Forums / In game politics / Valhalla Age 2

Valhalla Age 2
15:32:03 Sep 7th 10 - Mr. Panic VI:

Who is going to be active on this world.... I am!

Ruler name Kingdom Spons. Turns World
Sir Horus X - 0   0 Zetamania
Mr. Fvckup Relentless 0   0 Fantasia
* Mr. Panic VI - 0   0 Valhalla


17:35:59 Sep 7th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:


18:24:41 Sep 7th 10 - Mr. Divinity:

Looks like im on it as well. Ssfd! Me n you need to team up again like back n the good ol days. (Last era i think rofl)

19:00:18 Sep 7th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

who are you :D??
i have already asked you but you ignored me :'(

20:07:16 Sep 7th 10 - Mr. Eddo:

dude! ill be there too =)

20:15:21 Sep 7th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:


20:22:09 Sep 7th 10 - Mr. Edd:

yup =) i won the last era of vanhalla =) and i plan to do it again.

21:26:55 Sep 7th 10 - Mr. Bragi:

Bragi is there if anyone cares :)

22:00:07 Sep 7th 10 - Mr. Divinity:

Bragi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


hey its ol T here

22:27:57 Sep 7th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

Who are you -_-!!

22:55:03 Sep 7th 10 - Mr. Bragi:

haha hey T  ! :D great to see your still here :)

and Some Fcked Dude I'm Bragi I don't think I can explain it better than that and I don't think we have spoken before :)

23:36:00 Sep 7th 10 - Mr. Divinity:

of course im still here. im the one guy on valhalla that isnt a halfer. ;p

00:10:49 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Bragi:

hahaha I have to admit I went halfler but it's only because I'm starting alone and if I wasn't halfler one of the others around me would kill me pretty easily :P

00:53:31 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Iii Halosniper:

T you know me. Liu Bei lol

00:53:42 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Divinity:

i picked dwarf ;p. I just got out of chat checking some of the halfers building count compared to mine. Its kinda depressing though i take comfort in the fact that my lvl 2 unit is enough for the moment.

01:04:47 Sep 8th 10 - Sir Hnodri:

haha dwarf? I'm sorry but I think you'll week OOP either a big scary troll will or a halfling with a horde ;P

01:13:03 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Divinity:

yes dwarf. I lasted a decent amount of time with them in the past. I am not too worried tbh. Anyone with enough skill can drag an oop war out. Its the economic disadvantages after defending it that kill me ;p. Plus i normally play humans so im kinda used to a handicap. Well until recently i think theyve come around a tad bit. So like i said im not too worried. Im confident in my skills and whether i die or live by them is fault only of my own ;p.

01:39:57 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Avenger:

You're all useless. Gtfo my map.

01:47:31 Sep 8th 10 - Sir Hnodri:

hey! don't be rude! say please! ;o

01:55:16 Sep 8th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

LIU your on this map to :D
Im gone kill you :P

02:09:06 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Divinity:

well if its your map then the responsibility to clean it up is yours :). Come get some!

02:22:51 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Darksword:

Fu SFD Ima get you first lol

02:26:11 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Panic VI:

Looking to start/join a KD.... any players/leaders near the northeast corner interested?

02:37:15 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Iii Halosniper:

I would but I am near the ********** area.

03:02:16 Sep 8th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

liu i will dont worry soon enough ;)
And im gunna PWN YOUUUUU and im gunna make a piano with your bones >:)

04:43:52 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Divinity:

Liu, you spelled lil as lii :).

Though on the serious note what kd u all in?

04:55:25 Sep 8th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

usual suspects B^)

05:13:46 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Insomniac:

Valhalla is mine.

05:34:53 Sep 8th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

*High fives dancer*

05:37:31 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Insomniac:

*High fives sfd* =D

05:38:39 Sep 8th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

*gives dancer am bro hug*

05:39:47 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Avenger:

/me slaps sfd around a bit with a large trout

05:41:05 Sep 8th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

*SFD crys*
*Then sets his halfer farmers on him >:D*

05:41:05 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Insomniac:

Thats a mighty fine looking trout

06:10:40 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Champione:

champions of valhalla
Mr. Champione
Mr. Prophet
Mr. Bragi
Mr. Taniwha

panic you should join us :p we're pretty close to you i see your scouts :p

16:38:47 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Bragi:

in case you missed it, I'm in Champions of Valhalla :)

22:51:55 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Iii Halosniper:

No Divinity, it was supposed to be III Halosniper but it came out as Iii. Its really dumb so oh well. I am the leader of Skullz vrs Humanz. Sounds fimilar?

23:31:38 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Bragi:

to me it does, remember me? :)

23:59:29 Sep 8th 10 - Mr. Iii Halosniper:

Yeah of course you were with me and Pointbreak before the kingdom headed to Mant I think.

00:58:52 Sep 9th 10 - Mr. Divinity:

mhm i remember it well. i got invited to join G O D L I K E and i plan to take them up on their offer. So guess means itll be a dual between us buds :). Playing dwarf so im out of my element and that just might mean you guys have a chance ;p. (prepares towa spam)

01:08:55 Sep 9th 10 - Mr. Iii Halosniper:

haha i will expect it and I see Psychotic Scientist is with me. What a fight this will be.

01:26:04 Sep 9th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

you guys will get no where when we come knocking on your door's ;)

01:30:22 Sep 9th 10 - Mr. Iii Halosniper:

Idk dude you might have to have some high dp before that cuz I am truckin to you when I am ready.

01:57:57 Sep 9th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

look on HoH i dont see you :P

02:51:51 Sep 9th 10 - Mr. Edd:

i'm there!

02:54:35 Sep 9th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

i see you edd ;)
but we will ownz you also :P

03:56:30 Sep 9th 10 - Mr. Divinity:

i have number 3 army with 51 swordies XD.

04:29:38 Sep 9th 10 - Mr. Pure III:

wow watch out, those 51 swordies can kill me -.- plz dont come to me in the top right hand corner, My 51 farmers will have to use there pitch forks you dont want little crazy farmers after your kd do you 0.o

05:08:18 Sep 9th 10 - Mr. Divinity:

Depends, they throw rotten turnips? Cause those really do smell bad, by the gods i swear they do.

05:58:46 Sep 9th 10 - Mr. Pure III:

They have been letting turnips roast in the sun since the biginiing of the era they even had to make a new city just to put the turnips in cause they couldn't stand the smell

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