Forums / In game politics / Why is it...

Why is it...
06:18:22 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Everscape:

...that the two most powerful groups in the game appear to be napped or CS'd and are attacking us?  That is, Carnage and Legacy.

Legacy didn't even have the decency to give an answer to our leader's messages about NAP/CS while they were building towns near our core, towns that turned out to be armories.  We could have taken them but instead gave them the chance to answer our messages.  When armies popped out and started attacking, only then did we know what was going on, and now we find both of them attacking our little corner of the map.

Sure its all in the spirit of the game to be conquering and all, but Legacy has lost all honor in my eyes by playing this little joke on us.  You'd think the most powerful groups in the game would battle each other to make the game interesting instead of this petty nonsense.

We will fight, but I'm beginning to find that Fantasia isn't a battle of the best, its just a scramble over the little guys so the big guys can have stalemate after stalemate.  You guys win the big prize of fun and sportsmanship!

DB may be up there in power, but at least they are talking to us.  They have proven honorable in the time that I have come to know them (two eras), as have Peacekeepers.  Carnage seems cool too, although I still find it pretty lame when the diplomacy takes away any challenge.

Just my two cents...

06:31:01 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Smokey Mcpot:

I have not received one single message from you regarding any type of relations. So to call us out like this without even messaging me is quite disheartening to me.

May I suggest Death before Dishonor? Lying is not gonna save you.

06:42:46 Dec 16th 07 - Sir Ron Jeremy:

Germany to Poland in 1939.

Germany: Hi neighbor!

Poland: Hi neighbor!

Germany: I see you have our borders unguarded, and I've already invaded your territory. Just giving you the heads-up!

Poland: Schizer!

Show me the rule that states, "You must tell people when you're going to attack them" and I'll show you a million dollars. Also, if you don't go through the proper leadership, then all the messages you send won't do much good, eh?

This is Fant. The strong prey on the weak so that they might have a chance to fight those that are doing the same thing. Live with it.

06:44:54 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Clone XXX:

talking about way off the mark mate in regards to Carnage. Please dont start making presumptions about other kingdoms relations when you dont know what you are talking about..........more assumptions....

and legacy is attacking a potential threat they have no relations with, same as your logic then kingdom A and Kingdom B are attacking Kingdom C, so they must be working together and picking on the little guyO.o

oh and dont feel so special, you're not the only kingdom we are fighting at the moment:P All will be assimilated!!!!

06:55:16 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Everscape:

Smokey:  Our leader contacted you, it wasn't my job to do so :)

Jeremy:  No duh the strong prey against the weak.  I wasn't implying otherwise, I was just saying that we had asked them and got mixed response.  I guess an attack is a worthwhile response, but it all started with them building in our core at the beginning.

Clone:  That's why I closed it by saying you are guys are cool.  I just found it lame that you are both attacking us with desregard for each other, which suggests a rather one-way leaning oligopoly from the beginning.

06:55:23 Dec 16th 07 - Duke Epyon The Weirdgrivi:

you can't play VU expecting that you won't get attacked.... that's just stupid

oh and btw, how many cities of yours did Carnage take? hmmm? none? okay that's what I thought

06:57:32 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Everscape:

Epyon:  You are making an assumption that I thought that...I have played several eras and certainly never stated that.

Carnage didn't take any yet because we did hold off their forces. :)

06:59:10 Dec 16th 07 - Duke Epyon The Weirdgrivi:

I just think that if you know your surrounding kingdoms and they have expressed no signs of 'friendliness', then you should prepare for battle. otherwise, thats just bad leadership

07:01:56 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Everscape:

Epyon:  A small kingdom only knows the ways of battle, history has certainly proved that. :)

07:02:14 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Clone XXX:

Epyon is right...always believe that the other kingdom is planning on getting you, unless a formal nap is made:P even then a little paranoia helps^^

And you guys did?.....we havent even seen any battles yet just a bunch of my clones running around up northO.o

07:02:57 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Trogdor:

Everscape is just pissed off that hes getting killed and wants to blame it on someone. Everyone at one point dies in this game, except me of course, so its something you should get used to. Also while playing on Fantasia remember only the strong survive. I would recomend posting the conversation with Lgc becasue if you didnt have one then dont complain about it.

07:03:10 Dec 16th 07 - Duke Epyon The Weirdgrivi:

Everscape, Im not trying to be mean to ya or anything, you seem like a nice guy ;) Im just trying to get the facts straight

07:04:46 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Smokey Mcpot:

Like I said Mr. Everscape, I have gotten no messages regarding relations between our KD's, from you nor any other member of your KD.

Maybe they forgot? I have no idea.

07:13:06 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Everscape:

Smokey Mcpot,
I must make a formal apology.  My scribes have searched my kingdom's library for records pertaining to any relations, and have turned up empty handed.

I must humbly beg your forgiveness for assuming that my leaders had contacted you.  It seems like it would have been such a logical course of action that I presumed we had actually done so.

If there is any way that my folly may be absolved in your eyes, let me know and it will be done to the best of my abilities.


07:27:58 Dec 16th 07 - Duke Epyon The Weirdgrivi:

all is well Everscape, just be sure to make sure you have your facts straight before posting next time :) Im glad we could resolve this ordeal with minimum flaming! ^^

07:31:50 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Everscape:

Heh, yea, thanks...  I too am glad it got resolved with minimal flaming because it wasn't my intent.  I know Darkmarsbar did try to get the diplomacy stuff going...I guess we figured LGC wouldn't be so big of a threat.  Oh well, what can ya do...  alot our members left and whatnot, so I guess this is all pretty inevitable :)

07:51:04 Dec 16th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

you guessed LGC wasn't a big threat...?


08:05:41 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Roxbury:

Legacy loves you!

09:53:31 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Dolfyn:

..I guess we figured LGC wouldn't be so big of a threat.

Dang baby! and the lambs are still good friends with wolves and lions?

And still .. this game ain`t about war? what did u expect to be? a roller-coaster tycoon?

U keep complaining ... but go to Zeta/Mant/whatever. Learn from your mistake ... and maybe ... maybe ... next era u will send Lgc to some other map, out of Fantasia. Make this your goal and a lot of ppl will be glad to help.

what say you? :D

10:25:43 Dec 16th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

This thread made me laugh.

10:41:49 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Goldsie:

Legacy loves your citys

10:45:50 Dec 16th 07 - Commander Baldwin:

Well. One thing is certain. Legacy is far more powerful than we are (Preds). Tens of armies coming our way and we have mostly rainbowers and "slow starters" or "farm first fight afterwards" people.

I think we deserve to loose if we can't protect our borders. It's a shame since I was trying out mage strategy and now it seems to be short lived, even I am fighting pretty well the LGC invasion.

Predators died after last era. First era in Fantasia was good, we lost but had a great and working KD and were close to go to stalemate with Carnage. Didn't have enough allies then and certainly not now. We also lost half of our best players somewhere... Mantrax and new KDs I presume.

Everscape's frustration is understandable. I feel the same, but I'm not blaming anyone. Let's see what wil be my course after LGC and Carnage beat us this time.

12:14:18 Dec 16th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:

Legacy won a fight?

Wow :) That didn't happen since... they beat Merchants of Death two eras ago?

Resounding victory :)

12:18:47 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Heroix:

This is what this game all about.
You will die, but you will learn things from them.
1) You already learned. Nobody is telling for you about war, before attacking.

12:28:30 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Clonexxxvii:

Everscape, in the future never let a non napped kingdom set up cities in or near your core. Especially Legacy or Carnage...

14:04:05 Dec 16th 07 - Ms. Minge:

Well they didn't "let" a non-napped KD build up near them. When I was building near them, they gathered several sizable armies from 2-3 players if I recall, right next to my armoury.

It's a fun fight, so there shouldn't be any need for flaming. Hopefully preds will learn a thing or two from this and come back stronger from it next round? :)

15:01:11 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Sloth:

We also lost half of our best players somewhere... Mantrax and new KDs I presume.

You can't win against Legacy with just 16 players (unless you are Abydos of course). Even if you had 16 'decent' players. You need a major recruiting drive... there are 8-10 Kingdoms on Fantasia, all with not-enough members. Why don't you guys just have a merge-fest and make some 30 member Kingdoms, kick out the 5 worst inactive and actually have a decent Kingdom? Yes, if you did that, you would last a lot longer.

16:37:01 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Clone XXI:

Mr. Clonexxxvii


12/16/2007 5:28:30 AMEverscape, in the future never let a non napped kingdom set up cities in or near your core. Especially Legacy or Carnage...

 Never let blue or orange get anywhere near you=]

17:03:49 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Everscape:

Haha :)

Yea, I was pretty frustrated...we will put up a fight though!

I am pretty annoyed at my brother though.  He left us and set up the Holy Cows kingdom, which really sliced and diced Predators into many pieces.  If the little kingdoms could get together we just might have something...but somehow I think the big guys would target us either way just because the combined kingdom would be a "new player" to Fantasia.

17:09:24 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Hey hey Everscape I didn't even know I had Predators members (Other than Massive) and those Predators members became traitors! (Cato June) Therefore I actually helped Predators by weeding out the potential traitors! Besides I might be open for a merge :D Or I might just go back to Predators. But! I like HC so far.

17:12:52 Dec 16th 07 - Sir Spoon:

Gangbanging is lame! Cap of 12!

17:52:18 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:

You can't win against Legacy with just 16 players (unless you are Abydos of course). Even if you had 16 'decent' players. You need a major recruiting drive... there are 8-10 Kingdoms on Fantasia, all with not-enough members. Why don't you guys just have a merge-fest and make some 30 member Kingdoms, kick out the 5 worst inactive and actually have a decent Kingdom? Yes, if you did that, you would last a lot longer.

Word, this worked for Serenity one fine era and we ended with like 50 members to fight lgc and other "evil kd's". It was pretty lame in retrospect, but if you are really determined to teach them a lesson that's how.

17:54:04 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Sloth:

turnover is so high, preds going from 25 to 16 in one era is no surprise.. you have to recruit 5-10 players every era to maintain any kind of normal levels. losing 33% of your players in an era is not unusual for most kingdoms

18:17:56 Dec 16th 07 - Duke Clone Xixlv:

Carnage almost never losses any of its members..........accually we ussually gain members era after era...

18:20:44 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Sloth:

ya some don't have big problem but just about every kingdom has to do some recruiting...and 16 is just too few players anyway. 20-25 seems to be the most common range

18:21:05 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Clone XXX:

yep, still trying to reach that kingdom of 200 players peeps.....

<gets alll excited at 200 clones of himself>

But i think sloth's 33% is a right figure, because we arent just talking about those who leave but also those who go inactive for an era or completely are those who go on several week vacations (I hate summertime in VU).....

18:22:22 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

Well clones arent likely to leave the original of themselves.

All you do is make more clones of yourselfs.

With none going out and more clones being made of course you increase each era.



Damn Clones

18:26:35 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Clone XXX:

Unfortunately we chose the ugliest member to clone instead of the prettiest falling into that trap that girls really care about personality. Now most everyone including small animals run away from us in sheer horror of how we lookO.o

Sorry, didnt mean to go off topic....

Anyways a kingdom of around 20-25 is a good number to survive, but remember [reds, it takes several eras to weed out the bad from the good before you have 20-25 good, active players....

20:15:40 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Soc:

Mr. Sloth


12/16/2007 7:01:11 AM
We also lost half of our best players somewhere... Mantrax and new KDs I presume.

You can't win against Legacy with just 16 players (unless you are Abydos of course). Even if you had 16 'decent' players. You need a major recruiting drive... there are 8-10 Kingdoms on Fantasia, all with not-enough members. Why don't you guys just have a merge-fest and make some 30 member Kingdoms, kick out the 5 worst inactive and actually have a decent Kingdom? Yes, if you did that, you would last a lot longer.


never! i want a tough fight! freedom must be fought for! we only need 10!

02:01:34 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Trogdor:

Two digit numbers ar for pussies. 1-9 is where its at.

07:25:10 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Jet:

Mr. Sloth


12/16/2007 7:01:11 AM
We also lost half of our best players somewhere... Mantrax and new KDs I presume.

You can't win against Legacy with just 16 players (unless you are Abydos of course). Even if you had 16 'decent' players. You need a major recruiting drive... there are 8-10 Kingdoms on Fantasia, all with not-enough members. Why don't you guys just have a merge-fest and make some 30 member Kingdoms, kick out the 5 worst inactive and actually have a decent Kingdom? Yes, if you did that, you would last a lot longer.


Worked for Phi last era.

14:31:22 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas The Black Prince:

well don't you hear us cursing legacy , and you ask for nap . they are completly *beep*s

15:29:07 Dec 17th 07 - Sir Anticloningclonevenomzismyname:

Down with vagina!

15:50:47 Dec 17th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas The Black Prince:

your vagina ! then change your name

17:57:50 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex The Flamer:

gratz to legacy for finally winning a war :)

18:17:18 Dec 18th 07 - Ms. Fellatio:

One more than phi eh?

22:08:31 Dec 18th 07 - Mr. Sloth:

ten less than Abydos!

03:15:28 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex The Flamer:

lmao@ Sloth

Ive read your post like 5 times today and it still makes me laugh haha

07:42:05 Dec 19th 07 - Mr. Everscape:

Why is this thread still alive?  Die already! :D

Legacy is pwning us right now...w00h000000

13:14:38 Dec 19th 07 - Sir XelNaga:

pred aint doing so bad, except the occasional suicide attack on lgc merge by a few lone armies in their blockers.....

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