Forums / In game politics / Valhalla 97

Valhalla 97
20:43:31 Apr 27th 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Bartimaeus The Crazed):

The games begin. GL to everyone! 🔥

21:04:58 Apr 27th 24 - Mr. Liubartas:

Hello everyone, I am here for Arma Farming. Peace with everyone 🙏🏼

22:08:14 Apr 27th 24 - Konstant (The Ancient Medici):

I recommend reaching out to every KD leader individually via PM and making sure to get a confirmation back.

03:36:21 Apr 28th 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Bartimaeus The Crazed):

The "inactive" are active lol SMH.... @URSIDAE

03:38:03 Apr 28th 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Bartimaeus The Crazed):

@Liubartas you have the FS ok

11:08:27 Apr 28th 24 - Schepp (Doctor Schepp The Grizzly):

What’s up? Not sure what you’re saying.

12:36:31 Apr 28th 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Bartimaeus The Crazed):

Was told after you guys killed us last era and our last member was turtled up you guys tried to poach him and called us “inactive” 🤷🏽‍♂️🤨

12:47:39 Apr 28th 24 - Schepp (Doctor Schepp The Grizzly):

Oh. I guess I did do that. My apologies I didn’t think I was off base, it’s been a while but people tend to leave and come back to this game sporadically. Looks like you’ve got a good jump on us this era!

13:43:01 Apr 28th 24 - Mr. Gem Arma Dillo:

It is Gem who is the arma farmer, I wrote with the wrong character 

Mr. Liubartas:

Hello everyone, I am here for Arma Farming. Peace with everyone 🙏🏼

10:24:17 Apr 29th 24 - Duke Caedus:

In Gem we trust.

15:53:19 Jul 30th 24 - Schepp (Doctor Schepp The Grizzly):

Since all that is left to oppose QM seems to be a scattered rebuild of an already beaten Ursidae - is it time to consider arma?

16:05:06 Jul 30th 24 - Sir Exx:

There are several 200k cities, and bunch of 90k cities, but you're probably right, we'll finish it off quickly.

19:26:29 Sep 22nd 24 - Princess Yasmina:

Zeta, we would like to officially request Arma to be casted on Valhalla, the map wars are over, and we do not have magic 9. 

21:42:31 Sep 22nd 24 - Percy (Sir Percy The Dude):

If ZeTa doesn’t come through, I’ve got 109 ticks of protection left as an Elf and will cast Arma as soon as I can.

06:36:11 Sep 23rd 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Mr. Infected):


00:13:27 Oct 26th 24 - Mr. Fcukr:

y'all a bunch of homophags

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