Forums / In game politics / Weird...

21:16:57 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Eternal Evul:

Ok...I have a certain amount of cavemasters in my city.

I also have a certain amount of axemen in a army.

When I put the cavemasters into an army...They come up on the HoH.

I have more axemen than I do cavemasters....

Cavemasters are 3/3 when Axemen are 8/6.
WTF is going on...?

21:18:30 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

I don't know but Cavemasters are level 5 so maybe they get higher ranking on the scoreboards? (I am still new so this is purely a guess on my behalf.)

Edit: I am assuming there are the same amount of cavemen as axemen...

21:22:31 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Eternal Evul:

No. I won't tell the exact amount.

But I have more Axemen than Cavemasters

21:28:01 Feb 23rd 08 - Sir Engel Van Dood:

cavemen are level 5 so they count as more points towards HoH which is what the HoH is based on mostly points

21:29:21 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Eternal Evul:

That's what I thought.

21:31:02 Feb 23rd 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Lol I was right.   ^^

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