Forums / In game politics / Valhalla Era 96

Valhalla Era 96
15:43:55 Mar 24th 24 - Edi (Sir Edi The Great):

This era will go down as one hell of an oop war, entire north of the map. Wish you all good luck.

On side note, pretty cool we have similar numbers kingdoms, will make it fair. Strange how Alba gets 10 members out of nowhere and now they all quit?

15:54:24 Mar 24th 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Bartimaeus The Risen):

This is gonna be one hell of a pop war lol. Can’t wait 😎


11:43:15 Mar 25th 24 - Duke Caedus:

Most of Alba is inactive and has been for a while. 

07:42:59 Mar 28th 24 - Mr. Gem Arma Dillo:

Armadillo is here for Arma farming in case it's needed. 

Have a nice one 

15:34:26 Apr 9th 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Bartimaeus The Risen):

This has been quite the era. Mad props to the kingdoms in the North who have been warring since D1 and holding it down still! 💯

05:29:12 Apr 11th 24 - Prince Mirelurker:

Posts in Fantasia thread, does not get any reaction, because nobody cares. Then they did the same thing in Valhalla, because nobody really cares.
But why then post about it in the first place if you're gonna do it yourself.

>> 14:29:36 Apr 6th 24 - Konspyre (Captain Tsubasa):

>> someone's a bit hungry, smells like there might be some feeding going on ?

05:49:50 Apr 11th 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Mr. Cannabinoid):

🤔 who’s feeding on Val?

06:18:12 Apr 11th 24 - Prince Mirelurker:

Friendly sharing of cities, Pesti giving a city to Renaissance.

07:56:35 Apr 11th 24 - Konspyre (Captain Spaghettangelo):

Ah yes making sure the person with the army has the blocker is feeding
Travion has been fed, according to this genius
He has been fed uh.... building upkeep?

The definition of feeding really has been lost to time if allies being forced to change blockers is the same as someone taking over sizeable eco cities with resources unopposed

00:26:00 Apr 13th 24 - Jarl (Jarl Uhtred):

It's feeding if Jasper is involved.

00:45:06 Apr 13th 24 - Konspyre (Captain Spaghettangelo):

Biased people who don't care about facts are so incredibly skilled at outing themselves

03:50:13 Apr 13th 24 - Jarl (Jarl Uhtred):

says the guy who feels the need in assert his farce of what id call manhood.

17:00:05 Apr 21st 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Mr. Cannabinoid):

Gem how about that arma?! Urisdae already farmed and napped themselves a win. 

12:38:15 Apr 22nd 24 - Mr. Gem Arma Dillo:

Arma is ready anytime, I just need all KDs happy with it before casting. I created some issues in the past and I don't want to repeat mistakes :) 

Troops living in the city

12:40:48 Apr 22nd 24 - Princess Yasmina:

Exclamation Mark Does not mind Arma. We will vote Yes :) 

12:47:01 Apr 22nd 24 - Venomz (High Warlord Venomz):

You guys done up north then?

14:26:46 Apr 22nd 24 - Konspyre (Captain Spaghettangelo):

yes to arma from Renaissance whenever, fighting's done and we're gone from hoh, ursi just picking at bones atm

15:14:10 Apr 22nd 24 - Djinn Bartimaeus (Mr. Cannabinoid):


17:51:26 Apr 22nd 24 - Mr. Gem Arma Dillo:

You already voted 🤣

Djinn Bartimaeus:


18:07:05 Apr 22nd 24 - Spartan Lucky Duck:

Go ahead with arma lol I'm just trying to be difficult right now lol

09:10:01 Apr 23rd 24 - Lady Elisa Day:

Cast please I was saving to cast anyways, saves me the trouble.

19:06:59 Jun 7th 24 - Mr. Ghostah:

Mr. Walrus The Awaken (6/5/2024 12:07:57 AM)GOODBAD
Hey- would you like a NAP with ROC?
You (6/5/2024 8:03:08 AM)
I would yes, I accept
Mr. Walrus The Awaken (6/5/2024 12:03:32 PM)GOODBAD
Perfect- thank you!

19:07:26 Jun 7th 24 - Mr. Ghostah:

Todays news
Ms. Alice attempted to cast a spell upon us.
All constructions in Ghox Landx have been frozen!
We received a message from Ms. Alice.
Ms. Alice attempted to cast a spell upon us.

19:07:49 Jun 7th 24 - Mr. Ghostah:

Ms. Alice (6/7/2024 4:51:36 AM)GOODBAD
sorry about the eits I press wrong thing was checking this solo to see what is happening

13:39:46 Jun 8th 24 - Princess Yasmina:

That is not Valhalla, RoC is on Mantrax. 

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