Forums / In game politics / War Kingdom Era 45

War Kingdom Era 45
07:22:14 Mar 30th 10 - Lord Himanil X:

Who'd put forth a claim of being the most violent/warring/stpidly rash/rambo like kingdom here? Speak up!


07:58:15 Mar 30th 10 - Sir Criminaly Insane:

Fear defenitely, except for the stupidly rash part, they werent that stupid in wiping out 4 kingdoms and almost a 5th

08:06:33 Mar 30th 10 - Mr. Orange Wolf:

I've been waiting all era make this thread. Lets see how much violence occurred. Post your war with the most hostilities.


We have made 158 hostile attacks on them and they have made 53 hostile attacks on us.

09:37:24 Mar 30th 10 - Mr. Stamppot Boerenkool Met Worst:

We have made 9 hostile attacks on them and they have made 10 hostile attacks on us.

We own more then three times more land then this ruler.

Lawl XD this is Hema btw.. XD

09:56:40 Mar 30th 10 - Mr. Jet:

We have made 70 hostile attacks on them and they have made 12 hostile attacks on us.

We have made 143 hostile attacks on them and they have made 9 hostile attacks on us.

We have made 179 hostile attacks on them and they have made 27 hostile attacks on us.

11:04:10 Mar 30th 10 - Sir Criminaly Insane:

When everyone was in Dom before most left, we had

150 attacks on Fear and 250 on us from them

13:39:51 Mar 30th 10 - Mr. Zeus:

Guys stop posting numbers of attacks.
Cause it doesn't make sense.

Attacks made on scout counts as attack ?
Than there is an number of members ratio.

If a kingdom with 10 man fights and a kingdom with 40 members.
it would mean the 10 man kingdom has to make 4 attacks per member
to get the same number of attacks as a kingdom of 40 members does with 1 attack per member.

We need to look at the bigger picture here.
see who's dominating the map and is taking out the most.

If its about most warlike you would end up with HEMA as they suicided there
way into war :P
But if you look at the most succesfull kd that was warring than it's prolly FEAR.

13:53:04 Mar 30th 10 - Mr. Jet:

It gives a decent insight. Not perfect ofc, but he asked for us to post it.
I dont know much of what has gone on in other worlds besides Zeta, Talents, Starta and Fant but I think FEAR have done pretty decent for a first age. Will improve over the coming eras once the team gels.

14:13:54 Mar 30th 10 - Sir Moonshine:

Forget Everything And Run

Battles won:
Battles lost: 261

14:34:26 Mar 30th 10 - Mr. Jet:

Keep in mind that about 1100 of those won are scout kills. We've mostly explored this era.

14:44:45 Mar 30th 10 - Sir Moonshine:

More like visiting the different people and cities when we were touring the areas of different realms.

16:05:25 Mar 30th 10 - Guildmaster Chade:

so how is the tour going guys? any nice "monuments" ?


18:11:00 Mar 30th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

I thought that a victory doesnt count unless it is over a certain amount of OP or something like that

18:42:07 Mar 30th 10 - Sir Ryan The Archmerchant:

* Only battles fought against armies with more then 5000 OP/DP counts as win/loss.

00:14:23 Mar 31st 10 - Mr. Orange Wolf:

That stipulation only works on the HOH most fearsome. ATM, scouts are counted as attacks because scout killing will negate protection on the lower worlds.

I just wanted to see how high some of the numbers were... with both sides killing scouts, the end results should give you a decent picture of who played aggressively and who played defensively. ^^

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