Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 91

Valhalla 91
21:46:22 Oct 15th 23 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

Is it era 91?

Kingdoms in Valhalla
The Clan7Captain Conspyre477
Signed Sealed in Blood4Mr. Fafnir225
Albatross8Duke Caedus169
Sunfire2Lord Horus117
Hammer and Shield5Mr. Bigfield100
Pink Fairy Armadillos1Mr. Gemonio Lonely Gem61
Aquila5Lord Arc The Imp59
Pestilence4The Oppressed42

21:48:18 Oct 15th 23 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

It appears the only kingdoms fighting are Hammer and Shield and The Clan.

None of the others have any wins or losses registered as of now.

We are honored to be esteemed as the greatest challenge of the map, though we currently are but a fifth of your power!

You know the real threat. 

22:40:50 Oct 15th 23 - Phat (Grand Moff Moff Moff):

Is that like a “why are they picking on us” post? Cause iirc… you landed a city in our core area before any other hostility started. 

So. That’s why you’d be a target. 

00:57:35 Oct 16th 23 - King Perilous:

Lol I'm on the most fearsome.

  1. I am Legendary has won 4 battles, captured 2 cities and killed a total of 16919 men and women.
  2. Mr. Bigfield has won 1 battles, captured 1 cities and killed a total of 3507 men and women.
  3. Conqueror Malthael has won 2 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 2579 men and women.
  4. Grand Moff Moff Moff has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 977 men and women.
  5. King Perilous has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 141 men and women.
  6. Mr. Intrusive Thoughts has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 110 men and women.

03:27:06 Oct 16th 23 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

I mean, I didn't land a city there. 

Did you consider writing a letter to ask him to move the city? We are reasonable people.

Did you attack that city first? He even named the city "Friendly Colony". 

You've mentioned how much you appreciate our nomenclature for our cities in the past. So much so, you've adopted it for your own!

Why couldn't you try diplomacy?

04:16:53 Oct 16th 23 - King Perilous:

I also did not land a city there. Who are we to suggest Malthael even knew who was in the neighborhood when he made his friendly and peaceful colony?

What happened to parlance and correspondence? 

08:20:49 Oct 16th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Conspyre):

if you break into my house and shit in my bed, i'm kicking your ass out.
HnS took initiative in fighting, bravo!

06:42:15 Oct 17th 23 - Dark Spawn (Lord Dark Spawn):

Konspyre, who did an Amber Heard on you?

07:59:20 Oct 17th 23 - heroix (Conqueror Malthael):

I have not attacked anybody! We need a two state solution!

10:03:09 Oct 17th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Conspyre):

hello police malthael is trespassing

15:35:08 Oct 18th 23 - Bigfield (Dragon Prophet Theophilus):

I don't see posted signage? 


hello police malthael is trespassing

21:29:03 Oct 18th 23 - Mr. Slimjongun:

Hey all! ProfessorPickleRick here, just wanting to introduce myself as I am here in Vahalla. Good luck to all on the battlefield :D

21:27:14 Oct 19th 23 - Mr. Existentialist:

Mr. Slimjongun:

Hey all! ProfessorPickleRick here, just wanting to introduce myself as I am here in Vahalla. Good luck to all on the battlefield :D

He turned himself into a pickle ! Funniest shit I've ever seen ! 

03:07:23 Oct 27th 23 - Jarl (Mr. Might Guy):

Kingdoms in Valhalla
The Clan7Captain Conspyre2225
Signed Sealed in Blood5Mr. Fafnir1128
Albatross8Duke Caedus774
Hammer and Shield5Mr. Bigfield719
Sunfire2Lord Horus637
Aquila5Lord Arc The Imp417
Pink Fairy Armadillos1Mr. Gemonio Lonely Gem198
Pestilence4The Oppressed100
The Borg5The Hives4
The Mongol Empire6Sir Balgutai1

03:08:37 Oct 27th 23 - Jarl (Mr. Might Guy):

Sorry I'm such a huge threat to you guys.  🙃


Army Info
Commander:Mr. Original JackdanielsKingdom Banner
Kingdom:The Clan
Size:Division (10,000-20,000)

We have not attacked them and they have made 2 hostile attacks on us.

This ruler owns twice as much land than we do.

We are protected by the 50% rule. This army is currently not able to take or burn our cities.

Attacking this army will not count as a hostile attack because it is currently attacking one of your cities.

06:03:20 Oct 27th 23 - Sir Big Wooo Ducky:

Didn’t we leave you by our core last era and then you ran for our core once we had moved fronts?

Silly to let that happen twice now? 


Sorry I'm such a huge threat to you guys.  🙃


Army Info
Commander:Mr. Original JackdanielsKingdom Banner
Kingdom:The Clan
Size:Division (10,000-20,000)

We have not attacked them and they have made 2 hostile attacks on us.

This ruler owns twice as much land than we do.

We are protected by the 50% rule. This army is currently not able to take or burn our cities.

Attacking this army will not count as a hostile attack because it is currently attacking one of your cities.

07:15:32 Oct 27th 23 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Original Jackdaniels):

mate that army is shit and were 18 days into the era if you got half my land thats your problem i'm not letting you sit around and and run round 2 of last era.

12:57:55 Oct 27th 23 - Jarl (Mr. Might Guy):

Big bad bullies lol I've been eaten twice haven't made any hostile moves toward anyone. You guys always find a reason to attack anyone. I attacked you guys last era because you made hostile intentions toward me. Stop pretending like I randomly attacked you. Lol excuses

13:34:45 Oct 27th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Conspyre):

bullies? you're a grown ass man, not a new player or anything, why are you trying to play the victim? 
The only one pretending here is you, inventing "hostile intentions" out of thin air.

14:15:30 Oct 27th 23 - Jarl (Jarl Uhtred):

Grown ass man who logs in once but is so scary to the clan..looking for any reason to fight anyone. I clearly had 3 hostile actions towards me from your kd. Just because you dont know or want to claim it doesnt mean it didnt happen. Trash ass kid. Sit back on your foot long toy.

14:54:38 Oct 27th 23 - Dark Lord Newbageddon:

Last era? We never even had vision on your corner. Only real hostile action we took was after your army was marching north, we disposed of your gt city in a rather sloppy manner. 

We had no relations then, and we have no relations now. So why are we getting so upset about being attacked in a game where that's to be expected? 

Further more, you've not been shy with plague recently so why would we allow you to build up in close proximity? 

15:03:56 Oct 27th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Conspyre):

You should take a nap, that victim complex sounds very tiring

15:09:42 Oct 27th 23 - Jarl (Jarl Uhtred):

Denying it just shows you're a coward.

15:49:06 Oct 27th 23 - Mr. Lubriderm:

Lol omg. Comical. A war game and people get upset about being attacked. :p. The game hasn’t changed haha. Thanks for the early morning comic session! 

16:38:24 Oct 27th 23 - Dark Lord Newbageddon:

I feel like we're just doing our duty, not making allies when  we're already considered bullies by some for being too strong haha. I'm sorry Jarl, that we choose to fight instead of make peace. 

16:39:37 Oct 27th 23 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Original Jackdaniels):

i know 18 days into the era 5k knights from a hostile KD you never talked or asked for peace with is attacking you ohh noo those inhuman monsters.

this is a war game if you dont want to be attacked by a kingdom you have no relations with go play farmville.

16:49:44 Oct 27th 23 - Jarl (Mr. Might Guy):

Didn't know little Ole me was so terrifying to you. This is a role playing game with politics. Not just a war game. My login once a day on val and little activity is so disturbing for your overwhelmed force. You keep bringing up the day of era it is like I've paid attention lol typical bullies ganging up on the defenseless.

16:51:25 Oct 27th 23 - Jarl (Mr. Might Guy):

Jack Daniels The drunk:

i know 18 days into the era 5k knights from a hostile KD you never talked or asked for peace with is attacking you ohh noo those inhuman monsters.

this is a war game if you dont want to be attacked by a kingdom you have no relations with go play farmville.

Am I hostile or a farmer? Which is it??? Can't seem to make up your minds. Bunch of teenage girls clueless with what they want or think 🤔 🙃

17:01:33 Oct 27th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Conspyre):

the only thing you're roleplaying is an 8yo kid throwing a tantrum because mum won't buy him ice cream

it's a war game

Strategy War Game

Visual Utopia - A massively multi player strategy war game!

17:05:38 Oct 27th 23 - Jarl (Jarl Uhtred):

Says the guy who is bullied around in RL. Grow a pair of balls and speak like that to people around you so you don't have to pretend to be masculine online. Have a nice day. 👍 

17:07:51 Oct 27th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Conspyre):

You're projecting so hard it feels like i'm watching a powerpoint presentation

17:20:39 Oct 27th 23 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Original Jackdaniels):

its an easy solution jarl if you want to play, play the game. dont cry when you get attacked your literally the first and closest enemy city to me. my relations page in discord says every one is an enemy.

once again you send any mail to any one to maybe make peace to try and not get attacked by us. Oh that's right you didn't meaning that your an enemy. sorry not sorry that you didn't get your shit in order and want to cry about it now.

17:32:44 Oct 27th 23 - Mr. Bartimaeus The Rusty:

**grabs a seat and popcorn** 

20:32:13 Oct 28th 23 - GEO (Ms. Jennaside):

JD you big bully

21:39:05 Oct 28th 23 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Original Jackdaniels):

Well I guess if the shoe fits 

00:21:21 Oct 29th 23 - Phat (Grand Moff Moff Moff):

it's like noone cares that we left him be last era and he marched on us... sooooo we are doing a cleanse. 

01:03:44 Oct 29th 23 - Mr. Ignix Phoeber:

Lol cleanse sounds a bit ominous:p.Uber overlords going for genocide....

03:16:24 Oct 29th 23 - Jarl (Jarl Uhtred):

19:21:21 Oct 28th 23 - Phat (Grand Moff Moff Moff):

it's like noone cares that we left him be last era and he marched on us... sooooo we are doing a cleanse. 

i marched because when there was 3 hostile attacks against us when when we had 0 vs you. IDC if it was spells EITS or not so blame yourselves and play the victim of an army that i suicided to bring arma so you had no more excuses  to fight as i was the reason to keep it going as Jasper said at the time. Id expect better from you Moff.

11:42:05 Oct 29th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Conspyre):

Took a short break to load up on more bullshit whining i see

20:25:50 Nov 15th 23 - Jarl (Mr. Might Guy):

The clan owns Val. I vote Arma! 

21:44:12 Nov 15th 23 - Phat (Grand Moff Moff Moff):

I vote arma. 

01:26:07 Nov 16th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Conspyre):

As the winning kingdom, we have noticed a trend the past few eras on all worlds where it seems to be the norm to have eras last 2-3 months.
In line with this trend, we are planning to arma at an acceptable time, roughly between 60 to 70 days after the era has started.

Please look forward to it :)

01:59:05 Nov 16th 23 - Jarl (Jarl Rahzalgul):

Whining because you die on fant 2 eras in a row and have to wait to start again so ruin Val in the process? Lol hypocritical nonsense. 

07:53:52 Nov 16th 23 - Mr. Hikers Ignix:

Lol I was kinda expecting this:(


As the winning kingdom, we have noticed a trend the past few eras on all worlds where it seems to be the norm to have eras last 2-3 months.
In line with this trend, we are planning to arma at an acceptable time, roughly between 60 to 70 days after the era has started.

Please look forward to it :)

09:26:11 Nov 16th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Conspyre):


Gj on the era to everyone who actually did anything :)

10:55:56 Nov 16th 23 - Mr. Existentialist:

What was the story with the gang of Mongolian miners dropping near the end ? 

14:40:17 Nov 16th 23 - Mr. Slimjongun:



Gj on the era to everyone who actually did anything :)

I had no chance :( BL stole my armoury when I was not looking LOL

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