Forums / In game politics / Welcome back

Welcome back
03:27:39 Feb 3rd 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

Welcome back hiroshima!

who else remembers hiroshima? :D

03:28:52 Feb 3rd 10 - Mr. Dalak The Dodgy Gynaecologist:

Got nuked in WW2..

03:32:40 Feb 3rd 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

no... look at history. hiroshima the infected/infestation. and others

04:08:46 Feb 3rd 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

o boy...

04:29:52 Feb 3rd 10 - Duke Kevdwayne The Panjandrum:

I think he is somewhere on Mid hunting rats for Sunday dinner.  We talk, well he babbles and I listen.  :)

05:21:39 Feb 3rd 10 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

I remember him. he was in MAD wasnt he?

05:37:05 Feb 3rd 10 - Dr. Darkwing Duck:

Welcome back.  Yes I remember him.

12:34:50 Feb 3rd 10 - Mr. Hiroshima Infected:

Grable >_< Kev you annoying little....bah forget it, yes I am back and glad to see people other then wrinkles mick sissy pants over there (yes you kev, oh your gunna get it...) remembers me :) After what has seemed like a year of retirement the infection has returned and plans on getting onto fant solo (shut it zondervon I'm working on it...) :P and I was in MAD once I believe yes stewie :P

14:25:36 Feb 3rd 10 - Sir Loin:

hey hiro, nice to see you back



14:42:52 Feb 3rd 10 - Mr. Hiroshima Infected:

hey roheran long time no see :P everything still going good?

19:56:13 Feb 3rd 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Nice to have you back friend. You left a little before i did and i came back a little before you. I couldnt resist the urge as long

22:43:06 Feb 3rd 10 - General Wolfenstien:

Oh lord here we go again.  The infection has started and now it is time to remove it.  I don't think there is a pill strong enuff to kill it so we might need surgery.  Anyone know a good surgen or atleast one that can remove the stain on the map.  Good to see you again old friend.

23:06:08 Feb 3rd 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

I know a doctor!

Hes a little psychotic though!

23:19:35 Feb 3rd 10 - Sir Loin:

Mr. Hiroshima Infected


14:42:52 Feb 3rd 10
hey roheran long time no see :P everything still going good?

well it was good, but our kd just disbanded so i'm all lonely  :(

but good to see you back though buddy

23:30:17 Feb 3rd 10 - Mr. Hiroshima Infected:

Hey why don't we make a small kd ;P hehe

@wolfy: Well well seems like the old man still playin? Ha! just wait till all your females die from my hideous infection! you won't be able to even think about reproducing then! xD But yeah good to see you ^_^

@Pendragon: umm Hi hehe ^_^

23:41:27 Feb 3rd 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:




00:08:19 Feb 4th 10 - Dr. Darkwing Duck:

Or join me Roheran

Im not psychotic, no never

just fruits and nuts. We have girls Roheran

02:12:13 Feb 4th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

see i told you people remember you!

02:53:14 Feb 4th 10 - Mr. Hiroshima Infected:

hey wait! this is only 7 people! xD aw well beggars cannot be chooses :P oh shi-! Don't comment on that kev...just...dont....

02:56:09 Feb 4th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

lol. but 7 people that count

04:36:36 Feb 4th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

This is very true, we're all great allies to have


and if not that then great friends

08:28:49 Feb 4th 10 - Duke Salad:

Uther... Great Ally, please dont put those words in the same sentence again... PLEASE! :P

And welcome back Hiro you assen! >.< :P

<3 Slade

09:10:56 Feb 4th 10 - Archangel Argyle:


10:42:37 Feb 4th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

I remember your name, but I am not a major player so doesn´t really count lol :P

12:41:05 Feb 4th 10 - Mr. Hiroshima Infected:

all right I have to admit you all are great, wheither you know my name or not ;P

@ slade: only you would be a salad....yeah not much meat (brains) but lots of salad :D

@Argyle: Where have you been mate? ^_^

@Tyrgalon: tbh I'm not that much of a star player...I am most known as 'Just an annoyance' but a hard to kill annoyance at that ^_^

Thanks for making me feel welcomed guys :)

13:53:16 Feb 4th 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

Its their job. Now the apps will flow in for next era and we expect to probally see you start in a very high credited kd...hf and gl

14:23:47 Feb 4th 10 - Duke Salad:

lol <3

16:25:22 Feb 4th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

GL to the Infection and may is spread very vigorously (but not to me).

I dont want the infection


16:27:36 Feb 4th 10 - Lord Redragon Corpse:

I remember Hiro from my first era, i joined him and slade and then left because we were loosing (not an honoring thing to do :P). Welcome Hiro. ^^.

16:30:44 Feb 4th 10 - Duke Salad:

if one person makes a wise remark from that i will hate them down!

16:42:56 Feb 4th 10 - General Wolfenstien:

Really Slade.  I don't think you have the nuts to "hate them down".  Red is a good player and was just learning back then and unfortunatly he had to deal with Slade so i can understand that.  Btw good to see that you haven't dropped off the face of the earth there Slade. 

Hiro best of luck to you finding a good kd next era.  There are not to many left these days.

16:53:16 Feb 4th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Amen to that Wolf, and if i were in Slades kingdom i'd give up right off the bat! :P

Yeah i'm surprised you haven't dropped off the underside of the planet Slade. PJ kinda has. I havent talked to that Nut in almost a year now.

17:23:59 Feb 4th 10 - Duke Salad:

lol wolfy, i would so hunt them down, it might take and era or it might take 10 but it will happen :P

lol and i meant Hunt not hate :P

Uther, considering you try and recruit me your statement is void and meaningless :P and i didn't drop of the face of the planet but now I'm back... kinda :P and PJ when silent before Christmas so don't know whats up with him :P

18:11:01 Feb 4th 10 - Lady Rev the Hedgehog:

I dont know who you are. But welcome back I suppose.

19:29:30 Feb 4th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


alright but my opinion has to count for something right?

i didnt even know he was back around christmas

19:38:42 Feb 4th 10 - Duke Salad:

he is a RL friend if you remember... so yeah i have his phone number :P but its no longer connected :(

20:32:40 Feb 4th 10 - Mr. Hiroshima Infected:

Rofl, my number? Since when? D: I don't remember giving you my number >_< but then again I don't remember alot of things. :P

20:45:01 Feb 4th 10 - Mr. Justin:

haha i was wondering were you ran off to Hiroshima

21:02:50 Feb 4th 10 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

hallo young one

21:31:20 Feb 4th 10 - Mr. Hiroshima Infected:

Hallo Justin :) Stirlin <3

21:41:06 Feb 4th 10 - Duke Kevdwayne The Panjandrum:

Well, let's ask the KD that takes you after 3 weeks or so....... see how happy they are for you to be back then.

23:00:49 Feb 4th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

can i get a I TOLD YOU SO :)

23:31:32 Feb 4th 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

You said something?

23:39:21 Feb 4th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

was talking to hiroshima lol

01:28:53 Feb 5th 10 - Mr. Hiroshima Infected:

For that outburst of you cannot rofl. Thanks zonder :) and no it's still not an "I told you so" hehe ^_^

02:10:49 Feb 5th 10 - Duke Salad:

Mr. Hiroshima Infected


22:32:40 Feb 4th 10 Rofl, my number? Since when? D: I don't remember giving you my number >_< but then again I don't remember alot of things. :P

i was talking about PJ fool

12:22:21 Feb 5th 10 - Mr. Hiroshima Infected:

Wow slade, as ruthless as ever...oh wait...nvmd this is a one time thing :P

19:55:00 Feb 6th 10 - Mr. Hiroshima Infected:

Wow latha isn't really attack and I'm all over the Hoh...

15:36:35 Feb 7th 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

lol its latha :P

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