Forums / In game politics / War at Zetamania

War at Zetamania
05:46:16 Mar 24th 08 - Lord Zucox The Great:

well.. for me this will be really interesting... cos Zeta put the kingdoms at the same area at Zetamania..

05:54:02 Mar 24th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Like Mantrax last era then

Have fun...

13:28:15 Mar 24th 08 - Lord Zucox The Great:

4 kingdoms in the same place

14:04:26 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Arjun Ramchand:

no zucox 5 in the same area- destiny is there. and 2 non-kd (myself and some1 else)

14:11:47 Mar 24th 08 - Sir Anubis:



14:12:52 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Arjun Ramchand:

yea all that in the southern end where there is no space to breath

14:13:51 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Which part of the Southern end are you guys in...?

14:14:54 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Arjun Ramchand:

well.... i dont think i should give away more info.

15:22:15 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Mr. Arjun Ramchand


3/24/2008 2:14:54 PM
well.... i dont think i should give away more info.


Well, at least you will have nobody to let you down and call you bad names on your kingdom-forum.......

16:10:38 Mar 24th 08 - Lord Zucox The Great:

oppssss.. seems like all the kingdoms in Zeta are around south side of the map...

01:00:37 Mar 25th 08 - Mr. Uchiha Sasuke:

Thanks for the info! :D Pheonix aint in the south :D

01:29:44 Mar 25th 08 - Sir Soccerloner:

and thank you for that info uchiha!

05:19:39 Mar 26th 08 - Mr. Halferpants:

hey, someone start buyin some food! theres so much for such a low price! stock up while you can!

10:11:20 Mar 26th 08 - Lord Zucox The Great:

1 gc/ food ... are you suggesting this is a cheap stock??? food should be around 0.5 to 0.75....

01:21:13 Mar 27th 08 - Lord Zucox The Great:

Wow.. First war, AAA fought with Ultimate... and witin first 12 hours.. 2/3 of Ultimate has been terminated.. only 4 cities left.. but they are still under protection....

02:55:03 Mar 27th 08 - Mr. Arjun Ramchand:

great go zucox...

13:40:20 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Large:

w00t pheonix rocks

17:18:09 Mar 28th 08 - Lord Zucox The Great:

i am updating the news in Zeta.. correct me if i am wrong..

PHI attacked ROC and roc is currently in lower hand
POFF disappeared from the kingdom chart..
PHX just farming and trying to be on top of the chart
Excal and TU are trying to recruit as much people as they can...
AAA killed Ultimate and now declared war upon PHI..
One man army of RS is doing good and even better tahn Ultimate and THC

17:24:01 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Excal is fighting ROC and TU aswell.
Not sure who PHX are but PHI attacked just 3 of our members (including me) who were split apart so they had a... slight... advantage. =P
Gratz to Hamish. RS is doing great.

19:31:02 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Uchiha Sasuke:

Ok let me correct you then

PHX went fighting with POFF but they chickend out :(
So who's next? Ah I found a great candidate

And mr.wraith WTF look in the top kingdom list xD

19:35:16 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Freeds:

TU is NOT recruiting.

Every member of our KD is a member of our school (Thomaston HS).

20:24:43 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. The Letter:

Excal is not trying to recruit every person we can, we start this era with 6 and have only gained 3, if we were we would send invites to all of the ex-POFF population yet we have not.

We are fighting ROC and are winning for the most part.

20:30:13 Mar 28th 08 - Lord Zucox The Great:

thats the news then...

21:23:55 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:


We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Kevdwayne. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 434 troops and 0 peasants.

didn't win this one

21:42:35 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. The Letter:

Congrats on killing an army of swords, you must be just thrilled!

21:46:30 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

nah, but my KD needed a little morale boost, the thrill will come a little later on  :)

22:00:03 Mar 28th 08 - Dark Immunity:

Kev plz stop suiciding your men on me, your wasting your time training men to send to thier deaths, be a good leader and build farms for me.

22:01:14 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. The Letter:

From what I have been seeing your army needs more than just a moral boost...

22:50:44 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

Armies?  LOL those were Scouts.... the armies will be a much different story....

23:20:54 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Mr. Uchiha Sasuke


3/28/2008 7:31:02 PM
Ok let me correct you then

PHX went fighting with POFF but they chickend out :(
So who's next? Ah I found a great candidate

And mr.wraith WTF look in the top kingdom list xD


What am I looking for?

00:46:11 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Uchiha Sasuke:

phx Pheonix ^^

02:44:02 Mar 29th 08 - Dark Immunity:

haha yea.... "Scouts" whatcha scouting?  

08:52:37 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Oh dam. Now I noticed that PHX = Phoenix... >.<

03:02:41 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Uzumaki Naruto:

PHX is Taking over Whole Zeta?:O

PHX is one of the new KD's...

Everyone is thinking WHO THE *beep* IS PHX?!

PHX = What Sasuke said: Phoenix.


and what i wanted to say is:

Hello People of Visual-Utopia.xD

05:37:50 Mar 30th 08 - Lord Zucox The Great:

Good Job at recruiting Phoenix..
you could able to recruit 14 members in 3 days is really something... no one can do that...

14:48:23 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

Lord Zucox, i cant help but notice the insult in that. half of our players are new to the game, and more are from PoFF, because the leader kicked them all. at the end of the era, no doubt many from Poff will make a new kingdom, with timmev as leader. we cannot help it if they chose to join us, because we would have swallowed them up.

15:13:13 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Uchiha Sasuke:

Oeh nices flames Lord Zucox but hey

Good job at swallowing 3 liters of cum Lord Zucox
you could able to swallow 3 liters of cum in 3 minuts is realy something... no one can do that...

15:14:52 Mar 30th 08 - Lord Zucox The Great:

well... that explained alot.. don't take it as insult.. Mr Uzumaki Naruto posted above that saying PHX taking over teh map in Zeta and i didn't see any war of PHX and all i saw whas PHX became 8 members to 21 members and became top of the chart...

15:44:44 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Uchiha Sasuke:

well then u should do your homework before sayin stuff and Uzamaki Naruto is kinda self confident and we are going to war all the time..

23:45:26 Mar 31st 08 - Mr. Uchiha Sasuke:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
PHX Pheonix 23 Mr. Uchiha Sasuke 100
AAA Against All Authority 15 Lord Zucox The Great 42

08:42:33 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Arjun Ramchand:

we can do that if we farm lik you

09:54:02 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Luckfacefreddy:

nah you cant

10:54:14 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Uchiha Sasuke:

yep.. your to *beep*ish

13:31:40 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Cme:

What are you guys going to do Next era? Dont hide for Phoenix they hunt you down, try to run is killing urself so stop running and die:D

19:49:32 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Bruiant:

Hmm, am i the only vice in PHX who dosent abuse everybody else? and arjun, we havent farmed anything, we just war near enough every kingdom. if the other kingdoms grouped, they could most likely pin us down, but your all divided.
Lord Zucox, i appolagise on behalf of sasuke, he is always offensive like that, its easier to ignore him, i do ;)
it just sounded to me like an insult, but we did do a good job at recruiting.

23:39:38 Apr 1st 08 - Dark Immunity:

Tell me if this is Correct PHX
Mr. Chairman Adam Sutler [PHX] (4/1/2008 3:25:00 PM) GOOD BAD
We are declaring war on your kd! Please do not msg us back on this, as we cease all communications with you. Goodbye.

Make a reply regarding war

23:56:11 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Frank Castle:

 Dark...i am not a member of PHX, but Adam Sutler is a traitor to all KDs, he is the ones who destroyed POFF, he is Klaus Boreman

23:56:36 Apr 1st 08 - Mr. Patton:

Adam Sutler is no honorable man!

He used to be Klaus Borman, the one who betrayed POFF and kicked all of their members!  He just makes more and more accounts to get rid of his dark past.  Then he committed treason to the whole kingdom of "The Alliance" by hacking onto my VU name and making himself king.

Now he has joined PHX, I ask PHX to watch their back.  He is a traitor!

14:23:13 Apr 2nd 08 - Mr. Uchiha Sasuke:

We allways watch our backs so dont worry :)

14:32:25 Apr 2nd 08 - Sir Slade:

Mr. The Letter


3/28/2008 10:24:43 PM

Excal is not trying to recruit every person we can, we start this era with 6 and have only gained 3, if we were we would send invites to all of the ex-POFF population yet we have not.

We are fighting ROC and are winning for the most part.


I wonder why that is


because me and the old  Kingdom i use to be Leader of(Burnt)

 PWNED them last era

and all there members come running to join us

Also AAA is going to pwn you all

there Leader is a Great player and So is Grim

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