Forums / In game politics / Who wants a Fizbong?

Who wants a Fizbong?
16:20:12 Oct 27th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Brittania:

The gr8 and mighti Fizbong is currently without a kd! (le gasp!)

While I've been a very dedicated Legacy player over the past few eras, maybe this break might give me a chance to see what else is out there. So then, I put this forward to the VU community.

Make me your best offer as to why I should join your kd. If I like what I see, I might join. If I don't, I'll make fun of you here in the forums. ;-) Let the offers commence!

16:26:00 Oct 27th 08 - Mr. Pie Maker:

Don't join The Chompers!

16:56:22 Oct 27th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

You can join the Dacians, or if you don't want to then I ask you can you please type in my ruler name? thanks!

17:08:48 Oct 27th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Brittania:

Riiight, but I want a reason to join.

I mean, Football players get cash, sign on bonuses and a few other gifts under the table. I mean, come big or go home. :-P

17:12:51 Oct 27th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Please just type in my ruler name so i can start my kd, or soon veryone will have joined a kd and i wont be able to start kd

17:29:39 Oct 27th 08 - Sir Binh The Weaponmaster:

Should've started the kd earlier.

17:55:50 Oct 27th 08 - Mr. Pussy Monsta:

it got deleted.

20:09:08 Oct 27th 08 - Sir Wilber:

I don't see much enthusiasm for you Lelouch.

20:21:57 Oct 27th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Football  sucks , Rugby is better if you like contact or boxing

20:26:35 Oct 27th 08 - Lord Soccerslurper:

Fizban, I think all other kingdoms offer the one thing that would attract. But, since I am the first to note it, I win!

We all don't have Swifty!!!! :)

20:28:15 Oct 27th 08 - Mr. Sezymon:

no one has swifty anymore ( the Lord finally heard his people's prayers!)

20:38:23 Oct 27th 08 - Mr. Prime:

JOIN my kingdom.. WOW.... we are the rulers of  MANT.

Whats the word?

20:54:07 Oct 27th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Mr. Prime


10/27/2008 8:38:23 PM
JOIN my kingdom.. WOW.... we are the rulers of  MANT.

Whats the word?


No-one is OOP yet my good man.

21:22:34 Oct 27th 08 - Lord Alban:

I would offer a place in Fusion but since we have already overstepped our player limit I cant :P

Maybe next era if your interested and a space becomes availible :)

21:27:14 Oct 27th 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

please...whatever happens...DON'T let him join FF...we seriously CAN'T use him...he really WON'T fit in with the rest of us AT ALL ;)

21:28:28 Oct 27th 08 - WolfLord Durza Von Quagmire:


Sir Lelouch VI Brittania


10/27/2008 7:08:48 PM
Riiight, but I want a reason to join.

I mean, Football players get cash, sign on bonuses and a few other gifts under the table. I mean, come big or go home. :-P


You give urself far to much credit, who'd wanna buy you? I mean common.. pfft..! lol

I kid i kid..!

22:11:59 Oct 27th 08 - Mr. Military:

We will offer absolutely nothing other then some good flames for joining us by people who hate us and large wars that we have little chance of winning but are thrown into anyway. 

Its our destiny :)

01:05:50 Oct 28th 08 - Mr. Apollo Dorani:

if you join warriors league, you will get a share of action and fame, and we can rule zetamania!

01:05:53 Oct 28th 08 - Mr. Apollo Dorani:

if you join warriors league, you will get a share of action and fame, and we can rule zetamania!

13:42:19 Oct 28th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Brittania:

I could probably rule Zetamania myself in my sleep....

13:49:49 Oct 28th 08 - Duke Senturu God of Spam:

Lelouch join me and uhh.....well just join me for old times sake :D

13:55:19 Oct 28th 08 - Mr. Bob Cratchit:

We got weed.

14:17:35 Oct 28th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

me me me

14:46:57 Oct 28th 08 - Prince Mielo:

Duke Senturu God of *beep*


10/28/2008 1:49:49 PMLelouch join me and uhh.....well just join me for old times sake :D

But you'll need to get passed 'the accept application' part first

14:53:56 Oct 28th 08 - Mr. Raxbury:

I don't see no gr8 and mighti Fizbong.

02:33:52 Oct 29th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Brittania:

*Fizban casts 'fireball' on Raxbury.*

Next! As for Senturu, I am intrigued, tell me what else besides old times sake (we had old times?) is a good reason for me to join?

02:35:42 Oct 29th 08 - Duke Senturu God of Spam:

ill share my Famous GOLDEN SPOON!!!!!! with you

02:57:55 Oct 29th 08 - Mr. Military:

Was this the same Lelouch that served as Mr. Lelouch for some kingdom with a pink banner.

Knights of somthing?  Fought against Mr. Sorra a long time ago?

03:26:26 Oct 29th 08 - Mr. Methane:

nope, different guy ;p

08:02:28 Oct 29th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

@Senturu - I thought the golden spoon was destroyed??

09:06:16 Oct 29th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

we have Mystical and Magical Spoon

13:10:49 Oct 29th 08 - Duke Senturu God of Spam:

PAH!!! you cannot destroy the gold spoon. this spoon was in VU longer than I!!!!!!!!

13:31:53 Oct 29th 08 - Sir Bohica:

Yet you are not the 'God of *beep*', unless Septim's been dethroned.

13:56:05 Oct 29th 08 - Mr. Bob Cratchit:

I vote for Senturu every day of the week.

14:12:09 Oct 29th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Senturu was the original god of *beep*.

Septim is a new player.

14:46:42 Oct 29th 08 - Prince Mielo:

he only played for 10 era's! omg septim really is

22:00:44 Oct 29th 08 - Mr. Falazar:

fizban forgive me. nobody wants your trash around here anymore.........even legacy, the low of lows, rejected you. ouch!

09:59:20 Oct 30th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

hes in lgc ><


13:13:46 Oct 30th 08 - Sir Bohica:

Oh, poor, sad little Falazar. Living in a world of his schizophrenic, multi, delusions. I actually am not kd-less anymore as I decided to actually be active enough to play again.

Begone, I cannot look at your name without the word "Fail" coming to my mind.

18:36:08 Oct 30th 08 - Mr. Falazar:

Shall i change it to Failazar? Even though we destroyed Legacy when we fought them?

18:38:04 Oct 30th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

Mr. Falazar


10/30/2008 6:36:08 PM
Shall i change it to Failazar? Even though we destroyed Legacy when we fought them?


too bad you were deleted for multiing before the era actually ended...

20:10:08 Oct 30th 08 - Duke Arzun:

Reality hurts :)

Or in this case, a cyber reality, which you seem to equally fail at.

00:00:11 Oct 31st 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

Epic! :P

03:30:31 Oct 31st 08 - Duke Senturu God of Spam:


Hey Shezmu :D

07:24:13 Oct 31st 08 - Mr. Methane:

Oh great. Senty the nub is back :D

12:29:19 Oct 31st 08 - Dreadlord Valarion:

Mr. Falazar


10/30/2008 6:36:08 PM
Shall i change it to Failazar? Even though we destroyed Legacy when we fought them?


YOU darling, have never accomplished anything besides blatant abuse and outright cheating. If I where you, I'd keep my head well down and stop making a fool out of myself on the forums.

Why not create a few more accounts to keep you busy and out of our hair? It's not as if you are a danger to anyone, no matter how many accounts you play.

15:48:33 Nov 3rd 08 - Mr. Weirdgrivi:

Fizban, join my Kingdom, I can offer you some pro tips&tricks to improve your sex life :)

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