Forums / In game politics / Wol Wrecking Cities !

Wol Wrecking Cities !
19:54:32 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Strongbow:

I don't mind you guys wrecking your own cities (After all Wol means "Wreckages of Lithuania") but why in the nine hells you are wrecking towns you take with tinny armies?

I mean making 2000-4000 sized armies is just easy and go rampage over towns, wrecking small cities etc, is this really what you can do? Where is your honour Wol, or you think wrecking towns will give you points, if you cant withstand defeat you just can quit this game e be done with it!?

Pointing at no-other then Duke Drakos,

discuss ...

19:57:24 Apr 23rd 08 - Duke Argyle:

Owned! Burning is one of the oldest warmethods there is! It's an easy way to destroy your opponent.

Gogo Drakos!! :D

20:12:21 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Badabooom:

Mr. Strongbow


4/23/2008 8:54:32 PM

I don't mind you guys wrecking your own cities (After all Wol means "Wreckages of Lithuania") but why in the nine hells you are wrecking towns you take with tinny armies?

I mean making 2000-4000 sized armies is just easy and go rampage over towns, wrecking small cities etc, is this really what you can do? Where is your honour Wol, or you think wrecking towns will give you points, if you cant withstand defeat you just can quit this game e be done with it!?

Pointing at no-other then Duke Drakos,

discuss ...


u dont have to bee in goood position to win , u could also win by makin ur oponents in bad positions .

20:55:32 Apr 23rd 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

Strongbow is a nubbie then yes?!

wrecking cities is used ALL OVER the VU-worlds...the only reason being...cripling the enemy's economy...the less gold you get...the less troops you can get...the easier you'll be as a target...easy innit?!

now will everybody PLEASE shu'up about wrecking cities and stop making crappy threads ffs!

21:15:50 Apr 23rd 08 - Lord Legandary Zucox:

you see.. that's another strategy i am talking about without wall...  strongbow. well.. i have friends and enemies in WoL.. :P but i think they are doing right..

21:29:32 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Justanius:

....tough luck its not like there gonna rebuild for u strongbow

21:45:47 Apr 23rd 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Bad Strongbow  :(

22:13:32 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Strongbow:

Duke Argyle


4/23/2008 7:57:24 PM
Owned! Burning is one of the oldest warmethods there is! It's an easy way to destroy your opponent.

Gogo Drakos!! :D

Lol before jumping into arguments Argyle, They are not destroying us but we are, and second *beep* in Mantrax or whatever lower world you are!

Demonic Shezmu


4/23/2008 8:55:32 PM
Strongbow is a nubbie then yes?!

wrecking cities is used ALL OVER the VU-worlds...the only reason being...cripling the enemy's economy...the less gold you get...the less troops you can get...the easier you'll be as a target...easy innit?!

now will everybody PLEASE shu'up about wrecking cities and stop making crappy threads ffs!

For calling me a newb you just newb3d yourself . Move on ..

Lord Legandary Zucox


4/23/2008 9:15:50 PM
you see.. that's another strategy i am talking about without wall...  strongbow. well.. i have friends and enemies in WoL.. :P but i think they are doing right..

Right or bad they are loosin, hence i think they are desperate.

Mr. Justanius


4/23/2008 9:29:32 PM

....tough luck its not like there gonna rebuild for u strongbow

Yah, lol not that hard but annoying :) you know ..

Sir Sausage Roll


4/23/2008 9:45:47 PM
Bad Strongbow  :(

For one Revenge, jesus take a rest man.

22:14:53 Apr 23rd 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

protect your core than...

22:49:18 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Strongbow:

Pirate Lewatha


4/23/2008 10:14:53 PM
protect your core than...

Nah it's ok it was a food town out of our core tho sux to see small armies with lvl1 troops just to do that work :/ What i mean is Wrecking is not a good business after all.

23:17:27 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Inconspicuous:

Wrecking never was meant to be a good business.
It was bad business.
A good tactic for making good business become bad business.

Bad business. That's wrecking for you. Good tactic.

23:27:18 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Clamps The Redeemed:

I'd rather worry about tiny armies running around wrecking everything than 4-5 massive merges on all of the fant map, and nothing else, just bumping each other back and forth. This is why I like no walls, just lots and lots of paranoia =p

23:34:51 Apr 23rd 08 - Mr. Killer:

What the hell is wrong with wrecking cities? You don't want massive armies to wreck cities either, they take way too long to move about the place, and more conspicious as well. No matter if they are losing or not, they may as well try and fight back. Accept your insults, and shut up trying to back up your arguments, because, simply, you don't have one. Just kill them off if you're winning.

00:53:19 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

lol strong how could you complain about this? they are your enemies, they have a right to attack you...

00:54:06 Apr 24th 08 - General Beaverjuice:

strongbow tut tut how can you bring this up and then somehow claim your not some newb?

00:59:39 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Mac Dre:

Don't Worry Strongbow
as you can see
Wol will die b4 era end


01:01:56 Apr 24th 08 - Duke Greater Penor:

As you seem to be very upset about this Bowie I'd guess WoL are doing a good job...

Isn't this supposed to be a war-game? When on earth did it become wrong to destroy things in such a game?


01:34:43 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

Mr. Brannigans Law


4/23/2008 7:53:19 PM
lol strong how could you complain about this? they are your enemies, they have a right to attack you...
He laughs at means war!

02:14:18 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Strongbow:

Duke Greater Penor


4/24/2008 1:01:56 AM
As you seem to be very upset about this Bowie I'd guess WoL are doing a good job...

Isn't this supposed to be a war-game? When on earth did it become wrong to destroy things in such a game?



Upset? No man, annoyed yes, oh and so far Wol had been an annoyance rather then putting a tough fight, And don't worry i don't care bout my 12k food town mind you, rather how annoying a kd can be, if you don't understand this then "you deserve each other". Outta my way annoyance ...

General Beaverjuice


4/24/2008 12:54:06 AM
strongbow tut tut how can you bring this up and then somehow claim your not some newb?

Pointing out ANNOYANCE, i respect a decent war, and LGC had put up one. I remember we had switched back and forth some cities, did you guys actually wrecked anything, or had we anything ?

Mr. Brannigans Law


4/24/2008 12:53:19 AM
lol strong how could you complain about this? they are your enemies, they have a right to attack you...

Actually, I tell you smth, many times i have had my Armories wrecked but i had to loose a fight and accept that wreckage (As in casualty of war) but what i think wrong is swarming lvl1 troops for a single purpose "Annoyance".

02:27:54 Apr 24th 08 - Duke Greater Penor:

ahahahah, this is freaking hilarious!

The last post from you Bowie will be a "VU-Priceless memory".

02:44:29 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Strongbow:

Duke Greater Penor


4/24/2008 2:27:54 AM
ahahahah, this is freaking hilarious!

The last post from you Bowie will be a "VU-Priceless memory".

Actually this behavior of yours kinda  reminds me in state of mind one of unmanageable emotional excesses. Thats heavy diagnose man! If you don't want to participate or by intention want to actually humiliate people go find some other threads, this is not yours :D


02:57:14 Apr 24th 08 - Lord Legandary Zucox:

man.. if you are winning why are you taking this to public??? yeah.. once again.. why do i bother to post here even WoL players don't say anything about it..:P anyway, have fun.. and remember, Eco strike is the new strategy in VU...

03:23:36 Apr 24th 08 - Sir Hiding:

strongbow is obviously new................drakos and co are very well known for this tactic......

03:31:44 Apr 24th 08 - Duke Greater Penor:

Don't you see how wrong you are to use all those "big" words against me at this point Bowie?

You are upset, why?

Because as you say;

  1. Another kingdom that you are warring are attacking you back. (There isn't a single species that don't fight back, not in VU, and not in RL.)
  2. They are taking cities from you and wrecking them. (How about defednding them... Oh yea, I forgot that you don't mind them taking that food town of your's, which, by the way you are writing seems to be the only town they have taken and destroyed, so why complaining about it?)
  3. They are using lvl1 troops(If you can't handle some lvl1 troops I believe Beaverjuice were right in his statement.)
  4. They are annoying. (Maybe you should play Sim City instead and turn of disasters?)

04:01:58 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Mac Dre:

you only mistake was makin this thread =)

04:34:53 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Wolfman:

Things were so much simpler when you could simply Burn a city, rather than waste resources wrecking them. Its the best way to beat an opponent stronger than you OR when you are outnumbered.

Wrecking is only second best, but now the Burn option is gone. ZETA, BRING BACK THE BURN OPTION!

04:50:15 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Mac Dre:

You should go post that in the

05:06:06 Apr 24th 08 - Demonic Shezmu:

rofl...someone is whining about some ruined cities and being called nubbie and thinks he actually isn't a nubbie?! then STOP YER WHINING YOU PANSY! it's a wargame...go play oh I dunno...ehm...yeah indeed as the Greater Penor said before...Sim City without the Disasters...or perhaps Patience...but well looking at this'll prolly go and cry at yer mums when you can't finish the game...

05:51:26 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Charley II:

06:02:24 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Mac Dre:

Soo woot

08:02:41 Apr 24th 08 - The Architect:

08:19:20 Apr 24th 08 - Sir Slade:


Strongbow what KD r u in

10:57:59 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Random:

um since there is no burn and destroy option wrecking cities has become the only option deal with it guys.

13:34:46 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Strongbow:

Mr. Mac Dre


4/24/2008 4:01:58 AM
you only mistake was makin this thread =)


I guess you are right, there is no way to discuss wellfare in here. Now the thread has gone offtopic and there are quite a good people in here to hijack threads (look above and you can pick em easily). Many people think i'm personaly pissed over at small town, i'm actually pissed at certain people attitude and behavior. What I wanted to do is make people reflect and make VU better environment and fun to play. Jesus you get tons of pictures unlooked for ... even the edit sometimes wouldn't work so several people who posted stupid remarks should edit and reflect. Simple, there ain't no discussion here. 

13:41:57 Apr 24th 08 - Duke Greater Penor:

Bowie is my hero.

16:13:01 Apr 24th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

DRT wrecked my armory, god, ban  them, this is a bad tactic, i hate this game ;P


Whine Whine Whine, as stated, you are winning, stop pissing and moaning, when we were on the offensive and taking your cities, we didnt *beep* when the first 10 we took were all wreckages, so shut up hypocrite.


I give congrats to DRT after two weeks of fighting they finally took some of OUR towns, only after our LGC border fell did they make a good push.

16:15:06 Apr 24th 08 - Sir Gilgamash Leich:

16:37:31 Apr 24th 08 - Sir Hiding:

you are kewl Bow.

16:48:04 Apr 24th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Sir Sausage Roll


4/23/2008 9:45:47 PM
Bad Strongbow  :(

For one Revenge, jesus take a rest man.


Coming from the guy that has humiliated himself infront of the VU community after complaining some cities got wrecked

Dont worry , Im sure someone will pick your dummy up for you

17:02:49 Apr 24th 08 - Duke Drakos:

His ingame message to me, and my response.   :P
Mr. Strongbow [DRT] (4/23/2008 9:05:49 AM) GOOD BAD
Excuse my manners but is this all you can do?
From the bottom of my heart, FCUK OFF !!!
You (4/23/2008 8:04:14 PM)
Thats ironic.....lets see now, we retake several of our towns a few days ago when the fighting was back and forth, and *gasp*, they are all wreckages when we regained them. So after several instances of that I finally resort to the same low tactic employed against us by you and yours & you dare to complain?? If ignorance is bliss, you must be an extremely happy individual.
Go lay down in whatever dark corner you crawled out from...

17:17:36 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Karac, it took that long because of one LGC city holding up a very large number of troops, we quite simply couldn't get a CW on it for some reason, we tried many, many times and every time it failed, even with high %'s. :(

but as you saw, once we turned our efforts towards you, you didn't last long.

and with regards to the original post and the direct replies to it:

Wrecking cities is a tactic yes, but after you fight a war with someone and get absolutely nothing for it, it sucks. Which makes this a lame tactic to use a very lame tactic indeed, especially when they do it to every single city they own, no, it's not that they are doing it to a few of their cities it's practically all of them.

17:19:49 Apr 24th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Like you all did for us? Again, that reference is not being addressed.


As for pushing us once u turned to us, yes, i said that, ONCE LGC FELL, thats the only reason you are pushing us, otherwise you would still be on ur side of the river.

17:21:42 Apr 24th 08 - Duke Drakos:

Now to set few things straight in his above rambling and untruths that wasn't covered in my response....

Firstly, my army in question is Level 3's and up. I have not built a lvl 1 since day 1 oop. (that means "out of protection" for you Trio nubbie's) It started off as a XX that has been steadily whittled down to its present size. If you had been paying attention the past few days you would of realized that.
 Secondly, I took your totally unprotected town because I wanted a place to spawn a scout or two, and to enjoy the money earned from selling the 50k slaves I took. Also enjoyed your resources gained from capturing it and having the production the few ticks I owned it.
 When I saw your armies approaching, I destroyed the builds. A common tactic on "Fantasia"...and one that I hadn't employed until it was utilized against us...Indeed it was one that was employed against us earlier in the fight against Sheolic in the first days oop. We didn't complain then, because as stated by me earlier, and several Fant vets, its a tactic used in a tactical war game and expected....Slow me down if you need anything clarified. I can dumb it down or draw pictures for you.
 As far as the small moving armies....When the great walls were taken away, it was to make this game a more fluid and fast moving game, exctly what Zeta wanted...What moves quicker? A XXXX merge or a III or X size army of nothing but not strain your brain....the smaller army moves quicker.
 As far as the better environment in VU....look in the mirror, your KD has engaged in smack talk, offensive messages, and whining and complaining from tha start...seems to be counterproductive to your supposed goal....if you would truly like to make VU a friendlier place, resign.

17:22:34 Apr 24th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

Most Powerful Armies

owned by Duke Treniota

owned by Mr. Condinho

Peace Out
owned by Mr. Darkrider

Peacecrushers III
owned by Duke Arzoon

Crimson Fist
owned by Mr. Von Darkmoor

owned by Mr. Blunts

Freedom Fighters V
owned by Mr. Durza The Wolfen Avenger
owned by Fire Lord Nova

owned by Mr. Threehundredpoundlezzie

owned by Khan Senki


Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[DB] Dark Blood
With Lady Quietone as leader.

[SHEOL] Sheolic Empire
With Mr. Diomedes as leader.

[DRT] Dark Trio
With Mr. Squiddy as leader.

[WoL] Wolves of Lithuania
With Duke Drakos as leader.
[Havoc] Carnage
With Lord Zombie Marche as leader.

[PKS] Peacekeepers
With Sir Grim Darkhammer as leader.

[Zeon] Zeon
With Mr. Messiah as leader.

[LGC] Legacy
With Mr. Roxbury as leader.

[SS] Soul Society
With Mr. Aizen as leader.

[AoD] Army of Darkness
With Mr. Ruck as leader.


Number 1 HoH army, Number 6 HoH army and Number 4 kd, yeah, we will be dead before the era is over ;)

17:30:06 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Durza The Wolfen Avenger:

Mr. Strongbow


4/23/2008 9:54:32 PM

I don't mind you guys wrecking your own cities (After all Wol means "Wreckages of Lithuania") but why in the nine hells you are wrecking towns you take with tinny armies?

I mean making 2000-4000 sized armies is just easy and go rampage over towns, wrecking small cities etc, is this really what you can do? Where is your honour Wol, or you think wrecking towns will give you points, if you cant withstand defeat you just can quit this game e be done with it!?

Pointing at no-other then Duke Drakos,

discuss ...


You are a NOOB who needs to learn how to play the game. Destroying cities, their is nothing wrong with, it's a tactic fool, deal with it! I mean jesus, not one to complain are you? asswhipe. Our honour is their, if you want to talk about honour, your in for a raping. Shall we devulge some info?? We wanted some kind of NAP with trio, they turned us down, as we had just been defeated by Sheolic, fair enough. But then they have the cheek, one we were strong again and knocking on their door, to come and ask for a Deal where we BETRAY LGC, where is your honour now biatch?

17:32:29 Apr 24th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Duke Drakos


4/24/2008 5:21:42 PM
Now to set few things straight in his above rambling and untruths that wasn't covered in my response....

Firstly, my army in question is Level 3's and up. I have not built a lvl 1 since day 1 oop. (that means "out of protection" for you Trio nubbie's) It started off as a XX that has been steadily whittled down to its present size. If you had been paying attention the past few days you would of realized that.
 Secondly, I took your totally unprotected town because I wanted a place to spawn a scout or two, and to enjoy the money earned from selling the 50k slaves I took. Also enjoyed your resources gained from capturing it and having the production the few ticks I owned it.
 When I saw your armies approaching, I destroyed the builds. A common tactic on "Fantasia"...and one that I hadn't employed until it was utilized against us...Indeed it was one that was employed against us earlier in the fight against Sheolic in the first days oop. We didn't complain then, because as stated by me earlier, and several Fant vets, its a tactic used in a tactical war game and expected....Slow me down if you need anything clarified. I can dumb it down or draw pictures for you.
 As far as the small moving armies....When the great walls were taken away, it was to make this game a more fluid and fast moving game, exctly what Zeta wanted...What moves quicker? A XXXX merge or a III or X size army of nothing but not strain your brain....the smaller army moves quicker.
 As far as the better environment in VU....look in the mirror, your KD has engaged in smack talk, offensive messages, and whining and complaining from tha start...seems to be counterproductive to your supposed goal....if you would truly like to make VU a friendlier place, resign.

Owned  ;]

17:33:32 Apr 24th 08 - Duke Drakos:

actually WoL stands for "Warring on Losers" in regards to Strongbow.

17:38:10 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Durza The Wolfen Avenger:

To be honest strongbow, you just got your ass handed to you by 3 different players :)

17:57:07 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Squiddy:

Well, firstly Drakos, you mention about Sheol using the burning tactic, what's that got to do with us?

Secondly, I wouldn't start belittling other players and their respective KD's about their game play, without first looking at yourselves.

Why did you change to WoL from LDK? From our view, you play exactly the same, blind charges and no defence. Oh, wait, now you guys have finally discovered magic and how to defend against it. You still use the same pathetic diplomatic approach, never responding to anyone, leading people on just like what happened with us a few eras ago when you guys decided to plant some armouries and a hoh army by our core. So that, if anything is why you get some stick through PM's.

Wow, you have some HoH armies? Is anyone supposed to be impressed by that? HoH means nothing, either way they are going to die soon. Seriously, have you not learnt that number 1 HoH army actually doesn't make it the strongest army on the server?

With regards to "our cheek" at asking for a NaP/CF, "once you were strong again", sure, is that against the rules now? We would rather have fought LGC instead of deal with you at the same time. Another /fail at your pathetic diplomatic understandings and procedures, as usual. It's common sense to not want to exhaust resources, something I'm not sure you guys are familiar with. Well you should be now, considering the abysmal state of your core.

Another thing, do NOT start insulting our members, then have the utter arrogance to say how much better you guys are than us. Smack talk? Where? They are light hearted attempts at mockery - in other words a joke. Learn to take one instead of just taking everything that's said towards you as, "smack talk". It's just a bit of competitive fun, I'm sure if your KD ever won at anything you would understand that it's merely a bit of fun.

To be honest Durza, your KD just got, and is still getting their *beep*s handed to them on and off the map, just like every other era we have fought against LDK... Oh.. sorry I mean WoL.

18:07:51 Apr 24th 08 - Mr. Durza The Wolfen Avenger:

Lol, LDK? Actually squidy, its BoW and LDK, so shhh. Every other era you have fought LDK not BoW so shut up and stop being so big headed... Also, you did try and get us to Betray LGC not just NAP/Cf you, attack them!

Also talking of attacking players verbally? Well cmon, rich comparing the fact one of your players jus verbally attacked our whole KINGDOM!. And another thing where did we blatantly say "We are better than you!"? We didn't so shhhs on that aswell.

Also not responding to your message. Did you really expect us to? We posted it in our forums, had a good laugh and so on... But we were never intending on replying to such a arrogant offer.

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