Forums / In game politics / Will Carnage Choke Again?

Will Carnage Choke Again?
22:15:18 Jun 29th 08 - Mr. New Person:

Once again it is the end of the era. Once again Carnage held a few of the top 5 spots just days ago, but look at it now.

The Gragnar
Member of: Legacy.

Mr. Bill Thomas Killman
Member of: Legacy.

General Ezatious
Member of: Legacy.

Mr. Ocool
Member of: Sheolic Empire.

Swedish Chef Brashen
Member of: Legacy.

Ms. Noa
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Skullz
Member of: Music.

Mr. Isaac
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Birdhows
Member of: Sheolic Empire.

Sir Feanor
Member of: Carnage.

Is Carnage not destined to win an era? Are they always going to be passed by LGC? From my vantage point this race is pretty close.

HavocCarnage36Lord Marche216
LGCLegacy23Mr. Roxbury208

So Carnage, why do you always choke at the end of the era? You do know that you will never be recognized as one of the good KDs until you actually win the era? Carnage has been around for quite a long time, longer then DB actually, and yet not one era win yet. The closest to come was Yarlin, #2, after being #1 for most of the era. Much like Surviver.

22:17:11 Jun 29th 08 - Mr. Knight of The Golden Crown:

Were did you come on all of these charts new person?^_^

22:19:47 Jun 29th 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

winning the era doesnt make the kd respected. its how they win, how they play and how they act. even if carnage won this era as a kd or with a player no one is going to be celebrating a hard fought era where they outclassed everyone so choking, no i dont think so they would have to be pwning in war to be able to choke.

22:21:24 Jun 29th 08 - Mr. Pedro Al Bear:

No no no no ... you are completely wrong. Carnage didn't choke, it's got nothing to do with it. All it is is that Carnaged pretty much farmed all era and when Legacy started farming for the win they took over simply by the fact that they can do it 10 times better than Carnage.

So the reason Carnage lost is that they just so massively suck, even at farming.

22:22:29 Jun 29th 08 - Mr. Knight of The Golden Crown:

Whilst you read this just now that KOTGC is recruiting and heading out to zeta next

00:42:30 Jun 30th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

our motto.
never farm and fight till the end even if it means fighting eachother or even yourself :P

01:09:05 Jun 30th 08 - General Ezatious:

Why create another thread for flaming? Clearly one already on going :)

01:35:12 Jun 30th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

yeah we farmed all right... we fought all era long, and its still going. ez is a real pussy and along with all of LGC. they give us terms to keep pur troops north of a path and they would go south but no they went both ways. then they said "oh now it was troops movment refrence not taking of cities" but id REALY like to know how their troops MOVED IN THE NORTH when they said they wouldnt... hmmm. so now we have moved south as they have moved north. we arnt the backstabers... they are.

01:39:23 Jun 30th 08 - Mr. New Person:

From the KD HoH's list, and the Highscores page

Winning the era does give respect to a KD, even if they win it the wrong way. Look at LGC they have won in questionable ways in the past, but they where still respected in their own way [a flaming way].

I think you are 101% correct. Carnage can't out-war LGC so they NAP or MAP them and now they can't even out-farm LGC. What next? Carnage joins LGC?

01:45:36 Jun 30th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

lmfao new person. you know nothing of this game. just because we nap them twice doesnt mean we will do it again. once again we have not farmed at all our troops are everywhere wait for the prey to move

05:28:59 Jun 30th 08 - Mr. New Person:

Caradoc in fact it is you who does not know anything about this game, Carnage has NAP'd LGC far more then two times. They have NAP'd them 5+ times. The half the time Carnage has been able to survive an era was with a NAP or MAP with LGC or if LGC was killed off or was busy with someone else.

Carnage used to be a warring kingdom, even though some would disagree, but about five eras ago Carnage became farmers. It was hard to watch this once great warring kingdom become a farming snob. I also remember the Carnage that could hold it's tongue, but I guess Storm's leaving loosened the tongue and began the farming.

Please Caradoc before you decide to type again, review your facts.

06:16:55 Jun 30th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

Caradoc, do i know you? did you once play with Ldk? My name is Paracelzus...

09:03:41 Jun 30th 08 - Mr. Twamao:

mmmm LDK! delicioso!

09:06:11 Jun 30th 08 - Mr. Water:

mmm haywood jablowme !!! twamalicious !!

09:58:46 Jun 30th 08 - Sir Revengee:

mmmmmm Water !!! Refreshing !!!

10:00:13 Jun 30th 08 - Mr. Justin:

i got a gallon of water in the frig. getting nice an cold for morning

10:04:13 Jun 30th 08 - Mr. Phoenixfires:

o justin you were saving that for the morning... i may have just drank it all....

11:50:59 Jun 30th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

Real men drink pure alcohol. Or Chuck Norris' blood.

12:04:07 Jun 30th 08 - Mr. Phoenixfires:

then they pass out of dehydration spoon everyone knows that thats why when people fight chuck norris they die ;-D

13:28:57 Jun 30th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

you act (new person) that carange still did not war. even DB had naps this era. there is not such a thing anymore of a kingdom waring everyone

Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis


6/29/2008 11:16:55 PM
Caradoc, do i know you? did you once play with Ldk? My name is Paracelzus...
read my history

17:38:09 Jun 30th 08 - Death Lord Draven:

geez, nice history of Carnage going on with things i don't remember, oh wait, i'm in Carnage! oh yeah and have always been in Carnage, i forgot. but when did i become a farmer? oh yeah, i knew i forgot to do something this and each era, i got to remember to farm next era so i can get the era win and have the respect of all of VU. yup got it wrote down in my notebook, i'm good to go ;)

18:36:03 Jun 30th 08 - Mr. New Person:

I never said all of Carnage are farmers, I know for a fact that there are several good warriors in Carnage, but the people who do farm drag the KD down. Kick those people. Bring down the KD's #'s to 20's with pure warriors and then you may get some respect back, but until then those several players define your kingdom. You have 36 members, a lot of dead weight, and several farmers and until you do something about it no one will respect Carnage.

Wow Caradoc you really changed your tone didn't you?

I'll give this to Carnage, they warred, but who did they war and with what allies? Well lets see they warred WoL which is not that great, and has never been great. I know for a fact that they are not that good, just barely better then a newb KD, I bet Trio could have beat them.

Then you warred DB, wow a whole two kingdoms warred.

Now for your allies, LGC (23) and PKS (11) and you guys having 36. So that's 70 VS 48 (DB+WoL). Then you have your NAP'D and CF'D KDs which are Music (CF 18), SHEOL (21 NAP), and I believe you tried to NAP Trio as well who had 20 some players.

DB's NAP's which where Trio (23) and WoL (24) with both KD's being new and Trio unable to help DB due to warring SHEOL they had to rely on WoL.

Overall Carnage NAP'd almost any KD they could, but DB, while DB NAP'd two new KDs to give them a chance and to have some fun.

Carnage may not be 100% farming, but they are definetly not even 30% war.

19:13:35 Jun 30th 08 - General Ezatious:

omg ali is that you? it is isnt it? :)))

19:16:37 Jun 30th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

i wonder why he changed his name. (EVUL Laughter)

19:57:06 Jun 30th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

No i didnt change my name...i just multied =P

who are you new person?

You use numbers almost as much as me. But your definately not a DB player because you didnt seem to know about our NAP with Sheolic.

Yes finally dead. Took you guys long enough. Too late for Noa now i guess, those raised cities gonna cost too much to rebuild for an era win.

21:38:58 Jun 30th 08 - Mr. Durza VII:

Mr. New Person


6/30/2008 8:36:03 PM
I never said all of Carnage are farmers, I know for a fact that there are several good warriors in Carnage, but the people who do farm drag the KD down. Kick those people. Bring down the KD's #'s to 20's with pure warriors and then you may get some respect back, but until then those several players define your kingdom. You have 36 members, a lot of dead weight, and several farmers and until you do something about it no one will respect Carnage.

Wow Caradoc you really changed your tone didn't you?

I'll give this to Carnage, they warred, but who did they war and with what allies? Well lets see they warred WoL which is not that great, and has never been great. I know for a fact that they are not that good, just barely better then a newb KD, I bet Trio could have beat them.

Then you warred DB, wow a whole two kingdoms warred.

Now for your allies, LGC (23) and PKS (11) and you guys having 36. So that's 70 VS 48 (DB+WoL). Then you have your NAP'D and CF'D KDs which are Music (CF 18), SHEOL (21 NAP), and I believe you tried to NAP Trio as well who had 20 some players.

DB's NAP's which where Trio (23) and WoL (24) with both KD's being new and Trio unable to help DB due to warring SHEOL they had to rely on WoL.

Overall Carnage NAP'd almost any KD they could, but DB, while DB NAP'd two new KDs to give them a chance and to have some fun.

Carnage may not be 100% farming, but they are definetly not even 30% war.


Omg Mr. New person, you are a fag. You sit and slag WoL and say we are no better than a "newb" kingdom. In our 3 era's fairplay we have not managed to see it through to the end, but we have given a damn sight better a fight than i have seen most do. When we die we come back stronger than before, i think carnage can pay tribute to that... Well if they want?  You sit their yet i have never seen you do anything specail. Also you call WoL "new" They may be new of name, but most of the players have played together longer 10 era's which i'd say is enough experience.

23:26:33 Jun 30th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

*Septim walks in pushing a cart full of roasted flamingos.

"Get yer roasted flamingos here, get 'em while they're hot people!"

23:31:26 Jun 30th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

*Ernie sees him*

"Hey! Ill take one!"

23:32:17 Jun 30th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

*Septim hands Ernie a roasted flamingo and takes two gold coins.

"Anybody else?"

23:38:22 Jun 30th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Epyon (New Person) I thought you were leaving VU?  Can't resist I guess.

00:47:47 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

Epyon? WTF?

It can't be him. He knows Sheol had only 15 players for over half of the era.

01:46:58 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Captain Kangaroo:

or Yarlin... ?

*Back on topic.

Yes ... we are all huge Michael Hutchence fans and you know how he ended up.

02:38:43 Jul 1st 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

*Septim recieves a new sp@m cannon from a customer as payment for a fried platypus. He immediately gasps and looks at the weapon in awe.

"The feeding ramp has been polished to a mirror sheen, preventing feeding problems, the slide's been replaced with a reinforced version, the frame has been iron-welded and scraped down multiple times for maximum precision, the trigger guard of the frame has been checkered to make it dig into the hand, preventing slipping, the sight system is a trilux 3-dot type for easier aiming, the regular hammer's been replaced with a ring hammer, the thumbs safety and the slide stop are extended to allow for more precise handling, the base of the trigger guard is whittled down, so the user can use a high grip, the trigger is a long type for easy finger access, the magazine well has been widened to make it easier to put in a new magazine, the magazine catch button has been cut down low to make it harder to hit by mistake, the mainspring housing has been changed to a flat type to increase grip, *beep*ing serrations were added to the front part of the slide, allowing the user to eject cartridges faster in an emergency. All in all, this is a great weapon! I worship it!"

02:45:36 Jul 1st 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Damn, should have got a Glock!  No need to modify, works great out of the box!

Of course the only other things you could due to your current "weapon" is stiffen the main spring and reduce the pull to 1.5 lbs.  Then customer load your own ammo.

02:48:45 Jul 1st 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

"They make glock sp@m cannons?"

03:07:17 Jul 1st 08 - Death Lord Draven:

ok, i'm going to explain this one last time and i do mean one last time. the 36 members or the number you see by our kingdom isn't 36 full out "LGC" active members, and by "LGC" active i'm meaning like the LGC of old always on 24 hrs a day (or so it seemed;) ) 2 of our members are dead, been dead the entire era, for reasons which is no one's business except Carnage's.
now let's say we call active logging on 2 times a day or more for a few tics, we have roughly around 24 or 25, and like 8 that don't log in much, sometimes every few days or whatever.
so, in fact we are already down to 24 or 25 members, we carry our other members becoz we damn well want to, these are our friends and it's nobody else's business. these are the facts, like it or not, we cut down to the number if 24 or 25 and we still will do the same we do era after era. sorry to break vu's little bubble.
the simple fact is i don't care what everyone else thinks or if i get any respect, why? simple. come face me on the field, and i will earn your respect. don't believe me, talk to the member's of kingdom's who have warred me. which most players in the rest of vu can say about themselves as well, yes i do know that.

03:08:01 Jul 1st 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

03:16:17 Jul 1st 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

"Wow...gotta get me one of those..."

03:17:44 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

Death Lord Draven


7/1/2008 4:07:17 AM
ok, i'm going to explain this one last time and i do mean one last time. the 36 members or the number you see by our kingdom isn't 36 full out "LGC" active members, and by "LGC" active i'm meaning like the LGC of old always on 24 hrs a day (or so it seemed;) ) 2 of our members are dead, been dead the entire era, for reasons which is no one's business except Carnage's.
now let's say we call active logging on 2 times a day or more for a few tics, we have roughly around 24 or 25, and like 8 that don't log in much, sometimes every few days or whatever.
so, in fact we are already down to 24 or 25 members, we carry our other members becoz we damn well want to, these are our friends and it's nobody else's business. these are the facts, like it or not, we cut down to the number if 24 or 25 and we still will do the same we do era after era. sorry to break vu's little bubble.
the simple fact is i don't care what everyone else thinks or if i get any respect, why? simple. come face me on the field, and i will earn your respect. don't believe me, talk to the member's of kingdom's who have warred me. which most players in the rest of vu can say about themselves as well, yes i do know that.

I must agree here. It's only Carnage's problem who they have on their roster and anyone fighting them can count their numbers I guess.

So we done with calling Carnage a Kingdom large in numbers?

03:22:19 Jul 1st 08 - Death Lord Draven:

let me give an example of some great play from an enemy kingdom-
and yes i'm going to pick on Aligreat of DB :P when Ali moved his army out quickly and started to burn cities in our area we had just taken from WOL and DB, he took one of my newly taken mines, i sent a bunch of armies at him, small ones i had in the area and so did other kingdom mates, did Ali set and gloat that he took out like 8 of our armies? no, Ali is a very smart and good player, he knew these smaller weaker armies were sacrificial and were meant to bring his army down in numbers so our Kangaroo's larger army could kill his army off, so he quickly converted my mine into an armory and tried to replenish his numbers and keep his army behind some walls. we simply out pumped him and kept hitting him with worthless armies. i know, a cheap but effective tactic on our part. now, if Ali would have had a few kingdom mates with him, our tactics would have been different and so would the outcome also, maybe in our favor, maybe in his. i end my lesson for today kids :D :P

03:41:20 Jul 1st 08 - Death Lord Draven:

as for WOL being no better then a newb kingdom? i don't think that is true at all. they have several good players including Vytautas Didysis who is also an ex Carnage player. Vytautas Didysis is a very good player who is becoming a very good leader. that's not to mention the ex BOW kingdom that merged into and became WOL. they'll be a great kingdom down the road when they get their new players up to their vet player's level, meaning get their team work to click, etc.

03:44:03 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

"Trio (23) and WoL (24) with both KD's being new"

ok then... if say trio is new well think again, they were here last era. WoL has been around for a long time. they have been knowen as LDK in the past. their was a split two era ago with LDK with AAA then LDK changed to WoL.

05:01:59 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Aligreat:


cheers draven


dam i underestimated you guys tho...those lil armies were planned? they needed to be killed or i wudda had to pay double cost. I honestly just thought you guys were really sloppy...well played i guess.

I only needed one of the attempts on underdog to not fail to get enough catas in queue to deal with all your armies your were setting up to merge....3 fails at 50-70%....all i needed was 1 break =( forced to pay 5k a cat...madness!!!!

I even still have 65mil more gold thats gonna vanish if i decide to restart...very lame.


07:46:09 Jul 1st 08 - Duke Krasksagon:

Carnage has lost a handful of its better warriors when Stormie vanished... some of them went to the splinter kingdom Havoc.  Does anyone know what happened to dear old Stormie?

11:00:51 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Durza VII:

Mr. Caradoc III


7/1/2008 5:44:03 AM

"Trio (23) and WoL (24) with both KD's being new"

ok then... if say trio is new well think again, they were here last era. WoL has been around for a long time. they have been knowen as LDK in the past. their was a split two era ago with LDK with AAA then LDK changed to WoL.


Absoluty WRONG!

LDK and BoW merged, and to be honest BoW have been around much longer than LDK. Do not forget that BoW form half of WoL as do LDK, do not tell it as if BoW never existed..!

14:37:20 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

Mr. Durza VII


7/1/2008 4:00:51 AM
Mr. Caradoc III


7/1/2008 5:44:03 AM

"Trio (23) and WoL (24) with both KD's being new"

ok then... if say trio is new well think again, they were here last era. WoL has been around for a long time. they have been knowen as LDK in the past. their was a split two era ago with LDK with AAA then LDK changed to WoL.


Absoluty WRONG!

LDK and BoW merged, and to be honest BoW have been around much longer than LDK. Do not forget that BoW form half of WoL as do LDK, do not tell it as if BoW never existed..!

ok well who cares? it is still part LDK which was my point. i wasnt their for the whole merge, only the split. and i never said BoW never exisited

14:41:23 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Jimbobstuington:

everyone sucks we all do

14:41:44 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Jimbobstuington:

wer all randm its funny

17:20:58 Jul 1st 08 - Death Lord Draven:

@Duke Krasksagon

last i heard, stormie is doing better but spent alot of time in the hospital.

17:35:37 Jul 1st 08 - Death Lord Draven:

@Ali yup the little armies and all armies not big enough to take out yours were sacrificial. a tactic we have used in the past brought up by Kangaroo, i had forgotten about it honestly. i think i first seen it used probably by LGC, but not sure on that. it is a cheap tactic but is usually effective.

i'm kind of shocked that you didn't recognize it, but glad in a way for my kingdom at least :P the same tactic can be used if a rogue is running in your core. the game itself is simple numbers which everyone already knows, if you can out pump your opponent in any area, you will eventually win. and you are correct Ali, luck plays a big factor in it, since Zeta designed it into the game ;)

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