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Wild Boys Journal
08:25:37 Jun 22nd 07 - Ms. Strawberry:

Hilarion Army & CO (merged)

Commander:Mr. Hilario
Kingdom:Wild Boys
Size:Horde (Millions)
Kingdom Banner
Send Mr. Hilario a message »

Merged armies:

Aloy V
Owned by Mr. Aloysius

Owned by Mr. Syx

The One
Owned by Mr. Morpheus

Too Hot TO Handle
Owned by Ms. Strawberry

Owned by Ms. Strawberry

Owned by Mr. Morpheus

Owned by Ms. Strawberry

08:31:08 Jun 22nd 07 - Mr. Phantom Liano:

oh is that morpheus went

14:50:40 Jun 22nd 07 - Mr. Dramborleg:

well i think i dont want to face them :S lucky me i'm in another world =)

14:52:36 Jun 22nd 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:

go strawberry! and aloysius! and hilario! nice job mates!

21:04:14 Jun 22nd 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

and your trying to impress who??!!

gee, a merged horde, how difficult, lol.

21:07:11 Jun 22nd 07 - Mr. Deadguy:

lol there would be some unmerged armies here in fant that could beat that army

21:26:12 Jun 22nd 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

....that was  my point, Mr. Obivious

21:57:31 Jun 22nd 07 - Mr. Acelnorst Dezhelian:

if it were made out of swordsmen maybe lol a horde of catas would be a complete different story :P

01:20:37 Jun 23rd 07 - Mr. Zakira:

yeah there been ALOT of sword army lately

01:24:54 Jun 23rd 07 - Mr. Zakira:

Hilarion Army & CO (merged)

Commander: Mr. Hilario
Kingdom: Wild Boys
Size: Horde (Millions)
Status: Moving West
Kingdom Banner
Send Mr. Hilario a message »

Merged armies:

Aloy V
Owned by Mr. Aloysius

Owned by Mr. Syx

The One
Owned by Mr. Morpheus

Too Hot TO Handle
Owned by Ms. Strawberry

Owned by Ms. Strawberry

Owned by Mr. Morpheus

Owned by Ms. Strawberry

5 of the merged army is swordy lol

02:07:05 Jun 23rd 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:

knowing these players, im doubting there are too many swords, imo.

02:17:50 Jun 23rd 07 - Mr. Zakira:

you dont know me im in war with them

04:04:45 Jun 23rd 07 - Mr. Aloysius:

where are you Zakira? your in war with us?

04:30:41 Jun 23rd 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:

if ur warring them, u may want to think twice about their armies.

05:38:07 Jun 23rd 07 - Mr. Deadguy:

why does everyone think this is such a big army?? come to fant and you will see hundreds of these sized armies lol ive seen an army triple this size from carnage and those guys are nearly wiped out

06:24:39 Jun 23rd 07 - Mr. Stormvenz:

<and those guys are nearly wiped out>



Uhmmm.....ok......we are? Granted those boys in Phi have done a great job breaking into our core and taking cities, but we are far from being wiped out.... kingdom ranks page would have us at 0 if that were the case

07:58:56 Jun 23rd 07 - Mr. Elsin:

lol.nice logo :)

09:18:28 Jun 23rd 07 - Mr. Hilario:

This is not a big army. i know that guys in Fant will still be the place for bigger and more powerful armies. we just want to show others the biggest army assembled in Mantrax this era, and ofc to boost morale for our new recruits. :)

14:55:15 Jun 23rd 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

True, true, Carnage holds on very well and although we've broken their blockers a week or so ago, our advance in their territory has rather stagnated.

Every time we reached a bit deeper in their territory, they got a merge and pushed us back -- Double OP is a two-bladed sword..

Carnage is far from being extinct...

17:11:09 Jun 23rd 07 - Mr. Ooog Splat:

Hilarion Army & CO (merged)

Kingdom:Wild Boys
Size:Group of Armies (Around 500,000)
Kingdom Banner

Merged armies:

Aloy V
Owned by Mr. Aloysius

The One
Owned by Mr. Morpheus

Too Hot TO Handle
Owned by Ms. Strawberry

Owned by Ms. Strawberry

Owned by Mr. Morpheus

Owned by Ms. Strawberry

Gee it doesn't even say horde anymore... what will they do now that the terror of horde is not attached to their name?

18:38:26 Jun 23rd 07 - Mr. Aloysius:

lol, Syx left the merge.
Mr. OoogSplat, if the terror is not attached to it, why dont you send your HOH army in one our blockers, i never saw you send any terror armies to keep us busy?
i know our is not a terror army at all... its ju*beep*ll of lvl1s. i know you can kill that.

10:18:43 Jun 24th 07 - Ms. Strawberry:

interesting your saying that if we send our army to fantasia itll easilly be wiped out?
cmon dont kid me ive been in fantasia once in a while and i know the standards of armies there. and mind you in each of my era in fant  i manage to put up an hoh 80-100k zerks for MAD. so dont act like you know everything here mr greenhorn i mean mr deadguy.

16:32:03 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Zakira:

I'm Zakira From RED HAND 2nd squad leader and where in war with you ,no?

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