Forums / In game politics / Valhalla Age 11

Valhalla Age 11
05:01:06 Feb 10th 12 - Ryan the Archion (Sir Arch Alakazam):

So who are still here?

05:02:47 Feb 10th 12 - Zond (Mr. Helperss):

Bulgaria, maybe.

00:29:45 Feb 11th 12 - Sun Warrior King (Sun Warrior King of The Land of Zenonia):

Im here to bask in the sun's glory. HAIL THE HOLY KNIGHTS OF ADONIS!!!!

00:36:30 Feb 11th 12 - Mr. Vanio:

yeah there will b alot of ppl here if ya''ll sell some tree :D

09:44:34 Feb 11th 12 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

Arch.. I thought you were gonna do Starta ;)  Guess we'll have to be on opposite sides this time :P


10:17:24 Feb 11th 12 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Archblade The Little):

Well, may be next era. I saw a some great players here so I decided to play here again.

12:17:21 Feb 11th 12 - Ms. Jasmine The Lazy:

Arthur you're on Valhalla?
I want to be in your Kd! :(

12:21:05 Feb 11th 12 - Mr. Slip:

Then get over there! Or wait till we kill you then respawn :)

12:44:20 Feb 11th 12 - Ryan the Archion (Sir Arch Alakazam):

So Aisha you're also here. As I said a couple of great players are here.

Arthur is with Zond at Bulgaria.

12:50:04 Feb 11th 12 - Ms. Jasmine The Lazy:

Well to the honest I started this world only to test dwarfs a bit :) these guys next to me suggested to make a Kd, I suggested lets make my kingdom called Death Angels, and then they made the Kd with different banner... So now I am thinking of coming back as Halfer and making their lives miserable :)
But I do not really want to bother with this character as I am focusing on the other two, but who knows, we'll see :)

13:05:58 Feb 11th 12 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Archblade The Little):

Then join Bulgaria. They are good.

13:06:55 Feb 11th 12 - Polydeuces (Mr. The Real Valhalla):

I doubt she will want to join if I'm in Bulgaria. :p

13:09:07 Feb 11th 12 - Ms. Jasmine The Lazy:

Really? lol
I was under impression that we are friends :D
Though we usually war on every map... but I remember being friends with you :D
I guess something changed that I am not aware of :D Who knows ^^

13:11:11 Feb 11th 12 - Polydeuces (Mr. The Real Valhalla):

Lol, I was making jokes because we always are warring.

13:14:39 Feb 11th 12 - Ryan the Archion (Ms. Trinity):

Well, maybe this time playing alongside will make a difference.. :)

13:16:52 Feb 11th 12 - Ms. Jasmine The Lazy:

We'll see if these guys can break my GT spam, then I'll respawn in your Kd if you guys accept me :) But first I gotta have some fun with these guys that are around me hehe ^^

13:19:24 Feb 11th 12 - Ryan the Archion (Sir Arch Alakazam):

Although, I'm not in Bulgaria. :)

13:59:28 Feb 11th 12 - Mr. Palpy Hates Ewoks:

is also on valhalla...

14:12:40 Feb 11th 12 - Ryan the Archion (Sir Arch Alakazam):

Yeah, I can see you Palpy.. :) I have ewoks here.

14:20:45 Feb 11th 12 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur The Jiggling Jigglypuff):

AISHA!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 yessss join us ;)  When I saw Death Angels I was very curious... Come over here! :P

17:12:02 Feb 11th 12 - Mr. Vanio:

lol looks like its gonna be a very nice map, despite being a 50% sh1t thing map :D

we have a pretty good squad here in Bulgaria lets hope we can ignite the engine :D lol

18:23:21 Feb 11th 12 - Ryan the Archion (Ms. Trinity):

Yeah! Good luck to all. :)

18:27:04 Feb 12th 12 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Archblade The Little):

Oh Aisha, I'm near. I have wage war against DE by taking one of their city in their core. Will try to locate your cities and eventually protect you from them. :)

20:12:46 Feb 12th 12 - Ms. Jasmine The Lazy:

I see you're having some fun in Death Angels core,
They are not living up to the name, kill them fast please :)
You probably will see me as soon as you set up some towers :)
I am just above you, in my little mining city :) Fortified :)
Hehehe :)

10:11:12 Feb 13th 12 - Ryan the Archion (Mr. Archblade The Little):

Sorry milady. It looks like I've been bounced off. :)

11:05:30 Feb 13th 12 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur The Jiggling Jigglypuff):

Don't worry Jasmine ;)  We don't need the help of the enemy. :)

11:39:37 Feb 13th 12 - Ryan the Archion (Sir Arch Alakazam):

I'm no enemy of Aisha. I'm one of her secret lover. Oh no. You know it now. :(

14:15:43 Feb 13th 12 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur The Jiggling Jigglypuff):

Woah... She has too many open lovers to validate any secret ones.

Lets just end this here.  Whoever kills the other in battle has a chance at the lady's affection ;)

15:05:37 Feb 13th 12 - Ryan the Archion (Ms. Trinity):

Yeah! So let's see who gonna take those thugs away from her doorstep. :)

11:29:08 Feb 15th 12 - Mr. Vanio:

What a difference can a good mage do to a OOP war :P

15:09:15 Feb 16th 12 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

You implying something? ;)

15:15:26 Feb 16th 12 - Mr. Vanio:

naah man...just wanted to advertise my new beta software - Magic Cast 9.14 which I bought for 72 mil gold :D

to be honest - its awesome!!! =D lol

05:54:55 Feb 24th 12 - Sun Warrior King (Mr. Not):

A dragon attacked ******** We lost 0 Hobgoblins, 0 Rockthrowers, 0 Warlords, 0 Mages, 0 Berserkers and 218371 peasants in the battle. The dragon stole ******* of our gold!
Really? This is nothing but bullcrap. I hate these dragons!!!!

10:08:47 Feb 24th 12 - Polydeuces (Mr. Marvin The Martian):

dragons already??

10:12:08 Feb 24th 12 - Zond (Sir Ariolation):

i think he meant to post in nirvana... 

as his character "Not" is in nirvana, and hes troll there. He is not troll on valhalla :p

13:11:10 Feb 24th 12 - Sun Warrior King (Sun Warrior King of The Land of Zenonia):

Im so mad I posted in the wrong friggin thread.

06:40:59 Feb 26th 12 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Delusional):

jeez zond just come play already i'm tired of waiting

09:48:37 Feb 26th 12 - Zond (Sir Ariolation):

Bit busy. was Mardi Gras here.. and not its the weekend. and im down the river, no internet. just my phone :) 

Just wait, give me 2 days to get home.

14:47:12 Feb 26th 12 - Sun Warrior King (Sun Warrior King of The Land of Zenonia):

Well, it seems Lost Souls has broken through. Good job to that. It was my mistake to make the blocker Libra Oasis. If I did not, we could have lived longer than this.

16:53:42 Feb 26th 12 - Mr. Palpy Confused:

Don't worry Sun warrior King. It was you and I who were active, and another member miles away, fighting an opponent full of very experienced players who outnumbered us. Was fun though.

05:27:53 Feb 27th 12 - Sun Warrior King (Mr. James Bond of England):

Yep, lasted this long against two halfers, a troll and a mage. Not bad at all.

06:26:19 Feb 27th 12 - Ryan the Archion (Sir Arch Alakazam):

Yeah, you both do a great job. Even infiltrating our core. :)

15:04:16 Mar 2nd 12 - Arthur Dent (Mr. Arthur Dent):

Lets get this party started ;)

BTW, who else is LS warring?

17:32:53 Mar 2nd 12 - Zond (General Dendarii):

Just us, vs everyone. Ya know Arthur, the usual ;)

18:37:59 Mar 2nd 12 - Mr. Braggi:

ohhh my, the vets are complaining that the newbs of Val are attempting to stand up to them. If only the world good, everything were fair and they wouldn't have to face these unfair odds ;)

18:44:43 Mar 2nd 12 - Gokken (General Gokken The Evil):

Who is complaining? so far i have only seen 1 question and 1 true comment.

Besides, i wouldnt call all of the ppl we are fighting newbs.. most of them have alot of eras under their belt.

18:46:40 Mar 2nd 12 - Polydeuces (Mr. Valkyros X):

Does it matter, LS vs. Bulgaria starts soon.  This is where the true heroes will shine :p

18:56:15 Mar 2nd 12 - Mr. Braggi:

Didn't mean to hurt anyones feelings, it's just custom for vets to go and compalin about it when the other side outnumbers them. I know Zondy wasn't whining about it though :p. It's just, a lot of people have this soft spot so I decided to point out him pointing out that you are indeed outnumbered ;)

18:58:44 Mar 2nd 12 - Gokken (General Gokken The Evil):

Fair enough Braggi. Now lets have some fun :D

20:50:22 Mar 2nd 12 - Zond (General Dendarii):

Braggi just jealous he might not die by my hand :p

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