Forums / In game politics / War statement for Predators

War statement for Predators
09:23:14 May 24th 07 - Mr. Stupidity:

We, the two mad wabbits, have decided to clean Zetamania for the holy name of Zeta of all the garbage and misery that has gathered there.
Predators are to be cleaned, washed, and put in reservation with Zoo condition for everyone to have a stair at them with zero-danger of contamination.
Vampires are to be brought to light. We will send them a few kilograms of light bulbs to have something to do. If they can`t understand the instructions for usage we will be more than happy to explain them.
All Hail Zeta!

make way, make way ....
mad wabbit coming through ....

Stupidity and Blood are signing here.

09:32:52 May 24th 07 - Mr. Blood Thirsty:


19:08:06 May 24th 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

Well thats just stupid... err o.O

19:18:31 May 24th 07 - Mr. Blood Thirsty:

orcs aren't very smart...and dwarves are greedy...what do u expect?

20:35:04 May 24th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen:

21:06:43 May 24th 07 - Mr. Mager:

blob... er I mean preds rock they crush you

22:37:19 May 24th 07 - Mr. Gilthas:

The youtube clip looks more like those weirdos from Mirror. Especially the part where they are ramming the gate..  :p :p

11:10:34 May 25th 07 - Mr. Blood Thirsty:

Thanks for the link. We can't even dance... but we can kill... mad wabbits can and will all on Zeta..muhahahahhahahaha

11:24:17 May 25th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas:

if u want to take over .try to take over me even if u got the hole world anther people will come and play and crush u . try not to be smart ok that will lead u crazy .

12:33:00 May 25th 07 - Mr. Blood Thirsty:

Mbeidas... use this time to train troops instead of jumping to wise conclusions. Thank u

13:36:14 May 25th 07 - Mr. Acelnorst Dezhelian:

Mr. Iwasfrozen


5/24/2007 8:35:04 PM

yeah not smart


That was..... i need a drink

"Where's that Elf's Absinthe..?"

17:06:52 May 25th 07 - Mr. Howells:

message to wabbits

u can try and kill us and we will have fun killing u as u both move to quick and will die quick

17:31:55 May 25th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen:


i hunting wabbits

*slowly points a rifle at blood thirsty*

17:57:13 May 25th 07 - Mr. Blood Thirsty:

aaa..wass'up, Doc? What's your trying to kill?
BTW..haven't you seen 2 mad wabbits killing things around here?

18:43:09 May 25th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen:


*puts his finger on the trigger and slowly takes aim*

02:42:08 May 26th 07 - Sir Razios:

LOL I'm all for the wabbits here. Howell as I have said before to Justin I will say it again. You took your troops and your members into your core to build up and grow. Also you have NAP with Vampire giving you the ability to grow and Farm. If the Wabbits can beat us with two members that fast lets see how you do? And check out how i'm correct.

IMG TAG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Zetamania
Preds Predators 29 Mr. Howells 1211
VF VampireFreaks 23 Ms. Emogirl 634
POFF Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame 15 Mr. Scythruler 455
Legion The Legion 11 Lord Domses Drathor 427
SR Southern Rising 13 Mr. Norbet 195
TD The Demolishers 5 Mr. Biggerboom 176
LIFE The Kingdom of Life 6 Mr. Bathusar 164
GOD Gods of destruction 14 Mr. Achilles 157
DR Dark Riders Empire 19 Mr. Phantom Liano 138
wabbit Bunny Molesters 2 Mr. Stupidity 119
SS Sovereign States 4 Mr. Bliss 106
MDOW Medieval Dogs Of War 4 Mr. Naerey 102
dEaTh The Reaping 4 Sir Razios 100


1211 / 29 = 41% per person  Pred

634 / 23 = 27% per person  Vamp

119 / 2 = 59% per person  wabbits

100 / 4 = 25% per person  Reap

Wabbits are seriously the winners here and i'll back them up with my carrot scythe.


03:05:09 May 26th 07 - Mr. Blood Thirsty:

finnaly we're getting some fans in here:) Wabbits likes carrots..blood and fans:D:)

03:37:25 May 26th 07 - Sir Razios:

I like carrots, souls and air conditioners :P

03:47:09 May 26th 07 - Mr. Blood Thirsty:

Mr. Shyers The Return
i'm giving you the liberty to find a place to die in pains...
see you next era on Fant? how does that feel?

04:09:10 May 26th 07 - Mr. Blood Thirsty:
here's a better one...and ...smoke a bannana

14:52:53 May 28th 07 - Mr. Howells:

wabbits will be no more soon


16:04:20 May 28th 07 - Mr. Blood Thirsty:

no beep:)) think...twice:D

20:24:00 Jun 13th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen:

like that eh?

  1. lol
  2. lol
  3. lol
  4. looooooool

heres one blood tried to make:


heres one stupid tried to make:


poor little lovless wabbits


my favourite ;-P




23:59:59 Jun 13th 07 - Lady Erica Brahmins:

is this mirrors flame thread?

02:24:52 Jun 14th 07 - Mr. Zakira:

booo stop picking on new player booooo taht why you guy in zeta full of new player

13:49:29 Jun 14th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen:

i'm in zeta

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