask, I noticed HnS, DO, ENG armies all avoid each other. Was told Ely isn't fighting them either, but I might be wrong. Is it a NAPfest this era?

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Albatross10Lord Caedus100
Hammer and Shield8Mr. Bigfield90
Duck Off5Captain The Duck Side89
Elysium8The Ancient Areion81
Emperors New Groove3Mr. Warchief18
The Syndicate1Sir Horus9

15:13:01 Sep 25th 22 - Ms. Asrock:

Thought that ELY & HNS & DO have fought each other up north.

15:16:41 Sep 25th 22 - Konspyre (Captain The Duck Side):

You appear to have noticed wrong!
DO's only relation is with the glorious Syndicate!

15:20:04 Sep 25th 22 - Ms. Wandderer:

Ah you're right, there is nobody else in north east corner.

Means DOs have won their wars there and are coming south.
I just thought we had enough people coming at us... guess its never enough :)

15:21:45 Sep 25th 22 - Jarl Ivar The Boneless:


You appear to have noticed wrong!
DO's only relation is with the glorious Syndicate!

That after you took their cities??? Lol

15:24:08 Sep 25th 22 - Konspyre (Captain The Duck Side):

Beaten fair and square in a 1v1, the details are for us to worry about, mister big napper :D

15:24:44 Sep 25th 22 - Ms. Asrock:

Not sure what kd you are in Wandderer, but I suppose ur in Albatross, reason why they come for you guys is prolly after that ownage on that human lol.

Think Do is still fighting with Ely & Hns sort of , guess everything is just a lil bit slow.

15:35:55 Sep 25th 22 - Jarl Uhtred of Bebbanburg II:

Lol I watched moff send an army and take all of his cities without a fight. 

15:37:00 Sep 25th 22 - Jarl Uhtred of Bebbanburg II:

A halfer that just started vs an orc who has been around? Seems like a real fair 1v1 haha 

15:54:56 Sep 25th 22 - Konspyre (Captain The Duck Side):

Oh man, that Moet guy's cities in Ely core looked reaaaal interesting. Wonder what the story behind that is :)
You haven't seen the full picture at any point in time and instead make all sorts of assumptions, mister big napper :D

16:20:18 Sep 25th 22 - Ms. Asrock:

it was for me a sort of first fight.

he had troops, but the cities are pretty rainbow.

So msg-ed him not sure if he also was new.
I asked monarch first if I could fight him to get a lil bit of an idea how this worked.
Horus also took some towns from him which Hns captured from him.

I think I started after Moet. prolly a bit of different situation between you and horus dude. me vs him was about the same newbness, it just that I've read all the information in our forums about the basics that helped me a lil bit better than him I suppose. 

17:09:52 Sep 25th 22 - Jarl Uhtred of Bebbanburg II:


Oh man, that Moet guy's cities in Ely core looked reaaaal interesting. Wonder what the story behind that is :)
You haven't seen the full picture at any point in time and instead make all sorts of assumptions, mister big napper :D

Yeah I also agree about moet. I've got no problem about it. I'm not hiding anything lol. I'm starting to realize everyone here cheats at will regardless the reason lol yet everyone complains about these tactics and does them themselves. So sounds to me alot of hypocrisy in VU. I napped no one. I joined konstant for the era. Elysium was already napped as it was just him and 1 other when I joined. So don't see how that is even relevant to the multiple feedings that go on every world with everyone. 

17:12:54 Sep 25th 22 - Konspyre (Captain The Duck Side):

you're already made your own conclusions based on assumptions, and apparently horus dying to moff is feeding in your mind. With that reasoning, literally anyone losing cities to anyone is "feeding". What is this, Overcooked 2? lol

Only things i've complained about are your wild assumptions, but i'm sure you'll make even more assumptions because of that :D

17:14:00 Sep 25th 22 - Jarl Uhtred of Bebbanburg II:

I didn't call it feeding I called put a bs about younguys being napped...after taking his 90k city? Lmao 

17:18:57 Sep 25th 22 - Konspyre (Captain The Duck Side):

Oh that, you should've said that then.
We weren't napped, we fought, now we're napped.
Same thing we did with Alba last era.
Relations don't need to be completely set in stone at the start of the era, right? Or is it also cheating to you if people have relations after the start

GG to Asrock, sounds like you had a good fight/opportunity to learn ^^

17:23:54 Sep 25th 22 - Jarl Ivar The Boneless:

You complain about similar diplomacy in multiple eras of other kds having napped each other after being beaten in war. So it's okay if you do it but no others? Lol you sure do talk like you make all the rules around here. I'll be sure to pm you every time for a request in vu mighty jasper!!! ALL HAIL KING JASPER! The honorable Jasper! HAHAHAHA

17:48:47 Sep 25th 22 - Konspyre (Captain The Duck Side):

yeah you're not making any sense lol, aren't you mixing me up with other people now?

Wanderer mentioned the napfest bc they couldn't see DO fighting ely+hns, which is reasonable from his pov. Try going on an imagination spree in front of them instead

17:59:35 Sep 25th 22 - Ms. Asrock:


Oh that, you should've said that then.
We weren't napped, we fought, now we're napped.
Same thing we did with Alba last era.
Relations don't need to be completely set in stone at the start of the era, right? Or is it also cheating to you if people have relations after the start

GG to Asrock, sounds like you had a good fight/opportunity to learn ^^

To be fair not really he had troops, but this wasnt really what I was aiming for but atleast managed to make my first attack. Experienced that atleast.

18:37:56 Sep 25th 22 - Dark Lord Scrooge Mcduck:

can we just agree that the only suspicious feeding activity was in the stone market? and since that's subsided... we can live happily ever after and fight each other on the field rather than the forum? k thanks, have a nice day :)

21:50:08 Sep 25th 22 - Phat (Grand Moff Darkwing Duck):

I just sent a welcome party to my buddy Horus. 

I’m happy he is playing again and wanted him to know. 

I’m not fed and I’m not a monster. We agreed to terms with him which involved him recovering some of the lands and we received clarity in our relationship that allows us to focus on the significantly more real threat of the 19man kingdom known as Emperor Elysium’s Hammer and Shield and our other current, but more respectable opponent of Alba

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