Forums / In game politics / World Awards Era 42

World Awards Era 42
13:50:18 Oct 28th 09 - Mr. Royal Flush:

Meh, Lew is inactive and Ryan is gona die anyway :)


The Bushido Award for most Honorable:

The WMD Award for most Destructive:

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD:

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD:

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless:

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful:


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics:

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User:

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike:

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer:

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era:

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat:

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor:

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around:

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway":

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying:

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames:

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner:

Sexiest Banner:

Oddest Ruler Name:

The Best Sp@mmer:

14:00:20 Oct 28th 09 - Mr. Royal Flush:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: HIV

The WMD Award for most Destructive: No Pulse

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: HIV

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: Domination

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: No Pulse

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Crazy


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Hanky

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User:

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Jones takes this by a mile.

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Nova

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Duke Bad Kitty

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Random/Hanky

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Dunno?

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Jones

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Me and Slave

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Charley

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: None deserve this

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: No Pulse [ I made it ]

Sexiest Banner: Google

Oddest Ruler Name: Kajuima

The Best Sp@mmer: Septim by default

14:00:57 Oct 28th 09 - Mr. Ryan The Drow Ranger:

LOL! I'll place my head before Lew to lick. :))

14:11:19 Oct 28th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

^  BIASED!!!


i stopped playing a few days ago so will answer the questions based on the situations back then


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: PHI win this by a long shot

The WMD Award for most Destructive:  RVL purge into Fant

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD:  Crazy, not seen these guys

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD:  No pulse

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: HIV 

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Rebirth 


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Elsin

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Crissxcross, betty from fate

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike:  Kool and Jill

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer:  Ez!!

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Rebirth due to their way of playing 

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: hanky :) you guys gotta lot of relations 

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: probably somone from either crazy or no pulse, there was a whole thread on cf breaking but i didnt bother too read much

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around:  Rox you frisky fellow and who ever wins era

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Banehallow, Gee

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Charley

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: all boring

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner:  not RVL!!

Sexiest Banner:  not RVL!

Oddest Ruler Name:  invisible pink unicorn

The Best Sp@mmer:  rev

15:26:39 Oct 28th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Rebirth > lol?

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Rebirth due to their way of playing > more lol?

so according to you we farmed almost the whole era? now what era was that exactly? I would really like to know, since I know that I wasnīt in rebirth that era.

And what agreement did we break (except the one with Phi that we fixed right away)? the one that didnīt exist? right...

15:52:01 Oct 28th 09 - Mr. Royal Flush:

Wow Stirlin is a troll ?!

16:00:04 Oct 28th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXIII:

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike:  Kool and Jill...i loled

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD:  No pulse...i dont think we are a bunch of player who started playing last era...i hope not :/

16:12:06 Oct 28th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXIII:

The Bushido Award for most Honorable: phi

The WMD Award for most Destructive: no pulse

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: crazy

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: us if it had to be one....but then again could be crazy they didnt do too bad 

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: rvl

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: crazy


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: hanky

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User:no idea probs crisscross

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: jones or other contestants

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: has to be nova or someone of fate

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: duke bad kitty

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: hanky and random plus i made another cf ;)

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: hmm ppl can say random for attacking crazy....but then again i would say its crazy for blocking him into an enemy core and blocking the rest of our kingdom mates from entering...

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: jones

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": hmm randoms sexy?

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: mithras

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: soo many flames this era

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: no pulse ;)

Sexiest Banner: hentai or whatever

Oddest Ruler Name: jonny rotten

The Best Sp@mmer: rev

16:19:35 Oct 28th 09 - Sir Sorra:

Just wondering,

Why is it the  Condoleeza Rice award for best diplomat, she was a horrible diplomat. Just look at her speeches, the way she conducts herself during her speeches and even more, her track record.

It should be somthing like The BarrackObama/ The Obama Award or the Nelson Mandela Award.

Now those are 2 good diplomats and have a better ring to them, especially The Obama Award. The Mandela award sounds better aswell.

Just a Thought

16:25:17 Oct 28th 09 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XXIII:

mandela mate

16:40:48 Oct 28th 09 - Fire Lord Nova The Incinerator:

Over 1.5m kills and 30+ cities taken and I STILL get the Farmer award. Damn I must be freaking AWESOME!

16:52:25 Oct 28th 09 - Lady Jessica Rabbit:

lol yes you are yarlin, yes you are:P <still waiting on my produce though>

seriously though, anyone from fate as best farmers? can i have what you are smoking? yet another reason why these awards are not to be taken too seriously:P

17:01:45 Oct 28th 09 - Mr. Suqah:

Why do kingdoms that already existed get the new player kd. award?

Domination demands it! :O

17:02:35 Oct 28th 09 - Fire Lord Nova The Incinerator:

Sorry to inform you that your order of 30 "Auto Spankings 5000" machines has been stolen by No Pulse. =(

17:11:18 Oct 28th 09 - Wolflord Karac:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: RVL and ROC (they fought with me without even being allied, thank you guys <3)

The WMD Award for most Destructive: RVL and PHI

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: Sol Invictus

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: Hamish

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: RVL

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Crazy

The Best Two-KD Fighting Force: PHI and RVL. <---- added a category.


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Durza or Kool

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Crissxcross and Scrooge McDuck

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Durza, Millman, Kool or Birdhows

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Random <3 ;P

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Edd and Duke Bad Kitty

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: No Pulse all Around

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Edd

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Rox, Sazunas or Durza

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Random, way too sexy

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Charley

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: None whatsoever

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: RVL's first one

Sexiest Banner: PHI

Oddest Ruler Name: No Good Ones

The Best Sp@mmer: Septim, just works I guess.

17:25:09 Oct 28th 09 - Mr. Royal Flush:

Congrats Karac on sucking RVL's dick in your post :)

17:27:06 Oct 28th 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:


so Phi is honourable despite admitting to breaking a nap?
Crazy is peaceful despite warring several alliances and the retards voting that just happen to be from alliances we are at war with and the one who brok a nap with us?

benedict arnold award is duke backstab/random by far.
as for the rest its all about you turds in kais skype playing with each other anyway.

18:19:20 Oct 28th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Yup pretty much. Sucks you dont have a skype doesnt it? Enjoy next era.

18:19:57 Oct 28th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

And revenge, I just speak the truth of things ;P RVL owned this era, along with No Pulse.

18:24:35 Oct 28th 09 - Princess Medusa:

I dont understand why you keep bringing this thread back.
Everyone just votes for themselves and their friends
Whats the point of all this?

18:31:34 Oct 28th 09 - Endless Death:

The WMD Award for most Destructive:
The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless:

No Pulse or Revelation, doesn't really make a difference to me ... official or unofficial relations ftw ;)

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike:
 going to go with the top 4 since Jones missed most if not all of the Fantasia party

  1. Mr. Chavez has won 138 battles, captured 145 cities and killed a total of 3044268 men and women.
  2. Mr. Dargoth has won 89 battles, captured 107 cities and killed a total of 1589426 men and women.
  3. Sir Binh The Conqueror has won 150 battles, captured 92 cities and killed a total of 3745955 men and women.
  4. Mr. Gray Goobeard has won 67 battles, captured 89 cities and killed a total of 290214 men and women.

The Fantasia Hobbit award for the Best Farmer:
Looks like it's Elsin atm

  1.  Mr. Elsin Member of: Revelation.
  2. Lord Stewie Griffin Member of: No Pulse.
  3. Lord Lazydragoon Member of: No Pulse.
  4. Lady Jade Member of: Revelation.

18:34:46 Oct 28th 09 - Duke Drakos:

Yes Bad Kitty, PHI garnered votes for most Honorable from people in the know, not people who blow*.....

*look in mirror

18:45:54 Oct 28th 09 - Mr. Suqah:

Endless Death, I don't reckon taking undefended cities qualifies you for most warlike like this guy:
Mr. Gray Goobeard has won 67 battles, captured 89 cities and killed a total of 290214 men and women.

Anyway, everyone has his opinion I guess.

18:51:16 Oct 28th 09 - Sir Overcome:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: ROC

The WMD Award for most Destructive: RVL

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: i expected to hear more from Crazy and Dynamite.

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: Hamish

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: RVL

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Crazy?


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Jasmina was best in Rebirth

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Gokken was best in Rebirth (is dwarf and froze a 500 k elf army at the end^^)

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Nova

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Satanclauses was best in Rebirth, restarted and catched up insanly fast while he was pretty inactive

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Penguin (just cause he loves this award):P

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Gokken is the best diplomate i've ever had^^

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: those who broke NAP's and stuff

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Jasmina was best in Rebirth. she was everywhere and did a great job both on battlefiled and forum.

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": no one i can think of o.O

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: AJ in Rebirth, got 3 RP:O

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: cant really say i've seen any good ones

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: Hamish (could use some colour though)

Sexiest Banner: Google

Oddest Ruler Name: some of the Fate players has good ones

The Best Sp@mmer:Stirlin

18:54:31 Oct 28th 09 - Sir Struddle:

The Bushido Award for most Honorable: PHI had our backs throughout the era

The WMD Award for most Destructive: HIV (Dargoth, Binh, Qassim) No Pulse (Rev, Random) Foundation (Beast)

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: Rebirth (until the end of the era I was wondering if Rebirth was even still there) MAD (where are you guys?) Crazy (Despite Kitty with his loud mouthing your kingdom wasnt around much. I expect a lot more out of you guys.)

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: Domination

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Revelation

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Rebirth (not sure about the wars and such but you guys fell off the face of the earth after you tried invading Fant and it didnt succeed.)


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Revelation (Roxbury) PHI (all you guys played very smart)

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Revelation (Elsin) PHI (Whoever froze Kitty lol) FATE (not sure who their mage was but I'll give em credit)

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: FATE (Beast) HIV (Dargoth, Binh) Nibiru (Sprout)

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: All the Halfers :P lol jk

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Duke Bad Kitty

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Our very own lovely Jade

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Rebirth........ oh no wait they arent traitors we didnt have an actual NAP or anything so it's all cool.

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Roxbury was everywhere.

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": how can you be sexy your playing this game?

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Charley

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: bah dont care

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: RVL and the all seeing eye

Sexiest Banner: Google by far (awesome banner Res)

Oddest Ruler Name: Invisible Pink Unicorn

The Best Sp@mmer: Septim

19:05:19 Oct 28th 09 - Sir Overcome:

"The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Rebirth (not sure about the wars and such but you guys fell off the face of the earth after you tried invading Fant and it didnt succeed.)"

well we have actually been warring all era:P in the correct order of time: ROC, Fate, Bane, RVL, PHI, Dynamite, A-Team and Hamish for one hour:P

We had a little break after we gave up Fate, but that was just because the negotiations wtih RVL took forever, and then it took a while with HIV:P

19:09:36 Oct 28th 09 - Endless Death:

@Suqah, the we need to nuke "most warlike" because odds are high he isn't the only one acquiring undefended cities

19:15:14 Oct 28th 09 - Mr. Leavemebeimfarming:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: Dynamite

The WMD Award for most Destructive: No Pulse

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: Lightning Dust

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: A Team

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Dynamite

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Outsiders (too peaceful..)


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Jones

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Not seen much magic on talents to shout about

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Jones

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: someone in my kd  ;)

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Kath

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: ?

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: You know who you are

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Augh

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": TBL (I know your still out there!!)

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: ?

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: none

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame

Sexiest Banner: none

Oddest Ruler Name: Sir Gonads The Raging

The Best Sp@mmer: none

19:27:31 Oct 28th 09 - Sir Overcome:

Battles won: 454
Battles lost: 328

not bad for a peacefull KD:P

20:12:11 Oct 28th 09 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

compared to other kgdms, and considering you are battling empty cities not that high, it is good, but for 31 players, should be much higher i think,

No Pulse
Battles won: 1588
Battles lost: 458

Battles won: 670
Battles lost: 305

KoH (only 9 players, and they have more than a kgdm fo 31 players)

Battles won: 461
Battles lost: 202


Battles won: 782
Battles lost: 428

20:50:15 Oct 28th 09 - Mr. Frodo Lost His Ring:

yeah KoH punched above its weight, especially Edd and Surprise who were amazing. telemachos was up there too and i tried my best as a halfer having the worlds worst internet issues(never think going from uzbekistan to russia would be a backward step!) i am in a city of 1 million people with one net cafe...everyone has it at home except i couldnt get it connected coz i needed my registration papers which were still in moscow. i ended up buying a cheap laptop and using the wifi in mcdonalds lol.

was a great deal of fun though:)

20:57:03 Oct 28th 09 - Grand Ape Donkey Kong:

lol frodo! that sucks but is also the funniest thing i've heard in a long time :P it's a real life example from the 'You know your addicted to VU when' thread =D

21:10:24 Oct 28th 09 - Duke Bad Kitty:

LOL I love that some idiots are saying Crazy was peaceful LMAO.

Drakos why would you look in a mirror after making a comment about people who blow?

anyway I would vote KH as most warlike as they didnt need to break naps or CF's and attack empty cities. Jones did ok but really most of his "victories" came against small alliances.

Struddle you talk way too much for someoen who is known as an epic fail at this game, I noticed you yap way more when you join a tough alliance.

21:56:59 Oct 28th 09 - Lord Pools Closed:

The Bushido Award for most Honorable: HIV

The WMD Award for most Destructive: NP, RVL

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD:

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD:

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: NP

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Rebirth


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics:

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Kob

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Chavez

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer:

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era:

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat:

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Those fags in the beginning of the era that joined bbmmb I guess

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Chavez

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway":

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Me. I stole the gumdrop button.

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames:

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner:

Sexiest Banner: google

Oddest Ruler Name:

The Best Sp@mmer:

22:25:08 Oct 28th 09 - Mr. Ezatious:



The Bushido Award for most Honorable: PHI and HIV

The WMD Award for most Destructive: RVL

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: MAD Crazy

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new KD:  no pulse

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: RVL Phi No Pulse

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Rebirth


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Fate

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Elsin/Tryn

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Kool, Binh, Rox

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: myself :) naa i sucked, elsin mr turret

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Rebirth and that Crazy person with the huge mouth doing them no favours whatsoever

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: well not us i guess :)

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: hmmmmm highly debatable wink wink

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: roxberian my luvah

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": stirlin

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: WUT swifty LOLOL

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: ???

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: the one i got for RVL but never got used /glares

Sexiest Banner: see above

Oddest Ruler Name: stirllin

The Best Sp@mmer: ????

23:21:49 Oct 28th 09 - Mr. Johnny Rotten:

Meh, Lew is inactive and Ryan is gona die anyway :)


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: Nubious

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Jones and Chavez

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: dont know since I havent heard of them

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: Nubious

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: RVL

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: HIV


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Not an ounce of tactics were attempted this era by any kd. Smash and grab was all.

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Kob

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Nubben

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Nubben

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Edd and Ryan the bitch

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: me. Fcuk u all is what i say

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: errr... Hanky for letting Random touch his winkerdink

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Random. He does loads of positions

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": me, Ur all to ghey

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: whoever that fool was who took 10 paragraphs in a pm to ask me to open gates which was replied with a go get fornicted alone

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Theo for his scripture readings

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: Penguin for his crayon effort

Sexiest Banner: Google... u see those oo's

Oddest Ruler Name: Oneeye. Think him and Sprout are browneyeing each other

The Best Sp@mmer:Bling

00:28:39 Oct 29th 09 - Sir Overcome:

Saiyan@ i think i may have brought up the wrong way to argue for this, cause if you look at RVL's (those who had the biggest armies and fought the biggest battles in my opinion) they have almost 200 less wins then Dynamite:P

Battles won: 601
Battles lost: 555

however, i want to correct u a bit. we was about 26 players up untill Poly came back, and brought some mates. also KOH was 26 players when we beated them, then they dropped down to their current number;)

either way. i want to honestly say, we havent fought as many battles as we wanted to. we have met to many blockers we couldnt penetrate, and therefor there has been alot of unfortunate waiting this era. but we dont have any lack of bloodlust, thats for sure:P

00:30:29 Oct 29th 09 - Sir Guybrush Threepwood:

little comment on the most peacefull. Only one on the list who has an exuse is Fate who has been surrounded since the beginning.

No pulse
Battles won: 1604
Battles lost: 461

Battles won: 793
Battles lost: 435

Battles won: 671
Battles lost: 309

Battles won: 601
Battles lost: 555

Battles won: 465
Battles lost: 330

Battles won: 407
Battles lost: 501

Battles won: 334
Battles lost: 420

Battles won: 220
Battles lost: 186

00:37:51 Oct 29th 09 - Grand Ape Donkey Kong:

I'm pretty sure that Wins & Losses are attached to the players and not the actual kingdoms, so if you kick a player you lose his wins and losses.

00:40:41 Oct 29th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

tbh battles won doesnt really matter, a high amount usually means you have alot of members roaming the lowerworlds picking on nooobs

00:41:14 Oct 29th 09 - Sir Overcome:

hmm. that might explane our high losses xD as we havent really lost any wars (except we reatreted against Fate) and Poly's KD died on Fantasia.

02:00:26 Oct 29th 09 - Sir Ultimatum:

I think Domination has done pretty good with only 4 active members out of 8

Battles won: 241
Battles lost: 133

02:04:19 Oct 29th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: BBMMFB

The WMD Award for most Destructive: No Pulse

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: DMC

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: dunno man

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: No Pulse

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: dunno...this era was pretty good....most kds were warring ..not much farming going on


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Chavez

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Kobu <3

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Chavez/Jones

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Stewie

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Slade

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Hanky/Random

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Wolfgore

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Chavez and Jones...well done boys!

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Rev/justanius

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: Mithras

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Piimp!!! <3

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: Google

Sexiest Banner: Google

Oddest Ruler Name:

The Best Sp@mmer: septim

02:13:46 Oct 29th 09 - Sir Ultimatum:

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: dunno man

Battles won: 242
Battles lost: 133

02:17:42 Oct 29th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

sure y not :)

03:01:05 Oct 29th 09 - Lady Kittie Croft:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: HIV

The WMD Award for most Destructive: HIV/RVL

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: ?

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: Dynamite ^^

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: No pulse/HIV

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: ? some morgox multi?


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Guybrush's planning rocks!

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Dargoth, Niques, British

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Binh, Jones, Kool and Donkey kong

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer:

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era:  I could take a "wild" guess...

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: the best fire starter?

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: same as that mr ass... award

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: mr jones, Donkey Kong

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": disney/medusa

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: charley, gets for  best started book too ^^

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: ?

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: Bbmmfb

Sexiest Banner: no pulse.. ^^ im a girl.. boobs just dont do it for meh..

Oddest Ruler Name: ?

The Best Sp@mmer: .....might have to think about a few....

03:56:01 Oct 29th 09 - Psycho Puff Daddy Choo Choo:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: rev

The WMD Award for most Destructive:

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: fate

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: bane

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: BBMMFB

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: obilibian extreme

The Rommel Award for Best Tactics:

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User:theophilius

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike:

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer:

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Random

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Slade

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: BOOM/ NO PULSE

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around:

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway":

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying:

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames:

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: dendarii mercs

Sexiest Banner: A team

Oddest Ruler Name:

The Best Sp@mmer:

05:25:57 Oct 29th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: there are many but the one that really surprised me and deserves recognition is KOH (Kingdom of Hearts)

Most Dishonorable: Dynamite

The WMD Award for most Destructive: that is a toss up there have been a few

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: Kingdom Of Perry

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: KOH

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Nurse Plagalicious

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Outsiders


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Mr. Oldplayerjustloo

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Black Heart

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Lady Woopsy Daisy

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Yellow Bean

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: its a tie Bad Kitty, Random and Sir Guybrush Threepwood

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: Nurse Plagalicious

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: not sure there was some early yelling on the boards about one but didnt pay much attention

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Lady Woopsy Daisy

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Lady Woopsy Daisy

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best role playing: Charley the Kitten

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Bad Kitty

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: Insane Asylum of course

Sexiest Banner: do not think I saw a particularly sexy one

Oddest Ruler Name: Puff Daddy Choo Choo

The Best Sp@mmer: Forum spam is Insane Asylum.

06:07:12 Oct 29th 09 - Psycho Puff Daddy Choo Choo:

yay.  I'm hard pressed to outdo my name next era. 

06:22:52 Oct 29th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

Nurse Butt Wiggle Jello was hard to top but you did it.

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