Forums / In game politics / Valhalla era 92

Valhalla era 92
09:27:06 Nov 20th 23 - Sir Comeback Demon:

So whats up with no Valhalla thread on forum? This game dead? I come back after 2058 days, whats the game situation now?

Monday - 2058 days ago

One lead by Mr. Athtiud Ignis attacked and plundered Hills Have Eyes. They took 1557153 gold, 524907 stone, 431 tree, 0 food, 252 slaves and 1118 peasants. We lost 0 Farmers, 0 Slingers, 0 Pony riders, 0 Illusionists, 0 Adventurers and 1118 peasants in the battle.

Where this Ignis guy at? You are going down!
Revenge is a dish best served cold! Like really cold.

11:59:58 Nov 20th 23 - Mr. Hikers Ignix:

Sorry not playing:p

14:01:45 Nov 24th 23 - Mr. Tokie:

A few players from the kingdom of heaven have landed. any updates to the game since about 1 year and 3 months ago approximately?

14:47:45 Nov 24th 23 - Percy (Mr. Perry The Tester):

As of *checks notes* yesterday, we got our first update in YEARS.

Plague is now a level 10 combat spell, and magic science costs for all races have been reduced.

Other than that, I dont believe anything else has changed in that timeframe.

15:38:20 Nov 25th 23 - Mr. Tokie:

Thanks for the update. Lvl 10 and archmages 👀  I've done it once. They are deadly.

03:07:26 Nov 28th 23 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):


As of *checks notes* yesterday, we got our first update in YEARS.

Plague is now a level 10 combat spell, and magic science costs for all races have been reduced.

Other than that, I dont believe anything else has changed in that timeframe.

I did not even know this update hit

11:27:00 Nov 28th 23 - Konspyre (Captain Conspyre):

You mean to say you don't check the update notes every single day? Crazy, how will you ever stay up to date on all VU updates???

12:29:16 Nov 28th 23 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Jellybean Demon):


You mean to say you don't check the update notes every single day? Crazy, how will you ever stay up to date on all VU updates???

XD lol

18:17:46 Nov 28th 23 - Mr. Gross:

i asked the mages to cast arma, this was too easy... lets run it back

01:03:45 Nov 29th 23 - Mr. Bartimaeus The Rusty:


08:10:10 Nov 29th 23 - Mr. Mullet Hielf:

trees to market pls

15:27:43 Dec 1st 23 - Mr. Gross:

good show by alba fighting to the very end

y'all should be very proud of that effort

now someone please cast Arma

15:57:02 Dec 1st 23 - Phat (Lord Broken):

I’m trying… as a dwarf. But for the sake of the world I hope someone beats me to it. 

05:04:15 Dec 2nd 23 - Percy (Sir Impercynator):

I’ll have magic 9 in another ~6 days as Troll. Currently Magic 7, and will native excess resources to get it as fast as I can.

Then it’s just train a few Magic dudes and we’re good to go, unless you get to it first

05:10:41 Dec 2nd 23 - Lady Jasmina:

I have had magic 9 for few days, and will cast Arma when the leader decides its time for Arma :) 

06:48:37 Dec 2nd 23 - Mr. Mullet Hielf:

14 day val

what happened why is the most inactive realm the rush b shit 


07:02:57 Dec 2nd 23 - Princess Yasmina:

It really was not inactive this era

ingdoms in Valhalla
Signed Sealed in Blood8Mr. Fafnir100
Albatross9Duke Caedus24
Aquila4Lord Arc18
Hammer and Shield5Mr. Bigfield17
Pink Fairy Armadillos1Mr. Rare Gem9
The Syndicate6Sir Dementor8
Kingdom of Heaven7Lord Blue Dog4
Reservoir Dogs2Mr. Branca1

There were plenty of wars on the map
War down south:
SSiB vs HnS 
War up north:
Alba vs Synd

SSiB won before Alba defeated Synd 
So then they got attacked from two sides

Aquila is in their corner (not sure if they fought anyone)
And PFA, KoH and RS are 1 person kingdoms I believe

07:46:23 Dec 2nd 23 - Mr. Mullet Hielf:

wow "4" "whole" kds really not that inactive wow

its val calm down

12:20:56 Dec 2nd 23 - Mr. Bala:

just run it back

13:18:20 Dec 2nd 23 - Professor Fatjongun:

Damn, I was ready to assist whoever wanted it LMAO I guess next era now

21:33:28 Dec 2nd 23 - Bigfield (Mr. Bigfield):

We had three drop in but not really active. We each had a city or two but never really fielded any armies and communicated that we couldn't really fight this era. 

I know one of our members has a newborn and personally I'm experiencing the first pregnancy with my wife.

I had hoped for more but it is what it is. I did not expect it to be over so soon. 

10:55:29 Dec 3rd 23 - Mr. Existentialist:

I reckon if we (alba) won the OOP it would have been a different story but thems how she goes 

13:49:40 Dec 3rd 23 - Mr. Error Prone:

It was closer than it looks now. 

14:17:37 Dec 3rd 23 - Princess Yasmina:

You were in quite a good position with forward arms right in between Synd core cities and your main core blocked off by your very well placed blockers (except one on the east side), while Synd did not have any blockers except the one on the moutain passage. You were in better position and thats one of the main reasons why I decided to help them rather than stay neutral. 

10:32:39 Dec 4th 23 - Mr. Azeroth:

Who voted no for Arma?

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