Forums / In game politics / When does next world open

When does next world open
01:36:49 Apr 3rd 09 - Mr. Burninglegion:

... when does the next world open??

01:38:59 Apr 3rd 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

When it's full!

01:46:04 Apr 3rd 09 - Demonslayer William Berkeley:

When Zeta says so

01:51:12 Apr 3rd 09 - Mr. Burninglegion:

i ahd an awful start , my kingdom started between the 3 strongest kingdoms

Revelation, gatekeepers and Dorian


we are right dead center of all 3

02:43:27 Apr 3rd 09 - Mr. Red Knight:

You died to Dorian, noone else-.- And you never fought, you sent your army south to try and escape.

02:52:58 Apr 3rd 09 - Ms. Jade:


04:41:12 Apr 3rd 09 - Mr. Justin:

you mean they actually let you back in when you caused them so much sh1t with the era when Fuzzy was last in? O_O Uther is more risky then i thought.

07:56:30 Apr 3rd 09 - Mr. Mcmax:

Demonslayer William Berkeley


4/3/2009 1:46:04 AM
When Zeta says so
You are right.

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