Forums / In game politics / Vote For the Most unpopular KD

Vote For the Most unpopular KD
06:00:35 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Strike Zakira:

Your Choice is:
MADMad Against Drugs
DBDark Blood
TMDThe Merchants of Death

AoAArmy of Anubis6Mr. Anonymous6
BBBlitzkrieg Buccaneers7Ms. Gjall5
killBonecrushers2Mr. Einskaldir2
KOWWar3Mr. Cooldog Iii0
NKOFFNoble Knights of the Orde of the Frozen Flames7Mr. Timmiev0
RSRambo Slayers
LDKLietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste15Mr. Antanas Smetona78
FAFreelance Alliance13Mr. Evans60
godguardians of destiney17Mr. Thunder Guardian48
ROMEThe Roman Empire1Mr. Smith7
EUEmpires United4Mr. Zakath IV
RUSRussians13Mr. Valenx60
ULTVUz Lietuva2Mr. Juodasis Zydas34
ElfsElf Lords The Reborn16Mr. Elvine16

stonerebels8Mr. Stone Wall Jackson1
DLDragons Lair4Mr. Mickey Dragon0
AzaiAzai Clan4Mr. Nagamasa Aza
MSMachine Supremacy6Mr. Aben II5
KEFKnights of Eternal Flame12Mr. Miedein Palantir4
FFFreedom Fighters2Mr. Federation0
THREThe Holy Roman Empire2Mr. Redsamurai0
DeathsDeath Eaters6Mr. Ghyng0
Kingdoms in Nirvana
DRDark Riders Empire20Mr. Justanius Fontainius11
LoBeLegion Of Burning Eye26Mr. Sin9
BLblack Legion4Mr. Crone4
EmpireDiadochi4Ms. Ingenuity2
wolfKnights of the Gray Wolf4Mr. Wolfenstien0
TDThe Demolishers3Mr. Biggerboom0
Kingdoms in Valhalla
PPPPretty Pink Pwnies26Mr. Ral5
herowar heros17Mr. Hero4
TKThe Knights4Mr. Arespreditor0
PKMNPokemon Rangers3Mr. Catchem0
ShoGShogunate5Mr. Ninja0
PSHSParSciea4Mr. Juan Vicente Aclan0
ECElf clan10Mr. Eyrmin II0
ALiHeadless Horsmen4Mr. Ahmad0
BWBlack Water2Mr. Synyster0

Have fun Keep the thread being deleted!

06:02:17 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Strike Zakira:

Headless horseman!!!


omg wtf where they come from?

07:36:03 Aug 10th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

what happend to the rest of the kds O.o

07:38:24 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Aloysius:

that's sweet!

its ok to put MAD to be the least heard kingdom.. but putting DB or us in the list, is questionable unless you are new.. means you have no idea of the old kingdoms in Fantasia atleast.

07:40:12 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Epyon:

yeah like why isnt Music in there??

cuz you know now that they arent in there, I dont know who to vote for!!

xD lol

07:45:02 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Ender:

I'd say Music is the most un-popular.  They got killed in Fantasia cuz no one liked em, then came to my world in Zetamania, and weren't good enough to survive there either, so we killed them again.  They got targeted for total anihilation 2 times this era, thats pretty impressive.  A single kingdom seeing 3 different worlds in 1 era, I think it deffinately means they are quite un-popular.

07:46:31 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Epyon:

(I was kidding cuz I'm in Music.... it was a joke =S)


07:47:15 Aug 10th 07 - Duke Mielo:

*/me whispers "what about Phi?"*

16:06:32 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Strike Zakira:


new vote option!

PHIPhi Empire


16:15:54 Aug 10th 07 - Ms. Spoon:

Sorry Ender, but I must object there.
It's not that we're not liked, we're fighting far too much than we can handle, and on two fronts.
Ofcourse, we've made enemies this era, but *beep*, who doesn't have enemies?

16:29:16 Aug 10th 07 - Lord Hermes:

Objection! Where is Carnage? And most of the other Fantasia Kingdoms?

16:44:59 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Carnage must always be number 1 in everything. ;)

Number 1 most unpopular kd: Carnage.

Happy now?

16:46:09 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

our kingdoms (in fantasia)our loved by evryone :P you cant hate the best :)

16:46:46 Aug 10th 07 - Demonic Shezmu:

yeah...obviously carnage is most hated :P
why else would they have a that many soldiers heading for their core-cities :P

17:08:50 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

Objection Number two: WHERE THE HELL IS RED HAND!!!

17:39:19 Aug 10th 07 - Wolflord Karac:

Objection Number Three: WHERE THE HELL IS RED HAND!!!



17:40:04 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Anatoliy Grushkov:

My vote.




17:44:16 Aug 10th 07 - Lord Hermes:

"Carnage must always be number 1 in everything. ;)

Number 1 most unpopular kd: Carnage.

Happy now?"


18:43:49 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Ender:

Honestly Spoon, its not really Music that I dont like, it was Bananahallow.  The guy was a jerk and while you were on vacation he gained your Kingdom a horrible reputation.  I have the utmost respect for you and most of your kingdom, however this era Banana kinda put you guys in hot water and he was really the sole reason we even went to war.

18:47:42 Aug 10th 07 - Wolflord Karac:

Music is a great kingdom with a lot of great people in it. Spoon I just want you to know that I respect you as much as anyone in this game and hope to see your kingdom flourish next era. Know that if you ever need anything, if i can help, I most certainly will, you always have a friend, and an ally in me.

19:09:59 Aug 10th 07 - Duke Mielo:

wow, someone is going to get lucky tonight ^^

19:53:22 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Hear hear, Wolflord Karac!

*he salutes smartly in the direction of Sp00n*

Uh...oh, wait a minute...

*he bows politely and kisses her hand*

20:11:38 Aug 10th 07 - Ms. Spoon:

Lol, glad that Bananaguy quit then. I never really got what happened to Music while I was gone.
Mm, ahwell. I hope I'll recover Music's honour.

20:24:28 Aug 10th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

Pokemon Rangers!  Never fought them, never talked to them, never even seen them.

I just don't like the name :D

20:33:11 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Dudewhostolemynamecondinho:


21:02:00 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Ender:

If anyone can achieve something like that, I'm thinking it'll probably be you spoon...  I know I couldn't do it too well with all thats happened.

21:11:55 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Stelios:

i vote for legion of the burning eye as the most unpopular

LoBe Legion Of Burning Eye 26 Mr. Sin 9

23:43:00 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Flames:

i vote
DRDark Riders Empire20Mr. Justanius Fontainius11

00:31:34 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Stelios:

your just jealous

00:58:24 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Rocketdude:

this is hard cuz i just want to vote for the kd that i dont like, is that what this is about or should i vote for the one that i think other people dont like?

01:12:18 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

ye lol flames is jelous

02:20:57 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Strike Zakira:

you can vote as much as you like! but 1 vote per kingdom

05:52:41 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Flames:

my bad you are right i am jealous ;p, Lobe is worst, not the member's fault but our inactive leader.

06:15:09 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Epyon:

PPPPretty Pink Pwnies28Mr. Ral8

everyone knows that Pwnies dont have gorilla arms!!!! xD

but really i have nothing against PPP or any other kingdom for that matter =D

09:33:19 Aug 11th 07 - Sir Bruto Cikayson:

ALi Headless Horsmen 4 Mr. Ahmad 0


New least favorite!  They scare me...

11:39:10 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:


12:17:22 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

theres my vote

PPP Pretty Pink Pwnies 28 Mr. Ral 37

13:21:48 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Dragonboy:

i vote for legion of the burning eye as the most unpopular

LoBe Legion Of Burning Eye 26 Mr. Sin 9

same here

19:06:21 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Anatoliy Grushkov:

Mr. Ender


8/10/2007 11:43:49 PM
Honestly Spoon, its not really Music that I dont like, it was Bananahallow.  The guy was a jerk and while you were on vacation he gained your Kingdom a horrible reputation.  I have the utmost respect for you and most of your kingdom, however this era Banana kinda put you guys in hot water and he was really the sole reason we even went to war.


TELL ME ABOUT IT! That *beep* built a wall right in the middle of my country's northern colony of Severnaya Zemlya and complained to me when I leveled it.  Not to mention he allowed the free harbouring of many known war criminals and then got angry when we went to war with him.

19:22:04 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Squiddy:

Look at dragon trying to be kewl. It's not working, honestly mate.

I vote for DR simply because most of you, NOT all, are pretty *beep*y and arrogant.

20:25:31 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

thanks its the second vote we got

21:28:37 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Tooty:

DR because their leader Justanius Fontainius was raciest to me and he is very rude.

21:38:12 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Rocketdude:

he knows ur race?

21:40:52 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

dunno wat race he is

23:24:14 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Fox:

i vote DR =)

Simply because justanius started making threats because i applied to his kd then b4 i got accepted i went to another =P

he said he'd make sure i died and regret that decision, he even said my kd would fall at his armies :P

so we all started fightin them then we got bored and sent preds after em for us =P

since we started fighting LW :(

who by the way we drove back rather easily :P

01:20:51 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

wait i really dont even know hu u r fox

01:53:06 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Strike Zakira:

Dr is winnin >.<

02:19:05 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:


03:21:28 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Nub:

Maybe it would be a good idea to stay out of this thread justin, we don't want a bad reputation

04:11:56 Aug 12th 07 - Sir Ness:

Kingdoms in Mantrax
LW Luna Wolves 27 Mr. Zorkhana 100
P II Predators II 31 Mr. Rix 44
Legion The Legion 20 Lord Domses Drathor 19
LDK Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste 15 Mr. Antanas Smetona 15
FA Freelance Alliance 13 Mr. Evans 11
god guardians of destiney 17 Mr. Thunder Guardian 9
EU Empires United 6 Mr. Zakath V 0
Kingdoms in Fantasia
Abydos Abydos 20 Dark Lord Finwe 77
Havoc Carnage 44 Sir Echion 73
LGC Legacy 19 Mr. Roxbury 46
PHI Phi Empire 20 Mr. Mavich The Cloner 44
ZEON ZEON 24 Mr. Messiah 40
BoW Brotherhood of the Wolf 10 Wolflord Karac 21
DB Dark Blood 15 Ms. Quietone 16
MAD Mad Against Drugs 12 Mr. Aloysius 15
PKS Peacekeeper 12 Mr. Joram Negus 12
JEST Jester 26 Lady Mifune 9
SMITE Heavens Vengeance 4 Lady Jabberwocky 8
M Mirror 4 Duke Azaruc 8
RED Red Hand 8 Admiral Krum 7
Fowl The Falcons 7 Mr. Plokoon 3
TMD The Merchants of Death 15 Mr. Shadeslayer 1
BB Blitzkrieg Buccaneers 7 Ms. Gjall 1
AoA Army of Anubis 6 Mr. Anonymous 1
KOW War 4 Mr. Cooldog Iii 0
FF Freedom Fighters 3 Mr. Federation 0
kill Bonecrushers 2 Mr. Einskaldir 0
RS Rambo Slayers 2 Mr. Hamish 0
NKOFF Noble Knights of the Orde of the Frozen Flames 7 Mr. Timmiev 0
Kingdoms in Zetamania
PP Corsairs 22 Mr. Jolly Roger 31
BRH Shen an Calhar 26 Sir Rand Althor 26
DSY Destiny 10 Mr. Rednas 14
RUS Russians 13 Mr. Valenx 11
ULTV Uz Lietuva 2 Mr. Juodasis Zydas 7
Elfs Elf Lords The Reborn 15 Mr. Elvine 1
DL Dragons Lair 5 Mr. Mickey Dragon 0
TC Templar Crusaders 4 Mr. Bliss 0
stone rebels 8 Mr. Stone Wall Jackson 0
Azai Azai Clan 5 Mr. Nagamasa Azai 0
Kingdoms in Starta
Music Music 22 Ms. Spoon 15
UA The Undead Alliance 9 Mr. Truefailure 2
MS Machine Supremacy 6 Mr. Aben II 1
KEF Knights of Eternal Flame 12 Mr. Miedein Palantir 1
Deaths Death Eaters 6 Mr. Ghyng 0
THRE The Holy Roman Empire 2 Mr. Redsamurai 0
Kingdoms in Nirvana
DR Dark Riders Empire 19 Mr. Justanius Fontainius 4
TSL The Sovereign Legions 6 Mr. Squiddy 1
LoBe Legion Of Burning Eye 16 Mr. Sin 1
BL black Legion 6 Mr. Crone 1
TD The Demolishers 3 Mr. Biggerboom 0
Empire Diadochi 5 Ms. Ingenuity 0
HAZARD Hazardous Waste 1 Mr. Kamikaze 0
Kingdoms in Valhalla
PPP Pretty Pink Pwnies 29 Mr. Ral 1
hero war heros 17 Mr. Hero 1
BW Black Water 3 Mr. Synyster 0
ALi Headless Horsmen 7 Mr. Ahmad 0
EC Elf clan 11 Mr. Eyrmin II 0
PSHS ParSciea 3 Mr. Juan Vicente Aclan 0
ShoG Shogunate 8 Mr. Ninja 0
PKMN Pokemon Rangers 3 Mr. Catchem 0
TK The Knights 5 Mr. Aresii 0

full list :P

I say DR or on mant. luna unfortunately, not sure bout the other worlds

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