Forums / In game politics / Wars Era 43

Wars Era 43
22:46:38 Nov 9th 09 - Mr. Crater:

Who's fighting who?

22:53:40 Nov 9th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

Phi is fighting crazy not sure who else they are fighting.

22:57:50 Nov 9th 09 - Ms. Natalie Portman:

I'm fighting Karac.

/me bitchslaps Karac.

Oh. Also fighting his sidekicks Desire and Drakos.

/me bitchslaps Karacs sidekicks.


22:58:16 Nov 9th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

ok, right now it is about .563:1, CRAZY to PHI. I will post every day so we can see who is going up.

22:59:10 Nov 9th 09 - Endless Despair:

Natalie <3

*I prefer spankings if it be known*

23:02:02 Nov 9th 09 - Ms. Natalie Portman:

I can give you endless spankings if that is what you want. lol why did I say you're name was Desire btw when it is Despair? I like the misread though, desire is so much better than despair.

23:03:44 Nov 9th 09 - Endless Despair:

w00t :) you know how to make a gal happy <3

Desire was a few eras ago lol, but it is the twin of Despair so ;)

23:09:32 Nov 9th 09 - Mr. Crater:

The A Team and The Ravage Regime are fighting.

23:29:52 Nov 9th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Natalie, only been one spanking so far ;)


Bout to be two ;P

23:31:05 Nov 9th 09 - Lord Wraith:

I'm sorry, what was that? =)

23:33:48 Nov 9th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Lol, minor inconvenience.

23:34:43 Nov 9th 09 - Lord Wraith:

You obviously don't know me ;)
I like to be the biggest pain in the ass I can be, then just grow even bigger :D

23:36:14 Nov 9th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Geez, sounds like a party to me Wraith, when ya coming over? Talking bout things growing and such ;P


23:38:44 Nov 9th 09 - Lord Wraith:

When I'm actually wanted :(

23:39:21 Nov 9th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Well jeez, freezing my hobs like that, makes me angry. Grrrrr.

23:41:44 Nov 9th 09 - Lord Wraith:

Don't get a cold!!!
Btw, didn't you hear? I'm a refrigerator salesman :D

23:58:39 Nov 9th 09 - Mr. Teirdel:

wraith it was you who froze me right? Sucks if i have time ill find you and kill you lol though unlikely.

23:59:42 Nov 9th 09 - Lord Wraith:

Lol, maybe it was and maybe it wasn't :P :P
Thought you'd have learnt, mate ;)

00:01:02 Nov 10th 09 - Endless Despair:

I have a firesale on Level 4s :p no deep freeze please ;)

00:02:56 Nov 10th 09 - Lord Wraith:

Nah, you make it colder for the men so they wear more clothes... For the ladies you gotta turn up the heat, though I don't know if thats even needed here ;)

00:04:18 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Teirdel:

i did learn. i have a good number of mus in there damit. Thought it wouldve been plenty god. Now i have to send another army of pure mus you lil irritation. ;p

00:05:54 Nov 10th 09 - Lord Wraith:

Wait till you see me in a bad mood :)

00:07:26 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Teirdel:

ill just have to find a way if its possible to clamp your mouth shut then lol. Btw wtf kinda magic do you have? I was so sure id be fine with them and mp. What was your chance give a newb a hint in his last hour :(.

00:11:07 Nov 10th 09 - Endless Despair:

I'd tell you Teirdel but then I'd have to kill you :p j/k

try going 7:1 with Wraith.. make him earn his refridgerator sales :p

hmm was going to go with just LOTS and LOTS but he's not currently selling cities ;)

00:13:02 Nov 10th 09 - Lord Wraith:

Seriously uncool, hun :( You break my little heart <\3

00:15:05 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Teirdel:

a tyvm endless i ws going 3 to 1 when my army arrived. ill jsut bring in some more. ty yet again. Wraith when my soldiers are done shopping im coming for you.

00:16:07 Nov 10th 09 - Endless Despair:

Wraith <3

You know you can beat that :p

*sniffles at thought being uncool* wait.. un COOL ;) sans deepfreeze I can dig it ;)

00:16:24 Nov 10th 09 - Lord Wraith:

Hope they have their fur coats :) And no more <3 for you Despair, this era *Sulks* :P

00:17:49 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Teirdel:

apparently they didnt bring them with em....

01:11:01 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Yes Twamao:

Im fighting domination.

01:13:17 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:


09:42:24 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

I am bringing some fire power, it should help getting the fridges to burn and keep people more warm :P

13:59:53 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Teirdel:

aaa bugga took the dice and rolled. ;p lost but worth the attempt. Well good luck everyone. Seems my times close to up lol

23:55:21 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Now... Crazy vs. PHI stats...

From .563:1 to .714:1

How is that war going by the way?

01:38:30 Nov 11th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

Phi has more players than us but so far we have managed to hold them off. nothing exciting to report.

03:27:55 Nov 11th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm


16:38:30 Nov 10th 09
Phi has more players than us but so far we have managed to hold them off. nothing exciting to report.

oo congrats mate...congrats for holding 2 people from our kd, against ur blocker which has troops from atleast 6-7 diff people...lmao

thank you come again beach

03:33:37 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Theophilus XIII:

So I believe that translates as "We thought only two of us could dispatch a Kingdom and are surprised that half of your kingdom is active"?

03:33:39 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Theophilus XIII:

So I believe that translates as "We thought only two of us could dispatch a Kingdom and are surprised that half of your kingdom is active"?

04:18:59 Nov 11th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

no it translates as " we were overconfident noobs who thought our enemy was gonna be an easy mark and instead we look like idiots."

By the way Stewie we will be coming to visit very soon, I expect that your valour on the message board will be matched by your valour on the field.

thanks for coming out.

07:07:10 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

nothing new on that war yet.

Som from Phi are sending their troops, but more then half of the kingdom is busy with securing our boarders to fantasia and zetamania. Once this is done, and no other threat appeared Phi might pay more attention toward Crazy, if it is still needed.
We are sending only few players, but they are skilled and active, so it will be difficulty for crazy to hold off the first wave, will be interesting for sure....

12:47:32 Nov 11th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

in the future please send utterly unskilled and non-active players.  these ones are cause us too much trouble.  try to be a little more considerate.  Think of the children...

19:36:12 Nov 11th 09 - Death Lord Draven:

Phi loves children, especially with ketchup and mustard :P

10:00:26 Nov 15th 09 - Pirate Suqah:

Hunter II

Army Info
Commander:Mr. ElitKingdom Banner
Size:Group of Armies (Around 500,000)
Status:Moving West

(gj. Elit)

11:24:04 Nov 15th 09 - Princess Aisha:

First 500k that lasted for the entire 1 tick
The battle was between HoH 1st (him) and HoH 2nd (me)
My army was 100k and now is 50k
His army was 500k now is 100k-200k
I wonder who lost more...

Hunter II

Army Info
Commander:Mr. ElitKingdom Banner
Size:Army (100,000-200,000)
Status:Moving North West

11:54:18 Nov 15th 09 - Sir Gilth:

in theory, you could've both lost 1 troop...

11:57:51 Nov 15th 09 - Princess Aisha:

So he has 500k troops and looses 1 troop and his army goes down to 100k?
How so?

12:04:39 Nov 15th 09 - Lady Cheryl Cole:

cos the difference between a 50k army and a 100k army is 1 troop... duh

12:07:23 Nov 15th 09 - Princess Aisha:

Right.. Yes, thats what happened. We both lost 1 soldier.

12:44:20 Nov 15th 09 - Pirate Suqah:

in theory he could have 200.001 troops, which makes it a 500K army.

If he than loses 2 troops, it goes back to 100-200K

And also pure in theory, you could've had 199.999 troops, making a 100-200K army, and lose 100.000 troops, making it into a 50K size army.

Going by the troop losses the way you are doesn't make anything sure.

12:53:11 Nov 15th 09 - Sir Gilth:

Though as she gets the battle report and starts to brag, we can assume she killed more then she lost?

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