Forums / In game politics / Wow, we are recruiting

Wow, we are recruiting
16:53:15 Dec 13th 08 - Mr. Imperator II:


We got 1 slot open, who wants to join?

17:05:28 Dec 13th 08 - Mr. The Bigger Loser:

Anyone wants to join the suckiest kingdom in Fantasia?

Please bring us up from the depths of suckiness. We beg for a saviour!!!

18:06:10 Dec 13th 08 - Ms. Nina:

Why do the Fantasy players think so highly of themselves? We're all supposed to know who you are now right? Why dont you give a little bit more information?

18:12:15 Dec 13th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

well 1. they are a fant kd so if you have no idea who they are then your not that interested in fant.

2. if your not interested in fant and have no idea who they are then the recruitment thread wasnt aimed at you ;)

18:28:47 Dec 13th 08 - Mr. Imperator II:

Yup, what DLO says, its kinda a sort of filter :)

We only want people that know us (hence play on fantasia or keep an eye on it)

18:34:55 Dec 13th 08 - Mr. Snoppiora:

Can i join?

18:39:06 Dec 13th 08 - Mr. Unimatrix One:

Can i join ?

18:40:41 Dec 13th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Now I am going to do a double-copy. Mostly because he who's mail I copy do have a point:

Sir Struddle


12/13/2008 4:26:20 PM
I think that the biggest problem is that there arent a lot of kingdoms on Fantasia that are willing to take on new players or even bother to set up some kind of recruitment kingdom.  Hell I had to teach myself how to play this game I got no help from vets as I didnt know how to meet them.  I still have a lot to learn and the only way I even got the chance to talk to a veteran is when they happen to pop in on the chat or if im on the main irc channel.  Even when im on the main IRC channel there are usually anywhere from 5 to 15 people on there and most of the time one or two people talk and thats it.  If you want some help with getting new players to play have it set up like Omerta (game i played for about a month mafia game it's fun but requires you to be active for hours on end).  Everyone on that has an IRC channel or some way that new players can contact them and learn.  They have groups set up to teach new players how to play.

My point is there is no connection between the new players and the vets.  There isnt any of that here.  Most of the vets stay on Fantasia.  There is no recruiting system here.  There is no way to really get in contact with a veteran unless you get lucky and happen to see them in the chat as most people dont use the IRC because they cant find it or just dont care.  If you set up the recruiting and training then you'll get more people to move to fantasia.  Plain and simple you teach people to play they will stay because they wont die in 5 days.

At least in the eyes of a new player that's what would make me go up to Fantasia much quicker.

18:49:16 Dec 13th 08 - Ms. Nina:

Dark Lord Osiris my post was not a question, more of a statement for him to realise I was trying to get him to give more information to make the thread look more serious. But since the forum moderator does not mind about it, then nevermind my post :) 

18:53:20 Dec 13th 08 - Mr. Arkantos:

can i join? lol

18:56:55 Dec 13th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Mcmax if a player doesnt know anything about the top map then how can he expect to meet vets :) in every other game ive ever played ive known what kds/groups were at the top

19:01:17 Dec 13th 08 - Mr. Sucker of Sheepschlong:

Mcmax, that pm has a valid point. Though there are guides floating around etc. And Aurora(and its predecessors) actually has taken in Several new players over the eras, either we met newbs who showed promise and took them in, like TBL, he started playing with us his second era. And sometimes kd mates friends want to start playing, then we send them to lower world for 1-2 eras and coach them, then they come join us.

The reason we, or any other Fant kd, doesnt want to take in new/unknown players is becouse:

  • They might not be usefull at all.
  • They might be spies/multis.
  • They might be untrustworthy.

Anyone in this game is welcome to send me questions, or you can just post them in the Q/A forum. I will answer as good as I can. But dont expect us to start taking in random newbs, too much risk, too little reward.

19:05:36 Dec 13th 08 - Mr. Sucker of Sheepschlong:

Mr. Arkantos
12/13/2008 6:53:20 PM can i join? lol

Anyone who wishes to join can send a pm to Imperator containing the following information:

  • why you want to join
  • experience
  • msn
  • some rl info
  • girth of penis

19:09:21 Dec 13th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

New players better pm me :D i know arkantos >.<

19:11:14 Dec 13th 08 - Mr. Sucker of Sheepschlong:

dont pm the punny! he will try to use his position of power to get u to have cybersex with him as entryfee.

23:49:32 Dec 13th 08 - Mr. Imperator II:

At the moment we have 2 new players and will be taking 1 new player in next era with just 1 era experience. We let new people in ;p

But only if he/she checks out ^_^

23:58:10 Dec 13th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Can I join? :)

23:58:21 Dec 13th 08 - Mr. Angelrobot:

hehehehehe or somebody vouches for them? (jw)

00:09:43 Dec 14th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

ofc charley send app you have 24hours to send it LOL not counting that its impossible now but still you have just 24h counting from now

01:21:46 Dec 14th 08 - Mr. Imperator II:

And we are no longer recruiting :)

01:25:01 Dec 14th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:


01:29:32 Dec 14th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

we have one spot left

01:34:27 Dec 14th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Sorry...I am quitting VU for an era

01:57:26 Dec 14th 08 - Duke Random:

can i join?

01:59:45 Dec 14th 08 - Duke Random:

can i join?

02:00:23 Dec 14th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:


03:05:44 Dec 14th 08 - Mr. Angelrobot:

can i join?

21:07:22 Dec 14th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Can I not join?

  • why you want to join  = I dont
  • experience  = A few eras
  • msn  =
  • some rl info  = rl??
  • girth of penis  = 1.2 centimetres.

06:39:55 Dec 15th 08 - Mr. Sucker of Sheepschlong:

sorry wilber. ur penor is too small. we need to raise our average now that we have a girl in our kd - yes you heard right! we finally got a girl to join us =)

07:24:29 Dec 15th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Congratulations  *claps*
(Is 100% serious too)

09:08:41 Dec 15th 08 - Duke Random:


a girl.... my god.... poor young lass....

10:36:46 Dec 15th 08 - Mr. Bah Humbugs Shiny Balls:

Haha, we out chick you guys. We have TWO lovely ladies (not including Von)..  :)

11:29:00 Dec 15th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

LOL, *penguins goes to recruit fate girls* *including von*

17:48:20 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. The Bigger Loser:

Girls playing a strategy game are hot.

Girls who play GREAT in a strategy game are smoking sexy!!!

(yes, I am a nerd. So what? Who cares :P)

18:56:53 Dec 18th 08 - Sir Gilth:

Can I be the leader?

19:24:52 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Ms. Nina


12/13/2008 12:06:10 PM

Why do the Fantasy players think so highly of themselves? We're all supposed to know who you are now right? Why dont you give a little bit more information?

Dark Lord Osiris


12/13/2008 12:12:15 PM

well 1. they are a fant kd so if you have no idea who they are then your not that interested in fant.

2. if your not interested in fant and have no idea who they are then the recruitment thread wasnt aimed at you ;)

19:32:46 Dec 18th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

and that incredibly pointless piece of copy and paste was because?

19:36:03 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Ms. Nina


12/13/2008 12:06:10 PM

Why do the Fantasy players think so highly of themselves? We're all supposed to know who you are now right? Why dont you give a little bit more information?

Dark Lord Osiris


12/13/2008 12:12:15 PM

well 1. they are a fant kd so if you have no idea who they are then your not that interested in fant.

2. if your not interested in fant and have no idea who they are then the recruitment thread wasnt aimed at you ;)

1. If we don't know who fantasia kingdoms are, it doesn't necessarily mean that we are not interested in playing in fantasia, it could very well be the opposite. 2. If we are interested in joining fantasia but when we come to this thread we don't know who they are then the kd is probably the wrong one to join.  3. If it's probably not the good one to join then it's probably the good one to kill!

Dark Lord Osiris, you are saying what my english teacher said is called a 'slippery slope' and always exagereting from step to step with no evidence. For example: If bill is bad at school he will try to smoke a cigarette. If he tries to smoke a cigarette, he will ruin his face and teeth over time. If he ruins his face and teeth over time then he will ruin his life. If he ruins his life he will become a terrorist. If he becomes a terrorist we will all die so therefore Bill should be good at school.  - that is called a slippery slope and what you are saying is misleading. I know this post is not important but I had to put in practice what I learned in School!!!
-thank you english teacher!  hahahahaha!!!

19:41:55 Dec 18th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

if your interested in something you generally know what kds are around. its called the Highscores page. i fail to see what your long ramble about crap has anything to do with what nina said. It isnt unimportant, its a recruitment thread. if you have no idea who aurora are and what they are like then they dont want you. nina seemed to think this was arrogant.

19:48:57 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Look, when comming to this page, the girl asked who is that kingdom recruiting and also tell a bit more about themselves, and I have no idea who they are either. What I do think though is that this time your role of being mister I know everything failed this time, at least you have to admit this... you got intellectually OWNED Dark Lord Osiris and all thanks to my english teacher!

19:51:10 Dec 18th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

so tell me this? how does saying "why are fant players so arrogant" mean she doesnt know who they are. and yes anyone who doesnt know about the fant kds clearly isnt a fant player. you are either lying as you played fant or very very blind

20:03:39 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

If you want me to showcase showdown my superior intellectual knowledge then no problem. I play in Fantasia and do not know myself who this kingdom is and it didin't help me either by reading the first few posts. Maybe she knows who fant players are or maybe she doesn't we'd have to politely ask her. And I don't know what you're talking about over there, that girl was asking who the hell was that kingdom and she was right, when you make a topic in order to recruit new players for your kingdom, it makes sense to tell a bit about your kd otherwise people will think that this kingdom is not serious or unorganised and will join another one.

20:12:55 Dec 18th 08 - Sir Stirlin:

most players from the lower pages who at least play this game with a normal amount of commitment knows the fant KDs, hell they are well advertised on the forums,irc and have their own page...the hoh fant.

this just sounds like another lower player trying to bash the fant players....

20:27:57 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Erebus:

  I don't usually agree with Osiris... but wow Gladiator, you've reached a whole new level of ignorance, if you were on fantasia last era and didn't see Aurora, you weren't on fantasia!  The era winner was from aurora too.                   And by stating a pretty irrelevant point about "slippery slopes" you dishonered your own intellect and possibly your English teachers.

it makes sense to tell a bit about your kd otherwise people will think that this kingdom is not serious or unorganised and will join another one.

    rofl, sorry but honestly... you're retarded. ONCE AGAIN you fail to acknowledge the fact that Aurora and Fate controlled the whole map at the end of last era. Where have you been? And why are you so determined to look like a fool?

20:28:07 Dec 18th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

" you are either lying as you played fant or very very blind" so superior yet cant even read. again anyone who knows them would know if the topic was serious or not. ever stop to think maybe they dont want a load of newbs or lower world players to apply?

20:47:49 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

After finally finding the kingdoms page and looking through the fantasia kingdom list I finally found that Imperator II  who started this topic is the same guy that is leader of a kd called nuub(replace u with o) I think previously called Aurora. Dark Lord Osiris you're and arrogant white ass b**** that girl was perfectly right to ask who the hell is this kingdom, and it could waste people's time and loose valuable good players from joining. It is possible that some new players or players that play in lower worlds could be better than some playing in fantasia believe it or not

20:51:33 Dec 18th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

you really do talk a lot of crap eh. you have NO idea what you are even talking about lol. im arrogant... man you really have got the total wrong end of the stick in this convo havent you.

20:52:31 Dec 18th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

and to quote "to be or not to be" (note it has about as much to do with the convo then your ramble does) :)

20:55:33 Dec 18th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Gladiator, you've made yourself look like a complete tool. Please proceed to level 7 retard quaters and await further epic failing on your part and epic flaming onfrom Osi.

21:06:23 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Ok Wilber then keep listening to that fool that thinks he's a genius and is always right, nobody is perfect or if you haven't learned your lesson Dark Lord Osiris then keep on flaming people asking questions on forums if it makes you feel important. Think about it when youll be in bed before getting asleep you could learn something and I rest my case I have nothing more to tell you if you don't understand and your head is hard like stone.

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