Forums / In game politics / Yarrgh!

17:40:38 Sep 19th 08 - Ms. Pong:

A friendly yarrgh to you all on this special day.

17:42:50 Sep 19th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

Yaaaarrgh back at ya!

17:48:37 Sep 19th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

Yaaaaaargh ?!

17:50:21 Sep 19th 08 - Ms. Pong:

Its pirate, you know for nation speak like a pirate day ;)

17:53:56 Sep 19th 08 - Mr. Silver Surfer:

"nation speak like a pirate day?" um? what?

17:55:01 Sep 19th 08 - Mr. Silver Surfer:

ybbiditie land lubbers, get the eckk of my ship, er I'll slit yer throat, arrrrg

18:23:58 Sep 19th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

lol, i had this at college today

ppl going around talking like pirates

18:24:55 Sep 19th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

yarrrr! you landlubbers finally accept my godess-ness

18:28:08 Sep 19th 08 - Prince Dildozer:

I thought you were a pirate, not a goddess :o

18:28:54 Sep 19th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

goddess of pirates?

18:31:46 Sep 19th 08 - Sir Miller:

yaaaargghhhh back at ya ;)

18:32:48 Sep 19th 08 - Mr. Slave:


18:33:06 Sep 19th 08 - Mr. Slave:

All hail the goddess of Pirates

19:02:49 Sep 19th 08 - Mr. Spoon:


19:12:00 Sep 19th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

poop deck :O

21:13:30 Sep 19th 08 - Mr. Kilroy Moistbottom:


21:57:34 Sep 19th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

lol I saw someone today, walking down the street, dressed as a pirate and he was yelling Yarrrgh at people driving by XD

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