Forums / In game politics / WoL - Teach your newbs!

WoL - Teach your newbs!
16:34:17 Aug 23rd 08 - Grumpy old Star:

I mean wtf?! Are you guys so cheeky or just plain and simply dumb?

Through the eye we can see this information about The Stop from Mr. Tiden[WoL]:
Stop from Mr. Tiden

Raist gets annoyed by the cheekyness of this fellow walking such an army right under his nose, dangling it like bait on a sharkhook...


Casting Rain of fire from XXX upon Stop with 70% chance of success... and Successful!
Fire rains from the sky and 12640 men in The Stop from Mr. Tiden[WoL] got burned to death.
Casting Rain of fire from XXX upon Stop with 72% chance of success... and Successful!
Fire rains from the sky and 1353 men in The Stop from Mr. Tiden[WoL] got burned to death.

Raist stops for a second as his unholy rage subsides and he remembers the Geneva convention and all that crap. With a tiny pang of guilt he goes checking for survivors...

Through the eye we can see this information about The Stop from Mr. Tiden[WoL]:
Stop from Mr. Tiden

There, let that be an object lesson to all you nabs out there about the importance of proper magic protection!


16:39:52 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Dalak The Forlorn:

They have bad habit of doing that..

16:40:44 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Shoon:

Soz that means he likes knights?

16:48:30 Aug 23rd 08 - General Zondervan:


18:22:19 Aug 23rd 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Grumpy old Star what point say here everything?

Now you show how much u are stupid... :P

18:24:56 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Samulis:

Didysis has a point.  I am not sure what it is, but it is a point.

on the other hand...

Grumpy old star, You should act with less vengance, with attitude like that, you could take osi out of a job! who would want that?

18:26:13 Aug 23rd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

well getting absolutly pwned for doing something that stupid is the best way to learn :)

18:27:22 Aug 23rd 08 - Grumpy old Star:

Osi was still a pup when i was flaming people around here, so please, don't compare old school to semi-fresh school :->

Vytauas what the point is? The point is that you should spend less time posting, more time reading, and even more time learning and/or training your nubtards.

18:27:37 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Lulz:

"Grumpy old Star what point say here everything?

Now you show how much u are stupid... :P "

You best be trolling nigga. Please say you realise just how much irony there is in your post. Lithuanians shouldn't be allowed to post these days anyway, they got emo about losing to Spain in the Olympics and now they BAW about everything.


18:28:07 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Revenge:

Thats somethign Justin would do >_<

Sure that isn't his multi ?

18:30:06 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Lulz:

"Thats somethign Justin would do >_<

Sure that isn't his multi ?"

Noooo... Justin is on Starta training nubs. =)

18:31:24 Aug 23rd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

god help those nubs

18:47:33 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Note to all nubs justin is training.

Knights are not faster than catas.
MUs are essential in your armies.

19:04:54 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Setsuna Seiei:

This ranks right up there with PERC (People for the Eradication of Rainbow Cities, if you can't remember that far back).

Unfortunately, I don't think people will get the message from this one either and keep wallowing in their ignorance.

21:56:22 Aug 23rd 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Grumpy old Star


8/23/2008 7:27:22 PMOsi was still a pup when i was flaming people around here, so please, don't compare old school to semi-fresh school :->

Vytauas what the point is? The point is that you should spend less time posting, more time reading, and even more time learning and/or training your nubtards.

U are not our dad or mum so shut up. Everyone play how they want , i can send one million farmers without mage and what? If i like do that...

If u don`t like watch moves i don`t say what u are *beep*ing *beep* . If u don`t like play basketball i don`t say what u are crazy *beep*. ;P

Your post is stupid....

21:57:04 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Penguin:

You best be trolling nigga. Please say you realise just how much irony there is in your post. Lithuanians shouldn't be allowed to post these days anyway, they got emo about losing to Spain in the Olympics and now they BAW about everything.


so im not allowed to post here ?

btw ;) so what we lost the match but we allways make to the top 4 no country could say that ;) we are playing in olympics since 92 and we always had won bronze but in 04 we lost to usa and got 4 place.. so we are one of the best basketball countrys and there is only 3millions of us ;)

22:01:22 Aug 23rd 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Mr. Lulz


8/23/2008 7:27:37 PM

"Grumpy old Star what point say here everything?

Now you show how much u are stupid... :P "

You best be trolling nigga. Please say you realise just how much irony there is in your post. Lithuanians shouldn't be allowed to post these days anyway, they got emo about losing to Spain in the Olympics and now they BAW about everything.

Wtf want u , go and *beep* u r spains.... If u see Spain vs Lithuania u can understand what was Spain luck. All judges was in spain side....

22:03:08 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Penguin:

btw to WOL > u never put mages in your armies as in it gets rofed i just know one guy who was amazing just divine in wol dunno if he is playing now "bomfnk" he made a great mage by playing orc ;) wol was almost dead that era until the war with pks started and he did a great job and got to #13 hoh ;)

put mages in armies its usefull :)

22:28:55 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Mazvis:

We have decided to play without MUs this era, otherwise it would be too easy. Move along, nothing to see here...

22:42:35 Aug 23rd 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

:D yeah :D

23:01:45 Aug 23rd 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Well Grumpy. A lot of people forget mages. I can name atleast 40 people I have come across this era, that at one time I have seen on Fantasia, that brought no mages. AND  I have seen DB players in the past do the exact same thing.

Magic is dead to a lot of people. Elves are mainly used for the AM's. So, instead of singling out one player from WoL, and making it seem like it is the whole kd. Why not make a thread addressing the issue as a whole?

Then again, your bitterness toards the decision of WoL this era would not be present if you did that, would it?

23:05:08 Aug 23rd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

dude if people are walking around this late in the era with no mages thinking magic is dead well they are just plain stupid

23:11:58 Aug 23rd 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Really? Ive seen people from Ret with no mages as well, or very little. As I have stated, one person in WoL is not the whole kd as was stated, but one player, who may have very well set the army to move not realizing the mages didnt transfer when he hit the button.

So, for him to create a thread trying the flame WoL for this is not good etiquette.

23:20:19 Aug 23rd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

then those people are indeed stupid and need to be taught a lesson

23:21:31 Aug 23rd 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Ok, apparently there is no room for discussion on this. People dont see reason, so, im out.

23:25:13 Aug 23rd 08 - Grumpy old Star:

Karac you are really full of it aren't you? :)
a) this thread is not flaming, it's downright telling you to teach your newbs to play (yes, he messaged me afterwards saying it was his first era... wtf, didnt you guys tell him the basics? tststs)
b) youve seen people with no mages walking around? So have i. But not in 700K op armies (and no he didn't "forget" to put them in, and lets not even get started on the knights mkay?)
c) Bitter about what decision exactly? Your decision to join the cattle that we feed off? Yes, i'm very bitter about it, infact i'm so bitter about it i'm gonna go and plunder me another city of yours. I love plundering fat hoes... :)

The ideas some KD's get, sheesh :->
And all a person does is point out their flaw(s) in a cough nice cough manner :p

23:25:17 Aug 23rd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

what is the reason :) someone made a serious error and got spanked for it. maybe people will learn, posting possible reasons for it wont do anything. you cant remove all forms of kd-kd flaming and banter or why have a forum?

23:58:46 Aug 23rd 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

No point flame player if he make mistake. And how say Karac is not good etiquette blaim another player. So Grumpy old Star I think you are stupid what post that in forum.

I don`t see reason... Very sad what my english is crap and I can`t say everything what i want.

a) this thread is not flaming, it's downright telling you to teach your newbs to play (yes, he messaged me afterwards saying it was his first era... wtf, didnt you guys tell him the basics? tststs)

Do you have right tell us what to do ? Maybe u can tell us when we can go piss in WC? is our choice what we take in kingdom so don`t start make *beep*...

b) youve seen people with no mages walking around? So have i. But not in 700K op armies (and no he didn't "forget" to put them in, and lets not even get started on the knights mkay?)

If he lost 50k knights do u think that is a lot? DB big merge lost against one guy.... and MU didn`t help ;P

00:00:50 Aug 24th 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Dark Lord Osiris


8/24/2008 12:25:17 AMwhat is the reason :) someone made a serious error and got spanked for it. maybe people will learn, posting possible reasons for it wont do anything. you cant remove all forms of kd-kd flaming and banter or why have a forum?

Do u think what need post everything in forum??????? Do u think what is error? IF he don`t like MU so he can play how he want. You don`t have right blame him...

00:02:38 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Big merge?

We have no big merges against WoL atm... so i don't know what your talking about.

00:04:07 Aug 24th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

if using no mages is not an err then you crack on with it mate. he can play how he wants yes... but then would you have said the same if your vollyball team stood perfectly still because thats how they want to plat?

00:05:50 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

He means Raists lil rag tag merge lol.

Did that merge not slaughter the WOL merge immediately after? =p

00:06:07 Aug 24th 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Sir Harry The Crazy


8/24/2008 1:02:38 AM

Big merge?

We have no big merges against WoL atm... so i don't know what your talking about.

Not against us :) this merge was over 300k and lost against PKS guy  :) not against us. I don`t mean nothing bad just saying what nobody don`t have right blaim...

00:07:01 Aug 24th 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Mr. Jdquench


8/24/2008 1:05:50 AM

He means Raists lil rag tag merge lol.

Did that merge not slaughter the WOL merge immediately after? =p

Yes you right :) because there was many many MU :D

00:09:29 Aug 24th 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Dark Lord Osiris


8/24/2008 1:04:07 AMif using no mages is not an err then you crack on with it mate. he can play how he wants yes... but then would you have said the same if your vollyball team stood perfectly still because thats how they want to plat?

IF I understand right u r question so answer is yes :)

00:10:18 Aug 24th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

so you support the idea of everyone can do what they like? Electricians and builders dont need to do anything right if they dont want to? :D

00:10:45 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

PKS, WoL... hmm, who is to tell the difference?


I'll avoid the pun of my post... for now...

00:12:32 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Caradoc IV:

i learned the same way...

00:14:40 Aug 24th 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Dark Lord Osiris


8/24/2008 1:10:18 AMso you support the idea of everyone can do what they like? Electricians and builders dont need to do anything right if they dont want to? :D

I mean in games ofc and in life, but if u r job are elekric so u must do u r job ;P dont to make a mull ;) This game are Fantasy game so here can`t be rule create MU ! :) In real life u can choice or u want eat meat or no. Simply things ;)

00:15:11 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Einskaldir:

well there is few mages and then there is none. you can still get spelled with too few but its not as effective and costs more magic power. no mages you get pwned though. please don't talk about it too much, the era is almost over and we want to be able to freeze and rof them next era also

00:15:39 Aug 24th 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Sir Harry The Crazy


8/24/2008 1:10:45 AM

PKS, WoL... hmm, who is to tell the difference?


I'll avoid the pun of my post... for now...

Easy is two differents kingdoms ;P ;DD

00:17:02 Aug 24th 08 - Duke Vytautas Didysis:

Mr. Einskaldir


8/24/2008 1:15:11 AMwell there is few mages and then there is none. you can still get spelled with too few but its not as effective and costs more magic power. no mages you get pwned though. please don't talk about it too much, the era is almost over and we want to be able to freeze and rof them next era also

Don`t wory how say

Mr. Mazvis
8/23/2008 11:28:55 PMWe have decided to play without MUs this era, otherwise it would be too easy. Move along, nothing to see here...

so we do that and next era ;D

01:05:41 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Revenge:


02:23:48 Aug 24th 08 - Grumpy old Star:

Vytautas your defensive stance in favour of stupidity is admiring and i have to say that you are utterly right. You indeed have all right to play as *beep*ic as you want. I will hope that it's dully noted tho that i retain my stance that it takes the fun out of the game as there are fewer and fewer decent opponents to actually have a war with and not ju*beep*ll-scale slaughter. Moo to you, moo to you...

03:33:44 Aug 24th 08 - Duke Drakos:

*sigh* That is sad I'll admit. I have told my people numerous times(numerous era's) to have at least 2:1 mu coverage AND Magic Protection cast.
 Hopefully a few rof's will get their attention because some obviously aren't taking my advice. *starts handing out asbestos umbrella's to everyone within reach*

03:39:23 Aug 24th 08 - Duke Drakos:

Oh, and as for the "they(WoL) have a bad habit of doing that" comments. It would be short sighted of you all, and misinformed, to label the kd as a whole for the actions of a few. Their are those among us that have very good mage coverage. Me being one. ;)
 Personally I have run into more than a few enemy armies this era that have had little or no mu's, and I didn't feel the need to start a thread about it.

03:40:04 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Shoon:

Did we wonder away from the subject...?

06:18:35 Aug 24th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

And yes, that is right, I am flaming someone, where?

Grumpy. All i am stating is exactly what drakos just said "Personally I have run into more than a few enemy armies this era that have had little or no mu's, and I didn't feel the need to start a thread about it. "

I am not in WoL, and have no ties to them, I am just tired of people going after the same kingdoms with bull crap.

As to joining the cattle you feed upon, I seem to know that WoL offered you an alliance, and it was refused, but instead you offered to give them a CF until you were done with PKS, then you set up an armory in WoLs core.

Hmmmm, yeah, id let that pass.

08:07:06 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

what? that  looks like all my armies, & i always try for lvl 15 farm sci before i get  my lvl 20 med sci! i know what i'm doing, how you?

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