Forums / In game politics / Velocity [Vel] Recruiting

Velocity [Vel] Recruiting
01:21:10 Jan 8th 09 - Mr. Blackdagger:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Velocity
Members: 2
Tag: Vel
Created: 1/8/2009 12:54:31 AM
Leader: Mr. Blackdagger


Plain and simple. This KD is made to try and dominate Fantasia eventually, but that is in the far future. For now this kingdom is here to recruit players and teach them to become great.

I am Blackdagger the King of Velocity and I have played for 25 eras now. If you are willing to learn and become great then join this Kingdom and I will be happy to teach you.

With me is Polydeuces who I helped teach to play. He killed 116k troops in 2 weeks in the world of Mantrax. Now he is with me to brutalize this world and help teach the future of VU.

We are a warring kingdom so we expect any players who have not picked a race yet to be anything other then Dwarf. If you have already restarted then just ignore this message.

Criteria to join the KD:
You must be ready and willing to learn -- Whether you are a new player, or a VU veteran there is always something new that you can learn.
Communication -- We will communicate through the forum, in-game private messages, MSN instant messenger, and VU chat. So I expect you to use at least two of those four a lot.

Activity is of no importance in recruiting to our kingdom. For all we know you may only be able to log in once a day but that does not matter. Key qualifications that we are looking for in you, as a player is communication and the willingness to learn.

If you have any questions message me or one of my Vices.


03:26:01 Jan 8th 09 - Mr. Polydeuces:

We're so fast we are from the future.

Apparently we were founded tomorrow. :P

14:48:41 Jan 8th 09 - Mr. Polydeuces:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Velocity
Members: 5
Tag: Vel
Created: 1/8/2009 12:54:31 AM


Just an update. :)

18:50:44 Jan 8th 09 - Mr. Messiah:

Blackdagger, what where your previous nicks and kingdoms? (you said you've played 25eras)

21:47:21 Jan 8th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

i smell smexy falazar?

21:53:20 Jan 8th 09 - Mr. Ptah:

Sir Perkunas


1/8/2009 9:47:21 PM
i smell smexy falazar?

Stinks of Falazar *

23:58:50 Jan 8th 09 - Mr. Blackdagger:

Here is a brief summary. I do believe I fought ZEON one era or two eras myself =P. I remember Scottology was a beast with his Warlords ;-).

You can find my first era in Era of Adelbert
17. King Fafnir Dragon Slayers Elf 1862801

To name a very prominent KD I was in.....well that would have to be NT.
48. Sir Aeneas *beep* Table Elf 581220 (I was the mage ;-))

Then after that I bounced around KDs. I was in Abydos for a short time, and some other KDs. Dominated with a KD in Mantrax and eventually ended up with Carnage whom I stayed with for five or six eras.

Then I bounced around some more and now here I am, trying to make a great new Kingdom.

00:01:09 Jan 9th 09 - Prince Mielo:

ew, you played in *beep* table :)

00:02:35 Jan 9th 09 - Mr. Blackdagger:

Yup and proud of it.........Sir Dark Mielo ;-)

00:04:05 Jan 9th 09 - Prince Mielo:

damn, I thought my name was pretty incognito :)

00:06:20 Jan 9th 09 - Mr. Blackdagger:

You have no idea how hard I thought before I finally recognized who you where.

Who's Wanky Spanky?

I forgot to mention one of my greater accomplishments is helping raise a KD from scratch. If anyone can remember how the Musketeers did, but not how they disbanded, then you know how good they where. I was a leader right from the start and to the horrible end.

00:07:53 Jan 9th 09 - Prince Mielo:

I thought that was Wanky spanky??

13:44:43 Jan 9th 09 - Sir Spoon:

Hanky Panky is a loyal spaghettian! Mwuh-ha-ha!

13:47:26 Jan 9th 09 - Sir Stirlin:

wasnt Hanky the original leader?
i shall ask him when i see him!

14:06:27 Jan 9th 09 - Mr. Blackdagger:

Yup, Trio was led by Hanky, but he didn't do it by himself! ;-)

21:18:05 Jan 9th 09 - Mr. Ptah:

Eh... Lets see

You must be Nova then :)

Trio was originally

Hanky / Nova / Some other guy

And considering Nova was...
I wont go there then ;)

22:31:24 Jan 9th 09 - Sir Perkunas:

ptah you are a nub... Hes smexy hairy footed Fafnir...

quote "You can find my first era in Era of Adelbert
17. King Fafnir Dragon Slayers Elf 1862801"

22:43:50 Jan 9th 09 - Mr. Ptah:

Then hes talking *beep* about starting it :)

He joined into the era when DE first returned
They were FE before on Mant

He got Vice but he didnt start it, there was already 20ish players so he didnt really start it

But then Fafnub always has had a big ego ;)

Goodluck Faf, I remember you wanted to make a kingdom a while back
Im sure it will do well

00:29:57 Jan 10th 09 - Mr. Blackdagger:

"I was a leader right from the start and to the horrible end."

I said I was a leader right from the start when the Kingdon was officially a Kingdom and not Nova and Hanky's play thing.

Yes, there where already 20 players there, but nonetheless I was Vice in a week or two, so that's still "right from the start"

Thanks, I'm sure it will do well too.

01:02:34 Jan 12th 09 - Mr. Blackdagger:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Velocity
Members: 20
Tag: Vel
Created: 1/8/2009 12:54:31 AM
Leader: Mr. Blackdagger

 We have picked up several great players, and a lot who have great potential. There are 5 slots left open.

01:23:49 Jan 12th 09 - Mr. Haldir:

Dude soon there will be no one else for you to fight cuz you recruited practically every1

01:52:17 Jan 12th 09 - Mr. Pesto:

Mr. Haldir


1/12/2009 1:23:49 AM
Dude soon there will be no one else for you to fight cuz you recruited practically every1

not me :)

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