Forums / In game politics / WTF is wrong???

WTF is wrong???
21:59:34 Mar 26th 08 - Mr. Klaus Bormann:

Why is there no building tab n why can i only build houses farms and taverns???

22:01:04 Mar 26th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Build Tab  = City Tab

Click - Show all Buildings to see all

This era, only what you have built in that city shows up
Its a good way too cut the clutter down

23:15:39 Mar 26th 08 - Mr. Clamps The Redeemed:

Yeah I'm liking it. It was someone's suggestion which got shot down but I'm glad it ended up being implemented anyway.

00:36:12 Mar 27th 08 - Mr. Justin:

no it needs to go back the way it was. i build buildindgs at sckool and they wopnt show up on my list when i try to build at home and i cant press the show all button it dont work

00:37:02 Mar 27th 08 - Mr. Earth:

It is bugged, I got a mine with homes and mines (duh :P) but often it will only show me the mines, hiding the homes...

01:16:02 Mar 27th 08 - Mr. Klaus Bormann:

yeah, its really badly bugged for me. i cant build mines, only homes, tavern and farm... gotta fix this plzzzzzzz asap

01:23:27 Mar 27th 08 - Mr. Justin:

nothing comes up for me. i build cities in them at skool but they never appear when i try to build at home. ive tried downloading the imagepack and it dont download.

01:56:55 Mar 27th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

no it needs to go back the way it was. i build buildindgs at sckool and they wopnt show up on my list when i try to build at home and i cant press the show all button it dont work

Refresh and try again at home.


It is bugged, I got a mine with homes and mines (duh :P) but often it will only show me the mines, hiding the homes...

I noticed that if u have homes in your city, but none in construction, it sometimes only my mines. I think it only shows buildings which are constructing.

If none are constructing, then it shows all you have in ur city.

My guess anyway

02:04:18 Mar 27th 08 - Lord Zucox The Great:

Seems like you didnt' read the improvements thread... you can only see the building what you built.. if you wanna see all building click "show all building" buttom...

02:08:18 Mar 27th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

Zucox, sometimes the button doesnt work...i found refreshing fixes that.

03:54:42 Mar 27th 08 - Mr. Justin:

thnx Aligreat it works fine now

23:44:08 Mar 27th 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:


11:59:29 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. William The Evil One:

it only shows the last building types you constructed

01:09:44 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Justin:

just refresh then it works fine. i remember that i had to do that last era with the army page so do it with all the pages that need it.

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