Forums / In game politics / White Fang Recruiting

White Fang Recruiting
00:01:53 Dec 16th 09 - Ice Prince Cygnus Lazarious II:

White Fang

Kingdom Banner

Name: White Fang
Members: 2
Created: 12/15/2009 11:37:30 PM
Leader: Ice Prince Cygnus Lazarious II


As we pushed through the last bush, We could see the next ridge across the small valley. The pale blue sky was beginning to darken now,the soft white clouds began to take on shades of blues purples and darkening greys of the evening.

Accepting new players to the game and old ones too.


00:04:02 Dec 16th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Nice bannor! Though i wish you luck for the next few era's ;p.

00:09:14 Dec 16th 09 - Ice Prince Cygnus Lazarious II:

lol thanks.
I still need quite a few membs

00:48:49 Dec 16th 09 - Sir Famous:

Wihaaaa here i come ;)


23:16:43 Dec 16th 09 - Ice Prince Cygnus Lazarious II:

We still recruiting and open for apps!

00:10:13 Dec 17th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

no one can join a kindom at this time.

23:53:14 Dec 22nd 09 - Ice Prince Nazir:

We still open for Recruitment!

05:30:02 Dec 24th 09 - Ice Prince Nazir:


20:15:12 Dec 24th 09 - Ice Prince Nazir:

we are now open for apps!

22:29:13 Dec 27th 09 - Ice Prince Nazir:

No Apps? =,(

22:35:11 Dec 27th 09 - Pirate Suqah:

That's what happens when you mess with teh Lew!

22:35:39 Dec 27th 09 - Ice Prince Nazir:

I didnt mess with you? or did I do?

22:37:57 Dec 27th 09 - Pirate Suqah:

Ice Prince Nazir


20:23:24 Dec 23rd 09
chocolate chip cookies!

(no not really they are shit cookiez made by Lew)



Thy messed with teh Lew!

22:40:49 Dec 27th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Uh oh :|

22:44:28 Dec 27th 09 - Ice Prince Nazir:

I didnt mess with teh Lew I mess with  A Lew

15:57:58 Dec 29th 09 - Sir Famous:

Wheres the kingdom? oO

16:40:52 Dec 29th 09 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

dude We didnt get the members so I joined a sexy time kingdom maybe next era?

23:21:44 Feb 9th 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

well i've spoken with some ppl already

so as soon as the era ends say Hi to WF.

21:26:38 Feb 19th 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

Now we are recruiting baby!

21:26:57 Feb 19th 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

The White Fang

Kingdom Banner

Name: The White Fang
Members: 2
Created: 2/19/2010 9:23:43 PM
Leader: Ice Prince Shazsaro


As we pushed through the last bush, We could see the next bridge across the small valley. The pale blue sky was beginning to darken now,the soft white clouds began to take on shades of blues purples and darkening greys of the evening.

Accepting new players to the game and old ones too.


22:53:18 Feb 19th 10 - Dr. Darkwing Duck:

best of luck Ice Prince

01:55:40 Feb 20th 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

thx Dr. DD

best of lucks for you and ur kd too.

03:42:46 Feb 20th 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

send in ur apps we're up and running =P

16:24:52 Feb 20th 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

The White Fang

Kingdom Banner

Name: The White Fang
Members: 3
Created: 2/19/2010 9:23:43 PM
Leader: Ice Prince Shazsaro


As we pushed through the last bush, We could see the next bridge across the small valley. The pale blue sky was beginning to darken now,the soft white clouds began to take on shades of blues purples and darkening greys of the evening.

This kingdom was made by Ice Prince Shazsaro at endings of era 43, The White Fang was made to show little kingdoms that there still hope and for big kingdoms, that there is still some honor left by some people.

Accepting new players to the game and old ones too.


16:49:26 Feb 20th 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:


17:03:06 Feb 20th 10 - Sir Corollin of Dragesvard:

You still doing this?

17:12:21 Feb 20th 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

yes mate until I get 10 membs or more

17:49:36 Feb 20th 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:


04:19:45 Feb 21st 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:


16:42:46 Feb 21st 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

we still recruiting

16:45:57 Feb 21st 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

How are you still not getting people? hmm check highscores and message all the kingdomless individuals there that have some score basis. That might turn up results.

16:48:07 Feb 21st 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

naaah thats boring.

actually wee are now 4 people incluiding me I still need like 2-4 more.

17:52:43 Feb 21st 10 - Sir Corollin of Dragesvard:

'naaah thats boring.'

with 4 members wont you just get deleted when the era starts?

19:05:29 Feb 21st 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

nop idk

19:35:16 Feb 21st 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

ask someone from another kd to join yours then when era starts to just go back to theirs. that i if leaving now doesnt dis. u from joining it era to come


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