Forums / In game politics / Warforged Recruiting Era 44

Warforged Recruiting Era 44
16:33:35 Nov 18th 09 - Duke Polydeuces:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Warforged
Members: 2
Created: 11/18/2009 4:22:19 PM
Leader: Duke Polydeuces



Love our warring :)

Currently Recruiting for Era 44


I know it's still early for recruiting for next era but meh, whatever...
Anyone from Requiem or Sol Invictus is welcome back!

Hope to get some new players too.

If you're interested in joining me, drop me an in-game message :)

PS. No farmers pleaaase! :)

20:00:23 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Rijstwafel:

get some RL friends to play VU and join your Kd? or family? =p

20:35:18 Nov 18th 09 - Duke Polydeuces:

How come you left rebirth?  And I can't get rl friends to play lol, always try to but they never do.. and my buddy Ajax never gets on the computer anymore lol and my fam wouldn't play :P

I have players that will come play im sure next era but not many :P wanna have like 15 players at least

20:42:47 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Rijstwafel:

Overcome had some pretty strong standards on the Kd forum, and i've always liked BoW =p

hmm, you could try getting some players from Rebirth, i'm sure some will give in=p
plus i like the banner :p

20:50:54 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Yes Twamao:

get a room!  Its sexytime!

20:55:26 Nov 18th 09 - Lord Overcome:

"hmm, you could try getting some players from Rebirth, i'm sure some will give in=p"

wow. just wow.

20:58:05 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

ikno jus wow...all i can say, wow....

20:59:27 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Yes Twamao:

wut? just wut?

21:02:19 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

your not sexy is wht -_-...

21:04:34 Nov 18th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

am I tho?? O.O

21:11:46 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Offensivename:

Good Luck Poly.

21:15:48 Nov 18th 09 - Duke Polydeuces:

Thanks man Melstatt.. And no worries OC I'd never recruit from your KD :) Except if the players who were with me in SIN wanna come back I'll let them :P

21:21:28 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Rijstwafel:

Dare to say i'm wrong Overcome? after that topic most will atleast have thought about it, it's rather demotivational....

21:26:26 Nov 18th 09 - Duke Polydeuces:

Nah his standards are that of any powerful kingdom.  Actually even less.. Lol, I'm sure in other KDs most players would have been booted due to the low activity levels.

And I guess... I never saw this "topic" lol :S

Thank you all for "bumping" my recruitment thread anyways lol

21:36:18 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

* walks out of the thread because poly doesnt remember him*
:' (

21:39:39 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Von Moormzzery:

Good luck Remus :)

22:15:29 Nov 18th 09 - Duke Polydeuces:

Aww, lol I sure do remember you Thus!! didn't even read that it was you who posted that!!

And wow, Remus ehh, wouldn't be many who call me that! :P what name do you usually go by?!

22:20:14 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Von Moormzzery:

TheBornLoser :)

22:28:18 Nov 18th 09 - Duke Polydeuces:

Oh :) Okiedoke!  Well thanks for the luck wishes!!  I think you're the only one who calls me Remus instead of Poly :P

22:31:55 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

lol yesss you rememberd me :D
i only kno you as poly :(
GL pol!!

22:34:21 Nov 18th 09 - Duke Polydeuces:

Lol, most people do only know me as Poly... Remus was when I played in BoW for the first time.

22:36:42 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

lol when did you play i BoW?

22:42:29 Nov 18th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

Mr. Remus LupusBrotherhood of the Wolf36

22:46:55 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

Mr. Zues IIII Brotherhood of the Wolf 36
^^^ me BTW
cnt see nothing while i am writing it so i am gunna hope it is there :P

22:47:56 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Yes Twamao:

Is this the nub get together?

22:50:32 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

shup look at ma history ^^ zues see how nub i am -_-!!

22:54:54 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

era 31 or 14 ^^

22:57:36 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

lol joke i dnt kno who the vet guy is!
i started era 35 :P
but i had tht guys name :P

22:58:45 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

pity... :p

22:59:30 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

may-b i am lying ;)

23:04:37 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

nothing special :p was just wondering :-)

23:34:13 Nov 18th 09 - Sir Brown Bear:

pink rhino's are special

23:35:14 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

they are unique, thats why i snared him last time i was in africa ^^ NOW HE IS MINE!!

ohw and Good luck btw (needs to stay on topic offcourse)

23:37:07 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

obviosly we need too stay on........ooooh a pink rhino with the name william :O

23:47:00 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

no no no, the rhino's name is pinky winky ;) not william.... thats me o.0

how many members you going for???

00:17:37 Nov 19th 09 - Mr. Gray:

i hope your rhino doesn't look like your banner...

00:18:02 Nov 19th 09 - Mr. Gray:

not that mine is any better lol...

00:22:23 Nov 19th 09 - Duke Polydeuces:

Well, I'd like at least 15, my absolute MAX is 25 :)

and how weird eh thut!!

09:17:09 Nov 19th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

Poly will need a backbone for his kd next era, I guess I need to step in when the time comes ;)

14:07:21 Nov 19th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

yeh lol i was the guy who was plonked right in the middle of  MAD :P
and we were fighting some chompers dudes

18:47:58 Nov 19th 09 - Duke Polydeuces:

<3 Tyr and Thut!

Thut, should come back to meeeeeee next era! lol, if you want anyways :P

18:56:40 Nov 19th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

may-b in a few era's poly :)
got some stuff to do in no pulse.
*lists things to do*
1: kick ass
2: kick some more ass
3: <3 every1 in no pulse 
after i have done these thngs may-b i will join you <3

19:23:48 Nov 19th 09 - Duke Polydeuces:

haha okay buddy :)  Will still be here!!

19:32:00 Nov 19th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

nice :)

06:53:41 Nov 29th 09 - Duke Polydeuces:

Joiiinn meee :)

09:38:24 Nov 29th 09 - Sir Penguin The Filipino:

fuck me

03:23:57 Dec 1st 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

It's hard to do that to a penguin, I've tried.

And GL Poly.

08:46:51 Dec 2nd 09 - Duke Polydeuces:

Thanks man, :)

07:58:26 Dec 3rd 09 - Duke Polydeuces:

I'm all by my lonely :(

08:05:40 Dec 3rd 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

only 516 lonely hours left! you can do it :)

btw, why donīīt you remake SIN?

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