Forums / In game politics / Valhalla era 46

Valhalla era 46
03:56:18 Apr 23rd 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

sum1 come and join the fun -_-!

03:58:40 Apr 23rd 10 - Sir Sorra:

Why the hell is it opened so early, everyone on Nirv isent even OOP.

03:59:41 Apr 23rd 10 - Mr. Rosahn The Blackheart:

hahah well that means I have a shot at being in a worl where its empty. Farming is calling lol

04:01:05 Apr 23rd 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

lol yeh :P
and why on a lower world then nirv is the oop time shorter :?

15:27:21 Apr 24th 10 - Mr. Samual:

Dark Angels

Kingdom Banner

Name: Dark Angels
Members: 2
Created: 4/24/2010 3:02:50 PM
Leader: Mr. Samual


Accepting players of all experience, just fill in the questions below and send in an application

1. How many eras have you played (If any)

2. What race do you play as, or if you haven"t landed yet, what race do you intend to play as??

3. What kingdoms have you previously played with (If any)

4. Do you have any previous names (E.G if for instance last era you were called Mr. Bob and this era your called Mr. Bill let me know please)

For relations you can contact myself or any of the vices of this kingdom
If you have any questions please let myself or a vice know and we will try to answer them to the best of or abilities
Well that is pretty much it really just everyone have fun and I will look forward to seeing you all about



16:25:17 Apr 24th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Tis quiet.. too quiet...

16:33:09 Apr 24th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

coz this world is sh!t :P

17:40:36 Apr 24th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

At least AoA is here to spruce it up a bit and make it less shitty. :)

17:41:17 Apr 24th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

lol just the fact you are here does tht anyway ;P!!

18:11:38 Apr 24th 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

Yes and we are next door neighbors. Would you guys like to have some tea and biscuits?

18:23:17 Apr 24th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

I would like to teabag you. Is that the same concept?

18:24:55 Apr 24th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

yeh pretty much aslong as you dont do it to me its fine :P

19:44:02 Apr 24th 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

Hey!!! >:( No thats not what I meant. Loser :P

19:44:56 Apr 24th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

we know it is wht you meant liu ;P!!

21:28:20 Apr 24th 10 - Duke Sepulchre Grail of Mimbre:

Tis dead , Tis YOU dead lool

04:15:34 Apr 25th 10 - Mr. Taruk Macto:

I wish you all the best of luck.

11:38:43 Apr 25th 10 - Duke Sepulchre Grail of Mimbre:


13:05:00 Apr 26th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

First blood goes to me. :D

13:23:38 Apr 26th 10 - Duke Sepulchre Grail of Mimbre:

Nope , i already killed a AoA army little one :P (someones lifeguards , or the remains) so first blood ACTUALLY goes to me for killing that 20 man army lol 

But better luck next time vuggy.

14:09:53 Apr 26th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

First to get over 100 kills. Let alone, over 50. lawl

14:38:53 Apr 26th 10 - Duke Sepulchre Grail of Mimbre:

youll also most likely be first to die :D

22:43:28 Apr 26th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Haha. Your armies are of swordsmen, and I easily have you beat with my armies. You have only killed my lifeguards, you can't hurt any of my other armies except my scouts which aren't accessible to you.

23:03:36 Apr 26th 10 - Duke Sepulchre Grail of Mimbre:

vuggy you killed one battalion of 300 swordsmen , named SCOUTING PARTY , lol thats all youve killed...why are you so excited? and that was the only army that was swordsmen :D ask farimer.

23:04:22 Apr 26th 10 - Duke Sepulchre Grail of Mimbre:

Seeing as he lost about 60 troops killing an army of about 80 soldiers lol and he had 1000 halfling level 3's , do the maths. my armies arent level 1's.

00:33:53 Apr 27th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Scouting party... attacking a city? Scouts usually don't attack cities unless they're nazzies. Your going down in bout... mm... 3 ticks?

00:39:48 Apr 27th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

3 ticks i see no movement near him!!!

00:40:10 Apr 27th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

oh wait yes i do :P

00:56:35 Apr 27th 10 - Duke Sepulchre Grail of Mimbre:

you bonus turned and took an undefended city with just over 300 buildings in it , bravo.

and yet im still alive and in 3 ticks you still wont of reached anything but one city , odd that 

04:40:44 Apr 27th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

Lol. You always blow things up like they're such large accomplishments, even though small things lead to big things. Let's see.. I kill an army that was prepping on me, oh no it was just a scout. Cuz scouts are made up of 100-300 men. Then, I take a city that you so kindfully placed so I wouldn't have to pay for any blockers, oh it was weak. Well, get used to it bud, it's tactics. Maybe you should leave your MASSIVE army I just killed in your blockers.. you might stand a chance.

06:28:04 Apr 27th 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

Hey chill the f down! Its just a game.

12:46:39 Apr 27th 10 - Duke Sepulchre Grail of Mimbre:

vuggy your so excited , this must be like christmas for you , finally winning against me without help , o wait whats that farimer and anonymous helping you , o okay. i take it back nothing special winning 3 on 1 (farimer and you are exclusively attacking me.

13:30:12 Apr 27th 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

If you guys fight about killing 100 ppl and who is the first one to get it, you guys are stupid.

14:17:46 Apr 27th 10 - Duke Sepulchre Grail of Mimbre:

  1. Mr. Samual has won 1 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 3503 men and women.
  2. Mr. Vuggy has won 1 battles, captured 1 cities and killed a total of 2483 men and women.
  3. Mr. Omar Sharif has won 1 battles, captured 2 cities and killed a total of 1754 men and women.
  4. Duke Sepulchre Grail of Mimbre has won 1 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 1799 men and women.
Im catching up anyway :P

15:32:48 Apr 27th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

All you did was attack a reinforcement army. It'll only take a little bit for me to bring up an army double or triple what I have now, and come to destroy you. You are saying it's 3 on 1, when Anon hasn't taken any of ur cities, and I asked Farimer to take that city. Quite frankly, you suck nutsacks at this game and try to make yourself seem good. You're literally probably the worst player on this game, idk why you even try to play.

15:38:58 Apr 27th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

LOL. Plus, your KD could easily help. It is an even matchup. I guess they just don't like you so they're letting you die as they farm up to match up with our armies. It seems like a sound tactic to me.

16:05:10 Apr 27th 10 - Duke Sepulchre Grail of Mimbre:

anons attacked armies of mine , farimers attacked armies of mine , and there are all attacking you , its just from different directions (your kingdom) so dont bring farming into this. your guys came oop before us and attacked afterwards. what does that make you if were farmers?

and ive killed you before whya are you talking?

16:16:24 Apr 27th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

It's 9v9. Where's your KD? You're obviously not a team player. Why don't you try to go solo, I mean, cuz you OBVIOUSLY have the skill to play alone, let alone with a kingdom! You've had so much success!

P.S. You killed me my first era.

16:39:42 Apr 27th 10 - Mr. Samual:

Hey all,

Is it possible for us all to just be nice to each other. I know our two kingdoms are at war but it does not mean we have to start picking on each other in the public forums. You two may no like each other and that is understandable but please lets try to not let this carry on.


19:31:17 Apr 27th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

hehehe heating up :D

19:52:08 Apr 27th 10 - Sir Farimer:

pretty much a constant temperature over here

19:58:11 Apr 27th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

shush we wnt people to join the world so we have to make it look good!!!

19:59:23 Apr 27th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

yeh this world is near boiling point now mann !!!
*takes of his dwarf armour*

22:15:25 Apr 27th 10 - Sir Farimer:

This is turning into something... yeah... well, im not gonna take my clothes off when ur around sfd.

On a sidenote, it is indeed a fun world

22:31:14 Apr 27th 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:


Hey dude I so know you. Nebelous guard with Pointbreak. You have to remember me now.

22:36:35 Apr 27th 10 - Duke Sepulchre Grail of Mimbre:

Please dont tell me Vuggy is buying bonus turns, on valhalla , because thats sad on an ultimate level.

He used 3 yesterday , and has moved another 3 ticks mid tick today.

This is disgusting if its what i think  , if imwrong and just got the distances wrong (he might of moved 2 today im not 100%) then i apologize , but it still seems like he has been buying bt's.

23:06:15 Apr 27th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

I'm not even old enough to use a credit card. xD I used 2 yesterday, 1 because I was too impatient to wait for the next tick, and another cuz I was too impatient to wait for the next ticks to reach Mimbre City. Today I used 1, which I voted for. Unless someone in my KD has high enough magic to control time (which no1 on this map even does) then I've only used 3 in the past day. You can ask zeta, I've never spent any money on this game. hahaha

23:20:07 Apr 27th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:

lol kath and liu memba tht guy when we were all in tht KD who was buying loads ov BT's?
i thnk ohm was there 2??

23:25:21 Apr 27th 10 - Sir Farimer:

@Liu, bad with names and stuff, what was ur name??

00:31:16 Apr 28th 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:

Sun Warrior King or Rosahn the Blackheart.

09:24:54 Apr 28th 10 - Sir Farimer:

i thought so, but thought i'd better ask first. Feels like a little reunion over here

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