Forums / In game politics / War of Fantasia

War of Fantasia
04:26:54 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Might:

Its a War of EXTREME boredom!

Predators, ZEON (Dead), BOW       VS      Carnage (Too many bugs!) and PKS (Doesn't make sense why Peacekeepers would NAP or MAP Carnage)

LGC, DB, FF    VS    PHI and MAD

Let the flaming begin!

04:50:27 Nov 21st 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

<PKS (Doesn't make sense why Peacekeepers would NAP or MAP Carnage)>


You know Might, I have walked away from our fight with preds with some new admiration for the way your mates have fought....but then you go and ruin it:P

But I did want to respond to your question here as to why they would nap or map us....i had to do some digging in our forums (5 full pages so far :S) but i found this pm, received from a leader in your kingdom. I have blocked out that sender of the pm because he seems like a nice chap, buti nevertheless, you will see why pks remains loyal to us. Simply put, we are loyal to them:)


XXXXXXXXXX [Preds] (10/31/2007 10:10:24 AM) GOOD BAD
Greetings from XXXXX of Predators.

It's great to see such strong and well coordinated kingdom as Carnage as our rival. You are really pushing us on Predators Outpost area. Peacekeepers would be no match to us, but with you bringing pressure to us, it's really making us do our best. VU as it's best, so great era.

Have you tought of an idea that Predators could be more beneficial ally to your kingdom... more so than Pks. We are trustworthy and stronger, and this era our cores are not so much overlapping. If you turned against Pks, you would gain much strength in no time, and it would be much easier to go on against bigger foes and wars like Legacy and so forth.

We'd be happy to control the areas above Argh blockers and could attack coordinated east towards bigger prizes. You'd gain much strength from Pks areas and could have your north side covered by us.

How does it sound? It'll be great war between us if you choose so as well. So take your time deciding.

Signed by



Obviously you got our response:)

05:06:22 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Architect:

Might, you should click here...

05:06:43 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Razor Grinder:

Why do ppl think an era is boring AFTER they get beat?............Why??

05:22:15 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Trogor:

Nice one Architect...

15:34:08 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Might:

To clarify what I said about Peacekeepers I mean't that Peacekeepers is not keeping the Peace by MAPing Havoc. It was a joke. I really meant that the other side of the world is boring.

Carnage is a worthy enemy. You guys took what I said to literally.

16:23:08 Nov 21st 07 - Lord Carnage:


Seriously, eras are getting more boring every time!
Last era we had a rather long stalemate with music/bow..
Now we have nobody left to fight because DB built blockers all over the place to guard LGC, PHI protects BoW (though our NAP **clearly** said NO PROTECTION OF ENEMIES OF CARNAGE) and MAD(ok they were there to begin with...)

Though not too many NAP breakings this era... except maybe for some FF new players and PHI being too arrogant...

16:32:47 Nov 21st 07 - Ms. Quietone:

we have done no such thing

16:41:31 Nov 21st 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

Well....i wouldnt say db is building blockers to guard legacy, that only happened simply because of geography:P Legacy is on the opposite side of the map with db in between us....

<3 DB


Dont mind Lord Carnage, he hasnt had his anti-flaming meds this morning^^

16:43:26 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Homers Favourite:

Lord Carnage

Now we have nobody left to fight because DB built blockers all over the place to guard LGC, PHI protects BoW (though our NAP **clearly** said NO PROTECTION OF ENEMIES OF CARNAGE) and MAD(ok they were there to begin with...)

We would've fought you, Lord C, only couldn't work out how to train Rentokil Agents.  Oh, plus there's that cute name Ladybug - how could anyone want to harm one of them?

edit: Plus Ms DB, of course - got this fantasy (don't tell G) that it's really a typo for Ms DD.  In fact, Dung (may I call you that), any chance of invading you? :P

16:50:10 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Killstone:

the phi war is very very boring stale mate all era long ><

17:14:06 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Crissxcross:

If you are bored Carnage, why not diverd you kingdom in two groups and fight each others then you might be busy for the rest of the era ;)

17:25:48 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Lenard:

Well the era only has 2 more weeks...suppose Carnage can farm for points

19:11:16 Nov 21st 07 - Duke Epyon:

this era has been boring as BALLS

19:11:24 Nov 21st 07 - Sir Iwasfrozen V:

@ Ms. Dung Beetal.

That p.m was sent by on of our members (who will remain nameles.)and was NOT sancioned by the vices. I just wanted to clarify that. ;-)

P.S don't worry he was told of and asked not to make any more deals with kds we are at war with.

19:14:45 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Killstone:

half the map is owned by carnage and PKS now and then a quarter of itis owned by MAD and Phi and tehn the other quarter by LGC DB and FF

carnage wants to war LGC but cant get through to them

Phi and MAD is at a stale mate with DB LGC and FF  for the WHOLE era

probobly the msot boring era ive palyed

19:18:55 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

Lord Carnage


11/21/2007 8:23:08 AM

Seriously, eras are getting more boring every time!
Last era we had a rather long stalemate with music/bow..
Now we have nobody left to fight because DB built blockers all over the place to guard LGC, PHI protects BoW (though our NAP **clearly** said NO PROTECTION OF ENEMIES OF CARNAGE) and MAD(ok they were there to begin with...)

Though not too many NAP breakings this era... except maybe for some FF new players and PHI being too arrogant...


naerey, elaborate on FF breaking an NAP please.

19:19:03 Nov 21st 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

dont nap db and phi then :p

19:22:58 Nov 21st 07 - Duke Epyon:

Dark Lord Osiris


11/21/2007 2:19:03 PM
dont nap db and phi then :p
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I second that :D

19:34:41 Nov 21st 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

Oh come on Soccer, dont play games....he is referring to how you keep cheating on us with other kingdoms....dont you understand we want you all for ourselves!


<dont nap db and phi then :p>

DB is all good:) Besides, I am not attacking Sun, one of my chief purchasers of stone^^ Daddy wants the gravy train to keep rolling!


19:56:38 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Trogor:

Ms Dung Beetle is a daddy!!!!... that explains a lot O_o

20:18:00 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Sun:

^_^ dances in stone showers with everyone!

20:47:58 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Homers Favourite:

*** drops 50 000 000 stone on Sun's head, then thanks him for all his business ***

21:25:40 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Might:

Sun is also a large buyer of my awesome stone prices.

21:50:01 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Wolf Spider:

I don't think this era was that boring. It was fun for me, at least.

It is extremely hard to kill an entire KD 100%, but we managed. It was disappointing how BOW managed to escape.... but we may be able to finish Preds off by the end of the era. That'll make 2 kills in one era. I'm satisfied. ^^

22:54:12 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Architect:

I think it could be come 4 if we really worked at it...

22:55:59 Nov 21st 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

bow and preds arnt really impressive kills :P

23:14:30 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Killstone:

i think he meant preds and zeon

23:27:56 Nov 21st 07 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

lol @ dark lord osiris

i know that im kind of new to fant but why doesnt all the leaders of the kingdoms of fantasia agree not to nap or map any one next era

this way it should be more fun for you....hopefully any way but then again i cant see you all agreeing to some thing like that

23:41:29 Nov 21st 07 - Mr. Homers Favourite:

Sir D, that would never work.  The simple fact is that some of them wouldn't survive without Napping the map, so even if they agreed it little secret-handshake deals would be made behind the scenes ;-)

23:50:32 Nov 21st 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

<bow and preds arnt really impressive kills :P>


He wasnt trying to impress anyone, just said he was satisfied with his kingdom's performance. But you have to get a flame in there somehow.....


@Darksmarbar: Donut is right i am afraid. A no nap Fantasia would be fun, but there is no system that can ensure that kingdom leaders wouldnt have "little arrangements"....

02:04:57 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Donald Merwin Elbert:

4 kills, architect? preds, bow, zeon, .. ?

02:16:15 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

and THSP?


no idea sloth............

03:28:44 Nov 22nd 07 - Lord Ladybug:

@Donut: Oh, is that why you refuse to exchange pleasantries with me? Geesh, I miss the days when Lady G drags you to the dungeons whenever you say something.


Erm, I heard somewhere that we will do no NAPs next era. Hooray. Mantrax here we come. But we can gladly proclaim we did not NAP the whole map.

04:23:20 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Killstone:

ya people wont agree to do no naps it jsut wont work out

04:25:24 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Donald Merwin Elbert:

maybe people shouldnt nap kingdoms on the other side of the map? really, i never saw the point in that.

04:30:07 Nov 22nd 07 - Lord Ladybug:

Maybe we were darn sure that we can reach the other side of the map way before the era ends? Maybe I can't do it on my own, but I am pretty sure my mates can...

04:34:32 Nov 22nd 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

Every kingdom has their own particular reasons behind why they nap a specific kingdom....doesnt matter about geography. For example, pks could have been on the opposite side of the map and we would have still continued our alliance.....

08:10:02 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Elsin:

"Every kingdom has their own particular reasons behind why they nap a specific kingdom...."

Whoring usually :(

12:52:09 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Homers Favourite:

Mr E, if someone throws themselves at your feet as a willing Concubine can you really blame some virile Kingdom for, errr, well, you know what happens with Concubines :P

14:07:28 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Homers Favourite:

@Ladybug.  No pleasantries because G doesn't approve of me talking to people with names I have fantasies over :P

14:10:26 Nov 22nd 07 - Ms. Galadriel:

Lord Ladybug
@Donut: Oh, is that why you refuse to exchange pleasantries with me? Geesh, I miss the days when Lady G drags you to the dungeons whenever you say something.

Ahhhh, those were the days, but then he started playing with his wand........ and well you know ;)
He spends his spare time these days on the rack, just to stretch him to his limit of course :)

18:26:50 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Durza II:

hmm, you act as if BoW are dead. We are still alive, although we had a little incedent, of carnage somehow crossing the river. But we dealt with it, otherwise Bow aint dead. We are nice and ehmmmm secure (ye right). Oh and don't accuse phi of NAP breaking, we were in here before hand, so they did not let us in.

20:06:41 Nov 22nd 07 - General Ezatious:


22:14:58 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Lenard:

Are you serious? BoW got their asses handed to them by Carnage. You're only alive because we didn't have the foresight to have a "don't build in our core" agreement.

22:27:03 Nov 22nd 07 - Lord Cobraisasuckynick:

Ms. Quietone


11/21/2007 6:32:47 PM
we have done no such thing

As usual :)

22:39:13 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Sean Elderson:

Weirdgrivi grow up !!!! It is sad the way you stalk Quietone !!!

p.s The stupid filters changed G3t @ L!fe to forgive me. I had to change that.

22:50:41 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Might:

Poor Poor Quietone...

22:58:34 Nov 22nd 07 - Lord Cobraisasuckynick:

Hahahaha :)

I'm gonna go to Gladiatus and attack her again.

Thanks for reminding me :)

I oWn :)

P.S. : Sean, please, stop stating the obvious :P

I am the first one who discovered the way "g3t a life" is filtered. Told you I own. Mesocool :)

23:06:45 Nov 22nd 07 - Mr. Everscape:

All I have to say is that alliances are important, but they can also be abused. 

Predators turned several down in order to encourage game balance and to up the challenge.

To have an alliance between the top 2 or 3 kingdoms that were the most powerful by far even from the start may make sense because it makes it all easy and fun, but it does also hurt the whole challenge and point of the game.

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